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1、安徽专升本英语词汇练习之动词及固定搭配1. Some old people dont like rock music because they can not _ so much noise. A) resist B) feel C) tolerate D) undergo 一些老年人不喜欢摇滚,因为他们无法忍受如此噪音。A resist v.抵抗,阻止例:The city resisted the enemy onslaught for two weeks. 这个城市反抗敌人的猛攻达两个星期之久。C tolerate vt.忍受,容忍,允许例:The teacher cannot toler

2、ate eating on the class. 老师不容许在课堂上吃东西。 例:She can tolerate that rude fellow. 她能容忍那个粗鲁的家伙。D undergo vt.经历,承受The baby underwent a life-saving brain operation. 小孩接受过救命的脑手术。He underwent a lot of hardships in his childhood. 他在童年时代经历了许多坎坷。 The explorers had to undergo much suffering. 探险者不得不忍受很多困苦。2. As a r

3、esult of careless washing, the jacket _ to a childs size. A) compressed B) shrank C) dropped D) decreased 由于洗衣服不小心,夹克缩到了童装大小。A compress vt.压缩例:The skirt can be folded and compressed into a relatively small bag. 这条裙子可在折叠后塞进一个较小的袋子里。Compact Disk = CD ; Video Compact Disk = VCD ; Digital Versatile Disk

4、 = DVD B shrink v.缩水C drop vt.丢掉D decrease v.下降3. Im very sorry to _ you with so many questions on such an occasion. A) bother B) ask C) inquire D) challenge 非常抱歉在这种时刻打扰你,问这么多的问题。A bother 打扰C inquire v.询问D challenge vt.挑战,质疑 challenging a.有挑战性的 challenged a.残疾的4. He _ to his customers and halved the

5、 price. A) leaked B) bargained C) quoted D) yielded 他向顾客做了让步,打了半价。A leak v.漏(水,油等)例:the drums were leaking an unidentified liquid. 桶中渗出不明液体。B bargain v.讨价还价 n.物美价廉的商品The second-hand table was a real bargain. 那张二手桌子真是合算。 In some shops you have to bargain. 在一些商店中买东西要讲价。C quote v.引用D yielded (to) v.向。让

6、步5. A healthy life is frequently thought to be _with the open countryside and homegrown food. A) tied B) inspired C) involved D) associated 健康生活通常和广阔的乡村(风景)和自产的食物联系在一起。A tie v.系B bind vt.绑C involve v.牵扯 be involved in 牵扯入内例:The police investigation discovered that three young men were involved in th

7、e robbery.D associate v.联想到补充:acquaint v.使熟悉,使了解例:You need to acquaint yourself with the house style. 你需要熟悉出版社的印刷风格。 例:This book acquaints the students with the ancient cultures of Europe. 这本书帮助学生了解欧洲的古代文化。补充:inspire vt.鼓舞The old man inspired the girl with a violin melody. 看看下面这个视频你就懂了6. Harry was _

8、by a bee when be was collecting the honey. A)stung B)stuck C)bitten D)sucked 哈利被蜜蜂蛰了。A sting v.虰,蛰 (你看读音像不像死虰)B stick v.粘,贴C bite v.咬(嘴比较大的东西咬,比如老虎,蛇,狗,当然也包括人,尤其some ladies)例:while on holiday she was bitten by an adder. 她度假时被蝰蛇咬伤。D suck v.吸,吮,唆例:The child sucked on her thumb. 孩子吮吸着她的大拇指。7. At first,

9、 the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country but halfway in her speech, she suddenly _to another subject A)committed B)switched C)emitted D)transmitted 起初,演讲者是针对国家的污染问题,可中途她转换了话题。A commit vt. 犯(罪,错误) commit a crime/ an error / suicide 犯罪/犯错/自杀B switch v.改变,转变C emit vt. 发出,放出

10、 = give off Coal-fired power stations continue to emit large quantities of sulphur dioxide. 燃煤火力发电站继续排放出大量的二氧化硫。D transmit vt.传播 v.传送8. You have to _ this opportunity and listen to our advice. A)gain B)handle C)seize D)earn 你应当抓住机会,听从建议。A gain v.获得B handle vt.处理,应付 = deal with = cope with C seize v.

11、抓住,捉住 (是opportunity的最佳搭配)D earn v.赚,挣钱 vt.获得9. The Car Club couldnt _to meet the demands of all its members. A)ensure B)guarantee C)fulfill D)confirm 那家汽车俱乐部不能保证满足所有会员的需求。A ensure v. 保证,确保, 担保 例:I ensure that the car arrives by six oclock. 我保证汽车六点钟以前到。 assure v. 使确信,使相信 assure的宾语通常是人或人称代词,所以不能直接搭用th

12、at 从句。其常用结构为:assure + sb + of + sthHe assured us of his ability to solve the problem他向我们保证他有能力解决这个问题。 We booked early to assure ourselves of good seats我们及早订座以保证我们能得到好座位。assure后还可跟抽象名词作宾语,此时与ensure用法相同,表示确保。 例:Weeks of practice assuredensured success in the match几个星期的训练确保了在比赛中获得成功。insurance n.保险B gua

13、rantee vt.保证,担保 C fulfill vt.实现,完成(计划等)D confirm vt.确认,证实 conform to vi.遵守10. Extensive reporting on television has helped to _interest in a wide variety of sports and activities. A) gather B) generate C) assemble D) increase 电视里广泛的体育报告帮助人们产生了对于体育活动的兴趣。A gather v.聚集,集合 例:As soon as a crowd gathered,

14、 the police came. 一群人刚一聚拢,警察就来了。B generate vt.产生,生成,引起 = cause = lead to = result in = bring about / on C assemble vt.装配,组合 assembly line 装配线,流水线D increase v. 上升11. Features such as height, weight, and skin color _from individual to individual and from face to face. A) amend B) vary C) alter D) conv

15、ert 诸如像身高,体重及肤色这样的特征,人和人之间,面孔和面孔之间都不一样。A amend v.修改(法律,条例等) mend 改进 改良The rule was amended to apply only to members. 规则被修改成只适用于成员。B vary v.变化 switch v.改变,转变C alter v.改变(大小、形状、位置、性质)(比如修衣服大小等)D convert vt.转变(思想、信仰); 改变(用途)补:revise vt.修改,修订(书,计划等)12. John Dewey believed that education should be a prep

16、aration for life, that a person learns by doing, and that teaching must _the curiosity and creativity of children. A) seek B) stimulate C) shape D) dig John Dewey认为一,教育是人生的一种准备;二,人们是通过实践来学习的;三,教育必须要能激发孩子们的好奇心和创造力。A seek v.寻找B stimulate vt.刺激,激励例:The courses stimulate a passion for learning. 那些课程激发了学

17、习热情。C shape vt.做成某物的形状 n.外形D dig v.挖13. 1. It has been revealed that some government leaders _their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves. A) employ B) take C) abuse D) overtake 政府领导滥用职权以谋私利的行为被揭示出来了。A employ vt.雇用,使用B take C abuse vt.滥用,虐待例:The judge abused his power by impos

18、ing the fines. 法官滥用职权施以罚款。 例:Riders who abuse their horses should be prosecuted. 虐待马匹的骑手应被起诉。D overtake v.追上,赶上,超过例:Its dangerous to overtake at a corner. 转弯时超车危险。14. I hate people who _the end of the film that you havent seen before. A) reveal B) rewrite C) revise D) reverse 我讨厌那种提前告诉你还没有看过的电影的结局的人

19、A reveal vt.泄露,透露B rewrite vt.改写C revise vt.修改,修订(书,计划,意见等)例:He had cause to revise his opinion a moment after expressing it. 他刚发表过意见后就更正自己的意见是有缘故的。 例:The book was published in 1960 and revised in 1968. 这本书出版于1960年,修订于1968年。D reverse v.倒退,翻转15. A completely new situation will _when the examination s

20、ystem comes into existence. A) arise B) rise C) raise D) arouse 当这种考试系统形成的时候,会出现一个新的局面。come into existence = come into being 出现,形成A arise vi.出现B rise vi.上升,上涨C raise vt. 上升,提高,举起,抚养,筹集D arouse vt. = rouse vt. 唤醒,激起16. Last year the advertising rate _by 20 percent. A) raised B) aroused C) arose D) ro

21、se 去年广告率上升百分之二十D rose rise的过去式17. Cancellation of the flight _many passengers to spend the night at the airport. A) obliged B) demanded C) resulted D) recommended 航班取消迫使乘客们在机场逗留过夜。A oblige v.迫使做。 oblige sb to do sth 迫使某人做某事例:Poverty obliged her to live a hard life. 贫困迫使她过艰苦的生活。obliged a.感激的 例:If you

22、 can give me a few minutes of your time Ill be much obliged. 如果我能占用您几分钟时间,我将不胜感激。B demand vt.要求C resultD recommend vt.推荐例:I can recommend this play to all lovers of good theatre. 我把这个剧推荐给所有爱好优秀戏剧的人。18. Metal must be hammered and cooled rapidly to _internal stress ( 内部应力 ) caused by heating. A) remai

23、n B) release C) relieve D) replace 金属应该被立即锤打和冷却以减轻其由于热量而产生的内部应力。A remain vi.留下,剩下例:Though the sore being healed, yet a scar may remain. 伤口虽然痊愈, 却可能留下伤疤。 例:There remained in the village only women and children. 村子里只剩下妇女和儿童了。B release vt.释放C relieve vt.缓解,减少The drug was used to promote sleep and to re

24、lieve pain. 该药用于促进睡眠和缓解疼痛。D replace vt.代替,取代 = take the place of 19. I thought the painting was old and genuine, but it had been _. A) imitated B) mistaken C) copied D) reproduced 我本以为那幅画是古老的真品,可是却是仿造的。A imitate vt. 模仿 fake a.假的,冒充的,山寨的B mistaken a.错误的C copy v.复制D reproduce v.复制,繁殖20. Eva suggested

25、that Jackson should _the construction of the new classroom building . A) undertake B) maintain C) estimate D) engage Eva建议Jackson承揽下新教室的建设工作。A undertake vt.担任,承揽,着手做。例:I want you to undertake all the responsibility. 我要你承担所有的责任。 例:Who will undertake the job of decorating the auditorium? 谁来负责装饰礼堂的工作?B

26、 maintain vt.保持,维持,保养,坚持认为,主张C estimate vt. n.估计,预计,评估D engage v.使忙于。 be engaged in sth 从事于某事 be engaged to sb 和某人订婚21. Young women from every state _for title of Miss America. A) complain B) compel C) compete D) compose 各州的年轻女性都来竞选“美国小姐”。A complain v.抱怨,投诉B compel vt.强迫,使不得不例:A sense of duty compel

27、led Harry to answer her questions. 责任感迫使哈里回答了她的问题。C compete vi.竞赛,竞争例:He competed with a number of other candidates. 他与一些其他的候选人竞争。D compose vt.组成,构成,为。谱曲例:These twelve men are believed to compose the jury. 据信, 陪审团是由这12人组成的。 例:Yesterday he composed a piece of music. 昨天他作了一首曲子。22. One of the boys in t

28、he class has a fever and he soon _ other children. A) infected B) affected C) effect D) influenced 班上一个男孩发烧了,很快传染了其它的孩子。A infect vt.传染例:It is not possible to infect another person through kissing. 接吻不可能把这种病传染给他人。 (这是牛津高阶英汉双解词典例句,和我没有关系,我是个正直的人)B affect vt.影响 例:Your attitude will affect how successfu

29、l you are. 你的态度会影响你成功的程度。C effect n.影响 (注意词性)D influence n.vt.影响23. If you _ in taking this attitude, we will have to ask you to leave. A) persist B) insist C) resist D) pursue 如果你坚持你的态度,我们不得不请你离开。A persist + in 坚持B insist + on 坚持C resist v.抵抗,阻止D pursue vt.追求 pursuit n.追求例:Charlie Chaplin is a pers

30、on in pursuit of perfection. 查理卓别林是个追求完美的人。24. They _the law to meet modern needs. A) amended B) altered C) modified D) qualified 他们修改了法律以去满足新的需要。A amend v.修改(法律,条例等)例:The rule was amended to apply only to members. 规则被修改成只适用于成员。B alter v.改变(大小、形状、位置、性质)(比如修衣服大小等)C modify vt.修饰 v.修改,更改例:The heating s

31、ystem has recently been modified to make it more efficient. 暖气设备最近已进行了改造, 使其效率得到提高。 例:In “the black cat” the adjective “black” modifies the noun “cat”. 在the black cat这一词组中, 形容词black修饰名词cat。D qualify v.使。合格例:I wont qualify until next year. 我明年才具备资格。 例:This certificate qualifies the products. 这份证书证明产品合格。25. He _some comfort from the fact that he was not the only one to f

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