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八年级英语上册 第26期练习 牛津深圳版.docx

1、八年级英语上册 第26期练习 牛津深圳版第26期For Reading and Listeningadvise建议1. The teacher advised his students to practice English as often as possible. 老师建议他的学生尽可能多地练习英语。2. I advise that you should take an umbrella with you. 我建议你带把伞.【总结】advise用作动词, 意为 “建议”。常用结构为advise sb. to do sth. 意为 “建议某人做某事”, 如例1; advise+从句, 意为

2、“建议”, 如例2。【拓展】advise的名词形式是advice, 是不可数名词。若表示 “一条建议”, 应用a piece of advice; “两条建议” 为two pieces of advice; “一些建议” 为some advice。例如:Can I give you a piece of advice on your plan? 我可以给你的计划提条建议吗?【运用】用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The doctor advised me _ (take) more exercise.2. Can you give me some _ (advise) on learning E

3、nglish?suggestion建议; 提议1. The doctor gave me some suggestions on how to live a healthy life. 就如何过健康的生活, 医生给了我一些建议。2. She made some helpful suggestions on how to protect the environment.就如何保护环境, 她提出了一些非常有用的建议。【总结】suggestion用作名词, 意为 “建议; 提议”,是可数名词, 如例1; make a suggestion意为 “提出建议”, 如例2。【拓展】suggestion的动

4、词形式是suggest, 意为 “建议”。常用结构为suggest doing sth. 意为“建议做某事”, 例如:She suggested taking the children to the park. 她建议带孩子们去公园。【运用】根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。3. 你能就如何学好英语给我些建议吗? Can you _ _ _ _ on how to learn English well?4. 我建议周末去看电影。I _ _ to the movies this municate沟通We communicate with foreign students once a month

5、.我们每月与外国学生交流一次。【总结】communicate用作动词, 意为 “沟通; (与某人) 交流信息”, 经常与介词with连用,如例1。【拓展】communicate 的名词形式是communication, 意为 “交流”。【运用】根据汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。5. 当你遇到困难时, 应该与父母交流。 You should _ _ your parents when you are in trouble.6. The Internet is an important means of _.hide藏; 隐藏1. She hid her face in her hands and

6、 started to cry. 她用手捂住脸哭了起来。2. The sun was hidden by the dark clouds. 太阳被乌云遮住了。【总结】hide用作动词, 意为 “藏; 隐藏”; 它的过去式和过去分词分别为hid和hidden, 如例1和例2。【拓展】hide的常用结构为hide sth. from sb.意为 “对某人隐瞒某事”。例如:Please dont hide your feelings from me.请不要对我隐瞒你的感情。【运用】连词成句。7. my, hid, in, diary, drawer, I, my(.)_8. hide, though

7、ts, me, from, your, do, why, you(?)_attack袭击; 攻击1. The commander ordered his soldiers to attack the enemies at night.司令命令他的士兵夜里袭击敌人。2. Alice was attacked by a snake when walking through the forest.穿过森林时, 爱丽丝被蛇袭击了。【总结】attack用作动词, 意为 “袭击; 攻击”, 如l例1和例2。【拓展】attack用作名词意为 “袭击; 攻击”。例如:The boy was sent to h

8、ospital after a serious attack by a dog.被狗严重袭击后, 男孩被送到了医院。【运用】连词成句。9. me, in, a, street, he, attacked, dark(.)_10. months, was, attack, three, the, city, under, for(.)_句型导航 Sentence guideStructure analysis 长难句解析1. He gave students some suggestions on how to improve their English.他就如何提高英语水平向学生们提供了一些建

9、议。【解析】on how to improve their English意为 “关于如何提高他们的英语水平” 其中 “疑问词+不定式” 的结构在句中作介词on的宾语。例如:He wrote a book on how to protect the environment. 他写了一本关于环境保护的书。2. You should communicate in English with your friends whenever you can. 你应该尽可能地用英语与你的朋友们交流。【解析】句中的whenever为连词, 意为 “在任何的时候”。whenever you can是由whenev

10、er引导的时间状语从句。为了避免重复, 省略了谓语部分, 若补全句子则为: whenever you can communicate in English with your friends. 例如: You can come to my house whenever you want. 你可以随时来我家。Structure imitation 句式仿写1. It gave me a chance to learn new words.它给了我一个学习新单词的机会。【解析】give sb. a chance to do sth. 意为 “给某人一个做某事的机会”。例如:Please give

11、me a chance to explain. 请给我一个解释的机会。2. “In my opinion, every school should have an English Week. Its well worth doing,” she said. 她说: “依我看, 每个学校都应该有 英语周。它很值得开展。”【解析】sth. be well worth sth. / doing sth., 意为 “值得; 有价值”。例如:This film is very interesting. Its well worth seeing. 这部电影很有趣, 非常值得一看。【跟踪练习】根据汉语意思

12、完成句子, 每空一词。1. 三年前, 我父亲给了我一个出国留学的机会。My father _ _ _ _ _ study abroad three years ago.2. 那个有着大量藏书的图书馆很值得参观。The library with a large collection of books _ _ _ _.短语收藏夹 Phrase collectionUnit 8短语聚会1. treasure hunt寻宝游戏2. in public公开地; 在别人 (尤指生人) 面前3. put on上演4. take part in参加5. in my opinion依我看6. be worth

13、doing 值得做7. above all最重要的是; 尤其是8. look out 小心9. give a speech做演讲【操练场】根据句意从上面选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空, 补全句子。1. The Drama Club plans to _ a play before the end of this month.2. Children all dressed up to _ the Christmas party.3. You should be more confident when speaking _.4. A famous writer will _ in the lec

14、ture hall this afternoon.5. _, parents should spend more time with their children instead of making money.For Unit 8Section A (For Reading)I. 根据句意及图片提示写单词, 补全句子。1. If you want to be a speaker, you first have to learn how to make a _. 2. If there is something important happening in our school, studen

15、ts will usually see a _.3. Would you like to join in this singing _? It sounds very interesting.4. This is a famous programme in China. Many people bring their _ to experts to find out whether they are real ones.5. I want to know who can be the _ of the match.II. 根据要求写出相应的单词6. win (名词复数) _7. hide (过

16、去式) _8. suggest (名词) _9. topic (复数) _10. advice (动词) _III. 根据句意及首字母提示写单词, 完成句子。11. May I have a look at the full t _ of your speech?12. You can call me w _ you need help.13. I have been to Paris s _ times, but I still want to go.14. I spent the w _ summer with my grandparents in the countryside.15.

17、He acted c _ in the competition and finally won first prize.16. There will be a speech c _ in our school next Monday.17. If I have a good c _ to study abroad, I will go without hesitation (毫不犹豫).IV. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。( ) 18. His opinion is always different from mine, so we dont have t

18、he same thoughts.A. advice B. idea C. behavior( ) 19. I want to travel abroad. Can you give me some useful suggestions?A. messages B. information C. advice( ) 20. Parents should often communicate with their children so that they can get along well with each other.A. talk B. pullC. respectV. 根据汉语意思完成

19、句子, 每空一词。21. 我们通过努力成功举办了晚会。We worked hard to _ our evening party _ _ _.22. 下周在我们学校将会有一个日语书展。There will be a _ _ _ in our school next week.23. 我们准备上演一个英语话剧。We are ready to _ _ an English play.24. 我不喜欢在电脑上玩寻宝游戏, 我认为那是浪费时间。I dont like playing the _ _ on the computer. I think its a waste of time. 25. 能和

20、你一起工作我真是太高兴了。 I am _ _ _ I can work with you.26. 我建议他们另想一个方法解决这个问题, 但是他们不听我的。I _ _ _ think of another way to solve the problem, but they didnt listen to me.27. 你最好现在就完成作业, 因为一会我们要去看电影。_ _ _ _ your homework now because we are going to the movies later.28. 我希望你们能给我一次在贵公司工作的机会。I hope you can _ _ _ _ to

21、 work in your company.29. 这件事值得做, 所以不要错过这次机会。The thing _ _ _, so dont miss the chance.30. 这个月的最后一天是我的生日。_ _ _ _ _ this month, its my birthday.VI. 根据句意从方框中选出合适的词组并用其适当形式填空。 in public, in my opinion, above all, give a speech, one of .31. Dont smoke _. That will do harm to others.32. _ my classmates go

22、t first prize in the singing competition.33. Im very shy, so Im afraid to _ in front of lots of people.34. _, I am not fit for the job.35. If you want to learn English well, you should read more books in English. _, you should practice it as much as you can.Section B (For Listening)I. 根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空

23、一词。1. 当心, 前面有块大石头。_ _! There is a big stone in the front.2. 富人应该多帮助那些无家可归的人。_ _ should help those homeless people more often.3. 不要着急, 一切都会好的。_ _! Everything will be fine.4. 通过辛勤劳动, 穷人也会变得富有。_ _ will become rich by working hard.5. 昨天, 我从汤姆那里拿了一些有意思的书回来。I _ some interesting books _ Tom yesterday.II. 阅

24、读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。You may have trouble (6) _ (learn) a language. Here are a few (7) _ (idea) to help you learn a language well.Learning the pronunciation of a language is (8) _ important part of your language learning. You can learn this (9) _ listening to the l

25、anguage as much as possible over the radio or on TV. Building up your vocabulary in a foreign language can take many (10) _ (year). Learning words from the context (上下文) in writing and speaking materials is probably the best way (11) _ (do) this.Learning the grammar of a language can make you unders

26、tand (12) _ sentences are constructed (构成). And then you can construct your own sentences. (13) _ best ways to learn grammar well (14) _ (be) to take notes and (15) _ (remember) some important sentences.2014-2015学年上学期八年级配合牛津版深圳专版第26期测试题答案第26期N2版 Keys: (One possible version)词语点将台7. I hid my diary in

27、my drawer.8. Why do you hide your thoughts from me?9. He attacked me in a dark street.10. The city was under attack for three months.句型导航1 . gave me a chance to2. is well worth visiting短语收藏夹1 . put on 2. take part in 3. in public4. give a speech 5. In my opinion第26期N3版 Keys: (One possible version 选择

28、题除外)随堂练Section AI. 1 . speech 2. notice 3. competition 4. treasures 5. winnerII. 6. winners 7. hid 8. suggestion 9. topics 10. adviseIII. 11. text 12. whenever 13. several 14. whole 15. confidently 16. competition 17. chanceIV. 18-20 BCAV. 21. make; a big success 22. Japanese book fair 23. put on 24

29、. treasure hunt 25. so happy that 26. advised them to 27. You had better complete 28. give me a chance 29. is worth doing 30. On the last day ofVI. 31. in public 32. One of 33. give a speech 34. In my opinion 35. Above allSection BI. 1. Look out 2. The rich 3. Dont worry 4. The poor 5. took; fromII. 6. learning 7. ideas 8. an 9. by 10. years 11. to do 12. how 1

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