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1、办公耗材售后服务承诺书办公耗材售后服务承诺书1.办公文具售后承诺书怎样写啊 我也是做办公文具这块的 有什么可以多多沟通。 以下这些是我长期总结的一点当心得。 这几点次要是避开与合作单位日后发生一些不开心的东西。 售后服务承诺 (1) 产品假如有质量问题,退换货条款如下 如生产厂家无特别说明不能退换的,同时产品在厂家规定的保质期内的产品,甲方可以退换货,乙方应乐观完成退换事宜; 如厂家声明不能退换的、同时在保修期内的产品,乙方应担任产品的修理服务 假如是食品等有保质期的产品,如离失效期天数剩不足1/3的时间不行以退换 (2)假如产品无质量问题,甲方由于其他缘由需要退还,退换货条款如下: 厂家无特

2、别说明不能退换货、产品的包装完好不影响销售、同时收货时间不超过十个工作日,可以退换货。 以下商品不在退换货之列: 商品或商品的包装在送达时完好,但在客户处被损坏、沾染污渍或有损伤; 已经使用过的; 食品饮料类; 有保质期的,在要求退货之日到保质期结束之间剩余天数不足1/3的; 特地为甲方选购的产品。 已经和甲方签了不能退换协议的商品 (4) 如满意以上条款,乙方在收到退换货要求后的两天之内,无条件为客户办理退换货手续。 2.软件售后服务承诺书怎样写啊 售后服务承诺书After-sales Instruction致敬重的用户:To respected users: 在您的支持和信任之下,为保障您

3、的利益,使您得到更好更优质的服务,我司在此做出如下承诺: With your support and trust, in order to protect your interest and provide you with better and higher-quality service, we guarantee as followings:一、安装前预备工作 Preparative works before installation 1. 我方所供应的设备质量优良,簇新未经使用,已通过出厂质量检验,包装良好,适合长途运输。 The product we provided is of h

4、igh-quality, and in accordance with the quality standard set by the manufacturer. With fine packing, the equipment will keep all right in long distance transportation.2. 发货前20天 我方以书面形式将设备安装的预备条件通知最终用户,在得到用户书面发货要求后,我方将准时发货。 We will notify the end-users about the preparation work of the equipments ins

5、tallation before 20 days the consignment in writing form, upon the receipt of the consignment notification; we will deliver the goods in time.二、质保期内所供应服务 The service provided within the warranty period.1.我们保证为货物供应为期 1 年的保修,保修时间从验收签字起计算。 在质保期内我方将严格恪守中华人民共和国的相关法律和法规对货物供应“三包”等售后服务,除非合同另行规定。We will prov

6、ide 1 year of warranty period beginning from the signing of the certificate of acceptance, We will faithfully abide by the relevant laws, statutes and regulations promulgated by the Peoples Republic of China and provide “Three Guarantees” and other after-sales services concerning the Goods, unless s

7、tipulated otherwise in the Contract2.在保修期内由我方设备消失的毛病,我方将在持续不断48小时内响应,接到通知后3个工作日之内到现场服务,并必需连续进行修理,直至毛病完全排解,设备完全恢复正常为止。 在修理之后,我方将毛病成因、补救措施、完成修理及恢复正常的时间和日期等报告给业主,报告一式两份。 We will respond within continuous 48 hours concerning the malfunction of the equipments (non-artificial factors), upon receipt of the

8、 notice, we will provide on-site service within 3 working days. After the repair, we will submit a report in duplicate concerning of the cause, remediation measure, schedule etc.3.我们在国内设有(或托付)永久性常驻修理机构处理全部修理服务,并配有专职的、具有三年以上相应工作阅历的技术人员。 备品备件等供应充分完全可以满意用户五年所需。在托付国内永久性常驻修理机构担当修理服务时,我们将供应具有法律效力的相关证明文件。

9、We have (or entrust) permanent facilities in China to provide repair and maintenance services stationed with professional technical personnel with three years of similar experience. The spare parts are sufficient to meet the needs of the users for five years. If entrust permanent facilities in China

10、 to do such work, we will provide the relevant legally effective certificates.4 在保修期结束时,须由专业工程师对设备进行另一次测试,任何缺陷(非人为因素)由我方担任修理。The engineers will take another test,we will be in charge of the repair upon any malfunction(non-artificial factor三、质保期后三年内所供应服务1.服务范围: 我方将担任关心需方修理设备在此期间消失的毛病;供应设备所需的备品备件以满意长期

11、使用;Scope of service: maintenance. supply of the spare parts. for a long term2服务期限 质保期后三年内Service period: 3 years beyond the warranty period3服务内容 设备维护修理,连续培训,备件供应Content of service: maintenance, repair, continuous training,supply of the spare parts.4服务费用 视状况而定。 Service charge: subject to conditions.5

12、不担当内容 人为因素形成的损坏Exemption of duty: artificial factor。 3.售后服务承诺 Second, Quality Commitment(A) the warranty periodDuring in the quality assurance due to manufacturing quality problems, Upon supplier receipt notice by the demand side , the supplier shall promptly sent technicians to the scene to deal th

13、e problem, until the required technical specifications, Imperative the equipment to normal operation, And bear the cost of equipment manufacturing quality problems, because by the demand side improper care or improper used cause damage to equipment, supplier will actively cooperate to resolve the pr

14、oblem, All expense to be burden by the demand-side.(B) After the warranty periodProducts mechanical failure cause by the long run, In the case, problem demand side can not be resolved, supplier received notice by the demand side, the supplier shall promptly sent technicians to the scene to deal the

15、problem, Imperative the equipment to normal operation, all expenses to be borne by the demand-side.Third, installation and Test1. Instructions to install: the equipment installation stage, the demand side of the time required to send technical experts and skilled workers to the scene, technical guid

16、ance, processing and manufacturing-related technical problems. And the demand side in the field of training of technicians and workers.2. Bear the associated costs during installation, should improve cooperation with the demand side, Strengthen the installation site management, construction safety.

17、Strict implementation of standards for equipment installation, equipment installation in accordance with technical requirements and procedures, strict control of quality of the installation to ensure the accuracy and equipment installation commissioning qualified to ensure the normal operation of eq

18、uipment.3. According to user request, careful field service customers in a timely manner and do free guide installation, testing work to ensure normal operation of equipment, installation and testing process in the commitment to ensure the quality of the installation, according to the contract sched

19、ule required to complete installation, testing, and strive to reach production standards.Fourth, After-sales service1. Arrange transportation for the user to ensure the safety of equipment to the scene.2. For the user preferred provider of equipment spare parts, and ensure normal production needs, m

20、eet customer needs.3. In the equipment warranty period, In accordance with the Contract Law the quality of products implementationthree Guarantees.。 4.求助写售后服务承诺书,要求如下 产品售后服务承诺书 XXXXXXXXXXXXX公司本着“高质量,优服务,求进展”的精神,以“优质产品、合理价格、贴心服务”的理念和担任、公开的准绳向您严肃承诺: 一、产品配发检验合格证书和适量使用说明书,以确保用户能正确安装使用我公司产品。 二、我公司保证出厂的产品

21、均按有关国家标准生产和检验,不合格的产品决不出厂。保证严格履行、兑现产品三包,严格执行国家工业产品售后服务有关规定,对出厂产品自发货日起的18个月内或产品安装12个月以内(以先到者为限),若买方能够证明产品是符合本公司建议的方法正确安装与使用;能够证明产品本身确有设计、材料或加工缺陷,并向本公司提出书面申请,本公司将负现缺陷产品免费召回修理,更换或按订货价全额退款。 三、用户对我公司产品提出质量异议,公司保证在接到用户提出异议后24小时内作出处理看法。若需现场处理的,保证派出专业技术服务人员,并做到质量问题不处理服务人员不撤离。对每件用户反馈的产质量量问题及处理结果我公司将予以存档。 四、在任

22、何情形下,本公司均不担当因缺陷产品修理,更换而导致的劳务、材料、设备、工程或其他相关的连带费用。本公司此项产品售后服务承诺可以代替其他明示或示意形式产质量量担保,并且可视为买方的独一赔偿和卖方的独一责任。 我公司服务主旨:高效、担任、解惑 我公司服务目标:只为客户服务 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX公司 代表人:XXXXXXX 2021年X月X日 你本人修改下! 5.售后服务承诺书怎样写 售后服务承诺书 严肃承诺: 1. 我厂出售的全部产品保修期为一年,保修期内免费上门修理(人为因素或不行抗拒的自然现象所引起的毛病或破坏除外)。 2. 在接到报修通知后,七个工作日内赶到现场并处理问题。 3.

23、用户可以通过售后电话询问有关技术问题,并得到明确的处理方案。 售后服务电话: 4. 用户在正常使用中消失性能毛病时,本公司承诺以上保修服务。除此以外,国家适用法律法规另有明确规定的,本公司将遵照相关法律法规执行。 5. 在保修期内,以下状况将实行有偿修理服务; (1)由于人为或不行抗拒的自然现象而发生的损坏; (2)由于操作不当而形成的毛病或损坏; (3)由于对产品的改造、分解、组装而发生的毛病或损坏。 6.售后服务承诺书怎样写 您所居住的住宅楼由我公司承建,经县建设主管部门验收合格,现对工程质量做以下保证:我公司确保工程质量符合国家规范要求,基础及主体结构无质量隐患。 装饰及装修工程按设计及

24、施工规范要求完成确保该项目质量合格;电气、给排水、通讯、自然气等设备按设计及施工规范要求完成确保该项目质量合格;住宅小区内的给排水、道路、路灯绿化等配套工程按设计及施工规范要求完成确保该项目质量合格;确保用户的平安使用!依据房屋建筑工程质量保修方法规定,我公司将对本工程实行质量保修,如在保修期内消失保修范围内的质量缺陷,我公司将马上派专人进行修复。如在保修期内消失的保修范围内的质量问题,而我公司未能准时保修,因而而形成的损失将由我公司担当。 保修范围内的保修费用由我公司担当。如因人为形成的质量缺陷,我公司将不担当保修责任。 落款某某建筑公司就好了。 7.标书中的质量保证及售后服务承诺怎样写 货

25、物质量保证及售后服务承诺书 (说明:竞标人按本项目货物需求一览表及其它要求自行详尽描述,如需生产厂家进行售后服务的,请同时供应生产厂家售后服务承诺书。 承诺书包括以下内容(包括但不限于),竞标人可自行设计格式填写。) : 特别荣幸能参与贵代理机构组织的XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX项目的谈判,现我公司就货物质量保证及售后服务作出如下承诺: 一、供货、验收的工期(日期)、质量保证期、选购方案等详细售后服务方案 二、付款方式承诺 三、其他优待条件 四、保障合同履行的措施及其他需要说明的事项 竞标人名称(加盖单位公章): 法定代表人或托付代理人签名: 竞标日期:。 8.售后服务承诺

26、 Second, Quality Commitment(A) the warranty periodDuring in the quality assurance due to manufacturing quality problems, Upon supplier receipt notice by the demand side , the supplier shall promptly sent technicians to the scene to deal the problem, until the required technical specifications, Imper

27、ative the equipment to normal operation, And bear the cost of equipment manufacturing quality problems, because by the demand side improper care or improper used cause damage to equipment, supplier will actively cooperate to resolve the problem, All expense to be burden by the demand-side.(B) After

28、the warranty periodProducts mechanical failure cause by the long run, In the case, problem demand side can not be resolved, supplier received notice by the demand side, the supplier shall promptly sent technicians to the scene to deal the problem, Imperative the equipment to normal operation, all ex

29、penses to be borne by the demand-side.Third, installation and Test1. Instructions to install: the equipment installation stage, the demand side of the time required to send technical experts and skilled workers to the scene, technical guidance, processing and manufacturing-related technical problems

30、. And the demand side in the field of training of technicians and workers.2. Bear the associated costs during installation, should improve cooperation with the demand side, Strengthen the installation site management, construction safety. Strict implementation of standards for equipment installation

31、, equipment installation in accordance with technical requirements and procedures, strict control of quality of the installation to ensure the accuracy and equipment installation commissioning qualified to ensure the normal operation of equipment.3. According to user request, careful field service c

32、ustomers in a timely manner and do free guide installation, testing work to ensure normal operation of equipment, installation and testing process in the commitment to ensure the quality of the installation, according to the contract schedule required to complete installation, testing, and strive to reach production standards.Fourth, After-sales service1. Arrange transportation for the user to ensure the safety of equipment to the scene.2. For the user preferred provider of equipment spare parts,

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