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Unit 3 Period Ⅱ Warming UpReading.docx

1、Unit 3 Period Warming Up ReadingPeriod Warming Up & Reading1(教材P22)Dr King encourages us to fight against this unfair system which prohibits us blacks from sitting where we like.金博士鼓励我们同这个禁止我们黑人随意就座的不公平的制度作斗争。(1)fight against 对抗;抵抗We must fight against ignorance.我们必须和无知作战。The police will not relent

2、in their fight against crime.警方在跟犯罪分子的斗争中决不手软。fight for 为做斗争fight with 和做斗争fight back 反击;抑制fight together 打成一团fight on 继续战斗fight through 奋力通过;力排众议Its time to fight back against street crime.现在是打击街头犯罪行为的时候了。Britain fought against/with the US in the War of Independence;the Americans were fighting for

3、their freedom.英国在独立战争中与美国作战;美国人为争取他们的自由而战斗。完成句子这两个国家结盟来对付另外一个国家。The two countries leagued together to another country.他参军为祖国而战。He joined up to his motherland.我们必须唤起他们同敌人斗争。We must arouse them to enemies.【答案】fight againstfight forfight with(2)prohibit vt. 禁止;妨碍Laws must be put through to prohibit thi

4、s act.必须通过法律来制止这种做法。What kind of plants do you prohibit?你们禁止的是哪种植物?prohibit sb./sth.from doing. 阻止做prohibit ones doing. 阻止某人做某事prohibit doing sth. 禁止做某事His parents prohibit him from coming home late.他父母禁止他晚回家。Family finances prohibited his going to college.家庭的经济状况不允许他上大学。【名师点津】表示“禁止某人做某事”的短语还有:keep/

5、prevent/stop.from.ban.fromforbid.from完成句子这里禁止吸烟。Smoking is here.雨天和大雾妨碍了飞行。Rainy weather and fog 有些公民被禁止出国旅游。Some citizens were abroad.【答案】prohibitedprohibited flyingprohibited/banned/kept/prevented/stopped/forbidden from travelling2offence n. 冒犯;违法行为;犯罪;侮辱(教材P22)It is regarded as an offence if we s

6、it at the front of a bus and if we break this law, we receive a heavy punishment.如果我们坐在公交车前面的座位上,就会被认为违规了,如果我们不遵守这项法律,我们会遭到严惩。Im sorry;I intended no offence when I said that.对不起;我说那事并无恶意。The law prescribes heavy penalties for this offence.法律规定对这种不法行为从严惩处。take offence (at.) 对生气give offence 触犯;使不高兴(me

7、an) no offence 无冒犯之意offend vt. 冒犯;伤害的感情;使不愉快 vi. 犯罪be offended with sb. 对某人生气be offended at/by (ones words) 对(某人的话)感到生气.I wouldnt expect anyone to give offence to me for focusing on my health. 我不想任何人让我牺牲对健康的专注。He is always so quick to take offence at odds.他老是动不动就对琐碎的小事生气。Im sure he meant no offence

8、when he said that.我相信他那么说并无冒犯的意思。Many readers were offended with her latest book.许多读者对她的近作很不满意。完成句子何苦为一个蠢笑话生气?Why do you at a stupid joke?他粗鲁无礼的举止触怒了她。She his abrupt manner.这篇文章很可能触犯许多人。This article is able to to many people.【答案】take offencewas offended bygive offence3separation n分离;分开(教材P22)But on

9、Thursday, Im glad to say, this unjust separation of people on the basis of skin color was challenged.但是在周四,我很高兴地说,这种根据肤色的不公正的种族隔离受到了挑战。Separation from her children was a terrible wrench.同她的孩子们分别是很痛苦的。separate vt.&vi. 分开;分离;分居adj. 分开的;单独的;各自的;不同的separate.from. 把与分开divide.into. 分;划分;分配separate.into 分成

10、,划分separate off 分离出,分隔出The two children separated at the end of the road.两个孩子在路的尽头分手了。A fence separated the cows from the pigs.围栏把奶牛和猪分开。The children sleep in separate beds.孩子们分别睡在各自的床上。【图形助记】完成句子生肉和熟肉必须分开存放。Raw meat must be kept cooked meat.南美洲和非洲于2亿年前分离。South America Africa 200 million years ago.他

11、和妻子分居一年了。He his wife for a year.【答案】separate fromseparated fromhas been separated from4submit vt.&vi.服从;顺从;提交;递交;认为(教材P22)The other three submitted but Rosa was unwilling to do so and she refused.另外三个人屈从了,但是罗莎不愿意这样做,她拒绝站起来。We will submit ourselves to the courts judgement.我们服从法庭的判决。Please fill in and

12、 submit the form below.请填写并递交下面的表格。I submit that more proof is needed to support the case.我认为这个案子需要更多的证据证实。submit to ones fate 听天由命submit to. 向屈服 向提交submit that. 建议/认为submission n. 屈服;投降;提交submissive adj. 顺从的;驯服的She refused to submit to threats.面对威胁,她拒不低头。We should submit our plans to the

13、council for approval.我们应该向理事会提交计划以求批准。完成句子你准备对我的决定让步吗?Are you prepared to my decision? 我认为那些条件完全不合理。I the terms are entirely unreasonable.他们试图用饥饿来使他屈服。They tried to starve him into 【答案】submit tosubmit thatsubmission5seize on 抓住;利用(教材P22)King and the other black leaders in Montgomery have seized on t

14、his incident and decided on a collision course to change the law.金和蒙哥利马市的其他黑人领袖利用这个事件,决定通过一个冲突过程来改变法律。The boy seized on the rain as an excuse for missing school.那个男孩以下雨作为没有上学的借口。seize vt. 抓住(机会);理解;占领be seized with 被侵扰seize the arm 抓住某人胳膊seize hold of 抓住I tried to seize the gun from him.我试图夺他的

15、枪。She seized hold of my hand.她抓住我的手。He was seized with a slight attack of fever.他有一点发烧。完成句子他突然感到一阵莫明其妙的不安情绪。He a restlessness he could not account for.我们抓住他的话把它当作是一种承诺。We his remark and regarded it as a promise.我只好抓住他的胳膊拉着他走。So I seized him and dragged him away.【答案】was seized withseized onby the arm

16、6punctual adj. 准时的;守时的(教材P22)I like to be punctual for work and no boycott is going to make me late.我喜欢准时上班,抵制公交车不会使我迟到。Not being punctual is his greatest shortcoming.不守时间是他的最大缺点。be punctual for 对准时punctually adv. 守时地;准时地punctuality n. 准时;守时Henceforth I expect you to be punctual for meetings.我希望你今后准

17、时到会。Please make every endeavor to arrive punctually.请尽量准时到达。完成句子他强调的一点是我们必须准时。He stressed the point that we should be 她总是很准时赴约。Shes always very appointments.【答案】punctualpunctual for7by coincidence 恰巧;碰巧(教材P22)By coincidence a bus arrived as we reached the empty bus stop, but we ignored it.碰巧的是,当我们到达

18、空荡荡的公交车站时,一辆公交车过来了,但我们未加理睬。By coincidence,we arrived here at the same time.我们碰巧同时到达这儿。What a coincidence! 真巧!It is a coincidence that. 巧合的是by coincidenceby chance 碰巧coincide v. 巧合;同时发生coincide with 同时发生;与相等coincide in 在方面一致coincident adj. 巧合的;同时发生的be coincident with sth. 与某事同时发生;与相一致What a coinciden

19、ce that I was in Beijing just when you were.真是巧合,你在北京时我也在。His tastes and habits coincide with those of his wife.他的嗜好和习惯与他妻子的恰好一致。His arrival is coincident with our departure.他到来时我们正好离开。用coincide,coincidence,coincident填空It was a that we walked along the same street.They didnt in opinion.The culture a

20、reas are with language areas.【答案】coincidencecoincidecoincident8march vi.进军;前进;游行示威 nU行军,进行,进展;示威游行(教材P22)Taxis passed all full of passengers as we pedestrians marched on the pavement.当我们这些步行者在人行道上行进时,满载乘客的出租车从我们身边驶过去。He ordered that we march on that night.他命令我们那天夜里继续前进。march on 继续行进;发展;进展;向行进march f

21、orward 前进;前行on the march 在行军中;在进展中go on a march 参加游行march into. 闯进;走进The boots cleaned, the soldiers began to march on.靴子擦干净后,士兵们开始行军。The army was now on the march to Shanghai.部队当时正向上海进军。完成句子The enemy are (在行军途中)She (闯进房间) without knocking.Well (参加游行) against racism this Saturday.【答案】on the marchmar

22、ched into the roomgo on the march9be/become/get accustomed to.习惯于(教材P23)Maryann Jones became accustomed to travelling to work without the bus.玛丽安琼斯已经习惯于不乘坐公交车步行去上班。He quickly became accustomed to the local food.他很快就习惯了当地的食物。The young man soon became accustomed to hard work.那个年轻人很快就习惯了辛苦的工作。accustom

23、vt. 使习惯accustom oneself/ (doing) sth. 使习惯于accustomed adj. 习惯的He had to accustom himself to the cold weather.他不得不使自己习惯于寒冷的天气。翻译句子首先我们得使自己习惯于这种长途行军。这里的条件不是她所习惯享受的。【答案】First we had to accustom ourselves to the long marches.Conditions here are not what shes accustomed to.10(教材P23)Encouraged by a Su

24、preme Court decision that public education must be mixed nationwide,the leaders went to court to argue against separation on buses.最高法院决定全国公共教育要黑白人种混校,黑人运动领导者深受鼓舞,他们去法庭为反对汽车上的种族隔离制度据理力争。【要点提炼】句中的that引导同位语从句,解释说明decision的内容。The news that they had arrived in the Antarctic soon spread over the whole co

25、untry.他们到达南极的消息很快传遍了整个国家。同位语从句一般用that,whether等词引导,对与之同位的名词中心词作进一步解释。能跟同位语从句的名词有:idea,fact,news,belief,hope,information,evidence,opinion,problem,truth,answer,proposal,decision,thought,condition等。The idea that we invited him yesterday is quite good.我们昨天邀请他这个主意很好。The news that our team won the match is encouraging.我们队赢得比赛的消息激动人心。完成句子信上他说他将在这个圣诞节来看我。Along with the letter was his promise this coming Christmas.我们推迟会议的建议被校长采纳了。Our suggestion was accepted by the headmaster.【答案】that he would visit methat the meeting be put off

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