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1、牛津深圳版英语九年级上册Unit7知识点语法精讲精练Unit 7 The adventures of Tom Sawyer (1)Date:_ name:_【知识要点】 必记单词adventure n.【 】 novel n.【 】congratulations【 】 writer n.【 】humorous adj.【 】 task n.【 】board n.【 】 survey v.【 】progress n.【 】 rest n.【 】pity n.【 】 silence n.【 】while n.【 】 careful adj.【 】deal n.【 】 celebrate

2、d adj.【 】lazy adj.【 】 pretend v.【 】 常考短语1. have a rest 2. think of3. come along 4. go on doing5. what a pity 6. in silence7. after a while 8. turn over9. trick sb. into doing sth. 知识点讲解1. Who is the writer of the novel? writer可数名词,意为“作家,作者”,由动词write在词尾加-r构成。 【拓展】部分动词的后面可以加-(e)r或-or构成名词,该名词表示执行该动作的人。

3、 report(报道)reporter(记者) sing(唱歌)singer(歌手,歌唱家) swim(游泳)swimmer(游泳者) drive(驾驶)driver(驾驶员,司机) invent(发明)inventor(发明家) visit(参观,访问)visitor(参观者)2. On Saturday morning, every boy in the town was happy, except Tom Sawyer. except在此处用作介词,意为:除.之外,表示同类事物之间的关系,不能放在 句首。其后可接名词、代词、副词、介词短语和动词不定式。 We have classes e

4、very day except Sunday. 辨析:except, besides, but与except forexcept除去.,除.之外强调从整体中除去部分,except后面的部分不包括在整体内。besides除.之外还有强调除去一部分还有另外一部分,besides后的部分包括在整体内。but除了多与no one, nobody, all, who等连用,其余情况下可与except互换。except for除去.之外表示对一个人或者事物先进行一个整体评价,再就局部或细节提出看法或修正。 Iknownothingabouttheyoungladyexcept thatsheisfromB

5、eijing. There are three more visitors besides me. All but him have gone to Japan. His article is very good except for a few spelling mistakes.3. He painted one board and surveyed his progress, and then he sat down to have a rest. (1) survey 及物动词,意为:查看,审视 The engineers surveyed the coast. 工程人员查看了海岸。

6、She turned to survey her daughters pale face. 她转过头审视女儿苍白的脸。 【拓展】survey 作动词,还可意为:调查;作名词,意为:调查,测量Business Development Advisers surveyed 211 companies for the report. (v.)Pleasemakeasurveyabout yourfavoritefestivaland fill out the form. (n.) (2) progress 不可数名词,意为:进展,常用短语如下: make progress 取得进展make great

7、 progress 取得很大进步 Aftersome periodofpractice,youwillmakegreatprogress.(3) rest 名词,意为:休息have/take a rest 休息一下【拓展】rest作名词,还意为:剩余部分,余下的人或物the rest of 剩余的., 作主语时谓语动词应与of后的名词保持一致。 The rest of the apples have gone bad. 剩余的那些苹果坏了。 The rest of the apple has gone bad. 那个苹果的剩余部分坏了。rest也可作动词,意为:休息,歇息The workers

8、 stopped to have a rest. We rested for an hour after lunch.4. Tom began to think of the games that he wanted to play. think of 意为:想象到,想出,考虑。后面接名词、代词或动名词。Can you think of any other way to do it?Were thinking of moving house. 【拓展】think of 还可意为:认为 What do you think of the film? = How do you like the fi

9、lm? 由think构成的其他短语:think about 考虑think over 仔细考虑5. He knew the boys who were free would soon come along and make fun of him. come along 意为:出现,来到 Do you want to come along? Take any job opportunity that comes along.6. He picked up his brush and went back to work. pick up 意为:拾起,捡起 He picked up his cap

10、from the floor. There is a book on the floor. Please pick it up. 【拓展】pick up还有“(用车)接(人或物);(车辆)中途搭(人)”之意。 The car stopped and picked me up. 车停了,我上了车。 Ill come to pick you up. 我会开车来接你的。7. What a pity! 这是一个感叹句,其结构为: what+a/an+可数名词单数! pity名词,意为:可惜,遗憾 It is a great pity that all students in the city cann

11、ot have the same chances. 【拓展】 pity还可做不可数名词,意为:怜悯,同情心 take pity on sb. 同情某人 Imhopingsomekind peoplewill takepityonme. I felt pity for the poor old man.8. Does a boy get a chance to paint a fence like this every day? chance此处用作名词:机会,可能性,常用短语: take a chance 冒险,碰运气have/get a chance to do sth. 有机会做某事 Do

12、nttakeachancetocheatintheexam. Ifinally got a chance to stand atthe frontoffashion.9. Then he went on painting. go on doing sth. 不停地做某事,继续做某事(前后做的是同一件事) go on to do sth. 接着做另一件事(做另一件事,前后做的不是同一件事) go on with sth. 继续做某事 (前后做同一件事,但中间有暂停情况) Thestudentswentontalkingandlaughingalltheway. Go on to do the o

13、ther exercise after you finish this one. He took a cup of tea, and went on with the story.10. Ben watched Tom in silence 意为:沉默地,无声地The students are waiting for their teacher in silence.11. After a while, he said, “Tom, will you let me do some painting?” (1)while在此处用作名词,意为:一会儿,一段时间 Lets ha

14、ve a rest for a while. (2)do some painting 粉刷,刷油漆该短语中v-ing为动名词,这是一个常见的固定结构。表示做某事需要一段时间或反复进行的动作。类似的短语还有:do some cleaning做清洁工作 do some cooking 做饭菜do some washing 洗衣服 do some shopping 购物12. Aunt Polly warned me to do it well. warn动词,意为:警告,提醒 warn sb. of /about sth. 警告某人某事 warn sb. (not) to do sth. 警告某人

15、(别)做某事 They warned him of the dangers of sailing alone. He warned me not to tell others his secrets.13. Ill give you half my apple. half 此处用作形容词,意为:一半的。一般放在冠词、物主代词或指示代词之前。 Half the workers come from Shandong. 【拓展】half还可做名词,意为:一半,其复数形式为halves。 The journey takes an hour and a half. half of. 意为:半数的,此结构

16、作主语时,谓语动词的形式应和介词of后 的宾语在数上保持一致。 Half of the students are from China. Half of his life is spent making inventions.14. Without making a noise or sound. without介词,意为:无,没有。后接名词,代词或动名词。 Fish cant live without water. He left without saying a word.15. trick other boys into doing the work for him. trick 此处用

17、作动词,意为:诱使,哄骗trick sb. into doing sth. 诱使某人做某事They tricked me into making a great mistake. 他们骗我犯了一个大错。 【拓展】trick作名词,意为:诡计,花招 play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人 He got into the castle by a trick. 他耍了个花招混进了城堡。【实战演练】.英汉互译。1. 休息一下 2. 想象到 3. 出现 4. 过了一会儿 5. 取笑 6. in silence 7. what a pity 8. pick up 9. go on doing s

18、th. 10. trick sb. into doing sth. .选择可以替换划线部分的最佳选项1. He always sleeps in class, so his classmates often make fun of him. A. punish B. cheat C. help D. laugh at2. When Jason was painting the wall, some boys came along and wanted to join him. A. appeared B. came C. arrived D. noticed3. After supper, B

19、ob continued working. A. stopped B. kept on C. went on D. finished4. During the lecture, the classs sat quietly and listened carefully. A. comfortably B. calmly C. tiredly D. in silence5. Doed a boy get a chance to paint a fence like this every day? A. possibility B. opportunity C. luck D. time6. Ha

20、veyoureadthebookcalledTheAdventuresofTomSawyeryet? A.said B.named C.talked7. AlltheboyshadfunplayingsoccerexceptJack. A.with B.including C.notincluding8. Ifitgoesonraining,thehouseswillbedrowned. A.stops B.starts C.continues9. Afterthehardworking,Tomgainedgreatsuccessinhisstudy. B.paid C.passe

21、d10.Whoistheauthorofthisnovel? A.owner B.writer C.reader.根据句意及首字母提示填词。1. The playground is over 120 y long.2. The wall gained two c of painting at last.3. We have worked for hours. What about having a r ?4. You should read as many English books as p .5. The w of the story is Mark Twain.用括号中所给单词的正确形式

22、填空。1. He was getting more and more (interest) in the subject.2. Children must (warn) to stay away from main roads.3. Let him (have) a rest. I think he must be tired after the long walk.4. Can you show me the right way (out) the problem?5. Without (say) a word, he left here angrily.6. All the kids en

23、joyed (they) at the party.7. The Childrens Palace opened many lessons of (paint) in the summer holiday.8. My teachers (encourage) words gave me much help when I was in trouble at that time.9. Have you read any books (write) by Mark Twain?10. The man was (set) free at last. .单项选择1. Because of Project

24、 Hope, children get better education. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. Thousands of2. I found very difficult a car. A. it;drive B. this; to drive C. this; driving D. it; to drive3. We all went swimming Tom because he was ill at home. A. with B. besides C. except D. beside4. A group of volu

25、nteers go to the Green Lake Park to litter every month. A. stay up B. put up C. show up D. pick up5. Yesterday morning Tom hurried to class his schoolbag,so he had to share Marys. A. without B. for C. with D. past6. Smoking is bad for your health.Youd better . A. give up it B. give it up C. take out

26、 it D.take it out7. -Ben looks so bad! -He in the school his haircut. A. was made fun of; because B. was made fun of; because of C. made fun of; because D. made fun of; because of8. I him to work hard and to try for the exam. He looked confident again. A. encouraged B. made C. let D. forced9. The ro

27、bber hit and Mr Zhang and took away his wallet. A. knocked up B. knocked out C. knocked at D. knocked on10. Tim gets A grade in every exam and he to be the cleverest in our class. A. is considered B. is considering C. condiers D. considered.语法填空Wearealbusytalkingaboutand_1_(use)theInternet,buthowman


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