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1、英语三年级上册总复习小学生新标准英语三年级(上)第五册 Module 1一、 词汇_se 使用 h_rd 困难的 _asy 容易的 kn _ f _ 刀 f _ rk 叉pe_p_e (复)人们 cho_s_ic_s (复)筷子 h_mburge_ 汉堡包 ch_ps (复)薯条二、 词组1. u_e chopsticks 使用筷子 2.use a knife and fork 使用刀叉3. in _ngland 在英国 _hin_ 在中国5. Engl_sh people 英国人 6.Chin_se people 中国人7. e_t hamburgers and chips 吃汉堡

2、和薯条 food 快餐9. En_lish fast food 英国(的)快餐 10. C_inese fast food 中国(的)快餐11. speak English 说英语 12.speak Chinese 说汉语三、 交际用语1. Do you use chopsticks in England? Yes, we do. / No, we dont.2. Do you want? Yes, please. / No, thank you. 3. Its easy/hard for?4. I like/I dont like5. Try them. 四、 主要句型: 现在

3、进行时的构成:am/is/are + V.(动词)-ing问: What are you eating? 你正在吃什么? 回答:I am eating hamburgers and chips. 我正在吃汉堡包和薯条。Module 1测试题一、选择正确的答案。1. Do you _ chopsticks in England? A. using B. use C. uses2. -What is Amy doing? -She is _ candy. A. eating B. eat C. to eat3. It is _ for English people to use chopstick

4、s. A. easy B. important C. hard4. Do you _ hamburgers? -Yes, please. I am hungry. A. want B. went C. want to二、把下列句子翻译成英文。1. 我爱吃米饭。 _2. 你正在吃汉堡包吗? _3. 在英国你是用筷子吗? _4. 妈妈正在吃面条。 _ .5. 对中国人来说使用刀叉很困难。_.Module 2一、 词汇m_ ke 制作 c_ ke 蛋糕 _ dea 主意 inst_ ad 代替 l_ vely 可爱的二、词组1.make a cake 做蛋糕 2.make _ cake for Mu

5、m and Dad 为爸爸妈妈做蛋糕3.make a cake f_r you为你做蛋糕 4.good idea 好主意 qu_te 安静 6.go to your room 去你们的房间(回你们的房间去)7.pl_y her flute 吹她的笛子 the drums 打鼓9.go and make a cake 去做蛋糕 TV 看电视11.listen to music 听音乐 e and eat the cake 来吃蛋糕练习中出现的短语要求听说读译,有余力的学生要会写,为以后的写作打基础。1、play basketball 打篮球 2、get u

6、p 起床3、go to school 上学 4、ride a bike骑自行车5、play football 踢足球 6、read a book/read books读书7、read a newspaper/read newspapers看报8、go swimming 游泳 9、sing a song 唱歌10、eat noodles 吃面条 11、play ping pong 打乒乓球12、write a letter 写信 13、listen to the radio听收音机14、play five-stones 玩五子棋 15、do my yourhisher homework做某人的作

7、业三、交际用语1. Please be quiet! 请安静! 2. Good idea! 好主意!3. We are making a cake for you. 我们正在为你做蛋糕。4. Its lovely. 它很可爱。四、语法现在进行时练习 What are you doing? 你正在做什么?回答:I am swimming. / Im working.Module 2 测试题一、 连词成句。1. is working / Miss Smart /. _.2. a book / Mr.Smart / is reading /. _.3. are making / They / a c

8、ake /. _.4. is playing / Sam / his flute /. _.二、 英汉互译1. What are you doing? _.2. I am eating cakes. _.3. What is she using? _.4. 我正在用筷子。_.5. 他正在吃饺子。 _.三、 根据提示,重组单词。doing reading sleeping singing eating earrdingingdo 1. ( ) 2. ( ) aetingeepsling 3. ( ) 4. ( ) ingings 5. ( ) Module 3一 词汇na_ghty 淘气的 r_

9、w 划(船) l_ke 湖 fe_d 喂 w_t 湿的 sh_rts (复)短裤二 词组1. dr_gon bo_ts 龙舟 2.row on this la_e 在这个湖上划船3. over th_re 在那边 4.feed the d_cks 喂鸭子5. g_t o_t 走开 6.Sam and Amys cl_thes Sam 和Amy的衣服7. Sams tro_sers Sam的裤子 8.Amys sh_rts Amy的短裤9. Sams swe_ter Sam的毛衣 10. Amys sh_rt Amy的衬衫三 交际用语1. Here it is. 2. Lets row.3. T

10、his/That is .4. These/Those are . 四 语法七、本模块重点语法 1.会区分this、that,these、those四个单词 This is 这是.(距离较近) These are 那些是 (距离较近) That is那是(距离较远) Those are 那些是(距离较远) 2.认识“s” 翻译成汉语:的,表示一种所属关系,表示某个东西是谁的。 如:Sams sweater 萨姆的毛衣。 Amys shorts 艾米的短裤 Module 3 测试题一、连词成句1. is / a boat / This /. _.2. use / chopsticks / We

11、/ in China /. _.二、仿照例句并根据提示完成句子.e.g. These are Anns trousers. And those are Reters shoes.1. These are Lulus glasses. And _. (mothers sunglasses) 2. These are Sams books. And _.(Peters books)3. These are teachers pens. And _. (Sams pencils) 4. These are Moms hats. And_.(my caps)5. These are Anns bags

12、. And _.( my bags)三、把下列句子翻译成英文。1. 这些鸭子很淘气。_.2蛋糕在哪呢?_.3. 这些是什么?_.4那是他的衬衫吗?_.Module 4一、词汇 c_n 能 win_er 胜利者 ju_p 跳 s_e 看出,发觉 fa_ 远,很远二、词组 r_n fast 跑得快 jum_ far 跳得远 play football 踢足球 play basketball 打篮球 s_im in this puddle 在小水坑里游泳三、交际用语1. Lets see.2. Can you run fast?你能跑得快吗?。 Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 是

13、的,我能。/不,我不能。3. I am the winner. 我是胜利者4. Can this bird fly? 这只鸟能飞吗? Yes, it can. / No, it cant. 是的,它能。/不,它不能。四、语法 can 表示一种能力,译成“能,会”,否定形式是:cant. 变一般疑问句把can提到句首,e.g.1. This bird can fly.2. Can you run fast? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.Module 4测试题一、读一读,选出划线部分单词的发音与其他不同的一项。1. A. can B. cant C. age2. A. win

14、ner B. knife C. idea3. A. use B. jump C. you4. A. see B. feed C. wet5. A. far B. shorts C. fork二、读一读,选一选 I am a girl. My name is Wang Mei. I am nine. I have many friends. I like them. My friend Li Ming can run fast and jump far. Zhang Dong can play football and basketball, but he cant swim. Chen Hua

15、 can play the drums, but she cant play the flute. My friends Jiang Ling and Guo Qiang can draw an elephant, a snake, a giraffe and many other animals. I can sing and dance. How happy we are!1. Wang Mei is _. A. nine B. ten2. Li Ming can _. A. run fast B. play football3. Who cant play the flute? A. C

16、hen Hua B. Guo Qiang4. Can Wang Mei dance?A. Yes, she can. B. No, she cant.Module 5一、词汇 sh_p 商店 i_l 生病的 w_rry 担心 _ll 全部的 b_sc_it 饼干a) 词组1. have a dr_nk 喝点东西 TV 看电视3. have a_ ice cream 吃冰淇淋 4.go to the sho_ for an ice cre_m去商店买个冰淇淋5. go _ut出去、外出 6. have th_s_ biscuits 吃这些饼干7. co_e in 进来 8. re

17、_d this book 读这本书练习中出现的短语: 1. read my book in bed 在床上看书 2. play with my computer game 玩我的电脑游戏3. listen to my CDs 听CD 4. go to bed 上床睡觉5. bed time睡觉时间 6. help me 帮助我7. come with me跟我来 8. draw a picture画画9. wear a coat/ dress/ shirt穿外套/连衣裙/衬衫b) 交际用语1. Mum, can I have a drink, please?妈妈,(拜托)我可以喝点东西吗? Y

18、es. Here you are. 好的。给你。 Can I have an ice cream, please? (拜托)我可以吃个冰激淋吗?No, you cant. But you can have these biscuits! 不,不行。但你可以吃这些饼干。2. Dont worry! 不用担心! 3. I am sorry. 对不起. 四、语法复习 can 的用法 Can I come in? 我能进来吗?Module 5测试题一、重组单词 1. indrk _ 2. twsee _ 3. iec _ 4. mrcea _ 5. ahev _ 6. chwta _二、选择正确的单词

19、补全对话。Can cant No Yes can 1. A: _ I watch TV? B: No, you _.2. A: Can I drink water, please? B: _, you can.3. A: _ I wear your sweater? B: Yes, you _.4. A: _ I use your pencil? B: No, you _. You _ use Peters pencil.5. A: _ I ask you a question? B: _, you _.三、选择正确答语。1. -Can I open the door? -_. A. Yes,

20、 you cant B. No, you cant C. Yes, here you are.2. Can I wear my shirts? -_. A. Yes, you are. B. No, you cant, its winter now. C. Dont worry!3. - _? - Yes, here is some milk. A. Can I have some drink, please? B. Can I have a cake, please? C. Can I have a hamburger, please?Module 6一、词汇 c_reful 小心的 f_x

21、 修理 p_t 宠物 m_use 老鼠二、词组1. a n_w k_te 一个新风筝 2. a c_mputer g_me一个电子游戏3. pl_y with your kite 玩你的风筝 4. play with your comp_ter ga_e玩你的电子游戏5. be ca_ef_l 小心点 6. j_gs_w puzzle拼图游戏三、主要句型1. I_e got a new kite. 我有一个新风筝。 2. Ive got a computer game 我有一个电子游戏。3. Now weve g_t a jigsaw puzzle! 现在我们有一个拼图游戏了!4. Li Ji

22、e h_s got a pet. 李杰有一只宠物。 5. Shanshan has got a pet, too. 姗姗也有一只宠物6. Hes got a pet dog. 他有一只宠物狗。 7. Shes got a pet cat. 她有一只宠物猫。1. Its great. 太好了! 2. Be careful! 小心点!3. Lets fix it. 我们来修好它吧。 4. Its a fish. 它是一条鱼。四、语法have表示有,当主语是he,she it,Sam等时,其三单形式是“has got ”。在词义上等于have1. She has got a pet cat. 她有一

23、只宠物猫。2. I have got a new kite. 我有一只新风筝。3. It has got two legs. 它有两条腿。Module 6 测试题一、选出与其他两个不同类的一项1. A. computer B. panda C. book2. A. car B. doll C. teddy bear3. A. dog B. rabbit C. kite 4. A. tree B. pencil C. eraser二、连词成句1. got / Ive / a toy train/. _.2. you / a kite / Have / got / ? _?三、英汉互译1. I h

24、ave got a pet cat. _.2. It has got long ears. _.3. 她有一支钢笔。 _.4. 别担心!让我们来修它。 _.四、仿照例子造句。e.g. I have got a pencil. You have got a pencil. He has got a pencil. She has got a pencil.1. I have got a book. _. _. _.Module 7一、词汇 he_dache 头痛 st_m_ch ach_ 胃痛 c_ld 感冒 co_gh 咳嗽 t_st 考试 _riday 星期五 cl_ver 聪明的 l_te

25、 迟到二、词组 a headache/stomach ache/cold 头痛/胃痛/感冒 2. have t_sts 进行测验 3. on Fr_day在周五 4. a cl_ver boy 一个聪明的男孩三、交际用语1. Are you sad/ill?1. Have you got a headache? No, I have_t. 你头痛吗?不,不痛。2. Have you got a test today? Yes, I ha_e. 今天你们有测试吗?是的。3. Hes got a c_ugh. 他咳嗽了。 4. Shes got a c_ld. 她感冒了。5. _as Sara g_t a cough, too? Sara也咳嗽了吗?四、语法复习have/has got的用法,由陈述句变成一般疑问句把have/has提到句首e.g. 1. Have you got a headache? Yes, I have. / No, I havent. 2. Has it got a long nose? 它有长长的鼻子吗? Yes, it has. / No, it hasnt.Module 7测试题一、选出与所给单词画线部分发音相同的一个。1. headache A. stoma

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