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1、备战中考英语全真模拟卷广州专用解析版【赢在中考黄金八卷】备战2022年中考英语全真模拟卷(广州专用)第一模拟一、语法选择(每小题1分,共15分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。(2021广东黄埔一模)Chinese astronaut Jing Haipeng is the person I really appreciate. He has become the first Chinese _ into space for the third time, as he was cho

2、sen to be the commander(指挥长) of Shenzhou-1l. Jing _ with Chen Dong, a new and young astronaut, and went to Chinas Tiangong-2 space lab _ Oct.17, 2016, where they lived and worked for 30 days.Jing joined in the Shenzhou-7 mission in 2008. In 2012, he was _ the commander of Shenzhou-9. _ 50-year-old a

3、stronaut set another two records: Flying more than 45 days of spaceflight, made him _ Chinese astronaut to have travelled in space for this length of time. He and Chen flew higher than _ Chinese astronaut, as their meeting with Tiangong-2 was around 393 kilometers above ground level.On his third tim

4、e in space, Jing said he was just as _ as before. But actually after two missions and 18 years of training, he felt calmer this time. “I truly love _ I do. I have had different dreams in different periods of _ life. A person _ has a dream should never stop _,” he said.Jing was born in a village in t

5、he northern province of Shanxi. He first showed an interest in aviation (航空) _ he was a child and told his father that he wanted to be a pilot.Jing entered an aviation exam in 1984 but failed _ physical reasons. But this did not stop him. Finally, in 1998, he was picked out to be one of Chinas first

6、 astronauts, and _ in 2005 for the Shenzhou-6 mission.1Ato go Bgo Cgoing Dgoes2Awork Bworking Cworked Dto work3Ain Bat Con Dof4Atoo Balso Ccither Dneither5AAn BA CThe D/6Athe one Bone Cthe first Dfirst7Aany other Bthe other Cothers Danother8Aexcite Bexciting Cexcitedly Dexcited9Ahow Bwhy Cthat Dwhat

7、10Amy Bme Cmine Dmyself11Awhich Bwhom Cwhose Dwho12Adream Bdreaming Cto dream Ddreamed13Awhen Bbefore Cwhile Duntil14Abecause Bbecause of Cas Dso15Atrain Bis trained Cwas trained Dwas training【答案】1A2C3C4B5C6C7D8D9D10A11D12B13A14B15C【解析】本文主要介绍了宇航员景海鹏的训练经历以及他的成长经历。1句意:他是第一个第三次进入太空的中国人。to go动词不定式;go动词原

8、形;going动名词;goes动词三单形式。此处用动词不定式作后置定语,故选A。2句意:2016年10月17日,景海鹏和年轻的航天员陈冬一起进入天宫二号空间实验室,在那里他们生活和工作了30天。work动词原形;working动名词;worked动词过去式;to work动词不定式。根据“went”可知,此空应填动词过去式,故选C。3句意:2016年10月17日,景海鹏和年轻的航天员陈冬一起进入天宫二号空间实验室,在那里他们生活和工作了30天。in后接某年某月某季节;at后接具体时刻;on后接具体某一天;of的。“Oct.17, 2016”是具体的时间,故选C。4句意:2012年,他还是神舟九

9、号的指挥官。too也,用于肯定句句末;also也,用于肯定句句中;either也,用于否定句句末;neither两者都不。此句用于肯定句句中,用also表示“也”,故选B。5句意:这位50岁的宇航员创造了另外两项记录。An一个,用于以元音音素开头的单词;A一个,用于以辅音音素开头的单词;The这个/那个;/不填。此处特指景海鹏这位宇航员,用定冠词表特指,故选C。6句意:这使他成为第一个在太空遨游这么长时间的中国宇航员。the one那一个;one一个;the first第一个;first第一个。此处指第一个在太空遨游长时间的宇航员,序数词表顺序,序数词前要加定冠词the,故选C。7句意:他和陈

10、冬比另一名中国宇航员飞得更高。any other任何其它的;the other另一个(两者之间);others其它的人或物;another另一个(三者或三者以上)。此处指不确定数目中的另一个,用代词another表示,故选D。8句意:景说他还是和以前一样兴奋。excite使兴奋;exciting令人兴奋的;excitedly兴奋地;excited感到兴奋的。系动词was后接形容词作表语,主语Jing指人,用以ed为结尾的形容词,故选D。9句意:我真的很喜欢我的工作。how怎样;why为什么;that引导宾语从句,无实际意义;what什么。此句是宾语从句,此空做动词do的宾语,用what引导宾语

11、从句,故选D。10句意:我在人生的不同阶段做过不同的梦。my我的;me我;mine我的;myself我自己。此空修饰名词life,用形容词性物主代词,故选A。11句意:一个有梦想的人永远不应该停止梦想。which哪个;whom谁;whose谁的;who谁。此句是定语从句,先行词person指人,在从句中作主语,用关系词who,故选D。12句意:一个有梦想的人永远不应该停止梦想。dream动词原形;dreaming动名词;to dream动词不定式;dreamed动词过去式。有梦想的人不能停止梦想,用stop doing sth表示“停止正在做的事情”,故选B。13句意:他第一次表现出对航空的兴

12、趣时,他是一个孩子,并告诉他的父亲,他想成为一名飞行员。when当时;before在之前;while当时;until直到。根据“He first showed an interest in aviation (航空) he was a child”可知,当他还是一个孩子时,他就表现出对航空的兴趣,show是一个非延续性动词,用when引导时间状语从句,故选A。14句意:1984年,景参加了航空考试,但由于身体原因没有通过。because因为;because of因为;as由于;so所以。“Jing entered an aviation exam in 1984 but failed”与“ph

13、ysical reasons”是因果关系,后是因,且physical reasons是名词短语,此空应填because of,故选B。15句意:最终,在1998年,他被选为中国首批宇航员之一,并在2005年接受了神舟6号任务的训练。train动词原形;is trained一般现在时被动语态;was trained一般过去时被动语态;was training过去进行时。根据“was picked out”可知,此处要用一般过去时被动语态was done的结构,故选C。二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡对应题目所

14、选的选项涂黑。(2021广东顺德九年级期末)A report showed that delivery(快递)workers in China are having a hard time. The public _16_ the delivery platforms to take care of the workers better.Two big online services providers, Meituan and Ele. me, have _17_ the delivery time in the past several years.A delivery worker of

15、 Meituan said, “When I first started this job, I was given at least 40 minutes or even 50 minutes of delivery time on a single _18_. Now we are generally given 30 minutes for delivery.” Some restaurants cant even cook a dish in 30 minutes. The result is that he will be _19_ for late delivery.“Our pa

16、y is cut for late delivery,” said Shu, another deliveryman, _20_ that sometimes they may be against the traffic rules to deliver food on time.Ele. me said that they would _21_ a new system that will not only provide more delivery time for delivery workers but also make orders be delivered on time. T

17、hey will allow _22_ to choose if they are willing to wait a few minutes longer. In _23_ they will get some coupons(优惠券)from the platform. Meituan also promised to _24_ make changes to make sure deliverymen are treated better.For the delivery platforms, how to make money and give the deliverymen enou

18、gh time would be a(n) _25_ subject. Hopefully all deliverymen will be treated well one day.16Acall on Bdepend on Cpay for Dsearch for17Aincreased Bshortened Cwasted Dchanged18Amenu Bdish Cchance Dorder19Ahated Bpunished Cstopped Dtaught20Aadding Brepeating Creading Ddoubting21Aset up Bput up Cbring

19、up Dpick up22Aworkers Bproviders Ccustomers Ddrivers23Afact Breturn Cperson Dpublic24Afinally Bimmediately Csimply Dclearly25Ainteresting Buseful Cserious Dterrible【答案】16A17B18D19B20A21A22C23B24B25C【解析】本文介绍了由于快递员面临的环境不好,因此美团和饿了么采取了不同的措施,以保证快递员和顾客以及平台的利益。16句意:公众呼吁送货平台更好地照顾快递员。call on“呼吁”;depend on“依靠

20、 ”;pay for“支付 ”;search for“搜寻”。根据“A report showed that delivery(快递)workers in China are having a hard time.”可知,此处是呼吁送货平台要更好地照顾快递员。故选A。17句意:两大在线服务提供商,美团和饿了么在过去几年里缩短了交货时间。increased“增加”;shortened“缩短”;wasted“浪费”;changed“改变”。根据“When I first started this job, I was given at least 40 minutes or even 50 min

21、utes of delivery time on a single. Now we are generally given 30 minutes for delivery.”可知,是缩短了送货的时间。故选B。18句意:当我第一次开始这项工作时,一份订单给我至少40分钟甚至50分钟的交货时间。menu“菜单”;dish“菜肴”;chance“机会”;order“订单”。根据“Some restaurants cant even cook a dish in 30 minutes.”可知,此处指的是订单。故选D。19句意:结果是他将因迟交而受到惩罚。hated“憎恨”;punished“惩罚”;s

22、topped“停止”;taught“教”。根据“for late delivery.”可知,此处应该是因送货迟而受到惩罚。故选B。20句意:另一名送货员舒说:“我们的工资因迟交而被削减。”他补充说,有时他们可能为了按时送货而违反交通规则。adding“增加”;repeating“重复”;reading“阅读”;doubting“怀疑”。根据“that sometimes they may be against the traffic rules to deliver food on time.”可知,此处是送货员舒补充说的。故选A。21句意:饿了么说,他们将建立一个新的系统,不仅为送货员提供更

23、多的送货时间,还将使订单按时送达。 set up“建立”;put up“搭起”;bring up“养育”;pick up“拿起”。根据“a new system”可知,是建立一个新的系统。故选A。22句意:他们将允许客户选择是否愿意再等几分钟。workers“工人”;providers“提供者”;customers“客户”;drivers“司机”。根据“if they are willing to wait a few minutes longer.”可知,此处是指允许客户选择是否愿意再等几分钟。故选C。23句意:作为回报,他们将从该平台获得一些优惠券。fact“事实”;return“回报”;

24、person“人”;public“民众”。根据“get some coupons(优惠券)from the platform.”可知,优惠券是平台回报给顾客的。故选B。24句意:美团还承诺立即做出改变,以确保送货员得到更好的待遇。finally“最后”;immediately“立即”;simply“仅仅”;clearly“清晰地”。根据“make sure deliverymen are treated better.”可知,因为饿了么已经做出了改变,因此美团也承诺立即做出改变。故选B。25句意:对于送货平台来说,如何赚钱并给送货员足够的时间将是一个严肃的话题。interesting“有趣的”

25、;useful“有用的”;serious“严肃的”;terrible“可怕的”。根据“how to make money and give the deliverymen enough time would be a(n)subject.”可知,如何赚钱并给送货员足够的时间是一个严肃的话题。故选C。三、阅读(共两节,共35分)第一节 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)阅读四篇短文、从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。(每小题2分,共30分)A(2021江苏苏州市振华中学校九年级阶段练习)Do you know the two

26、lovely mascots(吉祥物)? You may know the five “Fuwa” dolls from the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. On September 17 of this year, the two lovely mascots first showed on TV. Now, lets see who they are. Look at the panda! It looks like an astronaut(宇航员). It wears an ice shell(冰壳)and looks fat, so we call it

27、“Bing Dwen Dwen”. White is the colour of ice and snow.“Bing Dwen Dwen” likes ice sports very much and is good at them. Thats why it is the mascot of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Do you think the red mascot looks like a lantern? The lanterns name is “Shuey Rhon Rhon”. When the Chinese New Year

28、comes, people always make or buy red lanterns. Red is the colour of hope and good luck, so people think their dreams will come true m the new year. “Shuey Rhon Rhon” can give players hope and help them do well in the 2022 Beijing Winter Paralympic Games(残奧会). Many people in different countries like

29、the two mascots very much, and they show their love for them on the Internet.26Why do people make or buy red lanterns when the Chinese New Year comes?ABecause it is easy to make red lanterns.BBecause “Shuey Rhou Rhon” is a mascot.CBecause people think red lanterns are very lovely.DBecause people thi

30、nk red lanterns can bring good luck.27From the passage, we can learn .A“Bing Dwen Dwen” can skate very wellB“Shuey Rhon Rhon” likes ice sports and is good at themCthe two lovely mascots first showed on TV on September 16Deverybody likes the two mascots and shows his love on the Internet28Whats the best title(标题)of the passage?AThe sports in Olympic Games.BTwo Olympic mascots come to life.C2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.D2022 Beijing Winter Paralympic Games.【答案】26D27A28B【解析】本文是一篇说明文。主要讲述了2022年北京冬奥会和2022年北京冬残奥会的两个奥运吉祥物。26细节理解题。根据“When the Chinese New Year comes, people always make or buy re

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