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八年级英语上册 Unit 10 If you go to the partyyoull have.docx

1、八年级英语上册 Unit 10 If you go to the partyyoull haveUnit 10 If you go to the party,youll have a great time一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1. There is a class _(会议) on Monday morning.2. We _(组织) a party for New Years Day yesterday.3. Many children like to eat _(巧克力)4. I felt _(沮丧) when I failed my math exam.5. Doctor Li

2、 gave Bruce some _(建议) on how to keep healthy.二、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。6. If I go to the party in a t_, it will be too expensive.7. My parents o_ a big birthday party for me last year.8. Kate looks so u_ Nobody knows what happened.9. Everyone is looking forward to the sports m_ next Tuesday.10. I dont know

3、what to do about my family problem. Can you give me some a_?(东营)三、根据汉语意思完成句子。11. .如果你去公园,你将会过得很愉快。_you go to the park,_have a great time.12. .下周六你将去参加玛丽的聚会吗? _you_ _Marys party next Saturday?13. .我认为全班一半同学不会做这件事。I dont think_ _ _ can do it.14. 下周我将很忙,没有时间见你。Ill be_ busy_ see you next week.15. 如果我们今天

4、告诉了他这件事将会发生什么?What_ _ _we tell him about it today?16. 妈妈让我晚上不看电视。My mother _ me _ _ _ TV at night.17. 如果你每天做足够的锻炼,你就会很健康。You _ _very healthy if you take _ _ every day.18. 我忘了接下来该做什么。I forget_ _ _next.19. 请帮我筹备聚会。Please_ me _the party.20.你可以从老师那里得到一些好的建议。You can _ some good_ _ the teacher.四、用所给词的适当形式

5、填空21. Our English teacher asks us _(finish)our homework on time.22. I had a great time_ (play) basketball yesterday.23. Do you like these _(video)?24. Can you tell me how_(make) a banana milk shake? 25. Well go to the Great Wall if it_(not) rain tomorrow.五、选词或短语并用其恰当形式填空have a good time, make friend

6、s,stay at home, taxi, organize26. If you go for a picnic with us, you _27. There are too many _ in the street.28. On weekends, my son wouldnt like _29. Please help me _ the class meeting.30.He doesnt like_ because he is very quiet.六、单项选择31. (2015连云港)You will see many aunts dancing together on the sq

7、uare if it_ in the evening.Adoesnt rain Brains Cwill rain Dwont rain32. (中考白银)I havent decided when_a holiday yet.Atook Btaking Cto take Dtake33. Eric asked me_him.Ato marry Bto marriedCmarry Dmarried34. (中考益阳)Please give me some _on how to learn English well.Aplan Binformation Cadvice35. This math

8、problem is _ hard for me _ work out.Aso;that Bvery;toCenough;to Dtoo;to36. March is a good time _China.Avisit Bvisits Cto visit Dvisiting37. Would you please tell me _this camera? Yes,its easy.Awhat to use Bhow to useCwhom to use Dwhich to use38. The _ are going to_ a sports meeting.Aorganizer;organ

9、ize Borganizers;organizedCorganization;organize Dorganizers;organize39. You are _,Tom.I argued with my best friend just now.Ahappy Bupset Ctired Dexcited40.(2015铜仁)You wont pass the exam _ you dont work hard.OK, Ill do my best.Aand Bbut Cif Dso41. What will happen _ we hold the party next Monday eve

10、ning?Most of our classmates will not come. (厦门)AifBthoughCsince42. The _ are going to _ a sports meeting.Aorganizer;organize Borganizers;organizedCorganization;organize Dorganizers;organize43. Can you please tell me _ to the reilway station? I am lost.Awhere to get Bhow to getCwhen to get Dwhy to ge

11、t44. Dont bring the food to the party.If you _,I will take it away.(广元)Aare Bdo Cwill Ddoes45. He felt _ after his father died. He cried and cried.Aangry Bupset Ccareless Dcareful46. He often goes home by _after 11:30 pm. because there are no buses.Afeet Bbuses Ctaxi Dfoot47. If you go to the beach

12、with me,youll_.Ahave a great time Bhave a bad timeChaves luck Dhave happy48. Half the class _ now.Ais singingBare singingCsingDsings49. Mr.Li asks the students _ in the river,because its too dangerous.(重庆)AswimBto swimCnot to swimDto not swim50. Could you give me some _? I tried several times but fa

13、iled. (龙东)AnoticeBsuggestionCadvice七、同义句转换。51. If we play together,well have fun.If we play together,well _ _ _ _52. 50 percent of the students like watching the game show._ _ the students like watching the game show.53. I want to know how I should go to the party.I want to know _ _ _ to the party.5

14、4. Work hard, or you will not pass the exam. _ you _ work hard, you will _ the exam.55. This video isnt interesting enough for us to watch.This video is _ boring for us _ watch.八、句型转换。56. You cant bring your friends to the party.(改为祈使句)_ _ your friends to the party.57. He_will_be_late if he walks to

15、 school.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ if he walks to school?58. If you go to the movies with us,you will have fun.(改为同义句)If you go to the movies with us,you will _ _ _ _59. I dont know what I should do about going to Toms party.(改为同义句)I dont know what _ _ about going to Toms party.60. Get up quickly,or you will mi

16、ss the school bus.(改为同义句)_ you _ up quickly,you _ _ the school bus.九、语法专练。(一)用所给词的适当形式填空。61. You should go to see a dentist if you_(have) a toothache.62. If he_(walk) to school, it_(take) him too much time.63. If you_(not go) to bed earlier, you will feel tired in the morning.(二)用if连接为一个句子64. I will

17、 be free next Sunday. I will go shopping._I_ _next Sunday, I_ go shopping.65. There will be a test next week. Ill have to study for it.I_ _to study for it_ there _a test next week.十、原创阅读 。 (词数:约170;建议用时: 6分钟)Walking barefoot (赤脚地) on fresh grass is a wonderful experience for most of us. But there is

18、 very little grass in the city.68.We_can_only_enjoy_it_when_we_go_for_a_picnic_in_the_countryside.Now there is good news! An American company, KUSA, has developed a new kind of flipflops (人字拖鞋). This kind of flipflops can make people feel as if they were walking on grass. In fact, the “grass” in the

19、 flipflops is not real grass, and it is a kind of manmade grass. KUSA says, “We use the highest quality material to take the place of real grass. It looks and feels like real grass.”A pair of new flipflops costs $32.The flipflops are in different sizes small, medium and large. They can meet the need

20、 of different people. The makers say that when people put on the flipflops, (69) 起初他们可能感到有点儿不舒服. They also say that if the grass is not as good as before, it needs to be fluffed(使松散), but they suggest not cutting it.66. Why is the new kind of flipflops good news to people?_67. In what sizes are the

21、flipflops made?_68. 将画线部分译成汉语。_69.将画线部分译成英语。_70.What can people do if the grass is not as good as before?_十一、词语填空。 (2015杭州)(词数:约190; 建议用时:7分钟)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。使短文通顺、正确、连贯(每个单词限用一次)。advice, decide, make, sleep, that, I, anything, angry, too, alwaysFrom: sandraTo: elle_Subject: Need help!Hi Elle, I nee

22、d some help with my problems. I dont know what to do! Youre so confident (自信的) and always know what to do, so I hope you can give me some _(71) I have very strict parents who wont let me do _(72) on my own. Theyve been really _(73) with me because of my poor school results. I dont know how to let th

23、em know that their pressure is _(74) it hard for me to do well in school. My friends at school are _(75) trying to get me to do things I dont like. I want to make my own _(76)I dont want to do things because of the pressure from my classmates. How do _(77) deal with them? Im always worrying about my

24、 looks. I think Im getting too fat. I have too many pimples (粉刺) on my face, _(78) All these problems are making me feel very stressful and sad. Im so stressed _(79) Im beginning to have sleep problems. I worry so much that I cant _(80)What can I do? Please help!Yours,Sandra答案:一、1.meeting 2.organize

25、d 3chocolate 4.upset 5.advice 二、6.taxi7.organized8.upset9meeting10.advice三、11. If; youll 12. Are; going to13half the class 14.too;to15.will happen if16.asks; not to watch 17will be; enough exercise 18what to; organize20get; advice from四、 finish 22.playing 23.videos24to make 25.doesnt五

26、、26.will have a good time stay at home 29(to) organize 30.making friends 六、31.A点拨:句意:如果晚上不下雨,你会看到许多阿姨在广场上一起跳舞。if引导的从句,当主句是一般将来时时,从句须用一般现在时。故选A。32C点拨:考查特殊疑问词不定式。句意:我还没有决定什么时候去度假。故选C。33A点拨:ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事。34C点拨:此题用句意分析法。考查名词辨析。句意:请给我一些有关怎样学好英语的建议。plan计划,information 信息,advice建议。35D点拨:根据句意“这道数学题对于我来说太难了而不能计算出来。”可知选D。too.to太而不能。36C点拨:动词不定式作后置定语。37B点拨:根据答语可知问句句意为“请你告诉我怎样使用这台照相机好吗?”how to use意为“如何使用”,在句中作动词tell的宾语。38D点拨:本题用题眼法解题。根据空格后面的are可判断主语用名词的复数形式,排除A、C两项;be going to后接动词原形,故排除B

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