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本文(人教新课标届高三英语一轮复习精品同步练习选修8 Unit 2 Cloning.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教新课标届高三英语一轮复习精品同步练习选修8 Unit 2 Cloning.docx

1、人教新课标届高三英语一轮复习精品同步练习选修8 Unit 2 CloningUnit 2Cloning.多项选择1After questioning the man for six hours,the police_ the information they wanted.Aseized BrecoveredCappealed Dobtained解析:选D。句意:警察审问了这个男人6个小时后才得到了他们想要的信息。seize抓住; recover恢复;appeal呼吁,控诉;obtain得到,使用范围较广。2John was_to learn the news that he was reje

2、cted by the committee.Acast down Bcast offCcast about Dcast away解析:选A。考查动词短语辨析。cast down使沮丧;cast off扔掉;cast about设法寻找;cast away扔掉;抛弃。3I_it to my teacher to take a betterpaid post if I can get one.Aowe BbelongCgive Ddonate解析:选A。句意:如果我能得到较好的职位,我应感激我的老师。受恩惠,感激,符合语意要求。4What youve said sounds _,bu

3、t can we really solve the problem in that way?It is worth a try.Aabsurd BawesomeCreasonable Dshallow解析:选C。reasonable意为“合理的,讲道理的”。句意:“你讲的听起来有道理,但我们真的能用那种方式解决这个问题吗?”“值得一试。”absurd意为“荒缪的,可笑的”;awesome意为“使人敬畏的,令人畏惧的”;shallow意为“浅的,肤浅的”。5Linda didnt get there on time because of the bad weather.Whats more,he

4、r car was in poor _.Aposition BconditionCsituation Ddirection解析:选B。in poor condition意为“状况很坏”。句意:由于天气恶劣,加之车况也不好,琳达没能按时赶到那里。6As is known to us all,children in our country have the right of receiving _ education by law.Atraditional BcommercialCcultural Dcompulsory解析:选D。考查形容词辨析。compulsory意为“义务的,强制的”,com

5、pulsory education意为“义务教育”。句意:众所周知,我国儿童有依法享有接受义务教育的权利。7After the war,the people in that small country were working hard to _ their country back to life.Abring BtakeCcarry Dfetch解析:选A。短语bring back to life意为“使复苏,使复活”。句意:战后,那个小国家的人民致力于使国家复苏。8(2010年湖北省八校联考)The car factory has produced a new car of high q

6、uality;its only _ is that it uses a lot of petrol.Aadvantage BdrawbackCmistake Dprofit解析:选B。考查名词词义辨析。句意:这家汽车工厂推出了一款高质量的新车,其唯一的缺陷是耗油最大。四个名词的主要含义为:A“优点,有利条件(因素)”,B“缺点,不利条件”,C“错误”,D“利润”。句中提到高油耗,显然这里说的是其缺陷,因此选B。9(2010年湖北省八校联考)As long as we persist in spreading scientific knowledge among the masses,all t

7、he strange beliefs are _ to go out of our life.Anecessary BimportantCdifficult Dbound解析:选D。考查形容词词义辨析。句意:只要我们坚持在公众中传播科学知识,所有的奇怪的信仰一定会从我们的生活中消失。A“必要的,必需的”,B“重要的”,C“困难的,艰难的”,D“注定的”。从语意和搭配看,这里用固定短语be bound to do sth.表示“注定做某事”。故选D项。10(2010年高考湖北卷)I wasnt blaming anyone;I _ said errors like this could be a

8、voided.Amerely BmostlyCrarely Dnearly解析:选A。考查副词词义辨析。mostly“大部分地,通常地”; nearly“几乎”;rarely“很少地,几乎不”;merely“仅仅,只不过”。全句意思“我并没有责怪任何人,我只是说类似这种错误是可以避免的”。故选A。.完成句子1Only through study _(才能获得知识)(obtain)解析:考查倒装结构。“Only状语”置于句首,句子部分倒装。答案:can knowledge be obtained2_(国与国之间的时尚不同)may reflect the cultural differences

9、from one aspect.(differ)解析:考查主语从句。“与不同”应表达为differ from,本题是主语从句,引导词要用that。答案:That fashion differs from country to country3These profits are based on the assumption _(物价在上涨)(rise)解析:考查同位语从句。根据语境,“上涨”应用进行时态,本题是同位语从句,故用that引导。答案:that prices are rising4I suggested not only _(他出席会议)but also give a speech

10、there.(attend)解析:考查倒装和虚拟语气。首先,由not only可知谓语要倒装;其次,由suggest可知从句动词要用“should动词原形”结构。答案:should he attend the meeting5Little _(妈妈禁止我)to do whatever I like except when I play computer games long.(forbid)解析:考查倒装结构。否定副词little置于句首,句子部分倒装。答案:does my mother forbid me6There is a new problem involved in the popu

11、larity of private cars that road conditions need _(提高)(improve)解析:考查非谓语动词。need to be done/ doing意为“需要被做”。答案:to be improved/ improving7It is in the village school _(他积累了)a lot of teaching experience during the past 10 years.(accumulate)解析:考查强调句型。本句是强调句型,由during the past 10 years可知accumulate要用现在完成时。答案

12、:that he has accumulated8The news came,as expected,_(她被选中)to be a foreign aid doctor to go to Africa where people are suffering a lot from AIDS.(choose)解析:考查同位语从句。根据语境,“她被选中”可表达为she was chosen,本题是同位语从句,所以要用that引导。答案:that she was chosen9There are laws in some countries which forbid _(上演广告)at inapprop

13、riate times and places.(show)解析:考查动词用法。forbid doing意为“禁止做”,此处advertisements应视为doing的逻辑主语。答案:advertisements being shown10He was cast down by _(剥夺了机会)of attending the meeting.(deny)解析:考查动名词。“剥夺了机会”应表达为deny the opportunity,由于是被动语态且作介词by的宾语,故用动名词的被动式。答案:being denied the opportunity.完形填空Words:389难度系数:建议用

14、时:12(2011年赣州适应性考试)Eating the CookieOne of my patients,a successful businessman,tells me that before his cancer he would become depressed unless things went a certain way._1_ was“having the cookie.”If you had the cookie,things were good.If you didnt have the cookie,life was _2_.Unfortunately,the cook

15、ie kept _3_.Some of the time it was money,and sometimes power.At _4_ time,it was the new car,the biggest contract.A year and a half after his diagnosis of prostate(前列腺)cancer,he sits _5_ his head regretfully.“It seems that I stopped learning how to _6_ after I was a kid.When I give my son a cookie,h

16、e is happy.If I take the cookie away or it _7_,he is unhappy.But he is two and a half and I am forty three.Its taken me this long to understand that the _8_ will never make me happy for long.The _9_ you have the cookie it starts to fall to pieces or you start to _10_ about it crumbling(弄碎)or about s

17、omeone trying to take it away from you.You know,you have to _11_ a lot of things to take care of the cookie,to keep it from crumbling and be _12_ that no one takes it away from you.You may not even get a chance to eat it _13_ you are so busy just trying not to lose it._14_ the cookie is not what lif

18、e is about.”My patient laughs and says _15_ has changed him.For the first time he is _16_.No matter if his _17_ is doing well or not,no matter if he wins or loses at golf.“Two years ago,cancer _18_ me,What is really important?Well,life is important.Life.Life any way you can,have it,life with the coo

19、kie,life without the cookie.Happiness does not have anything to _19_ with the cookie:it has to do with being _20_.”【解题导语】生活中究竟什么是最重要的呢?一个成功的商人,在患了癌症之后终于明白,其实生活中最重要的就是活着,能够快乐的活着就是人生最大的幸福。1A.Happiness BSuccessCBusiness DLove解析:选A。考查名词。根据后文语境的暗示可知,本文主要谈论的是生活幸福的问题。2A.normal BcommonCworthless Duseless解析:

20、选C。考查形容词。从本段前文If you had the cookie,things were good.的对比可知,此处是表达与good相反的意思,因此选C。3A.increasing BchangingCdecreasing Drecovering解析:选B。考查动词。根据后文所说,一会儿是金钱,一会儿是权力,可见这个cookie是变化的。 BaCno Dother解析:选D。考查短语理解。从前文的some,sometimes可知,作者在对事情的表现形式进行列举,因此此处用other。5A.shaking BnoddingCknocking Draising解析:选A。考查动词

21、。说话时有regretfully的表情,显然是伴随不满意的动作,shaking符合语境要求。6A.grow BlearnClive Dwork解析:选C。考查动词。本文谈论的是生活的问题,不难想到live。7A.burns BbreaksCshares Dthrows解析:选B。考查动词。小饼被拿走了或弄坏了,儿子就会不高兴。8A.disease BchangeCkid Dcookie解析:选D。考查名词。小孩年纪小,能够有小饼吃就满意了,大人却因为要求高,对一个饼是不会满意的。9A.hour BtimeCsecond Dminute解析:选D。考查名词。考查对名词引导的时间状语从句的理解,t

22、he minute“一就”。10A.think BcomeCworry Ddoubt解析:选C。考查动词。根据语境,此处表达的是一种担忧。11A.give up Badd upCuse up Dcall up解析:选A。考查动词短语辨析。一但自己拥有的东西有被人拿走的危险,就会放弃许多其他的事情来保护自己的cookie。12A.brave BcuriousCaware Dsure解析:选D。考查形容词。确保没人能够拿走自己的cookie。13A.unless BbecauseCthough Duntil解析:选B。考查从属连词。此处表示原因,故选B。14A.Eating BProtecting

23、CHaving DMaking解析:选C。考查动名词运用。根据前文语境,不难想到用having。15A.death BenergyClife Dcancer解析:选D。考查名词。这个病人患了癌症,正是因为得了癌症,所以他改变了对生活的看法。16A.happy BweakCupset Dsad解析:选A。考查形容词。改变了对生活的看法后,他的心情就快乐了。17A.result BfortunateCbusiness Dbehavior解析:选C。考查名词。因为他是商人,所以经营的应该是business。18A.asked BleftCdeserted Drecognized解析:选A。考查动词。

24、根据后文的句式是一个问句,故用ask。 BdoCconnect Dlink解析:选B。考查动词。从后文中的do with可知答案。20A.alone BaliveCambitious Dactive解析:选B。考查形容词。活着就是最重要的,活着就是人生最大的幸福。这是整篇短文的落脚点。.阅读理解Words:509难度系数:建议用时:8One of the best decisions you can make in your twenties is to explore.Exploring postcollege choices looks a lot like being l

25、ost;in fact,being lost is normal and productive at this stage in life.In the past,people were penalized(处罚)for getting lost.For example,dropping out of high school for a year to explore made colleges think you were hospitalized for mental instability.But its a different story today.Right after colle

26、ge,you dont get dinged(教训)for taking time off.Most graduate and professional schools today would prefer the students who take time to go away,have different experiences,and then come back refocused.Why is there so much respect for exploration?Part of the reason is that there is no better way of figu

27、ring out what will make you happy.“We are not very good at using our imaginations when it comes to how well feel in a given circumstance,” says Daniel Gilbert,a professor of psychology at Harvard University.Therefore,he recommends that we test out a lot of different careers.He admits that this metho

28、d takes time,but he says its worth it because otherwise youre likely to make a decision based on money,which does not always lead to happiness.What about the people who pull their life together in a tight little package by age twentyfour?Theyre the exception to the rule,according to Wayne Osgood,a p

29、rofessor of sociology at Pennsylvania State University.He labels these people“fast starters” and explains that they are only about 12 percent of the population.Some fast starters are just plain lucky:they love the first job they get after college.The other 88 percent of us have to march through our twenties formulating(规划)a new career plan.The good news is that this is what most people are doing in their twenties:wandering,taking trips,changing jobs every year,volunteering for unpaid work while living at their parents house,and starting businesses that fail.Al

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