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学年高中英语外研版必修3 模块质量测评五.docx

1、学年高中英语外研版必修3 模块质量测评五 模块质量测评五(Module 5)(时间:100分钟满分:120分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AI recently visited a friend in the hospice(晚期病人收容所) unit at one of our local hospitals. As I was talking with Bill, a gentleman walked into the room. The gentleman lea

2、ned over the bed to embrace Bill crying and so did Bill. Later I knew that they hadnt spoken in over 25 years for an argument over a piece of property(财产)I left the hospice unit thinking, theres something wrong when we cant forgive. Life is short and its difficult to make up for all the time that ha

3、s been lost.This experience caused me to consider the power of forgiveness and the need for it in our lives. Sure when someone says something or does something to cause us harm, it hurts. But we need to move beyond the hurt, to healing, which comes from forgiveness.Id like to think of forgiveness as

4、 the brave choice we make to clear our lives resentment, bitterness, anger, hatred and revenge. We need to ask ourselves, “Do I want to waste precious time and energy carrying around these nasty feelings?”Often forgiveness is not for the other person; it is for us to let it go and begin again.Forgiv

5、eness brings healing,_freedom, and peace back into our lives. It opens our eyes to see what happened. It calls on us to pull down the walls, stop the silent treatment and put an end to the cold war. Use today as an opportunity to open the cold door that has been closed too long. Forgive. Let it go.

6、Put it behind you and see how much better you will feel.Give it a try. It works. Dont make it too late.1The two men cried when they embraced in the hospital because _.Athe gentleman at last found BillBthey were moved by their storyCBill was badly ill and they regretted the cold war between themDther

7、e is something wrong with them2What does the writer want to tell us?AA story that happened in the hospital.BA friend of his named Bill.CThe need of forgiveness.DHis own feeling about the two men.3Which of the words best explain the underlined word “healing”?AAnger. BDisappointment.CHatred. DHealth.4

8、When you forgive the person who hurt you, _.Ayou can cure the hurt, and feel comfortableByou can get rid of the terrible feeling, such as anger, hatred and bitternessCYou can get healing, freedom and peace backDThe first three answers are all right答案与解析:1解析:细节理解题。根据第一段:25年未见,Bill 已经在晚期病人医院。答案:C2解析:推

9、理判断题。推测作者的写作意图。本文意在告诉我们宽恕的必要。答案:C3解析:词语理解题。根据文章内容宽容他人带给我们的都是好的感受。答案:D4解析:综合推理题。从第三段开始作者都在告诉我们宽容会带给我们的感受。答案:DBIf youd like to go sightseeing, the following World Heritage Sites may be your best choices.Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest AreaThe Jiuzhaigou Valley, which lies in the norther

10、n part of Sichuan Province, reaches a height of more than 4,800 meters, with a series of different forest ecosystems(生态系统). There you can enjoy watching excellent waterfalls. Some 140 kinds of birds also live in the valley, as well as a number of endangered plants and animals, including the giant pa

11、nda. For more information, please visit http:/whc. unesco. org/en/list/637.Khami Ruins National MonumentThe city of Khami, which developed after the capital of Great Zimbabwe had been given up in the mid16th century, is of great archaeological(考古的) interest. The discovery of objects from Europe and

12、China shows that Khami was a major centre for trade over a long period of time. For more information, please visit http:/whc. unesco. org/en/list/365.Henderson IslandHenderson Island, which lies in the eastern South Pacific, is one of the few atolls(环礁) in the world whose ecology(生态) has not been to

13、uched by human beings. It is especially famous for the ten plants and four land birds that can only be seen on the island. For more information, please visit http:/whc. unesco. org/en/list/487.The Old City of JerusalemAs a holy city for three different religions in the Middle East, Jerusalem has alw

14、ays been of great religious importance. It was given a World Heritage Status in 1981 and placed on the “List of World Heritage in Danger” the following year. For more information, please visit http:/whc. unesco. org/en/list/148.5What can we know about the Jiuzhaigou Valley?AIt sits at the foot of a

15、4,800meterhigh mountain.BIt has different forest ecosystems.CMost of Chinas endangered plants can be found there.DIn all about 140 kinds of birds and animals live there.6The discovery of some of the objects in Khami shows that the city _.Ahad a very short historyBwas ruined in the mid16th centuryCwas once Great Zimbabwes largest cityDonce played a great role as a trade center7From the passage we can learn that Henderson Island _.Ahasnt been greatly influenced by human activitiesBisnt suitable for humans to live onChas been open to visitors for yearsDis made up of a

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