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新译林牛津版初中英语九年级上册Unit 1 Know yourself优质课公开课教案.docx

1、新译林牛津版初中英语九年级上册Unit 1 Know yourself优质课公开课教案备课日期 年教学课题Unit 1 Know yourself课时安排1 8月30日Comic strip & Welcome to the unit6教学目标1. Students can talk about different personalities.2. Students can talk about their own personalities and the possible jobs in the future.重点Students can remind of as many words o

2、f personalities as possible and also associate them with different jobs.难点教学过程设计集 体 备 课二 次 备 课Step 1 Lead-in1. Free talk: How about your summer holiday? (What did you often do? How is your feeling?)2. Guessing Game:Who did you often stay with during the summer? How is he/she?Ask them to describe the

3、ir classmates with some adj. of personalities.Step 2 Presentation1. Write the adj. the students mentioned on the Bb.Tell them these are the adj. that are used to describe persons personalities.2. Introduce your best friend to us. Who? Why? (Who do they often do?)Lead in the new words.creative adj. c

4、urious adj. energetic adj. organized(=organised) adj. Step 3 PracticeAsk students to practice reading the words I introduced just now.Finish the exercise A.Step 4 PresentationWhat about the dogs? How are they? What personalities do they have?Ask Ss to describe the two dogs.Listen to the video and an

5、swer:What personality do they talk about?Read and answer:1. What makes generous people feel good? 2. Is Eddie really generous?3. Why did Hobo eat up all the breakfast? Step 5 Practice1. Work in pairs and drill the dialogue.2. Ask some Ss to act the dialogue out3. Group work: Ask them to make this di

6、alogue into a story.Step 6 Presentation1. Free talk. What is your ideal job?2. Listen to the video, and find out how many students talk about their jobs?3. Read and fill in the blanks. Millie -Paul-Sandy-David-Use their own language to talk about this plan.4. Make a new dialogue and talk about your

7、personality and your ideal job.Step 7 Homework1. Recite the important sentences.2. Preview Reading.Free talkLead in the new words.Finish Exercise A.Listen to the video and answer the questions.Then read and answer.Work in pairs.Read and fill in the blanks.Make a new dialogue.教学反思考点较多。学生要掌握几个学生的性格特征和

8、理由,为后面的学习做好准备。备课日期 年教学课题 Unit 1 Know yourself 课时安排2 8月30日Reading 16教学目标1. To understand what the four people do and their personalities.2. To recognize and understand vocabulary about characteristics and other important words; impress, creative, sculpture, praise, accountant, energetic, take the lea

9、d, fall behind, challenge, connect, standard, modest, surgeon, carelessness, extra, devote to, respect3. To use adjectives to describe someones characteristics.4. To improve Ss ability of reading comprehension and use adjectives to describe someones characteristics freely.重点1. To recognize and under

10、stand vocabulary about characteristics and other important words: impress, creative, sculpture, praise, accountant, energetic, take the lead, fall behind, challenge, connect, standard, modest, surgeon, carelessness, extra, devote to, respect2. To use adjectives to describe someones characteristics.难

11、点教学过程设计集 体 备 课二 次 备 课Step 1 Revision1. Students share their dialogues about their classmates personalities with each other.2. Help Ss find words to describe ones personality.3. Show new words about personality on the blackboard and learn them together.4. Ask Ss to talk about their own personality: I

12、m -. I often /I like-.Step 2 Pre-reading1.Ask Ss if they are happy with their friends/family/teachers/studywhat are they happy with?2.Introduce some famous people in China who does well in his jobs.Teach some new words like “challenge, pay attention to, respect”.3. Introduce the four people who are

13、outstanding in their fields in Sunshine Town. 4.Ask questions about their jobs and personality.Step 3 While- reading1. Reading task (1): do “T” or “F” questions in part B2 on P10.2. Reading task (2): Ask students some questions to check if they have known the main idea, with the books open.Wu Wei is

14、 a _. He is _ and doesnt like _, but his work _. So he _ the whole country. His _ have won high praise from _. He is always searching for _, because he wants to _.3. Make students read the article passage by passage and try to find out any difficult sentences to understand.4. About Su Ning(1) What j

15、ob did Su Ning do five years ago? Whats her job now? Where does she work?(2) Why did she give up her last job?(3) Read and translate the sentences into Chinese.5. About Liu Hao. Read and complete the table.6. About Fang Yuan(1) Whats Fang Yuans job?(2) How many hours does she often do operations for

16、 a day? What do you think of her? Why? Do you respect her?Step 4After reading 1. Discussion(1) What is your personality? (2) What job do you want to do? (3) Do you think your personality is suitable for the job?2. Remember all the adjectives which describe a persons characteristics.Step 5Homework1.

17、Read the passage three times.2. Write a short description of your partners personalities. Then discuss with your partner whether or not you agree with each other.Show in pairs. Teach new words:modest, organized, patient,energetic, curious, creative,generousCheck the students whole understanding of t

18、he four people.Read four details one by one. Finish some tasks.Work in groups of four.Either in the form of passages or dialogues.Try to say as much as they can.教学反思了解并记住四个人的姓名、职业和特点。P10 B1在阅读前就可以完成,和Welcome内容一致。备课日期 年教学课题 Unit 1 Know yourself 课时安排3 8月30日Reading 26教学目标1 To know further information a

19、bout four persons by close reading. 2 To cultivate good personality due to the relationship between personality and jobs. 3 Grasp set phrases and some sentence patterns in this period.重点1 Grasp set phrases and some sentence patterns in this period.2 Write a short passage about ones own personality a

20、nd jobs. 难点教学过程设计集 体 备 课二 次 备 课Step 1 Revision 1 Ask some Ss to retell the passage about Wu Wei Su Ning Liu Hao Fang Yuan with some key words or by their own words.2 Find out the following phrases. 1. 天生的艺术家 _ 2. 不喜欢多讲话 3. 搜索更好的东西 4. 整个国家 5. 给留下印象 _ 6. 日复一日 _ _ 7. 公司总经理 _8. 处于领先地位 _ 9. 落后 _ 10. 不是就是

21、 _ 11. 接受新挑战 _ 12. 失之毫厘,谬之千里 _13. 注重每个细节 _ 14. 连接阳光镇和天津_ 15. 做手术 _ Step 2 Reading Ask Ss to read the passage aloud and discuss questions in groups.Teacher explains the following language items. 1. but his work shouts但是他的作品很有说服力。这句用了拟人的修辞手法。2. Wu Wei, the young artist, has impressed the whole county

22、with his creative work. impress sb. with sth. 给印象深刻For example: The little boy impressed us with his smiling eyes.3. You either take the lead or fall behind. 你要么领先,要么落后。either or 不是就是;要么要么;或者或者。连接两个表示选择关系的词。连接两个主语是,遵循“就近原则”。For example: Either you or I am going there tomorrow. You can go to either B

23、eijing or Shanghai.take the lead“领先”与fall behind“落后”是一对反义词。4. Liu Hao is the chief engineer of the high-speed railway connecting Sunshine Town to Tianjin.刘浩是连接阳光镇和天津高铁的主任工程师。connect A to B 把A和B连接起来For example: Please connect the printer(打印机) to the computer.5. I m ready to take on new challenges any

24、 time.我随时准备接受新挑战。6. We cant afford to make any mistakes.我们不能犯任何错误(我们不能有任何疏忽) cant afford to do. 负担不起 make mistakes 犯错7. A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,谬之千里。as good as和几乎一样,简直是For example: YourChinese is as goodasyourEnglish.8. Its necessary to pay attention to every attention to 注重/意;讲

25、究;集中注意力于For example: You should pay attention to your spelling while doing your homework.9. As a doctor, you cant be too careful.作为一个医生,再怎么仔细也不为过。cant too或can never too无论怎样也不过分,越越好For example: I cant thank you too much. 我怎么感谢你也不过分。A kid can never have too many toys.10. She devoted most of her time t

26、o her work.她把大部分时间都用在工作中。devote to sth./ doing sth. 把用于For example: I could only devote two hours a day to doing housework.Step 3 PracticeFinish some exercises.Step 4 Summary Step 5 Homework1 Do some exercises.2 Recite some important sentences.3 Preview Grammar.挑选能力强的同学复述4篇短文。Find out the phrases in

27、 groups.Read the passage aloud and discuss questions in groups.Learn the points by heart.Finish some exercises.Do a summary.教学反思语言点多,考点也多。重要的短语和句子课后要认真背诵。备课日期 年教学课题Unit 1 Know yourself课时安排4 9月1日Grammar6教学目标1. Use conjunctions “and, but, or, so, bothand, not onlybut also, either or , neither nor ” co

28、rrectly.2. Learn to make rules about the usages of and, but, or, so, bothand, not only but also , either or , neither nor ”.重点Make rules about the usages of “and, but, or, so, bothand, not onlybut also, either or , neither nor ” and use them correctly.难点教学过程设计集 体 备 课二 次 备 课Step 1 Revision Ask Ss to

29、say sth. about Wu Wei, Su Ning, Liu Hao and Fang Yuan.Wu Wei is quiet. He doesnt like to talk much.Wu Wei is quiet. His work shouts.Su Ning gave up her last job 5 years ago. She started to work for the sales department.Liu Hao is modest. He is easy to work with.Step 2 Lead-in Ask Ss to join the two sentences above using suitable conjunction.Wu Wei is quite and (He) doesnt like to talk much.Wu Wei is quite but his work shouts.Su Ning gave up her last job 5 years ago and (She) started to work for the sales department.Li

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