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1、人教版高二英语上学期词组归纳人教版高二英语上学期词组归纳Unit 1 Phrases1.练习描写人 practise describing people2.有所作为 make a difference3.来自 be from4.因而闻名 be known for5.使一位科学家成功 make a scientist successful6.想象远比知识更重要 Imagination is more important than knowledge7.生活中没什么可惧怕的,只有去理解Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be underst

2、ood.8.天才是1%的灵感+99%的汗水Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.9.分析明显存在的事物需要非凡的头脑It takes a very unusual mind to undertake analysis of the obvious10.你不能教会一个人一切,你只能帮助他亲自去发现 You cant teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself.11.惊人之举 be on fire for1

3、2.与相似 be similar to13.三位伟大的思想家 three great minds14.有共同之处 have in common15.毫无疑问 there is no doubt that16.一位有前途的研究生a promising graduate student17.绝症 an incurable disease18. 不多于 not more than19.放弃对未来的梦想give up our dreams and hopes for the future.20.取得博士学位 much point in working on my PhD21.活那么久 survive

4、that long22.与订婚 get/ be engaged to sb23.为了做 in order to do24.继续他的研究工作 go on with his research25.阻止某人做 stop sb from doing26.梦想 dream of27.继续探索宇宙 continue his exploration of the universe28.环游世界去做报告 travel around the world to give lectures/29.二十世纪七十年代初 in the early 1970s30.宇宙大爆炸和黑洞 the Big Bang and Bla

5、ck Holes.31.寻求问题的答案seek answers to questions32.成为畅销书 become a best-seller33.惊喜地发现 be pleased and surprised to find34.以某种方式 in a way35.结果是错误的 turn out to be wrong36.科学方法 the scientific method37.能够预测未来事can predict future events38.发现很难理解他 find it difficult to understand him39.听起来像人的声sound like a human

6、voice40.是样子 what was like?41.用完 use up42.五岁的儿子 a 5-year-old son43.代替 instead of44.重力原理 the Law of Gravity45.环境污染 environmental pollution46.在接下来的十年里 in the next ten years47.采取措施解决问题 take measures to solve the problem48.每76年 every 76 years49.犯罪现场 the crime scene50.理应做 be supposed to do51.用来书写的笔 a pen

7、to write with52.对感到满足 be satisfied with53.就近看 take a closer look at54.倘使 what if55.知识就是力量 Knowledge is Power56.从一季到另一季 from season to season57.嘲笑 laugh at58.相反地 the other way around59.作为而闻名 be known as60.达到我们的目标 reach our goalsUnit 2 Phrases1.以上新闻媒体the news media above2.不同于 be different from3.发生在某人身

8、上 sth happen to sb4.报纸的编辑 the editor of a newspaper5.把登在报上 put in the newspaper6.烧倒 burn down7.搬进新居 move into new buildings8.发明新汽车引擎 invite a new car engine9.中国以2:1打败巴西 China beat Brazil 2-1 in football10.上涨 go up11.有经验的编辑和记者 experienced editors and reporters12.根据所了解的情况作出决定 make informed decisions a

9、bout13.理解某事 relate to sth14.同意做 agree to do15.变换角色 switch roles16.至少这一次 for once17.专题报道 a feature story18.开发情节 develop the story19.保持报纸平衡 keep the newspaper balanced20.联系要采访的人 contact the people to be interviewed21. 使人们谈论 get people to talk about22.条分理析地呈现材料 present the material in an organized way2

10、3.确保 make sure24.被盗的文物 stolen cultural relics25.带回 bring back26.这一领域的国际专家 international experts in the field27.适应新生活 adapt to her new life28.用真实的感情去写 write with real passion29.探索生活中的秘密 explore the mysteries in life30.精神满足的重要性 the importance of spiritual fulfillment31.沉溺于吸毒 be addicted to drugs32.解决社

11、会难题 solve difficult social problems33.遭受 suffer from34.不应忽视所发生的一切 shouldnt ignore what happens35.关注这一境况 draw attention to situations36.需要帮助的地方 where help is needed37.方方面面 on all sides38.批判性的读者 be a critical reader39.时事 current affairs40.评论热门话题 comment on a “hot topic”41.被选为总统 be elected president42.

12、做某事无困难 have no problems doing sth43.对粗鲁 be rude to44.收集信息 collect information on45.吸毒的人们 people addicted to drugs46.十分之九的妇女 nine out of ten women47.位于市中心 be located in the center of the town48.退休工人 retired workers49.敬重某人 look up to sb50.爱上 fall in love with51.改变他们对足球的态度 change their attitude towards

13、 soccer52.警察局 the police station53.发表意见 make their voices heard54.提出积极的建议 leave a positive message55.一群挥舞棍棒的打手 a group of angry men armed with sticks56.赚钱 make money57.一直在改变 change all the way58.不是所有的网站都更新 not all websites are updated59.标题句 a topic sentence60.聚焦于 focus onUnit 3 Phrases1. 喜欢做 prefer

14、to do2.做出关于决定 make certain choices about3.艺术品 works of art4.餐桌 kitchen table5.古典音乐 classical music6.住在现代化的公寓里 live in a modern flat7.传统房屋 a traditional house8.做很便利 it is convenient to do9.对于古式房屋很感兴趣 get excited about old-style houses10.古典的中式建筑 classical Chinese architecture11.取之于大自然的例子 take examples

15、 from nature12.人为的居住环境 the man-made living environment13.环顾 look around at14.违背人们的审美观 go against peoples feeling of beauty15.传统的建筑材料 traditional architecture materials16.尖角 sharp corners17.充当 act as18.似乎又硬又不友善 seems hard and unfriendly19.天坛 the Temple of Heaven20.欧洲大教学 the European cathedrals21.贴近大自

16、然 stand much closer to nature22.直线 straight lines23.被鱼皮覆盖 be covered with the skin of skin24.充满梦幻的色彩与形状 full of fantastic colors and shapes25.发现自己受日本海贝的鼓舞 find himself inspired by Japanese seashells26.从顶上看,它看起来好像 Seen from the top, it looks as if27.被覆盖 be covered with28.用填满空间 fill up spaces with29.指

17、, 参考 refer to30.利用 make use of31.属于 belong to32.A对B就像C对D: A is to B what C is to D33.使自己被理解 make oneself understood34.在背后说某人的坏话 say bad words behind ones back35.尽快地 as soon as possible36.使我了解 keep informed of37.价格在我看来很合适 the price is fine with me38.做成功 succeed in doing39.把画贴在墙上 put up the picture on

18、 the wall40.不适合他们公司does not fit their company41.使倒空 leave empty 42.拆除 pull down 43.废弃多年 stand empty without use for many years 44.在俄罗斯人的帮助下with Russian help 45.用小圆窗装饰 be decorated with small round windows 46.使某人想起 remind sb of 47.与比较 compared with 48.把放到一边 set aside 49.开发成艺术中心 the development into a

19、 center for the arts 50.把他们用作画室 use them as studios to paint 51.改变成 be changed into 52.被用作 be used for 53.对艺术家有好处 be good for artists 54.大作品 make large objects 55.远离城市 far from the city 56.摇滚乐师的迁入 rock musicians move in 57.制定计划 make a plan 58.每个大厅特征 special features of each hall 59.创办艺术中心 create an

20、art center 60.列出你喜欢的名单求意见 make lists of your favoriteUnit 4 Phrases1.无论是公汽还是火车 whether buses or trains2.穿过 get through3.疯了 as mad as a door4.诗的乐园 a garden of poems5.根据分类 be sorted by6.关于友谊和爱情的浪漫诗集romantic poetry about love and friendship7.聚集到一起 bring together8.超过其他文学的任何形式 more than any other form of

21、 literature9.灵活运用 play with10.唤起,使想起 call up11.梦幻世界的奇意象 curious images of a dream world12.兀立于荣光宝殿之上 stand out in the halls of glory13.遵循特殊的节奏和韵脚 follow special patterns of rhythm and rhyme14.以他的戏剧而闻名 be most famous for his plays15.使他们想起 remind them of16.一旦被出版 once published17.缺少节奏感 the absence of th

22、yme18.在每一行末 at the end of each line19.许多杰出诗人 a great number of fine poets20.在中国最受欢迎的是英国浪漫主义诗人 Greatly loved in China are the English Romantic poets21.英年早逝 die at a very young age22.活到80岁 live to the age of 8023.通向,导致 lead to24.英国诗歌引进中国 the introduction of English poetry to China25.把翻译成汉语 translate i

23、nto Chinese26.现代英语诗modern poetry in English27.不管一首诗被翻译得多好 no matter how well a poem is translated28.原作的精髓 something of the spirit of the original work29.用汉语表达自己的方式 ways of expressing oneself in Chinese30.中西方的桥梁 the bridges between the East and the West31.产生,形成 come into being32. 的一例 one example of33

24、.在老师不在的情况下 in the absence of the teacher34.负责 be in charge of35.温暖又友好的会议气氛 the atmosphere of the meeting is warm and friendly36.奥运冠军 the Olympic Champion37.西游记 Journey to the West38.夜里被噪声吓坏 frightened by noises in the night39.被跟踪 be followed by40.寻求帮助 send for help41.如果被单独留在沙漠中 If left alone on a de

25、serted island 42.收到做报告的请柬 receive many invitations to give lectures 43.受中国青年的欢 become popular among Chinese teenagers 44.唱我最喜欢的歌sing my favorite songs 45.渡过这一天 get through the day 46.处于灰色和深色之间 colors in the middle of grays and shades 47.过去逃避诗 used to avoid poetry 48.查找词意 look up the meaning of the w

26、ords 49.体验到节奏感 fall into the rhythm 50.从小诗开始 start with small poems 51.借助烛光 by the light of candle 52.悲伤一去不复返 my sadness is gone 53.雪尘 the dust of snow 54.心情的改变 a change of mood 55.几乎发狂 slowly go insane 56.不能摆脱痛苦 it doesnt stop the pain 57.如果从此再也不能相见 if I see you next to never 58.诗的收藏 collections of

27、 poems 59.向你推荐诗 recommend poems to you 60.很值得努力 be well worth the effortUnit 5 Phrases 1. 代表,象征 stand for 2.他们对于英国文化的看法 their view of British culture 3.由三个国家组成 be made up of three countries 4.(某物)不为人所知 be unknown to many 5.开展蓬勃发展的运动 a growing movement 6.由共同语言和文化维系在一hold together by a common language

28、 and culture 7.位于欧洲西海岸外 lie off the west coast of Europe 8.被英吉利海峡与法国隔开 separate from France by the English Channel 9.形成大不列颠本土 form the mainland of Great Britain 10.组成 consist of 11.被包围 be surrounded by 12.温和多雨 mild with a lot of rain 13.一般说来 in general 14.全年,一年到头 throughout the year 15.伦敦与北方的温差 the

29、difference in temperature between London and the north 16.受影响 be influenced by 17.定居英格兰 settle in England 18.形成英语的基础 for the basis for English 19.一些本地人some of the native population 20.继续讲他们自己的语言 continue speaking their own language 21.其后几百年来 in the next few hundred years 22.上层阶级 the upper classes 23

30、.老百姓 common people 24.以 结束 end up with 25.组成联邦 form the Union 26.成立一个单独的国家 form a single state 27.是一个独立的共和国 be now an independent republic 28.在现代 in modern times 29.被认为是不列颠岛的本族语 be considered to be native to the British Isles. 30.把这些语言记录不来并传给后record and teach them to the younger generation31.中华人民共和国 the Peoples Republic of China 32.允许反方向的车通过 allow cars from opposite directions to pass 33.由于她的教师的影响 because of her teachers influence 34.凭第一印象判断人 judge a person only on the basis of first impressions 35.学些实际有用

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