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2548 尖子班 510讲 教师版.docx

1、2548 尖子班 510讲 教师版新概念第二册第5讲Lesson 33、34Lesson 33 New Words and Expressions1 darkness n.黑暗The room was in darkness. 房间一片漆黑。We couldnt see the cave in the darkness. 在黑暗中我们看不清山洞。2 explain v.解释,叙述Can you explain why you were late? 你能解释一下你为什么迟到吗?【搭】explain sth. to sb. (如果sth.的内容太长则可以放在to sb.之后):Please exp

2、lain to me how he finished the work. 请向我解释一下他是如何完成这项工作的。3 coast n.海岸【辨】coast, shore, seaside, beach, bank“coast”指海岸,海岸线,是地理上的专用名词,指海洋与陆地的分界线,有清晰的边界概念。“shore 指岸、滨,含义广泛,可指围绕海洋、河流及湖泊旁边的陆地。“seaside” 泛指“海滨地区”、“海滨城镇”,尤指假日游憩胜地。“beach”指海滩,常指带沙地或卵石的海边。“bank”常指河岸,指河流两旁高出水面的地方。4 storm n.暴风雨sand storm 沙尘暴brain

3、storm 头脑风暴;集思广益be caught in a storm 遭遇暴风雨We ought to face the world and brave the storm. 我们应该经风雨, 见世面。【谚】After a storm comes a calm. 雨过天晴。【补充】shower 阵雨;downpour 倾盆大雨;thunderstorm雷雨5 set out from 从出发Both these ships set out from Shanghai on June 18th, 1872 on an exciting race toEngland.两船于1872年6月18日同

4、时从上海启航驶往英国,途中展开了一场激烈的比赛。6 be caught in (突然)遇到/上(风暴等)He was caught in a heavy rain on the way home. 他在回家途中遇到了大雨。Were you just caught in the traffic jam? 你刚才赶上堵车了吗? 7 rock n.岩石,礁石;摇滚乐Mountains are made of rock. 山脉是由岩石构成的。v. 摇滚:Our raft was rocked by the waves. 我们的筏子随浪摇动。8 shore n.海岸We walked along the

5、 seashore. 我们沿着海岸走。9 light n.灯光,光线 The sun gives us light during the day. 白天太阳给我们光亮。Can you move? You are in my light and I cant read.你能挪一下吗?你挡住我的光线了,我没法读书。adj. 轻的:light aircraft 轻型飞机;light industry 轻工业v. 点燃 (lit/lighted):We lit the firebrand and lit the cave. 我们点着了火把,照亮了洞穴。10 ahead adv.在前面Go ahead.

6、 去做吧!往下说!【搭】ahead of 在之前;超过:There is an infinitely bright future ahead of us. 我们前方有无限光明的前途。11 cliff n.峭壁He couldnt find a hold on the cliff. 他在悬崖上找不到一个可以站脚的地方。【补充】sea cliff 海崖; vertical cliff峭壁 cliffy adj. 峭壁的;险峻的12 struggle v.挣扎,斗争struggle against /with difficulties 与困难作斗争struggle for a living 为生活而

7、挣扎The shopkeeper struggled with the thief. 店主跟小偷搏斗起来。【辨】struggle, fight“struggle”强调任务艰巨或处境困难,但是动作的主体有意志和决心,包含“奋力挣扎”的意思; “fight” 表示肉体上伤害对方,进行肉搏,可引申为“奋斗、斗争”。13 hospital n.医院in hospital 生病住院in the hospital 在医院Dont talk loudly in the hospital. 不要在医院大声喧哗。【课文分析】1. Nearly a week passed before the girl was

8、able to explain what had happened to her.语言点1 此句可改为:It has been nearly a week before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her.例:Nearly five hours passed before he came. =It has been nearly five hours before he came.语言点 2 what had happened to her为explain的宾语从句。例:Can you explain why you di

9、d not go to school? 你能解释一下为什么没去上学吗?2. One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm.语言点1 one afternoon 某个下午3. Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea.语言点1 towards evening=toward evening 接近晚上,天将黑时 toward在美式英语中更常见,而在英式英语中towards是主要形

10、式。语言点2 strike(strike-struck-struck) 意为“撞上,打击”【补充】on strike 罢工;strike hands 达成协议;air strike 空袭4. Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.语言点 after在此为介词,所以后接动名词spending.【拓展语法】after/before加动名词作状语,其逻辑主语一定要与主句的主语相同。例:After walking down the street, he turned left and disappe

11、ared. 在走到街尾时,他向左转,然后消失了。Before leaving for Shanghai, I washed my bed sheet. 在去上海之前,我把床单洗了。5. During that time she covered a distance of eight miles.语言点 cover a distance of eight miles=cover eight miles 游了8英里6. Early next morning, she saw a light ahead.语言点 ahead可作表语形容词,也可以作副词7. She knew she was near

12、the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs.语言点 本句句式结构:She was near the shore 为宾语从句,because引导原因状语从句。8. On arriving at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen.语言点1 she had seen 定语从句相当于light的后置定语。语言点2 on+ doing = as soon as 一就 On seeing the nice girl, he did

13、 not know what to do. =As soon as he saw the nice girl, he did not know what to do. 一见到这个可爱的女孩,他就不知所措了。语言点3 up 在此处为介词,表示“沿着往上”。9. That was all she remembered.语言点 she remembered为all 的定语从句,省去了关系代词that。(注意:先行词为all,关系代词不能用which。)10. When she woke up a day later, she found herself in hospital.语言点 in hosp

14、ital 住院 in the hospital 在医院里 go to prison 被关进监狱 go to the prison 去监狱探视或做别的事情 go to school 去学校上学 go to the school 去学校办事或工作本课语法:1移动方向介词(1)表示“上”、“下”的一对词是up和 down: He walked up the stairs. 他走上楼梯。The sun went down. 太阳下山了。(2)表示“来”、“去”的一对词是from和to;towards的意义与to相近, 表示“朝”、“向”、“接近”等; He came from Moscow. Hes

15、going to New York. 他从莫斯科来。他将要去纽约。The plane flies from Moscow to New York. 这架飞机从莫斯科飞往纽约。She ran towards him. 她奔向他。(3)表示“进去”、“出来”这两种方向的介词为into和out of; You werent in the restaurant when I come in. 我进来的时候你不在餐馆。 We ran out of the house. 我们从屋里跑了出来。(4)表示从平面的一边到另一边的穿过用across:Be careful when you walk across

16、the street. 你过马路的时候要小心。(5)表示从某一个空间内的穿过,透过用through Bonnie and he friend walked through the forest. 邦妮和她的朋友穿过了森林。(6)表示从高于地面的某一平面上穿过,用over: Go across the bridge, and youll the temple. 你穿过这座桥就能看见那个庙了。(7)表示环绕,围绕用(a)round: The earth moves (a)round the sun. 地球围着太阳转。(8)表示沿着用along: We walked along the river.

17、 我们沿着河岸走。2. 以字母a开头的词汇以字母a开头的形容词,在句子中常作表语。alive adj. 活着的 live adj./v. 活着的;活着alone adj./adv. 独自的(地) lonely adj. 孤单的asleep adj. 睡着的 sleep v./n. 睡觉awake adj. 醒着的 wake v. 叫醒,醒来alike adj. 相像的 like v. 喜欢;prep. 像一样Practice:1. Its freezing. The temperature is _ zero. A. above B. below C. over D. under2. The

18、boy is walking _ the zebra crossing quickly. A. through B. at C. on D. across3. He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes _ the strong sunlight. A. to B. from C. with D. out of4. You use the keyboard _ typing in information. A. in B. by C. for D. with5. There are _ 12 million people in Beijing. A

19、. than B. over C. above D. belowBDBCBLesson 34 New Words and Expressions1 local adj.地方的,本地的local news 本地新闻local government 地方政府the local police 当地警察局Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police. 上星期二他接到当地警察局的一封信。2 call at 拜访(某地)【搭】call on sb. 拜访(某人)call at sp. 对(某个人家或地方)进行短暂访问call out 大声叫

20、喊call up 打电话(给某人)call off 取消(某项活动)I shall call at his home tomorrow. 我明天要到他家里拜访。Ill call on him tomorrow.Some people on the bank called out to the man in the boat.Jane called me up the other day. 前几天,简给我打过电话。For some reason, they have called off the party / the meeting. 由于某种原因,他们把晚会/会议取消了。3 station

21、n.(警察)局,车站police station 警察局railway station 火车站fire station 消防站5 smiling adj.微笑的,晴朗美好的He sat in an armchair smiling upon me. 他坐在沙发里朝我微笑。【辨】smile(微笑);laugh(大笑);jeer(嘲笑);sneer (冷笑);snicker(窃笑)6 pick up (偶然地、无意地)获得、找到、学会Ive picked up a bad cold. 我得了重感冒。I picked up some French while traveling in Paris.

22、在巴黎游览期间我学了几句法语。He picked up the book in a small library. 他在一个小图书馆发现了那本书。7 most adv.相当,非常Its most annoying. 这实在令人非常气恼。【课文分析】1. Dan Robinson has been worried all week.语言点 has been worried 为现在完成时态,表示“担心”这个状态已经持续了一整个星期。2. Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police.语言点 receive sth. from sb.

23、从某人那里收到某物,请参考Lesson 4。3. In the letter he was asked to call at the station.语言点 句中 “was asked to”是被动语态的过去时,be asked to do sth,某人被要求做某事。4. Dan wondered why he was wanted by the police, but he went to the station yesterday and now he is not worried anymore.语言点 1 句中的be wanted意为被通缉。【补充】the wanted person

24、通缉人物;通缉犯语言点 2 notany more=no more/notany longer/no longer意为“不再”:There is no more money. 已经没有钱了。5. At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found.语言点 that引导宾语从句6. Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles

25、 away.语言点 句中的 “four hundred miles away”为后置定语,修饰small village,译为在400英里外的一个小村里。7. It is now being sent to his home by train.语言点 be being sent现在进行时的被动语态8. Dan was most surprised when he heard the news.语言点 句中的 “most”并非是形容词surprised的最高级,而是表示非常,相当于 “very”:a most exciting football match=a very exciting foo

26、tball match。9. He was amused too, because he never expected the bicycle to be found.语言点 expect sth. to be done 意为“期待着某事情被完成”。原句中the bicycle是expect的宾语,不定式to be found是宾语补足语。10. It was stolen twenty years ago when Dan was a boy of fifteen!语言点 1 句中when引导时间状语从句。语言点 2 a boy of fifteen是表达年龄的一个方式:a girl of

27、sixteen。本课语法:1. 现在完成时的复习1 Mr. Smith has taught in our school for three years. (对划线部分提问)_ _ has Mr. Smith taught in our school?2 Tim hasnt _ to the life in Shanghai since he arrived here 2 weeks ago. A. used B. be used C. got used D. use3 Our class teacher has just gone to the library. Im not sure _

28、he will come back. A. how long B. how often C. how fast D. how soon4 Plastic bags have caused serious environmental pollution, _ _?A. havent they B. have they C. dont they D. do they5 By the time Jack was 20, he _ how to drive a car.(2007)A. learned B. has learned C. had learned D. learnsKey: 1.How

29、long 2.C 3. D 4. A 5. C1. The poor man has_ in bed for two days. He has no money to see a doctor.A .laid B. lay C. lain D. lied2. I have lived in this city since 2000.(对划线部分提问)_ _ have you lived in this city?3. Mr. Brown has been _ (die) for 20 years.4. Havent seen you for a long time. I miss you _

30、(bad).5. Junior 3 students began to learn chemistry a year ago. (保持句意基本不变) Junior 3 students _ learned chemistry _one yearKey: 1. C 2. How long 3. dead 4. badly 5. have, for2. 被动语态复习1. The lost boy_ early this morning . A. found B. was founded C. was found D. had found2. The medicine_ cool, clean an

31、d dry . A. must keep B. must be kept C. must be carried D. must be in3. A talk on Chinese history_ in the school hall next week. A. is given B. has been given C. will be given D. will give4. Many new houses_ for teachers since last year . A. are building B. built C. have built D. have been built5. The river s

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