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1、整理初中英语一般将来时练习题初中英语:一般将来时专项练习题1 Li Hong, football to our school subjects next term. Great! Its my favorite. I cant wait.Awas added Bis added Cwill be added【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意“-李红,下个学期足球就会增加成为我们的学校学科了-太好了!这是我最喜欢的学科,我已经迫不及待了”。根据next term可知,用一般将来时,且主语football与add之间为被动,故选C。【点睛】与一般将来时连用的时间状语:tomorrow, from no

2、w on, soon, some day, in ten minutes, in the future, next week/month/year.(next系列)2A new zoo in that area next year.Abuilt Bwas builtCbuilds Dwill be built【答案】D【解析】【详解】试题分析:句意:一个新的动物园明年将要建成了。根据时间状语next year.用一般将来时,有根据题意可知用被动语态be done的结构可知用将来时的被动语态。结合句意,故选D考点:考查动词的时态和语态。3A new park _ near my home nex

3、t year.Abuilds Bwill build Cwill be built Dhas built【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:一个新的公园明年将在我家附近建起来。考查一般将来时的被动语态。A new park和“修建”是被动关系,所以要用被动语态,结构是“be动词+动词过去分词”;根据next year可知是一般将来时,所以be动词要用will be。故选C。4I want to know whether these animals _ in half an hour.Awill feed Bwill be fed Cfeed【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:我想知道这些动物是否会在半

4、小时后被喂食。本题考查时态和语态。will feed一般将来时的主动形式;will be fed是一般将来时的被动形式;feed是一般现在时。根据in half an hour可知,此处用一般将来时,主语these animals与谓语feed是被动关系,故选B。5-You know what? The graduation party _ in our school hall on June 14th.- Great! Im looking forward to it!Aholds Bis held Cwas held Dwill be held【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:你知道吗?毕业

5、联欢会将于6月14日在我们学校的礼堂举行。太好了!我很期待!A. holds一般现在时;B. is held被动语态的一般现在时;C. was held被动语态的一般过去时; D. will be held被动语态的一般将来时。根据Im looking forward to it!可知毕业联欢会还没有举行,而主语和谓语动作之间是动宾关系,所以用被动语态的一般将来时,故选D。6A new airport _ here. The local government hopes to finish it next year.Ais built Bwas built Chas been built Dw

6、ill be built【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:这儿将会建一座新的机场。当地政府希望明年能够完成。本题考查一般将来时的被动语态。主语是A new airport,动作的承受者,用被动语态;时间状语next year(明年),用一般将来时,故选D。7A BRT(Bus Rapid Transit) _ in our district in the near future.Awill build Bwill be built Cwas Dhas been built【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:我们区将在不久的将来建成一条快速公交。考查一般将来时的被动语态。A. will build一般

7、将来时;B. will be built一般将来时的被动语态;C. was一般过去时;D. has been built现在完成时的被动语态。根据时间in the near future可知此句时态是一般将来时,根据句意可知主语和动词是被动关系,可知使用被动语态;故此句是一般将来时的被动语态;故答案是B。8-Is it true that in 2020, high school students can take English tests more than once.-Its reported that only the highest score _.Awill take Bhas t

8、aken Cwill be taken Dwas taken【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:-到2020年,高中生可以参加不止一次的英语考试,这是真的吗?-据报道,考试只选取考试中的最高分。考查被动语态。句中的score和take是被动关系,而且整个句子的时态是一般将来时,所以用will be done表示一般将来时的被动语态,即:will be taken。故选C。【点睛】被动语态是英语考试中的重要考点,同时也是易错知识点。固定结构:be+动词的过去分词,be动词的形式会随着人称和时态的不同而进行变化。被动语态常与时态放在一起进行考查,例如本题中的被动语态就是和一般将来时放在一起考查,根据被

9、动语态结构be taken,再根据一般将来时will后面加动词原形,最终确定本题正确答案will be taken。9Would you like to go shopping with me after lunch?Id love to, but I_to go out this afternoon.Adont allow Bwill allow Cwont be allowed【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:-午饭后你愿意和我一起去购物吗?-我愿意去,但是今天下午我不被允许出去。dont allow不允许;will allow将会允许;wont be allowed将不被允许。根据句意可知

10、,主语I和谓语动词allow是被动关系,再根据this afternoon可知,要用一般将来时的被动语态,其构成为will be done,故选C。10Is smoking allowed in public places in your city?No. If anyone is found smoking in public, he by the police.Ais going to be punished Bis going to punishCis punishing Dhas punished【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:-在你的城市里允许在公共场所吸烟吗?-不,如果有人被发现在

11、公共场所吸烟,他就会受到警察的惩罚。is going to be punished一般将来时被动语态;is going to punish将要惩罚;is punishing正在惩罚;has punished已经惩罚,现在完成时。根据句意可知,主语he和动词之间构成被动关系,应用被动语态,故选A。11An AI robot _in our school dining hall next termIm looking forward to itAwill use Bwill be used Cis used Dwas used【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:下学期我们学校食堂将使用人工智能机器人。

12、 我很期待。use 动词,使用;will use一般将来时;is used一般现在时被动语态,was used 一般过去时被动语态;will beused ,一般将来时被动语态。此题中根据next term可知用一般将来时,故排除C,D;机器人是被人们使用的,故用被动语态,故排除A。故选B。12Jinan Metro Line R2(济南地铁R2号线) in 2021.Acompletes Bis completed Cwill be completed Dwill complete【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:济南地铁R2号线将于2021年建成。考查时态和语态。completes使完善(

13、complete的第三人称单数 );is completed(一般现在时的被动语态结构);will be completed(一般将来时被动语态结构);will complete(一般将来时结构)。根据时间状语in 2021故确定为一般将来时态,主语Jinan Metro Line R2是谓语动词complete的承受者,二者形成被动关系故确定为被动语态,故该句的谓语动词为一般将来时态的被动语态,其结构为will be+过去分词,故填入will be completed。故选D。13All the books will _ to the children who live in the sma

14、ll village.Abe sent Bsent Cbe send Dsend【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:所有的书都将寄给住在这个小村庄的孩子们。A. be sent被送;被动语态;B. sent发送,一般过去时态;C. be send语法错误;D. send发送,原形。根据语境可知是一般将来时的被动语态,其结构是will be done的形式。根据题意,故选A。【点睛】14Different kinds of robots_in the coming robot show in our city.Adisplay Bare displayed Cwill display Dwill b

15、e displayed【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:在我们城市即将举办的机器人展上将展出各种各样的机器人。考查一般将来时的被动语态。display一般现在时;are displayed一般现在时的被动语态;will display一般将来时;will be displayed一般将来时的被动语态。根据句中时间状语“in the coming robot show”可知,本句时态是一般将来时;又因为本句主语Different kinds of robots是动作display的承受者,所以此处应用一般将来时的被动语态。故选D。15Many new houses _ in the country

16、side next year.Awere built Bare built Cwill build Dwill be built【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:明年在农村将会建设很多新房子。were built被修建,一般过去时的被动语态;are built一般现在时的被动语态;will build一般将来时;will be built一般将来时态的被动语态。根据句中的时间状语next year可知,这里应用一般将来时,且主语Many new houses和动词build构成被动关系,应使用被动语态,故选D。16My room _ tomorrow.Ais cleaned Bbe cleane

17、d Cwill be cleaned Dis cleaning【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:我的房间明天要打扫。考查动词时态和语态。主语room是动词clean的受动者,需用被动语态,即be+过去分词结构,可排除D项;tomorrow明天,用于一般将来时,可排除AB两项。根据句意结构,可知选C。17The opening of the 2018 World Cup in Russia this evening. So after our English exam, lets go and watch it to relax ourselves!AWould be held Bis held

18、Cwill be held【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:2018世界杯开幕式今天晚上将在俄国举行。因此在我们英语考试之后,让我们去观看它来放松我们自己。根据语境可知是将来被动语态,其结构是will be done的形式。A. Would be held过去将来被动语态;B. is held一般现在时态的被动语态。根据题意,故选C。点睛:一般将来时态被动语态的结构是:主语(动作的接受者)+ will(或者其他表示将来时态的助动词:shall; am / is / are going to + ; am / is / are to )+ 动词过去分词1. A meeting will be he

19、ld.2.What will be done next?接下来要做什么?18【2017湖北襄阳37】The 24th Winter Olympic Games _ in Beijing and Zhangjiakou in 2022,from February 4th to 20th.Ais going to hold Bhold Cwill be held Dwas held【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:第24届冬季奥运会将在2022年2月4日到20日在北京和张家口举行。is going to hold将要举行;hold举行,动词原形;will be held将要被举行,一般将来时的被动语

20、态;was held一般过去时被动语态。根据句意可知,主语The 24th Winter Olympic Games和谓语动词hold构成被动关系,应使用被动语态,再由句中的时间状语in 2022, from February 4th to 20th可知,这是一个将来的时间,应用一般将来时,故选C。19Were very glad to know that a great sports meeting _in Guiyang this September.Awill hold Bwill be held Cwill be hold Dwill be holding【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意

21、:我们很高兴知道今年九月将在贵阳举行一次大型运动会。a great sports meeting “大型运动会”做主语,表示被动,用被动结构。再由this September可知,用将来时。因此本题用一般将来时的被动句。C. will be hold结构不正确;应该用will be +动词的过去分词;故选B。20Its said that a fashion show_ in our city next Saturday.Awill hold Bis going to hold Cwill be held Dis held【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:据说下周星期六,我们市要举办一个时装展。

22、由next Saturday可知句子用一般将来时态,一般将来时由will+动词原形或be going to+动词原形构成,所以排除答案D。要举办时装展,主语a fashion show是谓语动词hold的承受者,句子用被动语态。被动语态由be的恰当形式+及物动词的过去分词构成,答案A、B是主动语态,C是被动语态。故选C。21Think carefully before deciding who _.Ainvites Bis invited Cwill be invited Dwill invite【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:决定邀请谁之前,认真想想。结合句意,现在考虑谁将被邀请,故用一般将

23、来时的被动语态,故为will be invited,故选C。22-Will you go to the special party held by our English club?- Oh, I _ unless I am a VIP. So the answer is no.Awas invited Bwasnt invitedCwill be invited Dwont be invited【答案】D【解析】【详解】试题分析:句意:你会去我们英语俱乐部举办的特别聚会吗?哦,除非我是VIP我才会被邀请。所以答案是不。根据句意及题干分析此题是考查被动语态,根据“主将从现”原则,此空应用一般将

24、来时态的被动语态,根据语境应选D。考点:考查被动语态的用法23Tourists bad behavior by the government in our country from now on.Awill record Bwill be recordedCrecords Dis recorded【答案】B【解析】【详解】试题分析:考查动词语态及时态。由句中的时间状语“from now on”可知应该用一般将来时; 主语“bad behavior”与动词record之间是被动关系, 因此应该用一般将来时的被动语态, 故选B。24 The 2016 Olympic Games _ in Braz

25、il. Would you like to go there? Maybe, if possible.Aare held Bwere heldCwill be held Dhave been held【答案】C【解析】【详解】试题分析:句意:-2016年奥林匹克运动会将在巴西举行。你想去那里吗?也许吧,如果有可能的话。主语是动作的承受者,所以用被动语态。根据时间可知用将来时,故选C。考点:考查被动语态的用法。25My book _ here in two days through the EMS.Aare sent Bis sent Cwill be sent Dwill send【答案】C【

26、解析】【详解】句意:两天后,我的书将通过特快专递被寄送到这里。根据in two days可知此处用一般将来时,结合句意,主语my book与谓语send之间是被动语态,故此处用一般将来时的被动语态,故选C。26Its amazing that the 2022 Winter Olympics _ in China next year.Ahold Bwill hold Care held Dwill be held【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:令人惊讶的是,2022年冬奥会将于明年在中国举行。考查被动语态。根据“next year”可知,本句是一般将来时;“冬奥会”和“举行”之间是逻辑上的动宾

27、关系,即冬奥会被举行,故本句是一般将来时的被动语态,结构是will be done。故选D。27The 2022 Winter Olympics _ in Beijing this February.Aheld Bwere held Cwill hold Dwill be held【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:2022年冬奥会将于今年2月在北京举行。考查一般将来时的被动语态。根据语境,可知句子时态用一般将来时,且主语“Winter Olympics”和谓语动词“hold”之间存在被动关系,因此要用被动语态;一般将来时的被动语态结构为:will be+动词的过去分词,故选D。28It is s

28、aid that a new library _ in our school.Awill be built Bbuilds Cwas built Dis building【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:据说我们学校要建一座新图书馆。考查一般将来时被动语态。主语“a new library”与动词“build”之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。且动作发生在未来,用一般将来时被动语态,故选A。29When will the result of the entrance exam (升学考试) _?Around July 9th.Aannounce Bbe announcing Cbe announce

29、d【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:升学考试的结果将会在什么时候公布?7月9日左右。考查被动语态。问句主语the result与选项中的announce之间为被动关系,即“结果被公布”,由“will”可知,此处是一般将来时的被动语态,结构为will be done,因此用be announced,故选C。30It is said that BRT(快速公交系统) _ in Yongzhou soon.Awas used Bwill be used Cis used【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:据说快速公交系统很快就会在永州使用了。考查一般将来时被动语态。根据语境可知,此处表述的是将来的

30、事情,故句子应用一般将来时,且主语BRT是动作use的承受者,故应用被动语态。故选B。31With the development of science and technology, it is said that 5G mobile phones _ widely in the future.Aare used Bwere used Chave been used Dwill be used【答案】D【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:随着科学技术的发展,据说5G手机在未来会得到广泛的应用。考查一般将来时的被动语态。根据题干可知,主语5G mobile phones是动词use的承受者,因此应用被动语态,再由时间状语in the future,可知句子时态应用一般将来时;一般将来时的被动语态结构为will be+动词的过去分词,故选D。32Some free health service_for the elderly in the near future.Aprovide

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