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1、人教版九年级英语期末试题14-15学年新目标九期末试题 Class: Name: Marks: (满分120分)A卷(75分)第一部分 基础知识运用 (共45小题,计45分)一、 选择填空。(共25小题,每小题1分;计25分)A. 从下面方框中选出与下列各句中画线部分意思相同或相近、并能替换画线部分的选项。(共4小题,每小题1分;计4分)A. terrible B. showed up C. left out D. test ( )1. They appeared at the party just before it was over. ( )2. We were glad to learn

2、 that you had passed the examination.( )3. This is the most awful evening Ive ever spent.( )4. Sally didnt mention the date in her story.B. 从各题的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。(共17小题,每小题1分;计17分)( )5. Look at the photo. How amazing it is that the men can stay the land! Yeah. It is unbelievable! A. past B. above C.

3、through ( )6. A large number of Hollywood films shown in China every year. Yes. The number of Hollywood films shown this year reached 30. A. are; has B. is; has C. are; have ( )7. Tom used to work in Google. Really? This is a(n) for him. He can deal with many IT problems, I think. A. position B. cre

4、ativity C. advantage ( )8. Do you know how long a man can stay without water? 5-7 days, I suppose. A. life B. live C. alive( )9. Have you found out lost the bike? Not yet. No one knows it is. A. who; whose B. whose; whose C. who; who ( )10. The river is getting too polluted for any fish to live in.

5、Thats terrible. People must be from polluting it anymore. A. provided B. prevented C. produced ( )11. There plenty of rain here in the past two months. Yes. It has entered the rainy season. A. was B. were C. has been( )12. Have you got used to in front of cameras? Of course. It is challenging, but I

6、 enjoy it. A. performing B. being performed C. be performed( )13. Before you set out, youd better have your car . Yes. I will make sure it works well. A. examine B. to examine C. examined ( )14. Do you know the meaning of this word? Sorry, I dont know. I have to in a dictionary. A. look it up B. giv

7、e up it C. look up it ( )15. When Li Ming arrived home, he found that his mother already to hospital. A. has; been sent B. had; been sent C. has; sent ( )16. I fighting with my brother yesterday. Im so sorry about that. I promise Ill never fight with him. A. stop B. forget C. regret ( )17. You used

8、to be thin and short, you? Yes, I . A. did; did B. didnt; did C. are; am( )18. No matter how hard I try, I just cant learn French well. Dont worry. I believe youll learn it well one day. A. I think so too. B. It takes time. C. I cant agree more.( )19. Listen! Is that James singing the famous Chinese

9、 song “Jasmine” (茉莉花)? How it be him? He doesnt have such a nice voice. A. can B. must C. may ( )20. Have you heard of Hong Kong actor Andy Lau? Andy Lau? Yes. He is the actor has acted in over 100 films. A. which B. who C. whom ( )21. Did you miss any goal yesterday? No. Neither of the team a goal

10、by the time I turned on the TV. A. has scored B. was scoring C. had scoredC. 补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框内选出适当的选项补全对话,并将选项的编号字母依次填在横线上。(共4小题,每小题1分;计4分)(J-Jack; T-Tina) J: Tina, are you free this Saturday?T: Yes. 22 J: Would you like to my new house? I will hold a house-warming party (乔迁聚会). T: Id love to. 23 J:

11、The party will start at 6: 00 on Saturday evening.T: 24 J: Im afraid you cant find it so I will pick you up. OK?T: 25 J: Thats OK.A. When is the party? B. Its very kind of you.C. Whats the matter? D. Whats the address?22. 23. 24. 25. 二、完形填空。分别通读下面两篇短文,根据短文的内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。(短文分A、B两篇,A篇10

12、小题,B篇10小题。共20小题,每小题1分;计20分)ABefore my first skydiving (跳伞) jump, I was a little afraid, but my classmates 26 me to do it. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to do it with them. It was fun to jump together.It was a nice sunny day when we went to skydive. We took a 6-hour course and were ready to subd

13、ue (征服) the 27 . Unfortunately, the weather changed, and we had to wait 28 the next weekend. We were really upset. So, when the next weekend came, we finally did it.Wow, it was 29 ! I cant express all the feelings of free flight. I was happy, frightened, excited, and pleased. All of these feelings 3

14、0 at the same time. I could see the Earth 31 me as I flew like a bird with my parachute (降落伞).The last few seconds I realized I could not 32 on the ground because right under me there was a tree! I didnt have time to 33 it. I landed in the tree, but it was not a bad landing. I got a lot of help from

15、 my instructors (教练), who ran to the place 34 I landed. They were scared, but I wasnt 35 .I went to the office and sat in the back of a truck with the instructor, and we laughed about it. When it was over, all I could think about was when I would be able to skydive again.( )26. A. offered B. encoura

16、ged C. allowed( )27. A. water B. sky C. earth( )28. A. until B. after C. on( )29. A. boring B. exciting C. serious ( )30. A. stopped B. expected C. happened( )31. A. over B. behind C. below( )32. A. land B. sit C. stand( )33. A. talk about B. worry about C. write about( )34. A. which B. who C. where

17、( )35. A. left B. hurt C. finished BThe newspaper industry (行业) is facing competition from other forms of media (媒体), such as the Internet and TV. The competition has, of course, hurt its number of 36 and sales (销量). Many people say that the newspaper is boring. They prefer to spend their time 37 th

18、e Internet or TV. What will happen? Does the newspaper have a good future?Already, there are fewer and fewer people reading the newspaper, and fewer companies putting 38 in the newspaper.Newspapers, 39 , are working hard to become modern and compete (竞争) with other forms of media. Most of them have

19、a website where readers 40 see all the articles. They also 41 videos and other services on the websites. In this way, newspapers 42 have more readers than ever before.On the other hand, some people 43 the feel of a real newspaper. You can read one on the bus or at breakfast. 44 this, newspapers will

20、 never disappear.Lastly, many people think that newspapers provide true information. All in all, newspapers remain a 45 place to get news and information. There will always be a place for them in the world of media. ( )36. A. passengers B. readers C. tickets( )37. A. with B. for C. on( )38. A. ads B

21、. magazines C. pictures( )39. A. whatever B. however C. wherever( )40. A. can B. must C. have to ( )41. A. watch B. copy C. provide( )42. A. seldom B. actually C. mainly( )43. A. destroy B. love C. kiss( )44. A. Thanks for B. Because of C. Except for( )45. A. silly B. quiet C. good第二部分 阅读理解 (共15小题,计

22、30分)三、阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误。正确的写“A”,错误的写“B”。(共5小题,每小题2分;计10分)Do you believe that you arent smarter than 3-year-old Alexis Martin, one of the youngest members of the high IQ club Mensa?Preschooler (学龄前的) Alexis IQ is 159, which is only one point lower than Stephen Hawkings. Doctors say the average IQ

23、of a person is about 100.She learned to read at age 2, and has taught herself Spanish on her parents iPad! Alexis mother, Jackie Martin, is also amazed by her daughters abilities. She said, “Now she can read, translate and even correct us on Spanish.”Alexis father, Ian Martin, said he first realized

24、 Alexis was special when she was 12 months old. She could recite (背诵) bedtime stories. “Wed be driving around in the car and she would recite her bedtime story from the night before. She didnt just recite them, and she recited them exactly.”Alexis father would try to trick her and say that her story

25、 went a different way, but she always corrected him.Most 12-month-old children take their first steps on their own and most 18-month-olds can only name a small number of objects and body parts, and follow simple two-step questions.Even though Alexis is a genius (天才), her parents are faced with lots

26、of challenges like how to teach her to make friends of her own age.“Does she go into kindergarten early? We are kind of hesitant (迟疑的) because we do want her to get that social world,” Ian said.( )46. Alexis Martin is a girl who has a high IQ.( )47. According to the report, Stephen Hawkings IQ is as

27、 high as 159.( )48. Alexi Martin could recite bedtime stories at the age of 2.( )49. Alexi has a lot of friends of her age.( )50. Alexi has learned a foreign language by herself.四、阅读以下A、B两篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。 (共10小题,每小题2分;计20分)AThalassemia (地中海贫血) is a serious blood disease. Children with thalassemia n

28、eed lifelong blood transfusions (输血) and other treatment that costs 100,000 yuan every year, and more than 90% of patients cannot afford to pay.Wang Yijie, a 4-year-old girl, was discovered with thalassemia when she was just four months old. She depends on regular blood transfusions every 24 weeks a

29、nd other treatment often. Her father Wang Xiaochun and her mother Luo Lihua couldnt believe their ears when they first heard their little daughters illness. Later they realized that a bone-marrow transplant (骨髓移植) is the only way to replace lifelong blood transfusions and save their daughter. Wangs

30、parents tried to find matching bone-marrow donors through Chinas marrow donor program, but after a two-year wait, they had not yet found a donor with matching bone-marrow to Yijie.The turning point came in August last year. Luo Lihua had an unplanned pregnancy (怀孕). Doctors told her that there was a

31、 25% chance that the new baby would have a bone-marrow match with their daughter. The couple decided to have the baby and take the chance. Happily, a test showed that the new baby had a bone-marrow match with Yijies.After Yijies story had been reported, many kind-hearted people raised nearly 300,000 yuan for her transplant surgery (移植手术).Yijie was taken to the hospital a

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