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1、郑州大学第九届研究生学术论坛 2014年郑州大学第九届研究生学术论坛化工与能源学院分论坛暨研究生英语科技报告会The Annual Graduate Student Scientific ConferenceSchool of Chemical Engineering and EnergyZhengzhou University高效、节能、环保、安全化工与能源领域科技创新与可持续发展 主办:郑州大学研究生院、郑州大学党委研究生工作部承办:郑州大学化工与能源学院2014.11.152014年郑州大学第九届研究生学术论坛化工与能源学院分论坛暨研究生英语科技报告会The Annual Graduat

2、e Student Scientific ConferenceSchool of Chemical Engineering and EnergyZhengzhou University高效、节能、环保、安全化工与能源领域科技创新与可持续发展组织机构组织机构组织委员会主 任:马国杰 魏新利副主任:汤建伟 王瑞波 委 员:章亚东 陈卫航 王定标 任保增 宋成盈 贾荣民 学术委员会主席:刘炯天(院士)执行主席:魏新利委员:刘金盾、蒋登高、刘国际、马晓建、刘敏珊、张宝林、王 岩、原思国、赵文恩、孙培勤、韩 捷、章亚东、王定标、任保增、汤建伟、张 冰、刘 咏、郭茶秀、詹自力、李惠萍、蒋苏毓、陈晓岚、张

3、新、马敬想、穆念伟、张琳琳 大会工作组组 长:汤建伟(兼)副组长:贾荣民、李 雯、孟祥睿成 员:彭 溦、张兴华、姜高亮、芦雷鸣、张 芳论坛议程时间:2014年11月15日 地点:郑州大学化工与能源学院4楼报告厅开幕式8:308:50校研究生院领导致辞汤建伟8:509:00介绍论坛日程以及主持人,并宣布论坛正式开始宣讲人院系论文宣讲题目主持人院博士分论坛9:009:30韩桂洪化工腐殖酸基铁矿球团粘结剂构效关系研究芦雷鸣9:309:45程 亮化工Study on Mixtures Critical Relative Humidityin the Production Process of Comp

4、ound Fertilizers9:4510:00李水莲化工Numerical simulation and experimental study for solar air collectors having hemisphere protrusion artificial roughness on the absorber plate10:0010:30会议休息时间,墙展论文10:3010:45李奕帆化工生物启发下CO2分离膜的设计制备与传递机制强化张 芳10:4511:00申艳敏化工Correlation Solubility and Thermodynamic Analysis of

5、Solution of Tylosin Tartrate in Organic11:0011:15付丽丽化工棕榈酸已异丙脂合成反应动力学11:1511:30会议总结时间 (汤建伟)午餐及休息时间院研究生科技英语演讲比赛14:30-14:50宣布开始及介绍嘉宾及评委汤建伟院领导讲话介绍比赛规程以及主持人,并宣布比赛正式开始演讲人论文演讲题目张 新14:50-15:00程 盼Effect of pH and ammonia concentration on the nitrification process of treating wastewater with high ammonia conc

6、entration15:00-15:10姚志敏The design and research of adsorption heat pump to generate steam using waste water15:10-15:20韩月云The Preparation of Controlled released Microspheres of urea15:20-15:30张 鹏ANALYSIS AND MODELLING OF A LOW NOx SWIRL BURNER15:30-15:40李丽彩Study on technology of malt selenium enrichme

7、nt15:40-16:10会议休息时间16:10-16:20杨少鹏Novel Process for 1,3-Dihydroxyacetone Productioin from Glycerol张 新16:20-16:30乔来聪Chemical materials used in the conservation of paper relics16:30-16:40郑梦欣2-D Modeling of Underground Coal Gasification16:40-16:50和亚昆Enhanced proton conductivities of nanofiberous composi

8、te membranes enabled by acid-base pairs16:50-17:00兰方杰Optimization of the calcining proportion of phosphate ores17:00-17:30会议总结时间汤建伟论坛学术委员会主席:刘炯天院士男,汉族,1963年1月生于河南省南阳市,中共党员,教授,博士生导师。1983年6月本科毕业于东北工学院选矿工程专业,1989年获中国矿业大学矿物加工工程专业硕士学位,1999年获中国矿业大学(北京校区)矿物加工工程专业博士学位。历任中国矿业大学能源化工系副主任、化工学院院长,中共中国矿业大学党委常委、副校



11、家精品课程整改与省优秀课程建设各1门。 刘炯天先后荣获全国百篇优秀博士论文奖、全国五一劳动奖章、全国模范教师、首批新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选、中国青年科技奖、全国优秀科技工作者、国家级教学团队(矿物加工工程专业主干课教学团队)带头人、教育部优秀青年教师奖、孙越崎科技教育基金能源大奖、中国工程院光华工程科技奖、江苏省有突出贡献的中青年专家、江苏省教学名师、江苏省“十大”杰出专利发明人、江苏省“十大”杰出青年、江苏省“333高层次人次培养工程”首批中青年首席科学家、“青蓝工程”科技创新团队(高效的流态化清洁煤理论与技术)团队首席专家、江苏省青年科学家奖、江苏省高校优秀共产党员标兵等多项学术奖励


13、获得国家专利5项。发表论文60余篇。主要研究领域包括:新型过程装备、聚合物加工技术与设备、生物质能利用技术及设备的研究开发等工作。目前承担“211工程”重点建设学科能源科学与技术及化工过程机械重点学科建设负责人。2014年郑州大学第九届研究生学术论坛化工与能源学院分论坛宣讲论文清单(共4篇)序 号姓名院系学术论文题目研究方向1程 亮化工Study on Mixtures Critical Relative Humidityin the Production Process of Compound Fertilizers绿色化工与技术2李水莲化工Numerical simulation and

14、experimental study for solar air collectors having hemisphere protrusion artificial roughness on the absorber plate建筑节能3申艳敏化工Correlation Solubility and Thermodynamic Analysis of Solution of Tylosin Tartrate in Organic药物结晶4付丽丽化工棕榈酸已异丙脂合成反应动力学精细有机合成2014年郑州大学第九届研究生学术论坛 化工与能源学院分论坛张贴论文清单(共23篇)序号姓名系别学术论文题

15、目研究方向1杨 娜化工灭活前后好氧活性污泥特征变化的探讨生物质资源的生物转化技术2付丽丽化工棕榈酸已异丙脂合成反应动力学精细有机合成3高 静化工改良污水处理工艺的氮氮去除效果绿色能源与化工和水处理技术4李瑞丽化工Determination of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaf Density with Near Infrared Spectroscopy化工热力学与绿色化工5李水莲化工Numerical simulation and experimental study for solar air collectors having hemisphere protrusion

16、artificial roughness on the absorber plate建筑节能6刘振锋化工Optimisation and kinetics of enzymatic synthesis of D-isoascorbyl caprate绿色化工与技术7芦雷鸣化工磷石膏抗压强度经验公式研究磷化工与资源有效利用8吕 品化工西瓜牻牛儿牻牛儿基焦磷酸合成酶基因的克隆及表达分析植物分子生物学9郜晋楠化工氨水浸出玉米秸秆中木质素的研究生物质资源化利用10代立波化工亚胺二乙酸基螯合纤维的合成、表征与性能研究反应性功能高分子11冯书晓化工A new and practical route to

17、the synthesis of Cortisone acetate from Androstenedione (AD)制药工程技术12刘遵超化工超临界CO2在三叶管内换热特性研究过程设备传热强化与节能技术研究13万晶晶化工活性炭对蒸汽爆破玉米秸秆水解糖液的脱色研究生物资源化利用14张 芳化工Tortuosity Factors Measurement for Porcelain Annulus Catalyst with Thin layer绿色化工与技术15赵士举化工林可霉素降解菌的筛选及其降解性能研究生物质资源化及纳米材料功能化16申艳敏化工Correlation Solubility

18、and Thermodynamic Analysis of Solution of Tylosin Tartrate in Organic药物结晶17侯中兰化工ORC低温发电系统的性能分析与实验研究余热利用及评价方法研究18郝红英化工羟乙基磺酸的绿色合成工艺研究制药工程技术19谷辉辉化工Cloning and Analysis of Myrosinase Gene from Sinapis alba.L生物化学20李 扬化工Isolation And Characterization Of Related Impurities In 2-Methoxyestradiol制药工程技术21武红霞化

19、工裂纹故障转子系统非线性频谱分析模型研究故障诊断与可靠性分析22程 亮化工Study on Mixtures Critical Relative Humidityin the Production Process of Compound Fertilizers绿色化工与技术23何玉远化工Competitive adsorption of indigo and aniline on activated carbon prepared from the residue of desilicated rice husk生物质研究生科技英语演讲比赛张贴论文清单(共10篇)序号姓名演讲论文题目1程 盼E

20、ffect of pH and ammonia concentration on the nitrification process of treating wastewater with high ammonia concentration2姚志敏The design and research of adsorption heat pump to generate steam using waste water3韩月云The Preparation of Controlled released Microspheres of urea4张 鹏ANALYSIS AND MODELLING OF

21、 A LOW NOx SWIRL BURNER5李丽彩Study on technology of malt selenium enrichment6杨少鹏Novel Process for 1,3-Dihydroxyacetone Productioin from Glycerol7乔来聪Chemical materials used in the conservation of paper relics8郑梦欣2-D Modeling of Underground Coal Gasification9和亚昆Enhanced proton conductivities of nanofibe

22、rous composite membranes enabled by acid-base pairs10兰方杰Optimization of the calcining proportion of phosphate ores附件1:宣讲论文报告人名单序 号姓名院系年级专业指导教师1 程 亮化工2013化学工艺刘国际2 李水莲化工2011化工过程机械魏新利3 申艳敏化工2012化学工程任保增4 付丽丽化工2011化学工艺蒋登高宣讲论文题目及摘要1 程亮 Study on Mixtures Critical Relative Humidity in the Production Process

23、 of Compound FertilizersAbstract: The mixtures critical relative humidity (CRH) in the production process of compound fertilizers is commonly studied by means of power moisture absorption method, the influences of surrounding temperature, raw material composition and mineral additive on CRH are disc

24、ussed. The results indicate that the CRH of compound fertilizers mixture decrease with increasing surrounding temperature, the influence of raw material composition on CRH decrease as the temperature increases ; and the CRH is deeply influenced by the mass ratio between P2O5 and K2O, N and K2O, but

25、the mass ratio between N and P2O5 is not; the CRH of mixture which contains mineral additive is lower than mixture which not contains mineral additive.Key words: compound fertilizers; critical relative humidity; temperature 2 李水莲 Numerical simulation and experimental study for solar air collectors h

26、aving hemisphere protrusion artificial roughness on the absorber plateAbstract: In this paper, the optical path shinning on the dimple and protrusion artificial roughness was simulated by using TRACEPRO software. The optical path of hemisphere and the spherical cap dimple was simulated too. The conc

27、lusions show that the hemisphere dimple is the best in term of the optics. Then the heat transfer performance of the hemisphere protrusion (back of the dimple) was investigated by simulations and experiments. A mathematical model is developed for this type of collector and simulation is carried out

28、using MATLAB programme. The simulation results were verified by experimental results and it was found that the simulation has the ability to predict the performance of the air collector accurately as proven by the comparison of experimental data with simulation. The difference between the predicted

29、and experimental results is, at maximum, approximately 10.6 % which is within the acceptable limit considering some uncertainties in the input parameter values to allow comparison. Keywords: hemisphere protrusion and dimple; heat transfer; optical path; solar air collector3 申艳敏 Correlation Solubilit

30、y and Thermodynamic Analysis of Solution of Tylosin Tartrate in Organic Solvent MixturesAbstract: The solubility of tylosin tartrate in organic solvent mixtures( methanol-tetrahydrofuran(THF) and methanol-acetone) was determined at atmospheric pressure by a gravimetric method. The experimental results indicate that solubility of tylosin tartrate in selected solvents increases with increasing

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