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1、考研福建华侨大学英语翻译考研真题2018年福建华侨大学英语翻译考研真题Part IVocabulary and structure (30%)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best complete the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a

2、 single line through the center.1.Propagandaisgenerallyconsideredtobeaformof_. A.educationB.upbringingC.indoctrinationD.instruction 2.In some circles, the traditional _ attitude toward women is coming back. They believe that womens proper domain is in the kitchen.A.sexual B. sexy C. sexist D. sex3.L

3、iu Xiang was awarded a gold medal in the world championships. He _ a lot of hard training.A. should have experiencedB. must have experienced C. should experienceD. must experience4.Yesterday in our oral class, we were talking about economics. Somehow we got _ the subject of inflation. A. aboutB. up

4、C. ontoD. in5.He spent the whole day yesterday trying to get rid of the _ in his garden.A. grass B. hay C. weeds D. wild herbs6.Asweallknow,blueskiesarenotalwaysa_offineweather.A.conversionB.preservation 7.Doctors are often caught in a _ because they have to decide whether they s

5、hould tell their patients the truth or not. A. dilemma B. puzzle C. perplexity D. bewilderment 8.Manypeoplehavethe_thatwealthisthechiefcauseofhappiness.A.delusion B.illusionC.fantasyD.image9.Ifwebelievesomethingisgoodandtrueweshould_toit.A.holdupB.keeponC.holdonD.keepup10.Authoritiesaremountingacamp

6、aigntocombatanalarmingriseinjuvenile_anddrugtaking.A.delinquencyB.mistake C.evilD.crime 11.TheCommitteehadmetmanytimes,buthadnotcomeupwith_totheproblem.A.away B.anideaC.asolutionD.amethod12.The local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food without which they _ of hunger and cold. A. would die B.

7、 will dieC. would be deadD. would have died 13.Imsureyoursuggestionwill_theproblem.A.contributetosolvingB.becontributedtosolve C.contributetosolveD.becontributedtosolving14.You and I could hardly understand, _? A. could I B. couldnt youC. couldnt we D. could we15.Arriving at the bus stop, _ waiting

8、there. A. a lot of people were B. he found a lot of people C. a lot of people D. people were found16.Johnis_hardworkingthanhissister,buthefailedintheexam. A.nolessB.nomoreC.notlessD.noso17.Tom,myfriendsfather,_raisedandeducatedinNewYork,livedandlecturedinAfricamostofhislife. A.whoB.ifC.whileD. thoug

9、h18.As a first-year college student, I wish I_that time management was my number one problem before I came to college.A. realized B. realize C. had realized D. have realized19.Idonotbelievethatthispreposterousschemeis_ofourseriousconsideration.A.worthless B.worthC.worthwhileD.worthy20.If the whole o

10、peration _beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.A. was not planned B. had not been planned C. were not plannedD. has not been planned21.It was because the applicant was too self-confident _he failed in the interview.A. that B. thereforeC. so D. to22._ I wanted to find out f

11、irst was how long it would take to complete the bridge.A. That B. ThoseC. What D. Which23._ another chance, I will certainly pass the driving test.A. Give B. Giving C. To giveD. Given24.Im tired _being bossed around. He regards me as his personal servant. A. of B. withC. by D. in25.Neither his paren

12、ts nor his teacher _that the boy can do it well. A. believesB. believe believingD. are believing26.I had had so many big meals by that time that the mere sight of fish and meat turned me _.A. down B. offC. outD. in27.The boys and girls sat down and began eating the delicious food_A. enthusiasti

13、cally B. whole-heartedlyC. healthily D. heartily28.In the sentence “In the center of the square stood a monument,” the italicized phrase is _.A. the subjectB. the object C. a complement D. an adverbial 29.The figure of speech in the sentence “Darrow had whispered, throwing a reassuring arm round my

14、shoulder” is _A. metaphor B. hyperboleC. transferred epithetD. metonymy 30.It had never occurred _him that a famous secret agent would be such a fat old man. A. toB. for C. withD. byPart IIReading Comprehension 40% Directions: There are four passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some

15、 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.Passage 1Questions 31-34 are based on the following passage. Immigrants adoption of English as their primary langu

16、age is one measure of assimilation into the larger United States society. Generally languages define social groups and provide justification for social structures. Hence, a distinctive language sets a cultural group off from the dominant language group. Throughout United States history this pattern

17、has resulted in one consistent, unhappy consequence, discrimination against members of the cultural minority. Language differences provide both a way to rationalize subordination and a ready means for achieving it.Traditionally, English has replaced the native language of immigrant groups by the sec

18、ond or third generation. Some characteristics of todays Spanish-speaking population, however, suggest the possibility of a departure from this historical pattern. Many families retain ties in Latin America and move back and forth between their present and former communities. This “revolving door” ph

19、enomenon, along with the high probability of additional immigrants from the south, means that large Spanish-speaking communities are likely to exist in the United States for the indefinite future.This expectation underlies the call for national support for bilingual education in Spanish-speaking com

20、munities public schools. Bilingual education can serve different purposes, however. In the 1960s, such programs were established to facilitate the learning of English so as to avoid disadvantaging children in their other subjects because of their limited English. More recently, many advocates have v

21、iewed bilingual education as a means to maintain childrens native languages and cultures. The issue is important for people with different political agendas, from absorption at one pole to separatism at the other.To date, the evaluations of bilingual educations impact on learning have been inconclus

22、ive. The issue of bilingual education has, nevertheless, served to unite the leadership of the nations Hispanic communities. Grounded in concerns about status that are directly traceable to the United States history of discrimination against Hispanics, the demand for maintenance of the Spanish langu

23、age in the schools is an assertion of the worth of a people and their culture. If the United States is truly a multicultural nationthat is, if it is one culture reflecting the contributions of manythis demand should be seen as a demand not for separation but for inclusion.More direct efforts to forc

24、e inclusion can be misguided. For example, movements todeclare English the official language do not truly advance the cohesion of a multicultural nation. They alienate the twenty million people who do not speak English as their mother tongue. They are unnecessary since the publics business is alread

25、y conducted largely in English. Further, given the present state of understanding about the effects of bilingual education on learning, it would be unwise to require the universal use of English. Finally, it is for parents and local communities to choose the path they will follow, including how much

26、 of their culture they want to maintain for their children.31. The passage indicates that one of the characteristics of immigrant groups to the United States has traditionally been that, after immigration, relatively few members of the group(A) became politically active in their new communities(B) m

27、oved back and forth repeatedly between the United States and their former communities(C) suffered discrimination in their new communities at the hands of the cultural majority(D) sought assimilation into the dominant culture of the new communities they were entering.32. In the third paragraph, the p

28、hrase “different political agendas” refers specifically to conflicting opinions regarding the(A) means of legislating the assimilation of minorities into United States society(B) extent to which Hispanics should blend into the larger United States society(C) means of achieving non-discriminatory edu

29、cation for Hispanics(D) official given responsibility for decisions regarding bilingual education33. In the last paragraph, “It would be unwise to require the universal use of English.” One reason for this, according to the author, is that(A) it is not clear yet whether requiring the universal use o

30、f English would promote or hinder the education of children whose English is limited(B) requiring the universal use of English would reduce the cohesion of the nations Hispanic communities and leadership(C) the question of language in the schools should be answered by those who evaluate bilingual ed

31、ucation, not by people with specific political agendas(D) it has been shown that bilingual education is necessary to avoid disadvantaging in their general learning children whose English is limited34. In the last paragraph, the author of the passage is primarily concerned with discussing (A) reasons

32、 against enacting a measure that would mandate the forced inclusion of immigrant groups within the dominant United culture(B) the virtues and limitations of declaring English the official language of the United States(C) the importance for immigrant groups of maintaining large segments of their culture to pass on to their childr

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