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裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第34课.docx

1、裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第34课Lesson 34 Quick work破案“神速” How long had the police taken to find his bicycle? Dan Robinson has been worried all week. Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police. In the letter he was asked to call at the station. Dan wondered why he was wanted by the police, but he went

2、 to the station yesterday and now he is not worried anymore. At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found. Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. It is now being sent to his home by train. Dan

3、 was most surprised when he heard the news. He was amused too, because he never expected the bicycle to be found. It was stolen twenty years ago when Dan was a boy of fifteen! 参考译文丹.鲁宾逊焦虑了整整一个星期。上星期二他收到当地警察局的一封信,要他到警察局去一趟。丹奇怪警察为什么找他,但昨天还是去了,结果他一再担心了。在警察局里,一位面带笑容的警察告诉他,他的自行车找到了。那位警察对他说,那辆自行车是5天前在400英

4、里外的一个小村里发现的,现在正用火车给他运回家来。丹听到这个消息后,惊奇万分,但又感到非常好笑,因为他从未指望那辆自行车还能找到。这是20年前丹还是一个15岁的孩子时被人偷走的!【New words and expressions】(2)1 station stein n.(警察)局2 most must ad.相当,非常一单词讲解station1)n(政府机关等)局、所、中心:供应站;(广播)电台a police station 警察局a fire station 消防局a power station 供电局a filling station 加油站a filling gas station

5、a broadcasting station 广播电台TV station 电视台2)n车站A rail way station 火车站A bus station 汽车站3)station to station打长途电话时,不管对方由谁接听,电话接通即开始计费person to person只有指定的对象接听电话时才付费most1) adv.相当,非常(用于加强语气;修饰adj前面可加不定冠词)例: Dan was most surprise when he-heard the news.当Dan听到这个消息时非常吃惊。This is a most useful book 这是一本非常有用的书

6、。He was most polite to me 他对我非常礼貌。most与very区别:most:表示观的感情, 见解例:He was most kind to me.他对我非常好。very:客观的陈述例:He is very tall 他非常高。2)adv.最(修饰动词,但不放在动词和它的宾语之间)例:What s troubling you most?什么事情令你最麻烦?What most pleased me was that. . . . .What pleased me most was 令我最高兴的事是。3)构成adj/adv的最高级)最,最多例: This is the mo

7、st interesting picture of the fire.这是这个火的最有趣的照片。The new employee worked (the) most vigorously of all. 所有人当中工作起来最积极的是那些新来的雇员。4) many和much的最高级many-more-mostmuch-more-most5)most绝大多数的(前面不加冠词)例: Most of the boys like football.大多数的男孩喜欢足球。Most of them were late 他们中的大多数都迟到了。二、关键句型Key structures被动语态Be+过去分词,时

8、态通过be体现。1被动语态除常用be加过去分词外,还可用get加过去分词(用于口语中)例: Hundreds of people get killed every years by traffic on the roads.每年都有很多人死于交通事故中。The boy got hurt on his way to school.那个男孩在上学的路上受伤了。2. 主+谓十复合宾语(宾语+宾语补足语)变为被动结构时,只将主动结构中的宾语变为被动结构中的主语,宾语补足语不变。例:They choose Harry captain. 他们选Harry当船长Harry was chosen captai

9、n, Harry被选做船长。We asked the teacher to explain the difficult sentence again.我们请老师把那个难的句子再解释一遍The teacher was asked to explain the difficult sentence again.老师被要求把那个难句子再解释一遍。We found him lying on the floor 我们发现他躺在地板上。警察在个小村序里找到了自行车5. It is now being sent to his home by train.它正住被火车运回來。They are now send

10、ing it to his home by train.他们正在用火车把它运来。6It is stolen twenty years ago它二十年前就被偷了。Someone stole it twenty years ago.有人二十年前就偷了它。Dan Robinson has been worried all week.现在完成时表示过去一直延续到现在,并有可能继续延续下去的动作。be worried about sth 对感到担心be anxious about sth 对感到焦虑all week 整整一个星期all day long 整整一天all year round 整年all

11、day and all night 整日整夜Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police.receive a letter from/hear from sb收到某人的来信local adj.1)地方的,本地的,地区的(尤作定语)belonging to a particular place or district属于某个特殊的地方或区域local news 当地新闻a local station 地方的一个车站local farmers 当地的农民local government 当地政府local time 当地时间loca

12、l color 地方特色2)(身体)局部性的a local pain 局部疼痛3)a local line 支线a local train 普通列车In the letter he was asked to call at the station.功the letter 在信里in the newspaper 在报纸,上call at 拜访call on sb: pay sb a short visit拜访某人call at some place 拜访某地例:工called on George yesterday我昨天去拜访George了。He calls at every houses in

13、 the street once a month.他每个月对这条街上的每户人家光顾一次。call out to sb对大喊大叫例: He called out to me but I didnt hear him.他对我大声的喊但是我没听见。call sb up: call sb 给打电话例:She II call you up tomorrow 她明天会给你打电话的。call off 取消例: It began to rain so we called off the match.天下雨了,所以我们取消了比赛。Dan wandered why he was wanted by the pol

14、ice, but he went to the station yesterday and now he is not worried anymore.not worried anymore.wonder v疑惑,想知道why引导宾语从句,采用正常陈述语序。wantl)vt需要某人(在场)例: You are wanted on the phone.Someone is calling you 有人给你打电话。He was wanted by the police警察找他。2)v想要,需要want to do sth例:I want to go to Europe. 我想上1欢洲。want s

15、b to do sth想要某人做某事例: She wanted him to repair their grandson s bicycle.她想要他修理孙子的自行车。want sb doing sth例: I don t want you meddling in my private affairs.我不希望你干涉我的私事。meddling V干涉,管闲事want sth to be done 让某事情被做police集合名词(谓语动词为复数)a policeman 一个男警察a police woman 一个女警察not anymore;不再/no more /not any longer

16、/no longer例: I wont see you anymore.I will see you no more 我不会再见你了。He is not handsome any more. 他不再瀟洒了。He is not wealthy any more 他不再富有了。I won,t torture you any more 我不会再折磨你了。At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found.smilingsmile v/n微笑smiling adj 微笑的,笑容可拘的uns

17、miling adj 不苟言笑的a large unsmiling lady 一个身材高大的不苟言笑的女士Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in small village four hundred miles away.pick up1)拾起,捡起例: He picked up the wallet. and put it into his own pocket.他拾起钱包,放进他的口袋里。2)接收 (信号,节目)pick up radio programs 收听广播节目3)通过实践学会(stud

18、y /learn)例: My neighbor is an American. We get along well. So I pick up English easily.我的邻居是美国人。我们相处的非常好,所以我很快就学会了英语。4)接,让.上车例: Ill pick you up at the corner of the street.我到街的拐角去接你。It is now being sent to his home by train 坐火车by bus 坐公共汽车by road 通过陆路by sea 通过水路by air 通过飞机Dan was most surpr

19、ised when he heard the news. He was amused too, because he never expected the bicycle to be found.amusedamuse v 逗乐,使快乐amuse oneself 白娱白乐例: Her story amused the children greatly.她的故事令孩子们非常开心。amused adj愉快的,开心的,好玩的例: He had an amused look on his face.他的脸卜有着常愉快的农情。amusing adj. 令人好笑的an story令人好笑

20、的故事interesting- interested令人有趣的 感到有趣的surprising- -surprised令人吃惊的 感到吃凉的exciting- - excited令人兴奋的 感到兴奋的expect v预料;预计、期待,盼望expect sth to be done 指望某事被做expect to do sth 期望做某事expect sb to do sth 期待某人做某事预料某人做某事例: We expected him to arrive yesterday.我们原以为他昨天能到。It was stolen twenty years ago when Dan was a b

21、oy of fifteen!例: This time, she will be a girl of seventeen.这一次,她将扮演一个17岁的少女。Special Difficulties关于call的练习,用恰当的词填空:l. I called on you five times yesterday. Were you out?我昨天找了你五次,你出去了吗?2. Its too late to go the pictures. Why dont we call the whole thing off?看画展已经太晚了,为什么不把整件事取消呢?3. We called out to hi

22、m but he could not hear us.我们对他大声的喊但是他听不见。4. I called at the post office on my way to work我在上班的路上去了趟邮局。四、练习 Exercisesl. Dan has been worried all week and he s _ worried.A. even B. still C. yet D. anymore分析: Cyet和Danymore通常用于否定句只能够;Aeven表示“甚至”通常和比较级连用,不符合题义:Bstill用在肯定句众表示“仍旧,仍然”,是个副词答案选B2. All the po

23、lice at the station are _ men.A. topical B. local C. native D. neighborly分析:A话题的,典型的 B地方的,当地的; C出生地的,本地的,本国的:D友好的,睦邻般的。答案选B3. The police wanted Dan to call at the station. They wanted him to call _ them.A. at B. in C. on D. up分析:call on sb表示“拜访某人”;Acall at后面应该加地点,表示“参观某地,拜访某地”,而不应该跟人:Bcall in是个错误搭配:

24、Dcall up表示“打电话“的意思。答案选C4. The government is _ to reassure everyone that the situation is under control.A. worried B. anxious C. concerned D. desirable分析:A闷闷不乐的,担心的; B挂念的,担忧的,渴望的; C。 关心的,有关的: D值得要的,含意的。A和B可以表示对未来不确定的事件或事情感到不安的或忧虑的:worried无这样的含义。答案选B六、补充内容1. Beggars can t be choosers. Beggars mustnt be choosers.如果事情不由你做主,那就只好将就:讨饭的哪能挑肥拣瘦。2. Better late than never.迟做总比不做好;迟到总比不到好。

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