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八年级上册完成句子练习 汉译英.docx

1、八年级上册完成句子练习 汉译英八年级上册完成句子练习Unit 1你好,我亲爱的朋友,好久不见!Hello, my dear friend! _!你对那条狗做了什么特别的事吗?Did you _ to the dog?聚会上每个孩子都玩得很愉快。At the party every child_.Rose感觉她自己就是一个神。Jack _ her herself was a god.我喜欢听TF-BOYS的歌。I_TF-BOYSs songs.由于天冷,大多数老人和孩子都病了。Most old people and children got sick _ the cold weather.在我们

2、到达山顶前,我们又步行了两个小时。We walked for _ before we got to the top of the hill.她的父母太忙了,很少有时间陪她。Her parents were_ they spent little time with her.让我们尽最大的努力来帮助贫困地区的孩子们。Lets _thechildren in poor areas.Unit2你擅长说哪一种语言?_ are you good at speaking?Laura多久锻炼一次?_ does Laura _?我几乎从不吃KFC。I_ eat KFC.吃健康早餐对你有好处。It is good

3、 for you to _ breakfast.周末我喜欢做各种各样的运动。I like doing all kinds of sports _.FanFan经常熬夜玩QQ游戏。Fan Fan often _ playing QQ games.她有时帮她妈妈做家务。She sometimes help her mother _.妈妈想让我每天吃健康食物。My mother _every day.我们学校百分之四十的学生来自农村。_the students in our school are from the countryside.xx总是通过听音乐来放松自己。Tom always _ to

4、music.我认为放松的最佳方式是通过跳舞。I think _ to relax is by dancing.我们班有六十多名学生。There are _ sixty students in our class.我非常惊讶在这里看到你。I_ to meet you here.对人们而言保持健康很重要。Its very important for people to _.不吃早餐去上学对我们的健康有害。Going to school without breakfast _ our health.Unit 3xx的头发比莉莉的短。Mary _ Lily。玛丽和莉莉都会谈钢琴,但是玛丽比莉莉弹得好。

5、_Mary _Lily can play the piano,but Mary _ Lily.我认为最重要的事情就是开心。I think the _ is to _.你和你姐姐一样友好吗?Are you _ your sister?你们班谁更加勤奋?Whos _ in your class?金钱不如知识重要。Money is _ knowledge.我妹妹比我高一点儿。My sister is _ than me.你的妹妹比你更擅长画画。Your sister _ painting than your sister.他们两个都喜欢游泳。_ like swimming.我们的xx正变得越来越xx

6、。Our city is _.我认为一个好朋友使我发笑。I think a good friend _.老师告诉我一个好朋友就像一面镜子。The teacher told me a good friend _.我妹妹很害羞,因此对于她来说交朋友不容易。My sister is very shy, so its not easy_.他和他弟弟非常不一样。He is quite _ his brother.在我困难时,杰克总是能给我帮助,使我感动。When I am in trouble, Jack always _ for my hand and _ me moved.我知道我的父母很关心我。I

7、 know my parents _ me very much.只要你取得好成绩,我就高兴。_ you can get good grades, Ill be happy.我喜欢我的英语老师,因为他能帮我表现出最好的一面。I like my English teacher,because he helps me _.事实上,我应该是一名好的听众。_, I should be a good listener.他们两个都在数学方面有天赋。They are _ math.我妹妹比我更外向。My sister is _ than me.Unit 4这座xx里最好的电影院是什么?Whats _ movi

8、e theater in the city.目前为止你认为他的英语怎么样?How do you _ his English _?xx你告诉了我这个好消息。Thank you for _ the good news.xx餐馆服务最友好。Huanghe Restaurant has _.这个广播电台离我家很近,坐公交车只有10分钟的路程。The radio station is very _my house and it is only_.脱口秀表演正变得越来越受欢迎。Talk shows are getting _.观众通常在决定获胜者方面起着重要的作用。The audience usually

9、 _in deciding the winner.你不能太认真对待那些综艺节目。You cant _ those variety shows _.这是让你梦想成真的最好办法。This is the best way to _ your dreams _.海里生活着各种各样的鱼。There are _ fishes living in the sea.那个小男孩编造了很多故事,例如,他去过月球。The little boy _many stories._,he has been to the moon.我们应该认真对待学习,因为学习在谋生时发挥着重要的作用。We should _,because

10、 the study _ making a living.这个Ipad虽然最便宜,但是和其他的一样好。This Ipad is the _, but it is _ the other ones.Unit 5-你认为今天的天气怎么样?-还可以。我不介意炎热的天气。-What do you _ todays weather?-Its OK. I dont _ the heat.最后我弄清楚了昨天学校周围发生的事情。At last I _ what was going _ around our school yesterday.上周一史密斯太太发生了车祸。A car accident _ Mrs

11、Smith last Monday.人们可以在旅途中学到很多xx。People can _ during the travels.在二十世纪五十年代,他制作了他的第一部影片。_, he made his first film.xx先生总是乐意帮助别人。Mr. Brown is always _ help others.他有一双比xx的还出名的耳朵。He has a pair of ears _Mickeys.xx女扮男装,替父xx。Mulan _ like a boy and _ to fight in the army.妈妈很高兴,因为她的儿子的确做得很好。Mother was very h

12、appy because her son really did_.我认为他是一个成功的演员。I think he is a _.不幸地是,他弄丢了他的手机。_, he _ his mobile phone.Unit 6我xx了想当一名飞行员。I want _ when I _.你能告诉我你为什么如此擅长写故事吗?Can you tell me why youre so _ stories?她将要坚持xxxx。She is going to _ the violin.我父母想让我当工程师,但我对此没有把握。My parents want me to be an engineer, but Im

13、_ that.请确保Jim能把药送到那个老人那里。Please _ that Jim can _ the medicine _ the old man.下周他将要搬到北京去。He_ Beijing next week.上个月我对父母许下了诺言。Last month I _ to my parents.我的决定与我的自我提高有关系。My resolutions _ my self-improvement.正因为如此,一些人说最好的行动就是没有行动。_, some people say the best action is to take noaction.你知道如何改善与家人的关系吗?Do yo

14、u know how to _ your family?我决定尽力赶上其他同学。I _to try my best to catch up with other students.在上课的一开始,老师让我们问问题。_ the class, the teacher asked us to ask questions.Unit 7我认为人们家里将会有机器人。I think _ robots in peoples homes.很多人都希望能活到一百岁。Many people hopes to _ 100 years old.将会有更多的污染,环境将处于极度的危险当中。There will be _,

15、 and the environment will be _.我们应尽一份力来拯救地球。We should _ saving the earth.在将来,学校将会电子化。_, schools will go electronic.机器人看上去像人,并且和我们做着同样的事情。Robots _ humans and do the same things _we do.一场xx之后,许多房屋倒塌了。After a storm, many houses _.机器人可以为人类反反复复地做一些简单的工作。Robots can do simple jobs for people_.他们几乎不能相信这消息。T

16、hey could _ the news.对于我们来说醒来并且知道在哪里很容易。Its_ for us _ and know where we are.有一些男孩正在操场上踢足球。_ some boys _ on the playground.Unit 8我经常在家制作水果xx。I often _ at home.咱们来做俄式汤吧。_ Russian soup.不要忘了往xx里加些盐。Dont forget _ some salt to the soup.她完成她的家庭作业之后,打开了电视机。After he finished his homework, he _ the TV.给我一勺酸奶。

17、Give me _ yogurt.把牛肉和土豆放进锅里,加一些水。_ the beef and _ a pot and _ some water.他们为她做了个蛋糕。They _ for her.首先,把两个苹果洗干净并切碎。First, wash two apples and _.在中国,我们通常在特别的节日里吃传统的食物。In China, we usually eat_ on special holidays.然后,把水果混合物装满盘子。Next, _ the plate _ the fruit mix.为了做这份特殊的食物,你需要有鱼肉、鸡蛋和不同的蔬菜。_ this special

18、food, you need to have fish, eggs and _vegetables.把xx再煮五分钟。Cook the carrots for _.昨天我病了,妈妈给我量了体温。Yesterday I was ill, my mother_.把树放到坑里并用土将其盖住。Put the tree into the hole and _ it_ earth.我们正在庆祝祖父的80岁生日。We _ our grandfathers eightieth birthday.他用苹果把盒子装满。He _the box _ apples.Unit 9妞妞不能和我们一起去了,她得准备考试。Ni

19、uNiu cant go with us, she has _ the exam.我不想拒绝她的邀请,我想去她的生日聚会。I dont want to _, Id love to go to her birthday party.他们直到十点才离开。They arent _ ten oclock.不要吃太多甜食,否则你会太胖的。Dont eat _ sweet, or youll be _ fat.把你妈妈带到聚会上来,为了给她一个惊喜,不要告诉她。Bring your mother to the party _ her _ she can be surprised.请在下周二之前以书面方式回

20、复此邀请。Please reply _ to this invitation by next Tuesday.后天你有空吗?Will you be free _ ?在街上碰到xx,我感到很吃惊。I felt very _ meet Tom on the street.Unit 10如果你去公园,你将会过得很愉快。_ you go to the park, _ have a great time.我认为一半的同学不会做这件事。I dont think _ can do it.下周我将很忙,没有时间见你。Ill be _ see you next week.现在的孩子常常有很多烦恼。Children these days often have _.除非你与人交流,否则你必定会感觉更糟糕。_ you talk to someone, you will certainly _.最后,他就常见的问题给我们提了建议。_, he advised us about common problems.最好不要回避记者的问题。It is best _

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