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1、电大管理英语3题库一、 对话与语法单选1、 Afternoon sir, where to?Please get me to the airport.2、 Are you sure about that?Oh, yes, I am absolutely positive.3、 Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?At the office.4、 Can I take your order now?Just a moment, Two friends are coming. .5、 Do you like watching football matches?F

2、ootball? No, it is a waste of time.6、 Don t take too long at the coffee shop.It is 14: 05.I see, we have 30 minutes left.7、 Excuse me, how can I get to the nearestsupermarket?Sorry sir, I m a stranger here myself.8、 Excuse me, when is the next flight fromLondon due to arrive?In half an hour.9 、 Excu

3、se me, dose this bus go to thebookstore?No, you d better change at the neststop.10、 Excuse me, which is the express train toTokyo? On your right, it ll leave in 5minutes.11、 Have you got a table for four, waiter?Yes, sure. This way, please. .12、 Hello, could I speak to Don?Who is speaking?13、 Help y

4、ourself to the steak, Maggie?Thank you, Helen.14、 How do I get to Cairo?You could catch the 9: 30 flight andchange at Paris15、 Hurry up, the lecture begins at 2: 00.Don t worry. We ve got 20 minutes.16、 I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson.Please wait for a minute, he is busy now.17、 I have not se

5、en Belly for 10 years.Neither have I.18、 I wonder if Henry will come to the partyat 8: 00 sharp as he s promised.Do not worry, he always keeps his word.19 、 I wonder if Tim could control thesituation.Well, if he can t control it, no one can.20、 I m trying to call Marie, but there sno answer.Really?

6、Maybe she is out.21、 Is the toilet on the ground floor or 2ndfloor?On the ground floor.22、 Is there a drugstore near here?Yes, there is a big one.23、 Is this the motel you mentioned?Yes, it s as quite as we expected.24、 I ve got two tickets for the match, shallwe go and watch it together?Why not? Le

7、t s go.25、 Joe will come to the party at Jane andLan s, won t he?Yeah, he s bringing his cousin Sandy.26、 Let s take a walk?Yes, let s.27、 Look, 25% off. . The 2500 camera is on saletoday.Yeah, a surprising bargain. I ll buyit.28、 May I give you a hand?Thank you, you are so kind.29、 May I help you,

8、Madam?Yes, I d like 2 kilos of oranges.30、 Must I do the washing-up tonight?Leave it if you are exhausted.31、 Oh, you are back at work, how was yourholiday?We had rain everyday and stayed at thehotel most of the time.32、 Thanks a lot, you ve gone to so muchtrouble.It s no trouble at all.33、 The lect

9、ure given by professor Smith wasreally interesting.I could not agree with you more.34、 Oh, you are back at work, how was yourholiday?We had rain everyday and stayed at thehotel most of the time.35、 What do you find difficult in learningEnglish?Listening and speaking.36、 What do you think about this

10、story?I like it very much.37、 What kind of TV program do you like best?It s hard to say. Actually.38、 What subjects are you studying?I m studying philosophy.39、 What would you like, tea or coffee?Coffee, please.39、 What s the weather like in your hometown?It s cold in winter and hot in summer.40、 Wh

11、ich language do you speak at home?English, most of the time.41、 Who has done your hair, Susan?My hair stylist.42、 Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow?Sorry. I have an appointment with Dr.Brown.43、 Will you have some dessert, Judy?No, thank you , I m on a diet.44、 Will you please turn down the T

12、V? Sorry, I have not realized you aresleeping.45、 Would I borrow your CD of English songs?I am sorry, it is not at hand now.46、 Would you mind if I open the window fora better view?Of course not.47、 What I enjoy most is that I can have a holidayfrom work.48、 What they are doing has never been done b

13、efore.49、 Until you told me, I had heard nothing of whathappened.50、 The majority of people agree with him.51、 A 15-year-old boy was arrested for stealing22 charity boxes from local shops.52、 A new hotel is being built in the center oftown at the moment.53、 After winning the bid, major constructionb

14、egan in Beijing.54、 All the team members tried their best. We lostthe game, however.55、 Although I am a good swimmer, I do not likeswimming in the sea.56、 An adviser said in China a sandwich courseshould be one year work, one year college?57、 Ann is studying politics at university.58、 Are trees bein

15、g planted along the road rightnow.59、 Are you free in July? No, I am studying withmy parents in July.60、 Are you still here? You were here half an hourago, who are you waiting for?61 、 Before she began to study at Beijinguniversity, she had worked in a factory for fiveyears.62、 By the end of this ye

16、ar, I will have savedenough money for a holiday.63、 China is in the east of Asia.64、 Could you please pay me in advance.65、 Did you have a neighbor who was always pokinghis nose into your business.66、 Don t worry, your watch is being repaired andyou can have it in no time.67、 Hardly had I got home w

17、hen it began to rain.68 、 He adjusted himself quickly to the newcondition of his work.69、 He has been working in the laboratory the wholemorning.70、 He asked me where I came from.71、He goes to school by bike, and the journey takeshalf an hour.72 、 He is a kind-hearted and respectablegentleman.73、 He

18、 is the man whose dog bit me.74、 He is very keen on football.75、 He seldom dose his homework at school onweekdays, dose he?76、 He spends a quarter of the days sleeping.78、 He was over the moon about his new job.79、 His parents will be disappointed with him ifhe fails the examination.80、 History is t

19、he story of whatever happened tothe people before today.81、 I am leaving for new York in three days time.82、 I can do that job by myself.83、 I have lived here since 1997.84、 I prefer tea to coffee.85、 I regret to say that I m unable to help you.86、 I was busy with my paper when I heard someonemoving

20、 about in the room above.87、 I do not have to finish my homework now, Ican do it at the weekend.88、 If I get the new job, I will buy a better car.89、 If you go by car, you ll get there within40 minutes.90、 If you have made a decision, please stick towhat you want.91、 I m in Greece at the moment, I l

21、ike theweather here.92、 In china, children have to start school atseven.93、 In the fifties last century many new citiesgrew up in the desert.94、 It was convenient living close to work.95、 John and Mary had been in love for yearsbefore they got married.96、 Last week I bought a flat whose biggest room

22、faced south.97、 Let me look into the case carefully beforeI draw a conclusion.98、 Let s go to the cinema, shall we?99、 More and more people in china now drive towork regular.100、 My aunt has lived in New York since 1995.101、 She has brought up two children by herself.102、 She was convicted of murder

23、.103、 Somebody asked her, didn t they?104、 That place is in the south of the city.105、 That is the very gentle man I ve been tellingyour about.106 、 The definition leaves much room fordisagreement.107、 The mistake was caused by the carelessnessof the assistant.108、 The next train to Beijing is due h

24、ere at 3o clock.109、 The policeman was attacked with a knife.110、 The public transport system in the many citiesin the world is still run by the local authority.111 、 The sun heats the earth, which is veryimportant to living things.112、 The work will have been done by the time youget there.113、 They

25、 all asked for the job.114、 They walked through the woods.115、 This is the house where he lived last year.116、 Those cakes look nice, can I have one?117 、 We used to swim everyday when we werechildren.118、 We have painted the bathroom and plan topaint the bedroom this year.119 、 We are confident in

26、the future of ourmotherland.120、 What type of blood dose Tom have?121、 When I was a child, we had to wear a uniformfor school.122、 While raising money, he had worked very longhours.123、 Would you please pay me in advance ?124、 You ought to excise more.125、 You look tired, what have you been doing?12

27、6、 You should make sure your house of flat issecure.二、 完形填空1、 Jules Verne s most famous book is“Twenty Thousand Leagues under theSea” . (A “league” is an old word meaningabout three miles. ) In those dayssubmarines had not been invented, but hedescribes an underwater ship very like amodern submarine

28、. The captain of thesubmarine, called Captain Nemo, and hismen have many strange adventures and findmany strange things at the bottom of theocean. He was a very good story-teller.His characters often did surprising andsometimes impossible things, but theyalways seemed to be real people.In another bo

29、ok, “Around the worldin 80 days” , Jules Verne creates Mr. Fogg,the hero, who made a bet that he wouldtravel around the world in 80 days.Nowadays this may seem easy to you, but inthose days there were no planes or even cars.Mr fogg and his servant traveled in manydifferent ways, even on an elephant

30、at onetime! If you want to know their result, youshould read the book. .In all his books Jules verne used hisscientific knowledge as well as hisimagination in describing futureinventions. Sometimes he was wrong, ofcourse, but often the accuracy of hisdescriptions is very clever.2、 In the UK, in business situations,when you meet someone for the first time youshake hands and say “ How do you do?”This is not really a question, and the replyto it is another greeting such as “how doyou do?” or “hello”

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