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本文(新版中石油职称英语水平考试《通用英语选读》第1120课课文精讲.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、新版中石油职称英语水平考试通用英语选读第1120课课文精讲2016新版中石油职称英语水平考试通用英语选读学习笔记(考过的大题已标出)温馨小语: 每篇“学习笔记”将可能涉及到的“考点”做了重点标记,它们基于“职称考试”的四个主要方面,即词汇、语法、阅读和翻译,所以在学习中要认真体会,找到自己要重点学习的内容。跳过每一段英文原文,只通篇看下“带有英文”的中文部分,是不是感觉清楚了课文大致要说的内容?熟悉中文意思,在考试中也是很有帮助的,特别是在回答阅读类的选择题时,如果它恰好又是你在此读过的一篇课文,你一定会用最短的时间,找到正确的答案。考试的题量可不小,要在此处抢得先机。过段时间,再来温习下吧。

2、11 Smoking and Cancer 吸烟和癌(2013版新增)【注:2007版,2010版,2013版】【2011考阅读】1. Americans smoke six thousand million cigarettes【香烟】 every year (1970 figures). This is roughly【大体上】 the equivalent【相等的,等价的;等价物,相等物】 of 4,195 cigarettes a year for every person in the country of 18 years of age or more. It is estimat

3、ed【估计】 that 51% of American men smoke compared with【与相比】 34% of American women. 1、美国人每年抽烟60亿支(1970年的统计数字)。这大致等于每个18岁以上的人一年要吸4195支烟。据估计(it is estimated that),美国有51的男性吸烟,而女性吸烟的比例则为34。2. Since 1939, numerous【许多的】 scientific studies have been conducted to determine【确定】 whether smoking is a health hazard

4、【危险】. The trend【趋势】 of the evidence【证据】 has been consistent【一致的】 and indicates【表明】 that there is a serious health risk. Research teams have conducted studies that show beyond all reasonable doubt【毫无疑问】 that tobacco【烟草,烟叶】 smoking, particularly cigarette smoking, is associated with【和有关】 shortened lif

5、e expectancy【预期(平均)寿命】. 2、1939年以来,为了确定抽烟是否有害健康进行了大量的科学研究。证据所显示的趋势是一贯的,并表明对人体的健康有严重的危险。许多研究小组进行的研究不容置疑地表明,吸食烟草,特别是吸卷烟与预期寿命缩短有关。3. Cigarette smoking【吸烟】 is believed by most research workers in this field to be an important factor【因素】 in the development of cancer of the lungs and cancer of the throat a

6、nd is believed to be related to【与有关】 cancer of the bladder【膀胱】 and the oral cavity【口腔】. Male cigarette smokers have a higher death rate from heart disease than non-smoking males. (Female smokers are thought to be less affected【影响】 because they do not breathe in【吸入】 the smoke so deeply.) The majority

7、【大多数】 of doctors and researchers consider these relationships proved to their satisfaction and say, Give up【放弃】 smoking. If you dont smoke-dont start! 3、这方面的研究人员大都相信吸卷烟是产生肺癌、喉癌的重要因素,还认为膀胱癌、口腔癌也与此有关。男性吸烟者的心脏病死亡率比不吸烟的高。(他们认为女性吸烟者受影响小一些,因为她们吸烟不那么深。)大多数医生和研究人员认为,上述那些关系已得到令人满意的证实,并且告诫说:“戒烟吧,如果你不会抽-那可不要学!

8、”4. Some competent【有能力的;能干的】 physicians【内科医生】 and research workers【研究人员】-though their small number is decreased even further-are less sure of the effect of cigarette smoking on health. They consider the increase in respiratory【呼吸的】 diseases and various forms of cancer may possibly be explained by ot

9、her factors in the complex【复杂的】 human environment atmospheric【大气的】 pollution, increased nervous【神经的】 stress, chemical substances【物质】 in processed food, or chemical pesticides【杀虫剂;农药】 that are now being used by farmers in vast quantities【数量】 to destroy【破坏,杀死】 insects and small animals. Smokers who de

10、velop cancer or lung diseases, they say, may also, by coincidence【巧合】, live in industrial areas, or eat more canned food【罐头食品】. Gradually【逐渐地】, however, research is isolating【使隔离】 all other possible factors and proving them to be statistically【统计地】 irrelevant【不相干的】. 4、有些精通业务的(competent)医生和研究人员-虽然这些人

11、不多,并且人数在进一步减少-不那么肯定(be less sure)吸卷烟对人体健康有影响。他们认为呼吸系统疾病(respiratory diseases)和各种癌症的增多也许可以说是由于人类复杂环境中另外一些因素,即:空气的污染、人们精神压力的增大、经过加工的食品中的化学物质、或化学杀虫药(pesticide)引起的。农民现在大量使用这些农药杀死(destory)昆虫和小动物。据他们说,那些患了癌症或肺病的人可能恰巧(by coincidence)也住在工业区,或是吃了更多的罐头食品。但是研究工作逐渐排除了其它因素的可能性,并且用统计数字证明这些因素(对患癌症)是无关的(irrelevant)

12、。【注释:(1)increase:增加;decrease:减少。(2)effecton:对有影响。(3)process加工;proceed前进;progress进步。(4)various各种各样的;variety品种,种类;vary变化。(5)quantity数量;quality质量】5. Apart from【除之外】 the scientific statistics, it might be helpful to look at what smoking tobacco actually does to the human body. Smoke is a mixture of gase

13、s, vaporized【蒸发】 chemicals, minute【极小的;分钟】 particles【微粒】 of ash, and other solids. There is also nicotine【尼古丁】, which is a powerful poison【毒药,毒物】, and black tar. As the smoke is breathed in, all these components【成分】 form deposits【沉淀物,堆积】 on the membranes【薄膜】 of the lungs. One point of concentration【

14、集中】 is where the air tube, or bronchus【支气管】, divides. Most lung cancer begins at this point.5、除了(apart from)科学统计之外,研究工作还有助于认清(look at)吸食烟草对人体的实际影响(do to 对待, 处置)。抽烟产生的烟雾是一种混合的气体,包括气化的(vaporized)化学物质,极小的灰末微粒和其它固体,还有毒性(poison)很强的尼古丁和黑焦油。当吸进烟时,所有这些成分就都沉淀(deposit)在肺膜上。在气管和支气管分支的地方有一个集中点。大部分肺癌就从这里发端。6. Sm

15、oking also affects the heart and blood vessels【血管】. It is known to be related to Beurgers disease, a narrowing of the small veins【静脉】 in the hands and feet that can cause great pain and lead even to amputation【截肢】 of limbs【肢体】. Smokers also die much more often from heart disease.6、抽烟也影响心脏和血管。现已查明抽烟与

16、伯尔格氏病有关。这种疾病使手脚的细静脉不断缩小,从而引起剧烈疼痛甚至会导致截肢。抽烟者死于心脏病的也比不吸烟的人多得多(much more)。【注释:lead to 导致】7. While all tobacco smoking affects life and expectancy and health, cigarette smoking appears to have a much greater effect than cigar or pipe smoking. However, nicotine consumption【消耗,消费】 is not diminished by the

17、 latter forms, and current research indicates a causal relationship【因果关系】 between all forms of smoking and cancer of the mouth and throat. Filters【过滤】 and low tar tobacco are claimed to make smoking to some extent safer, but they can only marginally【略微】 reduce, not eliminate【减少】 the hazards.7、尽管吸食各种

18、烟草都会影响预期寿命和健康,但是抽香烟的影响要比抽雪茄和抽烟斗大得多。不过,后两种并不能减少对尼古丁的吸食,并且当前的研究指出各式各样的吸烟都和口腔癌、喉癌有某种因果关系。据称(are claimed to)过滤嘴香烟和低焦油烟草能使吸烟在某种程度上比较安全(to some extent safer),但是这只能略微(marginally)减少危害,而不能消除(eliminate)危害。【注释:(1)causal因果关系的;casual偶然的,随便的。(2)to saome extend 某种程度上】12 East Meets West in Relaxing Macau澳门东西方文化的交汇点

19、(2016版新增)1.在经过112年葡萄牙殖民统治后,澳门于1999年12月20日回归中国, 此后基本上保持原貌,游客们对此很欣赏。2. Macau inhabitants【居民,resident】 regarded the handover【移交】 as a mere change of administration. Certainly, you see fewer Portuguese faces on the streets nowadays, but there remains the curious【好奇的】 mixture of European flair【才能;特别的风格】

20、and Far Eastern tradition that make the city so special.2. 澳门的居民认为这次移交仅仅是管理上的变化。的确,在今天澳门大 街上你看不到多少葡萄牙人,但是这儿依然是欧洲风格与远东传统文化不同寻常的融合点,这使得它具有独特的城市风貌。3. Like its larger neighbour Hong Kong, Macau is now a special administrative【行政的】 region of China, but its special capitalist【资本主义】 status【地位,身份】 is guaran

21、teed for the next 50 years.3. 与较大的近邻香港一样,澳门现在是中国的一个特别行政区,它保持资本主义制度的特殊地位将50年不变。4. When you first glimpse【一瞥】 Macau on the ferry【渡船】 from Hong Kong, it looks less than impressive. The skyline【轮廓,地平线】 is dull compared to the imposing【壮观的】 glass skyscrapers【摩天大楼】 of Hong Kong, and most people do not tak

22、e the time to revise this first impression, devoting no more than【仅仅,只是】 a day trip to it. But this does not do justice to【公平对待,正确处理】this city of two cultures, which hides plenty of interesting secrets.4. 当你从香港开来的渡船上第一次瞥一眼澳门时,它看起来并不起眼。 同香港那雄伟壮丽的摩天大楼相比,澳门这个城市的轮廓显得并不鲜明,多数人只花不多于一天的时间去那里旅游,不愿多费时间去修正他们的第

23、一印象。但是如此看待这座具有两种文化风格的城市是不公平的,这样很多有趣的东西就看不到了。5. The Macau Museum, which opened two years ago, offers an excellent introduction to the peninsulas【半岛】 past and present. Children love it because it is full of technical paraphernalia【设备】. You can press buttons to light up【照亮】 trade routes on maps, or to

24、hear the different typical【典型的】 cries of Macaus traders.5. 两年前开放的澳门博物馆极好地展示了半岛的过去和现在。孩子们都喜欢它是因为里面有各种各样高科技含量的东西。你按一下按钮就能将地图上的贸易航线照亮,还可以听一听澳门商贩那各具特征的叫卖声。6. Just a few metres from the museum is the citys most photographed【拍照的】 symbol: the ruins【旧址,废墟,遗迹】 of Sao Paulo, the Jesuit church built in 1602, a

25、lthough today only its imposing【壮观的】 stone faade【正面】 remains.6. 离博物馆不远处就是这个城市最具标志性的建筑:圣保罗旧址,建于1602年的耶稣会教堂,尽管今天只有它那雄伟的石头砌成的正面仍保留下来。7. While the majority of Macaus inhabitants are Buddhist【佛教,佛教徒】, some seven per cent are Catholic【天主教徒,天主教的】 and the religious sites of Macau testify【证明】 to the special

26、mix of eastern and western cultures here. As well as the numerous churches inherited【继承】 from Portuguese rule, there are very many different temples.7. 大多数澳门居民是佛教徒,只有7%的居民是天主教徒,澳门的宗教故址就足以证明这里是东西方文化特殊的交汇点。除了葡萄牙人统治时期遗留下来的众多教堂之外,这里还有很多风格不一的寺庙。8. The largest is the Kun lam Tong. In the main hall of this

27、 temple, giant【巨大的】 spiral【螺旋的】 joss-sticks【线香】 hang from the ceiling, raining small piles of ash on the heads of visitors. Along the sides are smaller ancestors rooms commemorating【纪念】 the dead. There is also a room of plants which includes a special bonsai【盆景】 tree, the trunk of which happens to b

28、e shaped like the Chinese sign meaning long life.8. 最大的是观音堂。在这个观音堂的主厅内,巨大的螺旋形的香从天花板上垂吊着,它的灰烬落下来,一些落到了观光者的头上。堂的两厢是纪念己逝先祖的小房间。有一间房内放着盆景,其中有一棵树很特殊,这树的树干形状正像汉字的“寿”。9. The contrast between the peace of these temples and the bustle【喧闹】 of Macau city could hardly be more stark【鲜明的】. The lively【活泼的,生动的】 ped

29、estrian【行人】 zone flanked by【两侧是】colonial buildings with their teeming【丰富的】 side streets are not at all reminiscent【怀旧的】 of religious contemplation【沉思,意图】. Locals【当地人】 and tourists saunter【闲逛】 along with shopping bags.9. 这些寺庙的宁静与澳门城市的喧闹形成鲜明对比。行人区内十分热闹,四边都是殖民地风格的建筑,小街纵横交错,这里一点宗教气氛都没有。当地居民和旅游者都带着购物的袋子闲

30、逛。10.Macau, on the southeast coast of China, consists of【由组成】 the Macau peninsula【半岛】 and the two offshore islands of Taipa and Coloane in the Pearl River delta. Ninety-six per cent of the 450, 000 inhabitants are of Chinese origin【起源】. Anyone who stays a few days, soon realises that the city is sma

31、ll but charming. You soon start to recognise a few faces, even the city tramps【流浪者】 start to become familiar. Although the tourism industry would like to sell Macau as a racy【活泼的】, modem city, its real appeal is that it offers a very quiet, relaxing contrast to Hong Kong.10.位于中国东南海岸的澳门,包括澳门半岛和两个位于珠江

32、三角洲的凼仔岛和路环岛。45万澳门居民中96%的人祖籍是中国。无论是谁在这儿逗留 几天便很快意识到这个城市不大但富有魅力:你很快就能够辨认出一些面孔,甚至对这个城市的流浪汉也变得熟悉起来。虽然观光业想要把澳门作为一个富有特色的现代化城市,但其真正令人喜欢的是,与香港相比,它显得特别宁静和让人放松。11.But Macau is one of the richest regions in Asia, with an annual per capita【人均】 gross national product【国民生产总值】 of more than 17, 000 U.S. dollars. This is mainly thanks to gambling【赌博】. Forty per cent of all state income comes from the numerous casinos【赌场】 here, the only legally operating gambling halls on Chinese territory【领土,版图】.11.但是澳门也是亚洲最富的地区之一,它每年人均国民生产总值已经超过了1.7万美元。这主要得益于博彩业。40%的政府收入来自于这里众多的赌场,这里有中国版图上唯一合法经

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