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1、七年级英语奥赛题一、选择(15) ( )1._the rules? -We cant talk loudly in class. A.What are B.What is C.Who is D.Who are ( )2.-Can the students eat in class? -_. A.Yes,they do B.No,they cant C.Yes,they can D.No,they dont ( )3.I dont like_late_class. be,at,for be,for being,at ( )4.We cant live_wa

2、ter_air. A.with,or B.with,and C.without,or D.without,and ( )5.-Do we have to wear a uniform? -_. A.Yes,we have B.No,we havent C.without,or D.without,and ( )6.He_get to school early today because he is on duty. to B.has to C.want to D.have to ( )7.We have_rules in our school. A.too much B.much

3、 too C.many too D.too many ( )8.Can you come back home_9:30? D.on ( )9.What does_mean? A.No talking B.Not talk C.Not talking D.Dont talking ( )10.After I get up,I have to_my bed. A.get B.take C.make D.have ( )11.Each of the students_English. A.speak B.say C.says D.speaks ( )12.There i

4、s_time.Im too late. A.not C.not some any ( )13.We have no classes_weekends. B.for C.on ( )14.There is_uin the word. B./ C.a D.the ( )15.Lets go to the_Palace tomorrow,OK? A.Children B.Childrens C.Childrens D.Childs 二、选择适当介词填空(20)in,for,after,to,like,on,form,till 1.We go to s

5、chool_Monday_Friday. 2.Dont eat_class. 3.The boy looks_his mother. 4.The pen is_you. 5.I wait_11 oclock. 6.You should do your homework_school. 7.Dont play trick_her. 8.He has to be_bed by 10 oclock. 9.You cant go out_school nights. 三、补全对话(10) A:Hi,Join!Where are you 1._? B:I am from China. A:2._ther

6、e many rules in your school? B:Yes,there 3._. A:Can students eat 4._class? B:No,they 5._. A:Do you 6._to wear a uniform? B:Yes,we 7._. A:Do you have to 8._sneakers every day? B:No,we 9._.But we have to wear them for 10._class. 四、翻译句子。(15) 1.上课不要迟到。 2.我们可以在外面听音乐。 3.他不得不在周三打扫教室。 4.你知道这些规定吗? 5.我对电视不感兴趣

7、。 五、阅读短文,判断正误,正确写T,错误的写F.(10) John likes chocolates very much,but his mother doesnt give him any.They are bad for his teeth,she thinks.But John has a very nice grandfather.The old man loves his grandson very much and sometimes he buys John some chocolates.Then his mother lets him eat them.Because sh

8、e wants to make the old man happy. On Sunday evening,it is Johns seventh birthday.He says,please,God,make them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday.His mother says,God cant here you.Dont shout. I know,says the clever boy with a smile.But grandfather is in the next room and he can. ( )1.Jo

9、hns mother thinks chocolates are bad for Johns teeth. ( )2.Sometimes Johns mother lets him eat chocolates because John studies hard. ( )3.John shouts because God can hear him. ( )4.John is a clever boy. ( )5.Sunday is Johns seventh birthday. 六、作文。(30)以My Rules为题,根据提示写一篇50词左右的短文。 get up,have breakfas

10、t,go to school,have to do homework,have to do housework,cant go out,go to bed第十二单元同步练习参考答案 一、1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.B 二、1.from to 4.for 5.till 6.after 7.on 9.on 三、1.from 2.Are 3.are 5.cant 6.have 8.wear 9.dont 10.gym 四、1.Dont be lat

11、e for school. 2.We can listen to music outside. 3.He has to clean the room on Wednesday. 4.Do you know these rules? 5.Im not interested in watching TV./I dont like watching TV./I dont like to watch TV. 五、T F F T T 六、作文(略)一、Write the English words according to the explanation. 1._ the act of testing

12、pupils;a test. 2._ highly pleasing to the senses, esp.taste or smell;very nice. 3._ not cheap, dear. 4._ consider or examine by argument. 5._ a period of suspension of regular work, study. 二、Fill in the blanks with the right form of the given words. 1.At the _ of the year, I met him.(begin) 2.Thank

13、you for _ the letter for me.(read) 3.The pizza with olives and pepper _ just .5.(be) 4.Students _ to play football yesterday.(go) 5.I would like _ you something about my school.(tell) 6.He _ _ soccer with his father.(like,play) 7.They had a lot of fun _ in the river.(swim) 8.Lets _ the ABC song.(sin

14、g) 9.Can I _ something to drink?(have) 10.What about _ to the park?(go) 三、Change these sentences into English. 1.你的朋友昨天做了什么?他去颐和园了。 _ _ 2.他刚才看电影了吗?是的。 _ _ 3.上星期日他们举行了晚会。他们玩得很高兴。 _ _ 4.你的五一假期怎么样?好极了。我们一家去了海边。 _ _ 5.做间操的时间到了,让咱们去操场吧。 _ _ 四、Rewrite the sentences. 1.I listen to the music every evening.(

15、用yesterday evening改写) _. 2.My uncle went to Italy last summer.(对斜体字提问) _. 3.Does he like English?(用Chinese做选择疑问句) _. 4.He went to the movie with his friend.(一般疑问句) _? 5.My sisters vacation was awful because she had to do the housework.(对斜体字提问) _. 五、Choose the right answers. ( )1.I live in a place _

16、Shenyang. B.calling C.called D.calls ( )2.Look, there are _ people in the square. A.thousand of B.three thousands of C.thousands of D.three thousands ( )3.The doctor saved many peoples _. B.lifes D.lives ( )4.There are 20 _ in this hospital. A.woman doctor B.women doctors C.woma

17、n doctors D.women doctor ( )5.Im a member _ their fan clubs. A.of C.on D.for ( )6.The people _ celebrate the New Year. A.on the world the world C.all over the world the world ( )7.Where can you read about the Chinese _ team? A.woman B.womens C.womans D.womens ( )8.The Steel Roses _ a

18、web site: A.has B.had C.have D.having ( )9.Im _ the school team. A.on B.of D.with ( )10.We went _ last weekend. C.shops D.the shop 六、Writing practice. 你在五一放假的时候去了长城,天气很晴朗,人很多。你克服了许多困难,终于蹬上了长城。你很累,但很高兴。请写一篇50字左右的日记。第十单元答案 根据释义写出单词 1.exam 2.delicious 3.expensive 4.discuss 5.vaca

19、tion 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.beginning 2.reading 4.went tell 6.likes playing/to play 7.swimming 8.sing 9.have 10.going 翻译 1.What did your friend do yesterday? He went to the Summer Palace 2.Did he go to the movies just now? Yes, he did. 3.They had a party last Sunday. They had a good time. 4.How was

20、 your May Day holidays? Great, my family went to the beaches. 5.Its time to do mid-class exercises. Lets go to the playground. 句子改写 1.I listened to the music yesterday evening. 2.Where did your uncle go last summer? 3.Does he like English or Chinese? 4.Did he go to the movie with his friend? 5.Why w

21、as your sisters vacation awful? 选择填空 1-5 CCDBA 6-10 CDCABDivide the following description words into Positive,Negative and Neutral. amazing,awful,cool,bad,not bad,OK,smart,cute,intelligent,boring,sweet,sad,interesting,exciting,terrible,fantastic,lazy Positive:_ Negative:_ Neutral:_ .Fill in the blan

22、ks with the correct words. 1.Im a big football_. 2.What size pizza_you like? 3.I_to the movies on Saturday. 4.I like classical music and_music. 5.Koala bears are from_. 6.Lets play football in the_. 7.The bank is_the supermarket. 8.She_to be a doctor. 9.Lets watch the talk_together. 10.My_group is T

23、he Smith Family. .Choose the best answer. ( )1.Go straight,and turn right_the jazz music. B.on D.over ( )2.The opposite ofrightis_. A.left and wrong B.left and yes C.easy and left D.hard and wrong ( )3.Judy is_Peggy and Liz. B.across C.between D.over ( )4.The girls favorite singer i

24、s Jack Black.He is very_. A.terrible B.awful C.bad ( )5.There you can see traditional paintings_Qi Baishi_Area D.,with,with,in D.on,by ( )6.America and Japan are developed_. B.countries C.cities D.clubs ( )7.Changchun is in the_part of China. A.western B.eastern C.wes

25、t D.east ( )8.Hurry up!Miss Liu is waiting for you_the gate. C.on D.through ( )9.-Wheres the classical music? -Its_the second floor. B.under D.on ( )10.These are the directions_the country CDs.Please follow them. A.on C.for D.from .Fill in the blanks with the right forms of

26、the given words. 1.Who can_(sing)this song for me? 2.The story is not_(interest). 3.Whose_(paint)is the best? 4.I like_(dance)at the party. 5.Tracy can answer this question_(easy). 6.I_(visit)my uncle last week. 7.He likes to do some_(write)on Sunday. 8.They do_(them)homework every evening. 9.How_(b

27、e)your weekend? 10.How many_(library)are there in your city? .Rewrite the following sentences. 1.I went to the Western section.(对划线部分提问) _ _ you go? 2.You can visit the dance music section.(对划线部分提问) _ _ I visit? 3.Go upstairs,please.(变成否定句) _ _ upstairs,please. 4.My favorite music is country music.(

28、改成同义句) I _ country music _. 5.Jazz is on the left of pop music and dance is on the right of pop music.(改成同义句) Pop music is _ jazz _ dance. .Number the sentences to make a conversation. _My favorite pop group is Windways. _Where are your pop CDs? _Theyre upstairs. _Whos your favorite pop group? _Yeah.Theyre amazing1. .Fill in the blank

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