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最新上海中考词转句转汇编 T.docx

1、最新上海中考词转句转汇编 T宝山区. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词。) ( 8分 )54. When disaster strikes, everyone tries to avoid it. Only are moving towards it. (hero)55. Jerry, its the time that you have missed the school bus this week. (four)56. As Miss H

2、uang has been ill recently, who is going to teach English? (we)57. WHO is one of the most important international in the world. (organize)58. The shop assistant greeted the customers with a smile at the entrance, (polite)59. Eating vegetables and exercising regularly can us to live a healthy life. (

3、able)60. The string of the kite broke suddenly and the kite in the sky. (appear)61. Studying online with our teachers during the winter holidays will be an experience in our life. (forget)54.【答案】 heroes【解析】考查名词的复数变化,以o结尾有生命的加es55. 【答案】 fourth【解析】考查序数词的用法,four的基数词加th变fourth56. 【答案】 us【解析】考查人称代词的宾格,te

4、ach后需用宾格形式57. 【答案】 organizations【解析】考查动词的名词形式,organize去e加ation变organization,one of +名词复数,所以加s58. 【答案】 politely 【解析】考查副词,greet动词后用副词修饰,polite直接加ly变副词59. 【答案】 enable 【解析】考查动词,able前加en变enable,使能够 enable sb. to do sth.60. 【答案】 disappeared【解析】考查的appear的反义词,前加dis变disappear, broke是过去时,所以时态是过去时,故是disappeare

5、d61. 【答案】unforgettable【解析】考查形容词,难忘的经历用unforgettableV. Rewrite the sentences as required(根据要求,改写下列句子。62-67题每空格限填一词,68题注意句首大写)(共14分)62. Youd better take an umbrella with you when you go out. (改为否定句)Youd better an umbrella with you when you go out.63. Eric has been teaching himself French since 3 years

6、 ago. (对划线部分提问) has Eric been teaching himself French?64. The headmaster awarded Emily the first prize in the English speech contest. (改为被动语态)Emily the first prize in the English speech contest by the headmaster.65. Did Bob catch the plane last weekend? Could you tell me? (改为含宾语从句的主从复合句)Could you te

7、ll me Bob the plane last weekend?66. The students in Class 5 are very excited to go on a picnic in Century Park. (改为感叹句) the students in Class 5 are to go on a picnic in Century Park!67. It is reported that this kind of disease can do harm to people and animals. (保持原句意思)It is reported that this kind

8、 of disease can to people and animals.68. Tom, to make, tells, every night, stories, his baby sister, go to sleep, her(连词成句) 62.【答案】not take【解析】would better 的否定形式在后面直接加not63.【答案】How long【解析】对时间多久进行提问用how long64.【答案】was awarded【解析】过去式的被动语态was 加award的过去分词65.【答案】if/whether caught【解析】直接引语是一般疑问句,改为间接引语连接

9、词使用if或者whether引导的宾语从句.时态保持一致,使用caught,语序是陈述句;66.【答案】How excited【解析】how+形容词+主语+谓语 67.【答案】be harmful【解析】do harm to=be harmful to68.【答案】Tom tells stories to make her baby sister go to sleep every night. 【解析】先确定句子的谓语为tells,关于tell的搭配为 tell sb. to do sth.或者 tell sb.sth.。根据句意,应是“Tom告诉他妹妹故事”,确定主语是Tom,构成 Tom

10、 tells her baby sister stories。剩下的 to make作非谓语结构,另根据make sb. do sth.,故答案为 Tom tells his baby sister to make her go to sleep every night.崇明区IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms. (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词) (共8分)54. We need to throw away these to make room for our

11、new furniture. (box)55. This is the time for me to teach you the grammar rules. (five)56. While travelling in Germany. Lucy happened to meet a classmate of . (she)57. Jack was sick in hospital because of his diet. (healthy)58. Success in study depends on ones own efforts. (main)59. During the discus

12、sion, Mrs. Browns voice deeply impressed me. (power)60. We are trying to find a good to deal with the environmental problems. (solve)61. In the end, we all decided to a charity sale for the sick people. (organization)V. Complete the following sentence as required. (根据所给要求改写下列句子, 62-67小题每空格限填一词) (共14

13、分)62. Mike does his homework at school every day. (改为否定句)Mike_ _ his homework at school every day.63. My friend Tim has made great progress in English writing. (改为反意疑问句)My friend Tim has made great progress in English writing, _ _? 64. The first issue of our school newspaper will be published in two

14、 weeks. (对划线部分提问) _ _ will the first issue of our school newspaper be published?65. Jack was surprised to meet his relatives on journey abroad. (保持句意不变)To _ _, Jack met his relatives on journey abroad.66. Our country sent a medical team to Italy two months ago. (改成被动语态)A medical team _ _ to Italy tw

15、o months ago.67. Mr. White asked us, “Who will be responsible for the broken window? ”(改为间接引语)Mr. White asked us who_ _ responsible for the broken window68. apologize to, the nice glass, you, for breaking, had better, him(连词成句)_.IV.54. boxes55. fifth56. hers 57. unhealthy 58. mainly 59. powerful60.

16、solution61. organize V.62. doesnt do 63. hasnt he 64. How soon 65. his surprise 66. was sent 67. would be 68. You had better apologize to him for breaking the nice glass. 奉贤区:IV.Completethesentenceswiththegivenwordsintheirproperforms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共8分)54. They are all Chinese_ and des

17、erve our thanks and our respect. (hero)55.The_holiday is New Years holiday. We have all their family over. (one)56. However, I prefer sky diving when its completely_. (sun)57. There is a_ painting I have in my office. (nature)58. The boy is so good with the_ of colors. (choose)59.We all look forward

18、 to the day when COVID-19 will _. (appear)60. I didnt expect a beach area in Hainan to be so_. (love)61. I just want you to know that, as my_ leader, you have helped me to believe myself. (great)54.【答案】heroes【分析】本题考的以o结尾名词复数形式,有生命的o结尾的单词加es。55.【答案】first【分析】本题考查序数词,前面有定冠词,表示第一个假期是新年。56.【答案】sunny【分析】本

19、题考的是名词变形容词,be 动词后面接形容词,sun的形容词双写n加y。57.【答案】natural【分析】本题考的是名词变形容词,冠词+形容词+名词的形式,去e加al。58.【答案】choice【分析】本题考的是动词变名词,定冠词the后接名词choice。59.【答案】disappear【分析】本题考的是动词的变化,根据题意我们都期待着有一天新冠会消失,出现appear前缀加dis变消失。60.【答案】lovely【分析】本题考的是动词变形容词,副词so后面接形容词,love后面加ly是少数ly结尾的形容词。 61.【答案】greatest【分析】本题考的是形容词最高级形式,首先判断词性这

20、个空缺的是形容词性,因为后面有名词,然后根据句意你是我最好的引领者,你帮助我相信我自己,这个人是他的贵人,所以用最高级,前面有定冠词,great形容词的最高级形式是greatest。V. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词) (共14分)62.All peopleinourtownwarmlywelcomedthemedicalworkersbackfromWuhan.(改为一般疑问句) allpeopleinourtownwarmly themedicalworkersbackfromWuhan

21、?63.Wecanprotectourselvesbywashingourhandsmoreoften.(对划线部分提问) weprotectourselves?64.Themaninblackisthedoctorwhohasbecomefamousrecently.(对划线部分提问) isthedoctorwhohasbecomefamousrecently?65.Bestrictwithyourselforyouwillfallbehind.(保持句意基本不变)Youwillfallbehind you strictwithyourself.66.Wehaventdecidedwhere

22、wewillholdthemeeting.(改为简单句)Wehaventdecided holdthemeeting.67.OurgovernmentprovidesfreemedicalcareforNCPpatients.(改成被动语态)Freemedicalcare forNCPpatients.68.inthemiddle,is,alake,with,also,apavilion,there,(连词成句)_. 62.【答案】 Did; welcome【分析】此题考查一般疑问句,welcomes为一般过去时,用did提问,welcomed还原welcome.63.【答案】 How can

23、【分析】此题考查对划线部分提问,by+ doing表方式,用how提问,原句有can就用can。64.【答案】Which man【分析】此题考查对划线部分提问,穿黑衣服的男人对穿新衣服划线提问用哪一个,所以答案为which man65.【答案】 unless;are / if ; arent【分析】此题考查保持句意不变,根据句意,你会落后除非你严格要求自己或者如果你不能严格要求自己就会落后,用unless;are或if arent。66.【答案】 where to【分析】此题考查简单句,用疑问词+不定式结构来表达,用where to67.【答案】is;provided 【分析】此题考查被动语态

24、,be动词+动词过去分词,根据题意可知一般现在时,be动词用is,provide的过去分词为provided 68.【答案】 There is also a lake with a pavilion in the middle.【分析】此题考查连词成句对句子成分的把控,有there be句型,整句意思为在中间也有一个带亭子的湖泊。虹口区:IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词) (共 8分)54. Im fond of eating fr

25、uit .Mangoes and _are my favorite. (strawberry)55. Tony and I have made up our minds to finish this experiment _ . (we)56. The firemen set out_ as soon as they heard the alarm. (immediate)57. The newly -built museum is _ in the centre of our city. (location)58. Doing housework teaches kids independe

26、nce care and _. (responsible)59. Its reported that the new test might _doctors to detect the disease early. (able)60. The supermarket near our neighborhood sell different kinds of meat_. (produce)61. Zhong Nanshan and Li Lanjuan are _medical workers, They are the real heroes. (profession)54.【答案】stra

27、wberries【分析】and 并列mango复数形式,故此处strawberry复数strawberries.55.【答案】ourselves【分析】根据句意克制Tony和我决定我们自己独立完成这项实验,ourselves.56.【答案】immediately【分析】set out为动词词组,此处应为副词immediately.57.【答案】located【分析】此处为固定搭配be located in 位于.58.【答案】responsibility【分析】and 并列此处名词词性,responsibility.59.【答案】enable【分析】空格前是情态动词might,后为动词原形,e

28、nable.60.【答案】products【分析】根据句意肉类产品,meat product, different kind of +可数名词复数,products.61.【答案】products【分析】名词前形容词专业的医疗工作者,professional.V. Complete the following sentence as required. (根据所给要求完成句子,62-67小题每空格限填一词) (共14分)62. Robert has sports every day. (改为否定句)Robert _ _ sports every day.63. Its about twenty

29、 minutes drive from the airport to the railway station (对划线部分提问) _ _is it from the airport to the railway station?64. Our trip to Chongming Island last summer was unforgettable. (改为感叹句) _ _ our trip to Chongming Island last summer was!65. The first guest to this restaurant can enjoy the meal without

30、 paying money, (保持句意基本不变)The first guest to this restaurant can enjoy the meal _ _.66. So far scientist have done a tot of research on Mars successful. (改为被动语态)So far a tot of research on Mars _ _done successfully by scientist.67. Lucy was very angry. She didnt know what to say (两句合并为一句)Lucy was_ angry _she didnt know what to say.68. make a speech ,whether , Marie t

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