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1、新起点大学英语第一册课后练习题参考答案Unit 1(P.3-P.11)Passage A1. valuable 2. collecting 3. enjoyment 4. happiness 5. satisfied6. retirement 7. healthy 8. interested 9. relaxation 10. activePassage A1. take up teaching 2. regardless of our objection 3. recovering from illness 4. to go to school 5. without air 6. with

2、rich /plenty of / abundant teaching materials7. (in) finishing his work 8. from running away 1. What do you like to do / do you (often) do in your spare time?2. He is busy writing (articles) all day (long).3. You can buy everything from candies to T-shirts in this supermarket.4. One is never too old

3、 to learn.5. Plants can not / No plants can grow well without enough water or sunshine. Passage BD D D D D A AGrammar1. is 2. boils 3. Doessleep 4. doesnt ride5. Doeshave 6. nothavehave 7. goes 8. teaches9. doesnt smoke 10. makes 11. doesnt dodoes 12. Doeshave三级真题Section AD A C DSection B 1. excited

4、 2. development 3. are 4. IllnessUnit 2Passage A 1. taking part in dangerous sports and activities 2. adventure3. bungee jumping 4. in Paragraph 2 5. about 2 million6. It is because life in modern societies has become safe and boring. 7. constantly in danger8. Life offers little excitement. 1. Adven

5、turous 2. well-known 3. exciting excited4. risk 5. Active 6. Including 7. psychology8. bored boring 9. continuous 10. survival immediate: 1. 我要求立即答复我。 2. 我们的当务之急是安抚死者的家属。3. 造成死亡的直接原因不明。 4. 儿子和妻子是我最亲近的人。second: 1. 获胜者的时间是一分十秒。 2. 你需要另一双鞋子。3. 我是第一个到的,她是第二个。 4. 我要你在这会上支持我。consider: 1. 我们必须考虑接下来做什么。 2.

6、我正考虑买一所新房子。3. 我认为今天和你在这里是巨大的荣幸。 4. 他站在那福画前凝视了几分钟。top: 1. 在山顶上你能看到很好的风光。 2. 我们应该搜集瓶盖来赚钱。3. 我们下午四点爬到了山顶。 4. 他的乒乓球打得比我们都好。5. 这首歌在一周排行的前十位。safe: 1. 吃这个食物不安全。 2. 我们需要一个谨慎的人来当班长。3. 墙上的那幅画后面藏着一个小保险箱。cure: 1. 这药治好了我的感冒。 2. 他的病用了六星期才治好。3. 父母必须纠正孩子的坏习惯。 4. 阿司匹林是治感冒的良药。 1. more and more/a rising number of peop

7、le 2. will last till September3. Its said 4. not at an age earlier than mine5. take part in/attend 6. showed/suggested/indicated that 1. Students from every department actively take part in activities.2. How long should this evening last?3. All the classmates in the class consider him to be a good m

8、onitor.4. No one can stop him from taking part in the game/match/race.5. His legs are not in a condition to do high-jumping.Passage B ADCCDExercises 1. had is/was having has had will have 2. is raining3. listened were/are listening 4. are/were running5. wrote is/was writing 6. is riding7. is studyin

9、g studies studied 8. are reading9. learn 10. will is going to 11. is arriving am starting12. am coming 13. is waiting 14. are/were doing 1. 越来越多的人参加危险的运动和活动。 2. 妹妹在看电视而我在学习。3. 他们快到了。 4. 他们在危险活动中寻求直接的刺激。5. 史密斯先生,有人正在你的办公室里等你。Section A CDDDB Section B 1. Seen 2. to say 3. would have failed 4. Applicat

10、ion 5. to be cooledUnit 3 (Key to Exercises)Passage A1. whistling 2. differences 3. warning 4. claimed 5. threat 6. frightened 7. especially 8. scaring 9. has 10. nestingReason1. 请解释一下你的行为。(名词:“理由”)2. 我和她就那件事辩论了好几个小时。3. 只有人类才有理性-动物没有。4. 你为什么不听劝告呢?5. 我迟到的原因是因为我错过了公交车。Area1. 我们将在这个地区建一所学校。2. 你是干哪一行的?

11、3. 这栋建筑占地面积达300平方米.4. 在电影院后面有一个停车场。Claim1. 她声称她没有做这件事,但我不相信她。2. 他们要求涨工资。3. 洪水夺去了成百上千人的生命。(life应改为lives)4. 我认领了老师找到的那件外套。Enter1. 她想进入那所著名大学的梦想成了现实。2. 我报名参加考试。3. 我们不能缔结合同。4. 大米已成为他们的主食之一。Warm1. 他在炉火旁取暖。2. 当我们到达那个城市时,他们热情地欢迎了我们。3. 史密斯教授对蔬菜研究很热衷。4. 这些足迹是刚留下的;我们能够通过他们找到那个男人。Set1. 当你不知道一本书的价值时,你是很难给它定价的。2

12、. 老师为我们安排了一场考试。3. 太阳下山后气温会低一些.4. 他将闹钟定到早上7点。1. after all, he is a busy man. 2. Stay out of / Dont get involved in / Dont interfere in this want to 4. It was raining all the time5. whether to go to the party or not. 1. Nowadays, people are willing enough to raise a dog or a cat.2. That bea

13、r frightened the children into crying.3. The teacher warned that student not to play computer games/ video games.4. He has nothing to do with this matter.5. She set up a trading company.Passage BB B D DGrammar1. went 2. diddo 3. left 4. was5. didstudy 6. wrote 7. didntcome 8. wasbegan 9. wasnt 10. e

14、nteredtookchanged1. 当我年幼的时候,我父母住在上海。2. 鲁迅什么时候去世的?3. 你认为他们只是高兴。 4. 他在我进来之前离开了。5. 当我上次看见她时,她看起来不太好。6. 这个村庄十年前有所学校吗?三级真题Section AB C B D三级真题Section B 1. working 2. management 3. really 4. earlier Unit 4Passage AII 1. staying 2.being improved /improving /improved 3.effective 4.pleasantly. 5. patience .6

15、.advice 7.participants 8.secondary 9.punctually(pktjul pktul) 10.gratefully III. Course1. 这项工作将在本周内完成。 2. 由于遇到风暴,飞机不得不改航线。3. 我在大学修读法律课程。4. 第一道菜是沙拉。Practice1. 经过周密的计划后,他们把这项计划付诸实践。2. 要经过更多的练习后,你才能效力于我们队。3. 我已经养成了早起的习惯。4. 他的事务所位于市中心.5. 付定金是被大家都接受的惯例。Mind 1. 她头脑很灵活。2. 欲加之罪何患无辞。3. 注意台阶。4. 我不介意人抽烟。5. 他们下

16、定决心去学好英语。Meet1. 我们所有的人都在我家汇合如何?2. 酒店达到你的期望了吗?3. 你会来车站接我吗?4. 病人的花费将由保险公司偿付。Lecture1. 她就现代话剧做了一个讲座/报告。2. 我打算今天给我的学生讲课。3. 官员教训/批评了那些犯错误的士兵。4. 不要说/念叨我了!Deal1. 她花费了很多钱在书上。2. 他给我发了些牌/卡片。3. 你怎么处理这类型的事情呢?4. 这家公司做硬件生意而非软件生意。IV1. isnt used to2. settle down3. is different from4. depends on5. are looking forwar

17、d to6. will not write to him unless7. Even though /Even if you dont like beer,8. remember the question I asked ?V1.What do you think of this city?2.Students will be used to having classes every night.3.Dont depend on her.4.Their opinions/views/ideas are quite different from each other. 5. What do yo

18、u think I should do? I advise you to do it at once/I advise doing it at once. 只能说advise do sth,而绝对不能说advise sb. doing sth. advise的用法搭配有两种: advise do sth建议某人做某事 advise doing sth.建议做某事 如:He advised going to the movie.他建议去看电影。 He advised us to go to the movie.他建议我们去看电影。Passage B1ADADDGramma

19、rI1.will send 2. is about to leave/will be leaving/ is leaving3.will miss(shall ?) going to be5.will paint6.will spend7.will be es, will tell10.will leave11.are going to leaveII1. 你将发现你的老师在整个上课的过程中全部使用英语。2. 他们今晚7点走吗?3. 我希望你不要介意我现在就提一两点。4. 我们都希望你在这儿待得愉快。5. 再尝试一次,你会成功的。三级真题Section A

20、1-5 A、B、C、C、DSection B1.Unreasonable/reasonable 2. read 3.difference 4.not to know me keptUnit 5 (Key to Exercises)Passage A1. sensitive 2. explosion 3. unclear 4. certainty 5. informal / formal 6. instruction 7. assurance 8. threatened 9. cautiously / incautiously 10. decisionView1. 她很快就消失在人群中

21、。(名词:“视野”)2. 他画了一幅海港的风景画。3. 告诉我你对这话题的看法。4. 你是怎么看待这种情形的?5. 我将他的行为看作是对信任的一种背叛。Chair1. 她从椅子里站起身来。2. 主席宣布会议开始.3. 他将主持下周的会议。4. 她在那所大学当物理学教授。Floor1. 我们住在3楼。2. 一位拳击手将他的对手击倒在地。3. 她为了凉快睡在地板上。4. 这道数学题难倒了他.Limit1. 那个篱笆就是我花园的边界。2. 他必须限制他抽烟的数量。3. 我走不了10英里。我知道我的极限。4. 我所能负担得起的金额是有一定限度的。Crash1. 只听见那棵大树轰隆一声倒下了。2. 他把

22、汽车撞到了墙上。3. 大象在森林里横冲直撞。4. 1929年股市崩盘使许多人破了产。5. 在那起飞机坠毁事故中,所有的乘客都丧生了。Lift1. 你能顺带搭我去车站吗?2. 我们走楼梯还是乘电梯?3. 他揭开箱盖往里看。4. 云已经消散了,我们能看见那些山。1. seeing her son falling off the bike2. knock off work earlier / stop working earlier3. despite his serious illness. 4. set out / began / started (二者有“出发,开始做某事的意思” 但是 out

23、是副词,所以set out应该与to do 搭配,组成set out to do; off为介词,与doing连用.)5. moved up and down 6. I assure you7. He has proved himself 1. They keep training despite wind or rain.2. Their suggestion proved to be reasonable later. / Their suggestion was later proved to be rational.3. They thought the situation was u

24、nder control.4. What happened to you?5. We choose to stay.Passage BC B D C AGrammar1. was watering 2. was having 3. was readingwas listening 4. was knockinggot 5. was leavingarrived 6. were playingwas leaning 7. brokewas playing8. weredoingcalled 9. was working 10. were discussing1. 昨天晚上8点,我在练小提琴。2.

25、 昨天下午4点你在做什么?3. 当第一架飞机撞击(世贸大厦)时,她正坐在椅子上。4. 当电话响起时我正要离开办公室。5. 昨天一整天她都在厨房里帮她妈妈做事。三级真题Section AA B D C C三级真题Section B 1. were 2. lively 3. latest 4. apparently 5. heard Unit 6Exercise to the textI.II.1.understanding , 2. Introduction , 3.electricity, 4.editor, 5.preparation,6.predictable , 7.developing

26、 , 8.influential 9.information, 10.decreasedIII. 英译汉 change1.我给了他一英磅,他给我找零20便士。2. 他把欧元兑换成等值的美元。3.铁路改变这个国家的面貌。4.我们在哪儿换成火车?Business1. 这家店在圣诞节比当年任何时间做成的生意都多。2. 他经营自己的店/公司。3.在这件事中,我没有任何干涉的份儿。4.此事与你无关。Figure1. 这男孩很有计算的天分。2.他低价买回了那辆车。3. 我看见门口站着一个高个子的人。4.他的名字在报纸上印的非常醒目。Provide1.我们给小孩提供了非常好的教育。2.法律规定赌博必须严惩。

27、3. 他们努力工作以供养一大家子人4.预防即将到来的暴风雪。Bank1.河水溢出了两岸。2.你应该向银行申请贷款。3. 他每周都把收入存入银行。4. 太阳钻到云堆里去了。Affect1.全国都受到干旱的影响。2.房子里所有的人都感动的留下了眼泪。3. 癌已侵及他的肺脏。4.有些女孩子喜欢欧式衣服。IV,完成句子。1. allow me to attend the party2. since we met last time3.Worry is growing slowly4.are in use5. offer jobs to young people6. plays a great role

28、/part7. influence the lower-incomers?8. countless/numberless of hoursV.汉译英1. The number of the students in our university has a great increase.2. Over one thousand computers have been in/put into use.3. A library provides students with all kinds of learning materials.4.He played the tune with the he

29、lp of his teacher.5. P.E. exercise plays a great role in peoples health. Section BC,C,B,A,C,CGrammarI.1.has been 2.has been 3.hasnt arrived 4.have had 5.Have been 6.havent had 7.Have seen 8,havent seen, 9.has been 10.have finishedII 英译汉1. 在商业、政府和研究院中使用的计算机系统已经迅速增加。2. 你有没有停下来想过你是怎样被计算机影响的?3.我已经去过3次南京

30、了。4. 他还没去图书馆。5. 自我来这个学校后,他就在给我们授课。三级真题实战1.A 2.D,3.C 4.A,5BSection B1.shorten 2.discussed 3. be done,4.successful ,5,drawingUnit 72.1.6 Key to exercises 1. She wanted a new bicycle.2. We bought her the latest rages, Baby-sitters Club dolls and a dollhouse. 3. No, they didnt. Because it was too late, with all the details of preparing Christmas dinner and buying last-minutes gifts, to take the time to select the “right bike” for our little girl.4. He decided to mak

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