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1、七年级下U112重点句型翻译与答案七年级下U1-12重点句型翻译U1:1. 你会下棋或者打篮球吗?2. 你很擅长讲故事,加入讲故事俱乐部吧。3. 我们需要您帮助说英语学生的体育活动。4. 您擅长于与老人打交道吗?在老人之家,我们需要你的帮助。5. -你周末有空吗?-抱歉,我很忙,所以恐怕不能来。6. 招聘老师7. 这里有两位音乐家。U2:1. 他在一家电视台上班。2. 这真是个有趣的吃早餐时间!3. 放学后,我有时打半小时排球。4. 晚上,我要么看电视要么玩电脑游戏。5. 她午饭吃很多水果和蔬菜。6. 她知道它对她不健康,但它很好吃。7. 在八点十五分到九点四十五分之间,她会做作业而且通常会游

2、泳或者洗澡。(不能用数字表示时间,要写完整单词、词组)U3:1. -你家距离学校有多远?-大约10千米。/-20分钟公交车程。2. 你到学校要花费多少时间? -去学校大约花费我15分钟时间。3. 对大多数同学来说,去学校是容易的事。4. 那里没有桥而且河流湍急。5. 许多学生走索道过河去学校。6. 11岁的男孩亮亮7. 他就像我的父亲一样。8. 村民的愿望能够实现吗?U4:1. 不要迟到!2. 我们不得不穿校服。3. 在图书馆里,我们必须保持安静,不能吵闹。4. 别把脏盘子留在厨房里!5. 别在上课时吃东西!6. 晚饭后,我依然不能放松休息。7. 家长和学校有时很严格,但记住,他们用规章制度帮

3、助我们。所以我们要遵守它们5:U5:1. 他可以直立行走。2. 大象濒临灭绝,因此我们要拯救他们。3. 大象是泰国的标志之一。4. 大象可以走很长时间并且不会走丢,它们也可以记住有食物和有水的地方。5. 人们说:“大象从不忘事。”6. 人们砍了许多树,所以大象正在失去它们的家园。7. 人们也为了大象的牙齿而捕杀它们。U6:1. 你想加入我一块吃晚餐吗?2. 我们可以出去吃。3. 朱辉正在美国学习并且与一个在纽约的美国家庭住在一起。4. 他的爸爸和叔叔正在电视上看龙舟比赛。5. 但在美国没有端午节,所以今晚对朱辉和他的寄养家庭就像其他任何一个晚上一样。6. 朱辉想念他的家人而且希望吃到他母亲的美

4、味的粽子。7. 朱辉非常喜欢自己的寄养家庭,但“金窝、银窝,仍不如自家的狗窝。”U7:1.-你好,这里是瑞克听。-我是斯蒂夫,你最近过的怎么样?-过的不赖,。2. 他正在他的朋友家里学习,难道不是吗?3. -能帮我带个口信给他吗? -能就告诉他让他给我回电吗?-当然,没问题。4. 我正非常愉快地在加拿大拜访我的阿姨。我很高兴再次见到她。5. 现在正值下午,我正坐在游泳池边喝橙汁。这里温暖而且很放松。6. 我和我的家人正在欧洲的山里度假。7. 我想打给你,但我的坏了,所以我正写信给你。8. 这里的天气很凉爽,对走路来说正好。U8:1. -有什么能帮到你的吗?-我是新来到这个小镇的。这附近有银行吗

5、?-有的。在中央大街。 公园的对面。2. 它离这里不远。我可以陪你走过去。3. 我喜欢在自己热闹的街区里度过周末。4. 我喜欢看猴子们爬来爬去。5. 她经常在公园里做运动,因为她爱新鲜空气和。6. 生命中最好的东西是免费的!7. 它很安静而且我很享受在那里读书。当我读书的时候,时间过得飞快。8. 去图书馆很容易。要到图书馆去,你只需沿着大街走下去再左转。U9:1. 他们目睹了罪行并告诉Joe罪犯长什么样。然后Joe画一罪犯的肖像,接着警方将它登在报纸或电视上。2. 很多人不会对事物的看法总一致,所以他们可能会把同一个人描述的不一样。3. 最后,真正的罪犯中等身高,有点胖,长直棕色头发。U10:

6、1. 我能拿您的订单了吗?想要多大容量的一碗面?2. 牛肉汤里有蔬菜吗?3. 一碗牛肉汤,一盘宫保鸡丁和一碗麻婆豆腐盖浇饭。4. 蜡烛的数量是这个人的年龄。5. 如果他或她一次性吹完了所有的蜡烛,愿望将会实现。6. 在中国,越来越多的人爱吃带蜡烛的生日蛋糕。7. 他们从不切断面条,因为长寿面意味着长命百岁。8. 所有这些生日食物可能不尽相同,但是观点是一致的。它们给生日的人带来好运。U11:1. 上周末的旅行怎么样? -棒极了!我每天去钓鱼并且与我的祖父喂鸡。还在夜晚看星星,它们太漂亮了。那里实在太有趣了。 -你真走运!2. 6月5日,我们去了科技馆春游。3. 我们很快乘火车到了那里。我们沿途

7、看到了许多农场和乡村。4. 我学到了很多关于机器人的东西。导游教了我们怎么做机器人模型。5. 从那之后,我去了礼品店并给我爸妈买了可爱的礼物。它们不贵。6. 总而言之,我一点也不喜欢这次旅行。7. 我们坐在行驶很慢的火车上,感到非常热。所有的事情都是关于机器人的而且我一点也不感兴趣。8. 房间实在太暗而且很难拍照片,所以我没拍任何照片。U12:1. 上周末,我在自然历史博物馆当导游。那里拥有一个超过200种蝴蝶的蝴蝶馆。我告诉游客关于蝴蝶的事及它们的习性。2. 我现在有些累。昨晚,我通宵熬夜看足球赛。3. 作为一份特殊的礼物,父母亲上周末带我们去了印度。上周末很有趣但也很可怕。我们乘坐长途汽车

8、到达乡村的一个湖。4. 我们在一个小乡村里野营。我们搭起了帐篷,生了火保持温暖,并煮上食物。第一个晚上,我们只是坐在月光下并相互讲故事。5. 第二天早晨,我和妹妹大吃一惊。当我们向帐篷外看时,看见了一条蛇正在火边睡觉。我太惊慌了以至于动弹不得。6. 我们向父母亲大叫让他们知道危险。我父亲开始上蹿下跳。这个举动吵醒了蛇,它钻进树林里去了。7. 之后,爸爸告诉我,蛇没有耳朵但可以感受到有东西在动。不去靠近蛇是很重要的。这对我来说是很有意义的一课。答案U1:1. Can you play chess or play basketball? (均无“the”)2. You are good at te

9、lling stories. Join the story telling club. (be good at doing介宾结构,名词修饰名词,动词tell变成动名词telling)3. We need help with sports for English-speaking students. (help with用法)4. Are you good with old people? We need your help at the old peoples home. (be good with用法; peoples的)5. Are you free on weekends/on the

10、 weekend? Sorry, Im busy. So Im afraid I cant come.(on the weekend或on weekends; be busy忙的, be free空的)6. Teachers Wanted7. Here are two musicians. (here就近原则)U2:1. He works at a radio station.2. Thats a funny time for breakfast!3. After school, I sometimes play basketball for half an hour.4. I either

11、watch TV or play computer games.(eitheror用法,game可数)5. After lunch, she eats a lot of fruit and vegetables.(vegetable可数)6. She knows its not good for her, but it tastes good. (be good for用法,感官动词taste后加形容词good的用法)7. From a quarter past eight to a quarter to ten, she does her homework and usually swims

12、 or takes a shower.(past, to表示时间的不同用法;动词遇第三人称单数的变形;and,or连接平行结构)U3:1. -How far is it from your home to school? -About 10 kilometers. / Twenty minutes bus ride. (kilometer的拼法,表示的概念,ride可以做名词表示车程)2. How long does it take you to get to school? It takes me about 15 min to get to school.(be和助动词区分,it做形式主语

13、的用法,真正主语是由to引导的不定式)3. For many students, it is easy to go to school. (it做形式主语的用法,its + adj. + to do)4. There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly. (there be句型表示存在,动词遇第三人称单数变形)5. Many students go on a ropeway to cross the river. (go on a ropeway,不定式to cross表示目的)6. An 11-year-old boy, Liang lia

14、ng (元音发音前a变an,11-year-old符合形容词不用在year上加s)7. Hes like my father to me. (like做介词,be like表示像的用法)8. Can the villagers dream come true?(true的拼写)U4:1. Dont be late for school! / Dont arrive late for school.2. We have to wear the school uniform. (have to 表示客观条件迫使人做某事的用法)3. We must be quiet in the library.

15、We shouldnt be noisy. (情态动词后用动词原形,quiet和quite的区别)4. Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen. (leave表示留下,还能表示离开,leave for表示前往)5. Dont eat in class. (in class指在课堂上,不用加“the”6. After dinner, I cant relax either. (either用在句末表示“也”,与also用在句中表示“也”区分)7. Parents and schools are sometimes strict, but rememb

16、er, they make rules to help us. So we should follow them. (be strict用法,remember的拼法,to表示目的)U5:1. He can walk on two legs.2. Elephants are in great danger. So we should save them. (名词复数,be in danger的用法)3. The elephant is one of the Thailands symbols. (one of 后加复数名词的用法,s表示的用法)4. Elephants can walk for

17、a long time and never get lost. They can also remember the places with food and water. (walk for的用法,with表示伴随的用法)5. People say that, “An elephant never forgets.” (元音发音前a变成an,动词遇第三人称单数变形)6. People cut down many trees, so elephants are losing their homes.7. People kill elephants for their ivory. (for表示

18、目的,象牙不可数)U6:1. Do you want to join me for dinner? (join sb用法,三餐前加介词for)2. We can eat out.3. Zhu hui is studying in the United States and living with an American family in New York. (study的现在分词,现在进行时态)4. His Dad and uncle are watching boat races on TV. (race可数)5. But there is no Dragon Boat Festival

19、in the US, so its like any other night for Zhu hui and his host family. (there be表示存在的用法,be like any other night表示像往常一样)6. Zhu hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi. (动词遇第三人称单数变形,and连接平行结构,wish to do用法,s表示的,delicious的拼法)7. Zhu hui likes his host family a lot, but theres

20、still “No place like home”. (a lot用在句尾表示许多的用法,与a lot of, lots of用句中区分开;still表示仍然)U7:1. -Hello, This is Rick speaking. -Its Steve. Hows it going? -Not bad, thanks.(打时通常不用I am来说明自己是谁)2. He is studying at his friends home, isnt he? (反义疑问句的用法)3. -Can you take a message for me? Could you just tell him to

21、 call me back? -Sure, no problem.(message,tell sb to do sth/not to do sth.,problem的拼法)4. I have a great time visiting my aunt. Im happy to see her again. (have a great time/have fun + doing的用法,be happy to do sth)5. Its afternoon right now and Im sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice. Its war

22、m and relaxing here. (right now用法,sit的现在分词要双写t,by表示在边上,juice不可数,形容物用ing,而形容人用ed)6. My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains in Europe. (英语中人称排序:二、三、一,mountain可数,vacation和Europe的拼法)7. I want to call you but my phone isnt working, so Im writing to you.8. Its really cool here, and just right

23、for walking.U8:1. -Can I help you? Im new in town. Is there a bank around here? Yes, there is. Its on Center Street. Its across from the park.2. Its not far from here. I can walk with you.3. I like to spend weekends in my noisy neighborhood.(neighborhood拼法,spend除了“花费”,还有“度过”的意思)4. I like to watch mo

24、nkeys climbing around.(感官动词的用法,看到某人正在做某事:watch sb doing)5. She often exercises in the park because she loves the fresh air and the sunshine.(exercise的拼法,动词遇第三人称单数变形)6. The best things in life are free. (free除了空闲,还有免费的意思)7. Its quiet and I enjoy reading there. When I read books, time goes quickly.(en

25、joy doing sth,副词修饰动词)8. You can go to the library easily. To get to the library, you just need to go down the street and turn left. (副词修饰动词,不定时表目的)U9:1. They see the crimes and tell Joe what the criminals look like. Then Joe draws a picture of the criminal. The police will put it in newspapers or on

26、 TV. (crime表示罪行而criminal表示罪犯,且可数;宾语从句述语序;介词辨析,newspaper可数)2. People dont always see things in the same way, so they may describe the same person differently.3. In the end, the real criminal is of medium build and kind of fat and he has long straight brown hair. (in the end表示最后,和at the end of 区分;be o

27、f medium build的用法,kind of在这里表示“一点”,形容词的顺序:长短+直或卷+颜色)U10:1. May I take your order? What size bowl of noodles would you like?2. Are there any vegetables in the beef soup.(vegetable可数,名词修饰名词,疑问句some变为any)3. One bowl of beef soup, one gongbao chicken and one mapo tofu with rice. (名词修饰名词,with表示伴随)4. The

28、number of the candles is the persons age. (the number of表示的数量,与a number of表示许多区分,所以动词用单数形式)5. If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true.6. In China, it is getting popular to eat birthday cake with candles.(it作形式主语的用法,真正主语在to后面,with表示伴随)7. They never cut up noodles bec

29、ause long noodles are a symbol of long life.8. All of these food may be different, but the ideas are the same. They bring good luck to the birthday person.U11:1. -How was your trip last weekend? It was excellent! I went fishing everyday and fed chickens with my grandpa. I also watched stars at night

30、. They were so beautiful. It was so much fun. Lucky you.(动词过去时,长难单词的拼法,chicken做小鸡时可数但做鸡肉时不可数,fun不可数,lucky是luck的形容词形式)2. On June 5th, we went on a trip to Science Museum.(具体某天前用on做介词,go on a trip, Museum的拼写)3. We got there so fast by train. We saw many farms and villages along the way.(there为地点副词,因此g

31、et后不用加to;一句话不能有两个动词)4. I learned a lot about robots. The guide taught us how to make a model robot. (teach sb. to do sth)5. After that, I went to a gift shop and bought some lovely gifts for my parents. They werent expensive. (名词修饰名词, buy sth for sb的用法,buy的过去式,expensive的拼法)6. All in all, I didnt like the trip at all.(All in all,not at all用法)7. We feel hot on a slow train. All the things are about robots and I was not interested in that. (在火车上用的介词是on,人做主语形容词加ed,be not interested in)8. It was really dark and it was difficult to

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