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高中英语Tu Youyou awarded Nobel Prize教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.docx

1、高中英语Tu Youyou awarded Nobel Prize教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思Tu Youyou awarded Nobel Prize 教学设计一、教学内容了解屠呦呦获诺贝尔新闻事件,梳理青莴素研究过程,分析和提炼屠呦呦的优秀品质。二、课时目标1.能利用主题图预测文本内容,梳理文章的宏观结构,明确文章的主要内容。2能归纳和提炼屠呦呦以及团队的伟大之处,体会用故事刻画人物的写作手法。三、教学设计:Step 1 Lead in A little cool today. Now we can feel the winter is drawing nearer and neare

2、r. The temperature is also becoming lower and lower.The leaves are also turning from green to yellow。the uses of ginkgo leaves?Ginkgo leaves can be used as/ can be made intoBookmarksginkgo leaf picturesGinkgo leaf tea ginkgo leaf medicineGinkgo leaves have certain medicinal function and health care

3、function. Traditionally we always use suchleaves, roots, seeds, etc, as medicines, which are called Chinese herbs. Chineseherbs play an important role in getting rid of diseases and keeping the body in good condition.Can you name some Chinese doctors who used herbs(草药) for treatment in ancient times

4、?Shennongshi, Hua Tuo, Zhang Zhongjing, Li Shizhen, Sun Simiao and so on. Then can you give me some modern examples?Zhong nanshan, Lin Qiaozhi, Tu Youyou.Tu Youyou is very famous. She won Nobel Prize for the discovery of Artemisinin which is extracted from sweet wormwood.Tu Youyou, Chinese ChemistTh

5、e Winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Tu Youyous name is very special. She was named Tu Youyou. And she discovered artemisinin. 屠呦呦 青蒿 When the two names come to my mind, they remind me of a sentence from from the Book Of Classic Songs(诗经). Do you know which one?Thedeereachtoea

6、chbleat(咩咩叫);Wormwood theyeat.Ihavegoodgueststoday;Goodvirtuestheydisplay.So it was very strange. She was named Tu Youyou. Then she got the Nobel Prize.Do you think if I were named Lu You, you were named Wang Youyou, Li Youyou or Ge Youyou, we would have more and more Nobel prize winners? Do you thi

7、nk so? Yeah, I dont think so either. Tu Youyou awarded the Nobel prize. It may be fate but I think it is not only fate. Today lets further about Tu Youyou and her achievement.Ok now lets turn to Page 2 and learn Tu Youyou awarded Nobel Prize.Step 2 First reading Match the main ideas with each paragr

8、aph. 2 minutes later, lets check the answers together.C A D B From the main idea of each paragraph, lets see the following examples.Step 3 Second reading Please read the text once again and try to find out what happen to To Youyou in the following years.Step 4 Third readingIt is easier said than don

9、e to gain achievement, let alone to win the Nobel Prize. OK now lets see the text once again and find out how arteminsinin was discovered. You can fill the blanks of the 5th exercise on Page 3.Step 5 ThinkingHere we can see Tu Youyou has made great effort to discover artemisinin. It is not fate from

10、 a sentence of TheClassic of Poetry. From the text could you tell me why Tu Youyou could achieve great success. Could you use some adjectives?Such commtted and patient in our text book.Step 5 WritingTo win the Nobel Prize is not easy, but we can be a man of achievement. We can be a student of achiev

11、ement. Now please make up some sentences with the word on the screen. You can begin you text like this.Tobeastudent of achievement, here is whatIwilldo in my school years. Firstly,Iwilltry to be/Id better be . Every day I will .Secondly, . Lastly .This is just an example. You can also use your own s

12、entences.Step 6 SummarizingIf you want to be a person of achievement, it is time to work towards achieving it. It will take planning, time and effort, but you can do it! To be a student of achievement is about committing yourself to the process of self-improvement, not a single task. Sail your own o

13、cean, and you never know what you might find.Homework:Memorize the new words.Preview Language Points.Tu Youyou awarded Nobel Prize 学情分析本节课的授课对象是高二平行班的学生,他们能够读懂文章的大概意思,但是,要恰当运用英语词汇表达自己的看法,以及通过英语文章的阅读获取相关信息对于他们有一定困难。学生对本单元的主题“屠呦呦获得诺贝尔奖”的话题是十分的熟悉,而且理科学生对生理与医学奖有一定的了解与见解。高二现阶段的学生也已经掌握了基本的像寻读,略读,概括等阅读技能,他

14、们也能就一些问题进行对话讨论。但是,平行班学生的词汇量不是很大,对文中出现的一些句式并不清楚,对有些句子所隐含的话外之音也不是很清楚,也对独立解决一些现实的问题感到困难。Tu Youyou awarded Nobel Prize 效果分析效果分析通过课后反馈,总体讲学效果良好,课堂氛围轻松,师生互动频繁,学生自己充分发掘自己对屠呦呦和诺贝尔奖的认识,提高了学生的积极性,体现了学生的能动性,学生口语表达较好,起了很好的示范作用。多媒体的运用也提升了学生的学习兴趣。语言简洁、明确,学生快速明白指令。在获得语言知识的同时,提升了文化品格的培养。学生目标意识的培养和语言知识一样重要。要更多的体现在平时

15、的教学中,思维品质也在潜移默化的受到影响。总之,从各方面注重学生核心素养的提升,这节课基本达到了既定的教学目标。Tu Youyou awarded Nobel Prize 教材分析本单元阅读文本的话题是“取得卓越成就的人物,旨在让学生走近中国诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者屠呦呦,了解她和团队发现青蒿素的研究过程,学习科学家的伟大品质,树立正确的人生观和价值现。与此同时,能通过阅读原文深刻感受中国传统医药和中国科学研究对世界作出的突出贡献,树立民族文化自信。文本采用了新闻故事语篇类型,新闻报道部分,客现描述了屠呦呦获诺贝尔奖事件,故事叙述部分,生动讲述了居动吃及其团队的研究之档。该文本体现了新闻的“

16、倒金字塔”结构。第一段简明扼要地报近了屠呦呦获诺贝尔奖的重要事件,包括时间、人物、事件和原因,第二、三段介绍了屠呦呦的生平经历,主要描述了屠呦呦及其团队如何发现和提炼青蒿素的主要过程,让读者体会研究的艰辛以及屠呦呦的优秀品质。第四段通过屠呦呦的获奖感言,突出发现青蒿素的伟大意义。在进行本文教学设计时,应以培养学生的英语核心素养为日标,以英者阅读教学合视野为指导,意顾内容、语言和思维,综合而有侧重(葛新芳,2015). 在文事内容的学习过程中,引导学生积累描述“取得卓越成就的人物”的话题语言,如discovery,crucial,vital ,committed, apparently, sta

17、ndard. team effort,honor等等。引导学生利用内容结构图、思维导图等方式梳理结构,提升思维能力:引导学生树立正确的价值观和人生现。即:平凡之人,如果坚守最朴实的初心,勇于担当、甘于奉献,也能创造伟大的人生价值。Tu Youyou awarded Nobel Prize 评测练习I.写出下列词的同义词、反义词1. crucial a. _ /important a.2. committed a. _/ loyal/devoted 3. objective n. goal/ purpose _ a.主观的4. distinct a. different/obvious/exac

18、t/clear/different/diverse_ a.有特色的,独特的unique a.5. numerous a._ /a number of +c6. apparent a.evident/_/ clear II.词形变化1. distinct a. distinctly ad.distinctive a. 有特色的,独特的 _ n.2. institute n. 学会,协会;学院_ n. 协会,机构;制度3. peculiar a. 独特的 _ n.unique 唯一的/special特殊的/_r有代表性的(about挑剔)4. remark v. _adj.显著的; 奇异的; ou

19、tstanding, excellent, splendid5. describe v._ n._ a.6. academy n._ a. _ n.学术界;7. analyse v._ (analyses ) n._ a.8. science n. _ a.scientist n.9. create v._ a.creation n.10. identify v._ n. 身份_ n.表示认同、确认;鉴定、识别;身份证明11. effect n.effective a. 有效的 _ a. 效率高的;有能力的_ n. 效率; 效能12. resist v._ n.13. normal a._ a

20、.14. instantly ad._ /immediately15. evaluate v._ a.evaluation n.16. consequence n.侧重于指自然而然的或当然的结果。_ a._ ad._:侧重于有待见分晓的结果或结局。_: “结果”,指做某事产生的直接结果,或指某抽象概念的结果。17. professor n. _ n. _ a.18. relative n.& a.relatively ad._ n.19. passion n. _ a. passionately ad.20. sum vi 总结;概括、 n. 金额, 总数,算术 _ n. 总结, 概括 adj

21、. 概括的,总结性的_ vt. 总结 III.高考词汇填空1.In 1967, the Chinese government formed a team of scientists with the _(object) of discovering a new treatment for malaria, and Tu Youyou was among the first researchers chosen.2. Einstein, who was Jewish, found the door of academic _(institute) closed to him.3. Because

22、 of the love for his country and the great achievements, he has received the respect and _(admire) from people.4. _(consequence), it is natural for those countries to pay attention to the economic development. 5.It means digital health care companies _ (encounter) fewer obstacles when developing new

23、 products and services after 5 years. 6. But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument, and was committed to_(practice) it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well.7. It is widely acknowledged that students should _(evaluate) in terms of overall quality.8.Also, b

24、e totally_what you do, as excellence is only possible with_(commit)9. At present, there exist some problems in the evaluation of teachers.Schools should perfect the means of _ and improve _ level.10. If climate changes continue, we will suffer the _(consequence).11.He paused,_(apparent) lost in thou

25、ght. apparentlyIV.单句语法填空1. From this, he concluded that the crucial problem in China was not physical illness, but the _(spirit) illness of people at that time.2. He made numerous contributions to the world, the most wellknown _(be) the general theory of relativity and the famous formula Emc2.3. Qia

26、n Xuesen, _(regard) as the father of Chinas space program, was born in 1911 in Shanghai.4. Like so many men, he has problems _(commit) to a relationship.5. It is vital that we should be kept _(inform) of all developments.6. Nobody was prepared to commit _.7. Evaluation of this new materials cannot t

27、ake place _ all the data has been collected.8. Scientists have obtained more evidence _ plastic is finding its way into the human body.9. _(sum) up, for a healthy heart you must take regular exercise and stop smoking.10. You couldnt help but _ aware of the peculiarity of the situation.11. He devoted

28、 his life to promoting world peace,so he _(award) the Nobel Prize for peace.12. Although she didnt mention any names,everyone knew who she was referring_.13. Only when we devote ourselves_ study can we achieve great success.14. Our research attempts to evaluate the _(effect) of the different drugs.1

29、5.In victory and defeat,the Olympics are a platform _ personal and national glory.16.The woman insists that her husband is an honest man _ cant do it.17.This cloth is designed to stand up to a lot of wear _ tear.18. If you behave so foolishly, you will be ready to bear _ consequence.19.I drew a conc

30、lusion from my own experiences _ a friend in need is a friend indeed.Tu Youyou awarded Nobel Prize 课后反思1.注重情感教育教师既要重视掌握语言知识和运用语言能力目标的完成,又要重视情感目标的实现。本课通过谈论屠呦呦获得诺贝尔奖,让学生明白屠呦呦和她的团队取得的成就和她们的优秀品质;逐步引导学生学生树立崇高远大的理想,从how to be a student of achievement开始。 2.以学生为中心。教学活动以学生在课堂上做事为主,教师的作用是负责组织、引导、帮助和监控、学会做事,让学生经历获取知识的过程,从课堂上银杏叶的导入到屠呦呦和青蒿之间诗经的联系,激发学生的兴趣

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