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1、人教版高中英语必修五Unit5测试2必修五 Unit 5First aid单元测试2笔试部分:I. 单项选择1You will only gain a high income if you are really_to your work.Ainterested BappliedCsatisfied Dattracted2It was _the city was liberated_his father was born.Awhen;that Bthat;whenCthat;that Dwhen;when3Some researchers believe that there is no dou

2、bt_a cure for AIDS will be found.Awhich BthatCwhat Dwhether4When_of his parents, the boy cried.Aasked BaskingCto ask Dto asked5I aided her_her study.Awith continuing Bto continueCof continuing Dfor continue6They collected much money_the sick.Ahelp BaidedCin aid of Din aid7His house has _fire for hal

3、f an hour.Acaught Bbeen caughtCon Dbeen on8I cant hear the radio clearly;please turn it_.Aon BoffCup Ddown9The poor sick baby was deserted by his parents. My heart_him.Acries for Bblesses forCbleeds for Dprays for10He is a _man;we must dive into the river to save him.Adrown BdrownedCdrowning Dbeing

4、drown11No sooner had he gone to bed than he_.Afell sleeping Bfall sleepCfell sleep Dfell asleep12Did you have trouble with your car this morning?Yes, but I finally managed_.Ato get starting in Bit to get startedCto get it started Dgetting started it13When did you_him?Aknow BknowingCget to know Dget

5、to knowing14The little boy killed his mother_cold blood.Awith Bto Cin Don15We need new_here.Aman BwomanCblood Dpeoples.完形填空We are always hearing about road accidents, so when we are in the car we should try to drive carefully. But, how many of us take the same degree to care in our homes? A large _1

6、6_ will tell you the number of accidents that happened in the home is almost the same as those on the _17_.I dont pretend to be _18_,but Ive thought a lot about how and why these accidents happen and what we can do to _19_ them.One of the most common and most dangerous_20_at home accidents is wrong

7、and careless use _21_ electrical equipment. People will continue to use a loose plug or_22_ out a plug without first turning off the _23_.In spite of warning, one_24_carry an electric heater into the bathroom when he is going to have a _25_. Sometimes one forgets to turn off the power_26_mending a l

8、amp or something_27_. All of these can cause accidents. So the _28_about anything that works by electricity is:switch off before you _29_anything and dont pretend you know when you actually _30_.If youve got_31_ in the house, its always the best to keep medicines of any kind out of their_32_.Otherwi

9、se, these medicines may be taken for candies or new kinds of drinks. When there are elder people living with you, you have to take particular _33_ in a number of ways in order to make them _34_and happy._35_, of course, is always a risk. So remember to turn it off after cooking. Also, dont forget to

10、 keep the children away from the cooker.Safety first may mean a little more time and care, but it may save you a lot of BfactoryChospital Dschool17A.road BwayCpath expert Ba doctorCan engineer Da scientist19A.pretend BpreventCprotest Dcomplete20A.reason BcausesCdiffi

11、cuties BofCfor Don22A.push BdragCpull Ddraw23A.light BpowerCplug Delectricity24A.may BcanCmust Dwill25A.cold BwarmCwash Dbath26A.after BwhenCas Dfor27A.others BanotherCelse Dalso28A.order BsuggestionCrule Drequirement29A.touch BfeelCcatch Dhold30A.dont BdoCdid Ddidnt31A.patients Bchil

12、drenCfriends Dthe older32A.look BsightCknowing Dreach33A.attention BmindCnotice Dcare34A.full BwarmCsafe Dangry35A.Gas BPollutionCFire DStove.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项AThursday, October 21, 2004A gas explosion at a coal mine in central China has killed at least 56 people and left some ot

13、hers missing. It is one of the worst mine accidents in recent years, and officials said the chances of finding anyone still alive were slim.More than 400 people were working in the Daping Mine in the city of Xinmi, Henan province, when the explosion happened late on Wednesday. More than 200 people e

14、scaped but 56 miners were confirmed dead, and rescuers were searching for survivors, Xinhua News agency reported. But Sun Huashan, deputy administrator(副部长) of the State Administration of Work Safety, said their chances for survival were “rather slim”The bureau supervising Henan coal mine safety was

15、 also pessimistic(悲观的)“The situation is very tough in the mine. The gas is very dense(浓密的), and in such conditions, its hard to survive,” an official at the bureau told the French news agency AFP.Thousands of people died in some poorly regulated mines each year, despite the government promises to im

16、prove safety.Official figures released on Thursday showed that 4,153 people died in mining accidents in China in the first three quarters of this yeara figure 13% lower than last years.36The passage probably comes from_.Aa newspaper Ba diaryCa story book Da survey37About_people were dead or missing

17、in the gas explosion.A400 B200C246 D. 14038What did the officials mean by saying “the chances of finding anyone still alive were slim”?AIts hopeful to find someone alive.BIts not unlikely to find one alive.CIts almost impossible for them to live in such a hard situation.DThey would give up rescuing

18、and searching.39The passage tries to tell us_. Aone of the worst coal mine accidentsBhow to avoid coal mine accidentsCmany coal mine accidents happen in ChinaDthe decrease of deaths in mining accidents of the yearB“Its really cool to have a dad who flies fighter jets,” thought 11yearold Casey as she

19、 was watching her dad flying overhead. Living on an Air Force base was not as bad as some people might think. Casey rather enjoyed staying with some friends who had something in common with each other. She especially loved the time when her dad would come home each day and greet her with a new joke.

20、Today was different, though. When her dad walked in the door, he looked sad for some reason. Casey didnt like that look. Her dad just kissed her on the forehead and told her mom that he needed to talk to her. Casey knew something was wrong. As her parents came out of the other room, mom was crying.

21、Dad sat down and began to explain to her that he was called on to go to Iraq and that he would leave for one year. Casey was so astonished that she couldnt speak for a moment. She began to feel tears in her eyes. How could she live without her dad for a whole year? She had a lot of questions and the

22、ir family discussed all the details that evening.Soon, the day came. Caseys dad was leaving. As Casey and her mom watched him climb up the steps to his cockpit(驾驶舱), the tears began to flow from their eyes. It was hard for Casey to believe that she wouldnt be seeing her dad for so long time. They de

23、pended on him for so many things. Who would fix the broken window in the bathroom? Who would greet her with jokes every day? 40What is Caseys fathers job in the military?AServe on the plane. BDrive fighter jets.CRepair fighter jets. DTransport the soldier.41According to the passage, one thing Casey

24、enjoyed best on the Air Force base was that_.Ashe could watch the fighter jets fly overheadBher friends had something in common with herCher father told her a new joke every dayDher father fixed the broken windows42How did Casey know that something was wrong when her dad got home?ACasey saw her moth

25、er crying.BCaseys father talked with her mother.CCaseys father didnt tell her a joke as usual.DCaseys father kissed her on the forehead.43What was the main idea of the last paragraph?ACasey was worried that they couldnt live without her father.BCasey saw her father off at the airport.CCaseys dad loo

26、ked sad.DCaseys father left home.CConsider, for instance, the writing skill of spelling. In a recent survey, Graham reported that when children learn to spell some words incidentally(偶然地) or informally as they read or write, good spellers learn many more words through these methods than poor speller

27、s. On the other hand, direct spelling instruction improves the spelling performance of both good and poor spellers. But it is unlikely that such instruction can account for all the necessary growth to become an excellent speller. For example, adults can typically spell 10,000 or more words correctly

28、, but are only taught how to spell about 3,000 words while in school and not all those words are mastered. Therefore, both formal and informal methods should be stressed. This does not mean, however, that equal amounts of both should be provided. Instead, the level of formal and informal instruction

29、 needed by individual children, will vary and should be adjusted(调整). With balanced instruction, the fulcrum(支点) is the child, and balance depends on what the child needs.This same principle also applies to considerations about the role of meaning, process, and form in writing instruction since skil

30、led writing depends on all three. The amount of emphasis placed on each area should be adjusted so that it is consistent(一致的) with the needs of the child. For example, Juel found that some children who were poor writers had difficulties with both form and process, whereas others had difficulties with just on

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