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1、全国年高等教育自学考试语言与文化考试试题课程代码定稿版 IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】全国年高等教育自学考试语言与文化考试试题课程代码精编WORD版全国2004年10月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838. Each of the following incomplete statements if followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide whi

2、ch of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%)1.The expression “physically handicapped” is the euphemistic equivalent of “()”.A. ugly B. skinnyC. deaf D. crippled2.A()is a small open space symbolically enclosed with very low walls and adjoining a building.A. semihouse B. balconyC. pl

3、ot D. yard3.English grammar is often said to be()because English uses frequently inflectional morphemes to indicate the grammatical relations between linguistic elements.A. paratactic B. hypotacticC. explicit D. implicit4.The word “()”is American spelling.A. colour B. travellerC. metre D. defense5.S

4、miling when criticized would be considered()in American culture.A. improper B. politeC. friendly D. frivolous6.A meddlesome person who pries into others affairs is a().A. busman B. busybodyC. ladies man D. do-gooder7.English is the language which().A. demonstrates more hypotactic relations than Chin

5、ese does.B. demonstrates more paratactic relations than Chinese does.C. demonstrates only hypotactic relations.D. only relies on conjunctions for sentence construction.8.The idiomatic expression “between Scylla and Charybdis” can be translated into().A. 费了九牛二虎之力 B. 进退两难C. 坐失良机 D. 昙花一现9.Nike is the n

6、ame of()in Greek mythology.A. a heroine B. the goddess of victoryC. the goddess of fortune D. a wealthy lady10.English speakers usually give small gifts to()on his or her birthday.A. a casual friend B. a new acquaintanceC. a public servant D. a good friend11.()can function as an appropriate reply to

7、 an invitation.A. “Thank you very much. Ill come if Im free then”B. “Thank you very much. But I cant accept your invitation”C. “That would be nice. Thank you”D. “Thank you, Ill try to come”12.When you want to compliment the new coat Mary wears, you can say().A. “I like your new coat.”B. “Thats very

8、nice coat youre wearing. It must be very expensive.”C. “You look much younger in this coat.”D. “How much did you pay for this coat”13.The proverbial expression “life is but a walking shadow” is derived from the works of().A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. John MiltonC. Francis Bacon D. William Shakespeare14.In

9、 English culture “green” is often associated with().A. experience B. an old ageC. jealousy D. failure15.“A pedant or erudite female intellectual” can be referred to as().A. a blue ribbon B. a blue stockingC. a grey mare D. a greengrocer16.The effort to rescue American captives in Iran in 1980 failed

10、 and it was called a(n)“()” rather than a “failure”.A. incomplete success B. partial successC. intangible success D. mental success17.English speakers expect to be immediately informed of()the letter they have received is written.A. the purpose for which B. the reasons for whichC. the date on which

11、D. the place in which18.“Tickets, please!” said the guard, putting his head in at the window. ()everybody was holding out a ticket.A. Until then B. To this endC. At last D. In a moment19.Gestures that are used to help explain the spoken words are().A. regulators B. illustratorsC. adapters D. emblems

12、20.“A person or thing suddenly lifted from obscurity to honour or significance” can be referred to as().A. a Cleopatra B. a PandoraC. a Cinderella D. a David. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and dec

13、ide which of the four alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer.(10%)21.When receiving a gift, the English speakers normally say().A. “Its very nice”B. “This is really what I want”C. “It must have cost you a lot. Thank you very much ”D. “How much is it Than

14、k you very much”22.The English equivalents to “副” in Chinese are().A. lieutenant B. underC. deputy D. vice23.In English culture, “white” connotes().A. reaction B. deathC. innocence D. purity24.Inductive argumentation has been related to().A. The linear thinking pattern B. The branching thinking patt

15、ernC. Inductive reasoning D. Indirect personality25.In individualistic culture,().A. an unexpected visitor may be refused franklyB. when you visit somebody, you could stay at his or her home for longC. it is quite common for several friends to pay respectively for what they have had in a restaurantD

16、. its not common for parents to pay their children for what they have done for the family26.“A Pandoras box” refers to a present or something().A. which the gods send to PandoraB. which brings happiness but looks uglyC. which a bride traditionally gives to a bridegroomD. which seems valuable but bri

17、ngs misfortune27.Much of the()information is conveyed by eye behaviours.A. factual B. attitudinalC. emotional D. cultural28.In general, Americans postures are more()than the Chinese speakers.A. casual B. aggressiveC. reserved D. appropriate29.The English speakers who expect a text to be developed li

18、nearly may find it().A. interesting to read a spirally developed textB. difficult to follow a spirally developed textC. illogic to develop a text spirallyD. reasonable to develop a text spirally30.“哪里” as a reply to a polite comment such as “Youre one of the top scholars in this field.” can be trans

19、lated into“()”.A. No. Thats not true B. Not reallyC. Its such a small field D. Youre joking. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (12%)31.In a formal English letter of invitation, the inviters name normally comes_the invitees name.32.The English equivalent of内人 is_.33.The English

20、functional equivalent to 您过奖了 is_.34.Only human beings possess what can be called _ in the true sense of the term.35.Never cast your _ before swine.36.Man proposes, God _.37.Many plant and place names such as “poker” and “Mississippi” in American English come from _.38.Each language represents a uni

21、que system of meaning in _ ways.39.English speakers are direct people who tend to locate _ meaning before peripheral meaning.40.A little old woman with a wrinkle face as brown as a _ told us our fortune for ten pence.41.Differences in word order between Chinese and English are related to _.42._ time

22、 orientation refers to how people feel, think, or perceive time and how it influences their daily communication and lives. Answer the following questions briefly:(12%)43.What is artistic thinking?44.What is the British equivalent for the American word “raincoat”45.Whats the general rule in English c

23、ulture when introductions are conducted?46.From which language is the word “cookie” borrowed?47.What does “a white hope” refer to?48.Are there honourifics in English If there are, what are they. Translation: (16%)49.Its a long time since he went west.50.Rain started patter on the roof.51.You cant ju

24、dge a person according to his or her appearance.52.53.人不犯我,我不犯人。54.中国的设计者和厂商常常用能给人留下美好印象的品牌名称。55.蝼蚁之穴能溃千里之堤。56.赌博、女人和酒使男人在笑声中毁灭。(into an English proverb). Define the following terms: (10%)57.racist language58.Paratactic relations59.intimate zone60.proverb61.small c culture. Discuss the following topics: (20%)62.What are the topics that are considered taboo by English speakers How should such topics be treated in conversations with English speakers63.Discuss the cross-cultural contrast between English and Chinese compliments and responses.

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