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1、高考英语二轮夯实检测新苏版2units12解析2019高考英语二轮夯实检测:新苏版2units12(解析)必修二Units 12质量过关检测分值:150分时间:120分钟第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)略第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。21(2018太原调研)In our class, the student leaders are on_duty every_few days.A.the; a B/; a C./; / D.the; /

2、22(2018三明普高联考)We know playing computer games for a long time can harm ones_health.A. regular B. magical C. physical D. reliable23(2018潍坊期末)Mike,you dont seem to be quite_today.Well,I hardly slept last night. I was preparing for a report.A. itself B. yourself C. you Dourselves24(2018稳派教育新课改质检)The old

3、 woman is living in extreme despair these days, for her only son has been_with attempted murder.A. blamed B. chargedC. abused D. criticized25(2018潍坊期末) It_have been her to leave her child alone.She isnt such a person.Acouldnt BmustntCmightnt Dwouldnt 26(2018河北省普高质检)Before joining the Department of D

4、efense, Mr. Panetta_as director of the CIA from February 2017 to June 2017.A. would serve B. served C. was served D. had been served27(2018安徽省皖南高三联合测评)Do you know the school_in this university?Yes. Its “Never lose hope”A. motto B. speech C. expression D. matter28(2018河北省普高质检)Would you mind if I clos

5、ed the airconditioner?_ It makes no difference to me.A. Never mind. B. Sure, go ahead.C. Not at all. D. Why not?29(2018沈阳四校协作体月考)_several times, but he still doesnt know how to do it properly.A. Being shown B. Having shown C. Having been shown D. Ive shown him 30(2018沈阳四校协作体月考)According to my father

6、, movies, such as the one you talked about yesterday,_not worth seeing.A. are B. do C. is D. does 31(2018沈阳四校协作体月考)The restaurant across the road caught fire last night. The police are now_the matter.A. watching out B. working outC. looking into D. seeing through 32(2018宝鸡质检一)I never doubted_you cou

7、ld succeed in setting a new world record.A.whether B.if Cthat Dwhat 33(2018宜宾一诊)Before use, your new mobile must fully_.A. get charged B. become charged C. remain charged D. turn charged34(2018万州区一诊) Its time for the government to do something_, in my opinion, could help to improve the situation. A.

8、 that B. where C. which D. as35(2018宝鸡质检一)It is terribly cold today._.Youd better put on your overcoat.A.So does it B.So is it CSo it does DSo it is第二节:完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(2018朝阳期末统考)It has been difficult to sit on the bench most of th

9、e time, watching my team from the sideline. I always_36_why I am not good enough to be on the floor.After endless hours of work and devotion,_37_myself through drill after drill, the last thing I want is to be a cheerleader.The feeling of being_38_is sometimes too much and drives me to_39_on the spo

10、t.I often feel as though my _40_are wasted and my time is eaten away, devoted to_41_. It is heartbreaking to be a spectator (旁观者) for the game I love, knowing that no one has enough faith to give me the chance to_42_on the floor.Tears well up, but I_43_them back.I shouldnt be so_44_over something so

11、 silly.Away from the game, its easier to put my thoughts together, rather than letting my_45_drive my reasoning.I consider_46_I am where I am.I have played basketball my whole life.I have a strong _47_for the sport and always have.There is nothing like the_48_of playing: the swish (飕飕声) of the net,

12、the sweat rolling off my cheeks, even the bruises (青肿) are battle wounds worn_49_after every game.Even if I don t play much, I participate in every game.I am part of a team of girls who_50_together like a family.I am there for them,_51_they are for me.Should I move on? Or should I stay with my team

13、and continue playing basketball_52_great passion just a little longer? The_53_isnt difficult when I consider the joy that being a part of a team _54_meand not just any team, but my team.I love basketball and my teammates.When I think about that, my_55_from the bench really isnt so bad after all.文章大意

14、:虽然我一直训练很刻苦,对于篮球投入了很多时间和精力,但是我一直在做冷板凳,这让我感到很不满。我是该离开赛场,还是继续做冷板凳。最终,我选择了后者。36A.wonder BpromiseCaccept Drealize37A.following BsupportingCdiscovering Dpushing38A.careless BworthlessCselfless Dhomeless39A.quit BstayCstruggle Ddelay40A.beliefs BchancesCefforts Dexperiences41A.something BnothingCanything

15、Deverything42A.perform BrespondCidentify BgiveCtake Dhold44A.upset BnervousCscared Damazed45A.hardships BpossessionsCfeelings Dachievements46A.that BwhyCwhen Dwhether47A.imagination BadmissionCcaution Dpassion48A.encouragement BembarrassmentCexcitement Ddisappointment49A.bravely Bpr

16、oudlyCregretfully Dpainfully50A.fix BaddCargue BifCfor Dthough52A.through BoverCwith Dfrom53A.conflict BpatienceCchallenge Ddecision54A.cheats BbringsCurges Dcontrols55A.request BintentionCview Dambition第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A(2018三明普高联考)Its

17、 lucky for young athletes all over the world to get their chance at Olympic gold since the International Olympic Committee(IOC)voted unanimously (一致地) to host the Young Olympics.The firstever Summer Youth Olympics made their debut(首次亮相) in August of 2017. The 12day competition featured 3,200 kids be

18、tween the ages of 14 and 18. The first Winter Youth Olympics will be held in 2018 and are expected to attract 1,000 athletes. Both Games will take place every four years on a regular basis.Childhood obesity was listed as one of the reasons for launching the Young Olympics, IOC president Jacques Rogg

19、e said he hoped the global competitions would inspire young people to get off the couch and get into shape. Rogge also admitted that the IOC wished to attract a younger television audience to the formal Olympics. In the past years, interest in the Games among young people has decreased, with the ave

20、rage age of Olympic viewers on the rise.Rogge agreed that kids today are more interested in such competitions as the X Games, which features such sports as BMX freestyle, surfing on the sea and Moto X Racing.The Olympics have tried to keep up with the competition by adding BMXcrossing cycling(自行车越野赛

21、), skicross and snowboarding to the Olympic program. And the IOC is hoping to strengthen its reputation among teens by including skateboarding in the 2018 London Olympics.文章大意:为了鼓励青少年多进行体育锻炼,国际奥委会一致同意召开青奥会。56The International Olympic Committee decided to start the Youth Olympics in order to_.A. enco

22、urage young people to exercise moreB. stress the importance of the Olympics C. develop students sense of competitionD. pull in an older audience to the Olympics57Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?AHow long the Winter Youth Olympics will last.BWhen the Winter Youth Olympics will be h

23、eld.CHow many judges attended the Summer Youth Olympics.DYoung people have lost interest in Youth Olympics.58The text tells us that_is likely to be added to the 2018 London Olympics.A. skateboarding B. snowboarding.C. BMX freestyle. D. ski cross 59The main subject of this passage is likely to be_.A.

24、 childhood obesity leads to Youth Olympics B. the history of different sets of OlympicsC. X Games are popular among young People D. the firstever Young OlympicsB(2018泸州一诊)Sydney Opera House Guided Walking TourDuration: 60 minutes (approx.)Location: Sydney, AustraliaGo behind the scenes listed at the

25、 World HeritageSydney Opera House, one of the worlds “mustsee” attractions.On your onehour guided walking tour of the Sydney Opera House, youll see what goes on behind the worlds most recognizable sails.Youll hear the various stories of the buildings construction, as interesting as any opera story,

26、brought alive by the tours new interactive audiovisual (音视频的) presentation.Likely to Sell OutThe Sydney Opera House Guided Tour regularly sells out weeks in advance, so book now to avoid disappointment.The Sydney Opera House was intended for greatness ever since it opened in 1973, and today it is on

27、e of Australias most recognizable marks.Your guide will bring to life the mysterious stories behind this wonder of architecture and engineering on your onehour tour.Youll visit one of the major concert halls in the opera house, where over 1500 performances are staged each year, and lose yourself in

28、the beautiful world of Australias wonderful performing arts center.The short onehour tour leaves you with plenty of time in the day free to enjoy yourselves in Sydney.Tour and Pricing OptionsClick the link below for a price on your preferred travel date.Our pricing is changing with the latest inform

29、ation to make sure you always receive the lowest price possiblewe 100% guarantee (保证)it.Your currency (货币) is set to US dollars.Click here to change your currency.Schedule DetailsDeparts (出发): DailyDeparture Point: Sydney Opera House Information DeskDeparture Time: Tour starts every half hour betwee

30、n 9:00 am and 5:00 pm.(New Years Eve tours end at 12:00 pm.New Years Day tours begin at 11:00 am.)Return Details: Returns to the starting pointAdditional Information: Wheelchair accessible, please advise at time of booking if you have limited ability to move around.Pricing details for August 2017$ 29.10 (Adult); $ 23.37 (Child); Free (Infant)文章大意:本文介绍了澳大利亚悉尼世界文化遗产歌剧院。60What does the tour allow visitors to enjoy?A.The beautiful views of Sydney.B.The various stories of the operas.C.The performances in the arts center.D.The buildings wonder

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