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词汇与语法B题库版 3 附答案.docx

1、词汇与语法B题库版 3 附答案多刷题多刷题 词汇与语法B1、I didnt know what to do, but then an idea suddenly _ to me.A.appearedB.happenedC.occurredD.emerged答案:C2、A pair of spectacles _ what I need at the moment.A.isB.areC.hasD.have答案:A3、You had better _ a doctor as soon as possible.A.seeingB.sawC.seeD.seen答案:C4、- Do you want t

2、o wait?- Five days _ too long for me to wait.A.wasB.wereC.isD.are答案:C5、I fell and hurt myself while I _ basketball yesterday.A.was playingC.playD.played答案:A6、Dont forget _ the window before leaving the have closeC.having closedD.closing答案:B7、The top of the Great Wall

3、 is _ for five horses to go side by wideC.wide enoughD.enough wide答案:C8、It was well known that Thomas Edison _ the electric lamp.A.discoveredB.inventedC.foundD.developed答案:B9、Weve missed the last bus. Im afraid we have no _ but to take a taxi.A.wayB.choiceC.possibilityD.selection答案:B

4、10、Nancy is considered to be _ the other students in her class.A.less intelligentB.the most intelligentC.intelligent as intelligent as答案:D11、Australia is one of the few countries _ people drive on the left of the road.A.whichB.thatC.whereD.on which答案:C12、The higher the temperature, _the liq

5、uid evaporates.A.the fasterB.the more fastC.the slowerD.the more slower答案:A13、_ you know, David has been well lately.A.WhichB.AsC.WhatD.When答案:B14、The harder you study, _ you will learn.A.muchB.manyC.the moreD.much more答案:C15、She wonders _will happen to her private life in the future.A.thatB.itC.thi

6、sD.what答案:D16、The grey building is the place where the workers live, and the white building is the place where the spare parts _.A.are producingB.are producedC.producedD.being produced答案:B17、They got there an hour _than the others.A.earlyB.much earlyC.more earlyD.earlier答案:D18、Sunday is the day _ pe

7、ople usually dont go to whichD.that答案:A19、We worked hard and completed the task the timeB.on the timeC.ahead of timeD.before time答案:C20、I like the teacher _classes are very interesting and creative.A.whichB.whoC.whoseD.what答案:C21、When Lily came home at 5 p.m. yesterday,

8、 her mother _dinner in the kitchen.A.cookedB.was cookingC.cooksD.has cooked答案:B22、I didnt expect you to turn _ at the meeting yesterday.A.upB.toC.outD.over答案:A23、The young lady coming over to us _ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!A.must beB.can beC.would beD.could be答案:A24、Once e

9、nvironmental damage _, it takes many years for the system to to doB.doesC.had done答案:D25、Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have _ of fat.A.a large numberB.the large numberC.a large amountD.the large amount答案:C26、I dont know the park, but its_ to be quite beautiful.A.saidB.told

10、C.spokenD.talked答案:A27、Janes dress is similar in design _ her sisters.A.likeB.withC.toD.as答案:C28、The manager will not _ us to use his car.A.haveB.letC.agreeD.allow答案:D29、Neither John _ his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.A.norB.orC.butD.and答案:A30、_ these honours he

11、 received a sum of money.A.ExceptB.ButC.BesidesD.Outside答案:C31、Mike is better than Peter _ swimmingA.forB.atC.onD.in答案:B32、His salary as a driver is much higher than _.A.a a a porterD.that of a porter答案:D33、He opened the letter and it contained important informationB.som

12、e important informationsC.many important informationD.some important information答案:D34、He has been writing for 3 years, but being a writer is not his _.A.chanceB.choiceC.changeD.character答案:B35、They have never heard any _.A.a customer complaintB.the customers complaintsC.customers complaintD.the cus

13、tomers complaints答案:C36、He is not a child longerC.any muchD.any more答案:D37、Weve missed the last bus. Im afraid we have no _ but to take a taxi.A.wayB.choiceC.possibilityD.selection 答案:B38、The retired man is used to _ his two dogs early in the morning.A.exerciseB.exercisingC.exercised

14、D.exercises 答案:B39、It was not _ midnight that they discovered the children were not in their bedroom.A.beforeB.atC.afterD.until 答案:D40、Young _ he is, he knows how to get along with others.A.likeB.asC.althoughD.however答案:B41、Could you show me where the _ shoes are?A.WomenB.womensC.womanD.womens答案:D42

15、、He succeeded _ out a lot of things entirely new in the work working 答案:A43、It took me a long time to _ the disappointment of failing the exam.A.get overB.get upC.get intoD.get down 答案:A44、She _ 100 pages of the book today.A.has already readB.already readsC.alrea

16、dy readD.was already read答案:A45、He has been _ for nearly three weeks after the death of his dear pet.A.sad B.satisfied C.evil D.joyful答案:A46、One cannot learn a foreign language well _ he studies hard.A.unless B.if D.when答案:A47、A large number of people _ present at the meeting, which was out of

17、our expectation.A.was B.were C.have D.has答案:B48、When the girls saw the funny man, they couldnt _ laughing.A.keep from B.keep onC.keep away D.keep at答案:A49、We are glad that we finally managed to get into contact _ B.on C.from D.with答案:D50、This kind of plant _ a lot of water at all times.A.a

18、ssumes B.limits C.produces D.requires答案:D51、Look! Here _ the famous player.A.comes B.come C.had come D.coming答案:A52、Uncle Sam sent him a _ bicycle as a birthday sports new B.sports new red sports red red sports答案:D53、I couldnt find my English-Chinese dictionary _.A.anywhere

19、 B.everywhere C.nowhere D.somewhere 答案:A54、The plane was about to _, and yet I left my ticket behind.A.take off B.take on C.take up D.take in答案:A55、John succeeded _ what he get getting getting D.and getting 答案:C56、The accident was _ to careless driving.A.for B.likely C.due

20、cause答案:C57、With a good command of reading skills, most students can manage to read _as they could the year twice fast as twice as fastD.twice as fast答案:D58、Some famous singers live on the _from their record sales. A.salaryB.priceC.billD.income答案:D59、_of them thinks th

21、at is a good idea.A.AnyoneB.No oneC.NoneD.Someone答案:C60、Dont be too _about things youre not supposed to know. A.strangeB.amusingC.curiousD.conscious答案:C61、It was in 1969 _the American astronauts succeeded in landing on the moon. A.whenB.the momentC.whichD.that答案:D62、_people in the world are sending

22、information by e-mail every day. A.Several millionB.Many millionsC.Several millionsD.Many million答案:A63、He _less time reading stories about film stars than before.A.takesB.spendsC.costsD.pays答案:B64、Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology _so changing

23、B.has been changedC.will have changedD.will change答案:A65、The taxi driver always reminds passengers to _their belongings when they leave the car. A.keepB.catchC.holdD.take答案:D66、Little Tom is used to getting up _eight every morning.A.atB.onC.inD.of答案:A67、If the doctor had been available, the child _.

24、A.would not dieB.could not have diedC.might not dieD.should not have died答案:B68、If Mary _shopping this afternoon, please ask her to write a shopping list first.A.will goB.goesC.wentD.has gone答案:B69、These desks and chairs _to the children in the mountain villages next week.A.are sentB.will sendC.have

25、 sentD.will be sent答案:D70、Every society has its own peculiar customs and _of acting. A.attitudesB.behaviorC.waysD.means答案:C71、China is _the Great Wall. A.onB.famousC.famous forD.famous as答案:C72、The dog was tearing the cloth _its teeth.A.withB.byC.throughD.in答案:A73、A man should not be judged always _

26、what he says. A.byB.inC.withD.to答案:A74、We will have a _holiday after the exam. A.two monthB.two-monthC.two monthsD.two-months答案:B75、Mr Wang is going to teach you maths _one year.A.withB.onC.forD.to答案:C76、The population of the earth _increasing fast. A.isB.areC.wereD.have been答案:A77、Mike is _than Jac

27、k.A.carefulB.carefullyC.less carefulD.more carefuler答案:C78、There _a basket ball match this going to going to going to going to has答案:A79、Nobody _to smoke in the allowedD.are allowed答案:C80、_delicious these moon cake are!A.How aB.What aC

28、.HowD.What答案:C81、Theres no food in the fridge. They _shopping.A.goB.are goC.are goingD.are going to go答案:C82、The soup smells _. Would you like some?A.goodB.wellC.properlyD.finely答案:A83、Picking apples was hard work, _ they really enjoyed it. A.andB.soC.butD.or答案:C84、They have planted _trees in SaiBei, Its a G

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