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1、PEP新版六上英语复习资料PEP新版六上英语复习资料 每人一份,请妥善保管 Name_Unit One How can I get there ? science museum科学博物馆 post office邮局 bookstore书店 cinema电影院hospital医院 crossing十字路口 turn left左转 turn right右转go straight直走 ask问 sir先生 interesting有趣的 Italian意大利的 restaurant餐馆 pizza比萨饼 street街道 get to 到达 GPS全球定位系统gave(give的过去式)提供;交给 f

2、eature特点 follow跟着,遵守 far较远的tell告诉1、Where is the museum shop ?博物馆的商店在哪儿?2、Its near the door. 在大门附近。3、How can we get there ? 我们怎么到那儿 ?4、Turn left at the bookstore. 到书店左转。5、I want to buy a postcard. 我想要去买一张明信片。6、I want to send it today. 我今天想要去寄了它。7、I dont know. Ill ask . 我不知道。 我去问问。8、A talking robot !

3、一个会说话的机器人。9、What a great museum ! 多么棒的一个博物馆。10、What an interesting film. 多么有趣的一部电影。11、Im hungry now. I know a great Italian restaurant. 我现在很饿。我知道一家很棒的意大利餐馆。12、Where is the restaurant?那个餐馆在哪儿? Its next to the park on Dongfang Street . 它在东方街上的公园的旁边。13、How can we get there ? 我们怎样才能到达那儿?14、Turn left at

4、the bookstore. 在书店左转。Then turn right at the hospital. 然后再医院右转。15、Wu Yifans grandpa gave Robin a new feature. 吴一凡的爷爷给了罗宾一个新的功能。16、He now has GPS. 他现在有GPS了。He can help the boys find the Italian restaurant. 他能帮助男孩们找到那个意大利餐馆。17、Were in front of the cinema . 我们在电影院的前面。 Lets go straight and turn left at t

5、he bookstore. 我们直走然后再书店左转。18、My new GPS works.我的新GPS 起作用了。19、Ill tell Grandpa. 我会告诉爷爷的。20、But lets eat first . Im so hungry .但是让我们先吃饭。我很饿。21、What is Robins new feature ?罗宾的新功能是什么?22、How many places did they pass by ?他们经过多少地方?23、Wu Yifan and his friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant

6、.吴一凡和他的朋友们想要去一家意大利餐馆吃一些披萨。24、Where does the boy want to go ? 那个男孩想去哪里?25、He wants to go to the science museum. 他想要去科学博物馆。26、How can he get there from the post office ? 他怎样才能从邮局到达那儿?27、He can get there by bike ./ He can go by bike. 他可以骑自行车去。28、Excuse me, is the Thames far from here ? 请问泰晤士河离这儿远吗?29、L

7、ondon Eye 伦敦眼 Thames泰晤士河 three large portions 三大份stomach胃 hurt疼痛 still 仍然Unit Two Ways to go to schoolon foot 步行 by bus 乘公共汽车 by plane 坐飞机 by taxi 坐出租车by ship坐船 by subway坐地铁 by train坐火车 slow慢的 slow down慢下来 stop停 wait等 Mrs夫人 early早的 late迟的,晚的helmet头盔 must必须 wear戴 pay attention to 注意 traffic交通traffic

8、lights 交通灯 traffic rules交通规则 Munich慕尼黑(德国城市) Germany 德国 Alaska阿拉斯加州(美国州名) sled雪橇 ferry轮渡Papa Westray帕帕韦斯特雷岛 Scotland苏格兰1.How do you come to school? 你是怎样来学校的?2. Usually, I come on foot. Sometimes I come by bus. 通常,我走路来。有时候我坐公交车来。3.How do you come to school, Mrs Smith? By car ? 你是怎么来学校的,史密斯夫人?坐小汽车?4.S

9、ometimes, but I usually walk . 有时候,但是我通常走路。5. Thats good exercise. 那是很好的锻炼。6.Three students usually come to school by bike . 三个学生通常骑自行车来学校。7. How do you get to the USA from China ?你怎样从中国到达美国? By plane.乘飞机。8.How can I get to the Fuxing Hospital ? 我怎样才到达复兴医院?9. Take the No.57 bus over there .乘坐那儿的57路公

10、交车。10. Wow! So many pictures of bikes . 哇哦, 这么多自行车的照片。11. Theyre from my cousin in the USA. 它们来自我美国的堂兄。12. In the USA people on bikes must wear helmets.在美国,人们骑自行车的时候戴头盔。13. Dont go at a red light! 红灯不要走! 14. I must pay attention to the traffic lights! 我应该注意交通灯。15. Slow down and stop at a yellow ligh

11、t . 黄灯减速并停止。16. Stop and wait at a red light. 红灯停下等待。 Go at a green light .绿灯行。17. Some children go to school on foot in Munich, Germany . 在德国慕尼黑,一些孩子步行上学。18. In Alaska, USA, it snows a lot . 在美国的阿拉斯加,下雪下得很多。19. Some kids go to school by sled. Its fast. 一些孩子坐雪橇上学。它很快。20. Some children in Jiangxi, Ch

12、ina, go to school by ferry every day. 一些在中国江西的孩子每天坐轮渡去上学。21. In Papa Westray, Scotland, the children go to school by ferry, too. 在苏格兰的帕帕韦斯特雷岛,孩子们也坐轮渡去上学。22. But in 2009, they went to school by plane because the ferry didnt work.但是在,他们坐飞机上学了,因为轮渡不工作了。23. I dont go to school . I learn at home. 我不去上学,我

13、在家学习。24. On foot:You must stop at a red right. Dont go at a red light . 步行:你必须红灯停。 不要在红灯走。25. By sled: You must drive slowly. Dont let the dogs run too fast . 坐雪橇:你必须慢慢驾驶。 不要让狗跑太快。26. By ferry : You must wear a life jacket . Dont run on the ferry . 坐轮渡:你必须穿一件救生衣。 不要在轮渡上跑。27. Chinese food is so diffe

14、rent from British food . 中国食物和英国食物这么不一样。28. In the UK you drive on the left side . In China, people drive on the right side . 在英国你开车开左边。在中国,人们开车开右边。29. In China, we must look left then right before crossing the road.在中国,过马路前要先看左边然后右边。Unit Three My weekend plan 我的周末计划visit 拜访,参观 see a film 看一部电影 take

15、 a trip去旅行 supermarket超市 evening晚上,傍晚 this evening 今天晚上 tonight在今晚 tomorrow 明天next week 下周 dictionary词典 comic book漫画书 word 单词 word book 单词书 postcard明信片 lesson课 space太空 travel长途旅行 half一半 price价格 Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节 together一起get together聚会 mooncake月饼 poem诗 moon 月亮1. What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天你要去做什么?2. Im going to have an art lesson . 我要去上一节美术课。3. What are you going to do in your lesson? 你们要在你们的课上做什么?4. Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park . 我们要去人民公园画画。5. Sounds great! 听起来很棒! Have a good time ! 玩得开心!6. I have to do my homework now. 我现在必须去做我的家庭

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