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干货US News美国大学排名前200名托福雅思成绩要求.docx

1、干货US News美国大学排名前200名托福雅思成绩要求2015年US News美国大学排名前200名托福雅思成绩要求2015年US News美国大学综合排名前200名托福雅思成绩要求新鲜出炉! 与曾经考托福去美国的印象不同,据统计:2015年综合排名前200的美国院校当中,191所院校的本科课程接受雅思成绩的申请,占95%;200所院校的研究生课程接受雅思成绩的申请,占99%。其中一些学校显示出倾向雅思的态度,如芝加哥大学研究生院、密歇根大学安娜堡分校等院校雅思分数要求略低于托福分数要求;MIT麻省理工学院有超过40个研究生专业只接受或者偏爱雅思,以下为麻省理工学院部分专业雅思成绩要求: T

2、echnology and Policy Program: 7.5 (IELTS only) System Design and Management: 7.5 (IELTS only) Computational and Systems Biology: 6.0 (IELTS preferred) Economics: 7.0 (IELTS preferred) Supply Chain Management: Accepted, please contact school for detailed score (IELTS only) Linguistics & Philosophy: 6

3、.5 Chemical Engineering: 7.0 (IELTS only) Computation for Design and Optimization: 7.0 (IELTS only) Department of Urban Studies/Planning: 7.0 Civil and Environmental Engineering: please consult the school. Center for Real Estate:; 7.0 (IELTS preferred) Comparative Media Studies: 7.0 (IELTS only) Mat

4、erials Science and Engineering: 6.0 (IELTS only) Nuclear Science & Engineering: 7.0 Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology: 7.0 (IELTS strongly preferred)2015年US News美国大学排名前200名托福雅思成绩要求完整名单如下:排名院校名称所在地本科研究生雅思托福雅思托福1Princeton University普林斯顿大学Princeton, NJ雅思分数要求请咨询学校托福分数要求请咨询学校Graduate

5、 admissions:雅思分数要求请咨询学校* 雅思口语低于8分的申请者将被要求在学校参加英语考试Graduate admissions: 托福分数要求请咨询学校*托福口语低于8分的申请者将被要求在学校参加英语考试2Harvard University哈佛大学Cambridge, MA雅思分数要求请咨询学校不要求托福成绩,只需提供 SAT 或 ACT成绩Harvard Business School* MBA: 7.5 Harvard Graduate School of Education: 7.5 (单科不低于7.0)Harvard Kennedy School: 7.0 Harvard

6、 School of Public Health: 7.0 Harvard University Extension School:* Graduate: 7.0LASPAU: 79 Harvard Business School* MBA: 109 Harvard Graduate School of Education: 104 (单科不低于26)Harvard Kennedy School: 100 Harvard School of Public Health: 100 Harvard University Extension School:* Graduate: 100 3Yale

7、University耶鲁大学New Haven, CT7.0100 Graduate admissions: 7.0 Divinity School and Institute for Sacred Music: 7.0School of Forestry and Environmental Studies: 雅思分数要求请咨询学校Graduate admissions: 250 (computer-based)Divinity School and Institute for Sacred Music: * Institute for Sacred Music: 100 School of

8、Forestry and Environmental Studies: * Master: 100 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: 认可托福。具体分数要求托福分数要求请咨询学校School of Management: 不要求语言成绩4Columbia University哥伦比亚大学New York, NY7.0 100 Graduate admissions: 7.0 Graduate School of Journalism: 8.5Master of Arts 8.0; Ph.D 8.0; Master of computer science

9、 8.0Teachers College: 7.0School of International and Public Affairs: 7.0Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: 7.0School of Social Work: 7.0Business School Master of Science Programs: 雅思分数要求请咨询学校Business School Doctoral Program: 雅思分数要求请咨询学校Institute of Human Nutrition: 7.0School of Continuing Educati

10、on: 7.0School of Nursing: 雅思分数要求请咨询学校Graduate admissions: 托福分数要求请咨询学校Institute of Human Nutrition* MS, Human Nutrition: 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校Business School:* Doctoral Program: 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校* Master of Science Programs: 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science: Higher th

11、an 99 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: 100 School of International and Public Affairs: 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校Graduate School of Journalism: 114 Master of Arts Program in Climate and Society: 100 Teachers College:100 School of Nursing: 600/250 (PBT/CBT)4Stanford University斯坦福大学Stanford, CA雅思分数要求请咨询学校1

12、00Graduate admissions: 雅思分数要求请咨询学校 Stanford Graduate School of Business - MBA Program: 7.0Summer Institute for General Management: 7.0MBA: 100 4University of Chicago芝加哥大学Chicago, IL7.0(单科不低于7.0)104 Graduate admissions: 7.0, 单科成绩不低于7.0MBA: 7.0 Graduate admissions: 104 Graduate School of Business: 104

13、 The Law School: * LLM:104 * JSD:104 7Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院Cambridge, MA雅思分数要求请咨询学校90 Graduate admissions:认可雅思,具体分数要求请咨询学校Technology and Policy Program: 7.5 (只接受雅思)System Design and Management: 7.5 (只接受雅思)Computational and Systems Biology: 6.0 (更认可雅思)Economics: 7.0 (更认可雅思)Suppl

14、y Chain Management:认可雅思,具体分数要求请咨询学校 (IELTS only)Linguistics & Philosophy: 6.5Chemical Engineering: 7.0 (只接受雅思)Computation for Design and Optimization: 7.0 (只接受雅思)Department of Urban Studies/Planning: 7.0Civil and Environmental Engineering: 雅思分数要求请咨询学校Center for Real Estate:7.0 (更认可雅思)Comparative Med

15、ia Studies: 7.0 (只接受雅思)Materials Science and Engineering: 6.0 (只接受雅思)Nuclear Science & Engineering: 7.0Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology: 7.0 (强烈倾向雅思)Master of Engineering in Manufacturing: Accepted, please contact school for score (更认可雅思)Media Arts and Sciences: 7.0 (只接受雅思)Aero

16、nautics and Astronautics: 7.0Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: 7.5(更认可雅思)Mechanical Engineering: 7.0 (更认可雅思)Department of Architecture: 7.0 (7.5 for Ph.D. History, Theory/Criticism of Architecture and Art (更认可雅思)Engineering Systems Division: 7.0 (只认可雅思)Biological Engineering: 7.0 (只认可雅思)P

17、olitical Science: 7.0Department of Biology: 6.5Departent of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science: 6.0Science Writing: 7.5Department of Chemistry: 7.0MIT-Woods Hole Oceanographic: 6.0Department of Mathematics: 6.0Sloan School of Management: 7.0 (Ph.D. Program: 7.0)Department of Brain/Cognitive Sc

18、ience: 7.0History, Anthropology and Sciences, Technology/Society: 7.0Operations Research: 7.0 (更认可雅思)Microbiology: 6.0Interdisciplinary Programs: (7.0 preferred) (更认可雅思)Department of Physics: 雅思分数要求请咨询学校School of Science* Department of Physics: 100 * Department of Mathematics: 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校* Depa

19、rtment of Brain/Cognitive Science: 90 * Department of Chemistry: 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校* Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science:100 * Department of Biology: 100 * Microbiology: 95 Interdisciplinary Programs: 250 (CBT)Operations Research: 100 History, Anthropology and Sciences, Technology/S

20、ociety: 90 Whitaker College of Health Science and Technology: 100 (Masters)Political Science: 100 Sloan School of Management: * Ph.D. Program: 90 Biological Engineering:请咨询学校MIT-Woods Hole Oceanographic: 90-91 School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences: 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校Science Writing: 认可托福,具体分

21、数要求请咨询学校School of Architecture and Planning: 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校Master of Engineering in Manufacturing: 90 Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology: 100 Dept. of Architecture: 100 PhD History, Theory/Criticism of Architecture and Art: 115 Dept. of Urban Studies/Planning: 100 Media Arts an

22、d Sciences:请咨询学校 Center for Real Estate: 100 Comparative Media Studies:请咨询学校 School of Engineering: 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校* Aeronautics and Astronautics: 100 * Chemical Engineering: 100 * Civil and Environmental Engineering: 100 * Computation for Design and Optimization:请咨询学校 * Electrical Engineering and

23、Computer Science: 100 * Engineering Systems Division: 请咨询学校* Materials Science and Engineering: 请咨询学校* Mechanical Engineering: 90 * Nuclear Science & Engineering: 90 8Duke University杜克大学Durham, NC7.0100 Graduate admissions: 7.0 Fuqua School of Business: 雅思分数要求请咨询学校Nicholas School of the Environment:

24、 7.0 School of Nursing: 7.0 LLM: JD/MBA-Contact school for score Sanford School of Public Policy: 7.0 Graduate admissions: 83 Fuqua School of Business: 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校Nicholas School of the Environment: 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校School of Nursing: 83 School of Law: 100 * LLM: 100 * JD:认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校Sanford

25、 School of Public Policy: 110-115 8University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学Philadelphia, PA7.0 无法参加托福考试的申请者可以使用雅思成绩100 Graduate Division of Arts & Sciences: 6.5 Computer and Information Science Graduate Programs: 7.5 Annenberg School of Communications: 认可雅思,具体分数要求请咨询学校Fels School of Government:认可雅思,具体分数要求请

26、咨询学校Graduate School of Design: 7.0 Graduate School of Education: 7.0 School of Nursing: 7.0 School of Social Policy and Practice: 7.0School of Law: * LLM: 7.0 Summer Program:认可雅思,具体分数要求请咨询学校Master of Biotechnology: 7.5 Graduate Division of Arts & Sciences: 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校Computer and Information Sc

27、ience Graduate Programs: 100 Annenberg School of Communications: 115Fels School of Government: 100 Graduate School of Design: 100 Graduate School of Education: 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校School of Nursing: 10, 其中阅读26,听力26,口语23,写作口语23(26分更佳)School of Social Policy and Practice: 100 School of Law: * LLM: 100 Sum

28、mer Program: 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校Master of Biotechnology: 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校10California Institute of Technology加州理工学院Pasadena, CA雅思分数要求请咨询学校托福分数要求请咨询学校Graduate admissions: 7.0 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校11Dartmouth College达特茅斯学院Hanover, NH雅思分数要求请咨询学校100 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: 7.0 Tuck School of Busin

29、ess: 7.0 Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice:认可雅思,具体分数要求请咨询学校Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校Tuck School of Business: 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice: 103 12Johns Hopkins University约翰霍普金斯大学Baltimore, MD7.0 阅读26, 听力

30、26, 写作22,口语25Peabody Conservatory: 6.5Carey Business School: 7.0 Whiting School of Engineering:Full-time: 7.0 School of Medicine (Ph.D.): 7.0 School of Nursing: 7.0 Advanced Academic Programs: 7.0 Krieger School of Arts and Sciences: 7.0 School of Education: 7.0Bloomberg School of Public Health: 100

31、 Carey Business School: 100 Whiting School of Engineering: Full-time: 100 School of Medicine (Ph.D.): 认可托福,具体分数要求请咨询学校School of Nursing: 100 Advanced Academic Programs: 100 Krieger School of Arts and Sciences: 100 13Northwestern University西北大学Evanston, IL7.5105 Graduate admissions: 7.0 Kellogg School of Management* Ph.D.

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