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1、王蔷英语教学法重点修订稿 WEIHUA system office room 【WEIHUA 16H-WEIHUA WEIHUA8Q8-WEIHUA1688】王蔷英语教学法重点Unit 1 Language and Learning How do we learn language?We learn language at different agesPeople have different experiences People learn languages for different reasonsPeople learn languages in different waysPeopl

2、e have different capabilities in language learningLearning can be affected by the way how language is taughtLearning is affected by the degree of success one is expect to achieve.Thus the challenge confronting language teaching is how teaching methodology can ensure successful learning by all the le

3、arners who have more differences than the commonality.1. 2 What are the major views of language 1) Structural view: Language is a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: phonology, morphology, lexicology and syntacx. To learn a language is to learn its vocabulary and structural rules. 2) Fu

4、nctional view:Language is a linguistic system as well as a means for doing things. Learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with it (use it). To perform functions, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the func

5、tions.3) Interactional view: Language is a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people. Learners need to know the rules of a language and where, when and how it is appropriate to use them. 1.3Views on Language LearningTwo broad learning theories:Process-oriented theor

6、ies are concerned with how the mind organizes new information.Condition-oriented theories emphasize the nature of human and physical context.Behaviorist theoryB. F. SkinnerA stimulus-response theory of psychologyAudio-lingual method The idea of this method is that language is learned by constant rep

7、etition and the reinforcement of the teacher. Mistakes were immediately corrected, and correct utterances were immediately praised.A.Cognitive theoryInfluenced by Noam Chomsky (revival of structural linguistics)Language as an intricate rule-based systemA learner acquires language competence which en

8、ables him to produce language. One influential idea of cognitive approach to language teaching is that students should be allowed to create their own sentence based on their own understanding of certain rules. B.Constructivist theoryJean Piaget (18961980)The learner constructs meaning based on his/h

9、er own experiences and what is already known.C.Socio-constructivist theoryVygotsky “Zone of Proximal Development” (ZPD); scaffolding(脚手架)Learning is best achieved through the dynamic interaction between the teacher and the learner and between learners. What are the qualities of a good language teach

10、er?A good language teacher does not solely depend on his/her command of the language. There are a variety of element that contributes to the qualities of a good language teacher. These element can be categorized into three groups:ethic devotion, professional quality and personal styles. How can one

11、become a good language teacher?Wallaces (1991) reflective model (Figure , Stage 1: language developmentStage 2: learning, practice, reflectionvThe learning stage is the purposeful preparation that a language normally receives before the practice,This preparation can include:1. Learning from others e

12、xperience2. Learning the received knowledge3. Learning from ones own experiencesvThe practice stage (2 senses)Pseudo practice: short period of time assigned to do teaching practice as part of ones pre-service education, usually under the supervision of instructorsThe real classroom teaching: what a

13、teacher undertakes after he/she finishes formal educationvTeachers benefit from practice if they keep on reflecting on what they have been doingGoal: professional competenceUnit 2 Communicative Principles and Task-based language teaching How is language learned in classrooms different from language

14、used in real life?Language used in real lifeLanguage taught in the classroomTo perform certain communtcative functionsTo focus on forms (structures or patterns)Use all skills, both receptive skills and productive skillsTo focus on one or two language skills and ignore others.Used in a certain contex

15、tTo isolate language from its context What is communicative competence?To bridge the gap between classroom language teaching and real-life language use, one solution is to adopt CLT, the goal of which is to develop students communicative competence. 2.2.1 Definition: Communicative competence include

16、 both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations2.2.2 Five components of communicative competence (Hedge 2000)Linguistic competence (语言能力)The knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning. Pragmatic competence (语用能力

17、)The appropriate use of language in social context. Discourse competence (语篇能力)Ones ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them Strategic competence (策略能力)Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources. Fluency (流利

18、性)One s ability to link units of speech together with facility and without strain or inappropriate slowness or undue(过分的,不适当的) hesitation for teaching and learningTeaching must enable learners to grasp the five components of communicative competence, but not just the linguistic competence. Principle

19、s of CLTThree principles suggest by Richard and Rodgers:1 Communication principle:involve real communication2 Task principle:Carry out meaningful tasks3 Meaningfulness principle:Meaningful language to the learnerHowatt proposes a weak and a strong version of CLT:Weak versionLearners first acquire la

20、nguage as a structural system and then learn how to use it in communication.Strong version“language is acquired through communication” (Howatt, 1984:279) Major Activity Types of CLTA sequence of activities represented in Littlewood (1981: 86)Pre-communicative activitiesStructural activitiesQuasi-com

21、municative activities类似,准,半Communicative activities (PP22-23)Functional communication activitiesSocial interaction activities Six Criteria for evaluating communicative classroom activities(main features of communicative activities)Communicative purpose Communicative desire Content, not form Variety

22、of language No teacher intervention No materials control What is Task-based Language TeachingTBLT is a further development of CLT. It shares the same belief in the use of language in real life, but stresses the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching.2.7.1Four

23、 components of a task1.A purpose2.A context3.A process4.A product2.7.2 Exercises, exercise-tasks and tasksExercise-tasks is halfway between tasks and exercises. This kind of activity consists of contextualized practice of language item. Differences between PPP and TBLT1 The way students use and expe

24、rience language in TBLT is radically different from PPP.*Free of language control*A genuine need to use language to communicate*A free exchange of ideas*Appropriateness & accuracy of language form in general, not production of a single form*A genuine need for accuracy and fluency2. TBL can provide a

25、 context for grammar teaching and form-focused activities. PPP isdifferent in this aspect. A task-established contextEncouraged to think, analyze, not simply to repeat, manipulate and applyA more varied exposure to natural languageLanguage forms not pre-selected for focusLearner-free selection of la

26、nguageTBL cycle lead from Fluency to accuracy (+fluency)In TBL Integrated skills practiced How to design tasks?Step 1 Think about students needs, interests, and abilitiesStep 2 Brainstorm possible tasksStep 3 Evaluate the listStep 4 Choose the language itemsStep 5 Preparing materials CLT and TBLT in

27、 the Chinese contextProblems with CLT1. The very first and forceful argument is whether it is culturally appropriate2. The second problem of CLT relate to the design the syllabus for teaching purpose in the classroom.3. The third problem is that whether such an approach is suitable for all age level

28、 of learners or all competence level of learners.Constraints of TBLTThe first is it may not be effective for presenting new language itemsThe second constraint is Time as teachers have to prepare task-based activities very carefully.The third is the culture of learningThe forth is Level of difficult

29、yUnit 3 A brief history of foreign language teaching in ChinavA phase of restoration (1978-1985)vA phase of rapid development (1986-1992)vA phase of reform (1993-2000)vA phase of innovation from 2000 Designing principles for the National English Curriculum1) Aim for educating all students, and empha

30、size quality-oriented education.2) Promote learner-centeredness, and respect individual differences.3) Develop competence-based objectives, and allow flexibility and adaptability.4) Pay close attention to the learning process, and advocate experiential learning and participation.5) Attach particular

31、 importance to formative assessment, and give special attention to the development of competence.6) Optimize learning resources, and maximize opportunities for learning and using the language. Goals and objectives of English language teachingThe new curriculum is designed to promote students overall language ability, which is composed of five interrelated components, namely, language skills, language knowledge, affects, learning strategies and cultural understanding. Each component is further divided into a few sub-categories. Language teaching is no longer aimed only for developing langua

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