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本文(中医护理常规技术操作规程中医内科护理常规.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、中医护理常规技术操作规程中医内科护理常规中医护理常规 技术操作规程中医内科护理常规中医内科护理常规一般护理常规 1.1 病室环境 1.1.1 病室环境清洁、舒适、安静,保持室内空气新鲜。 1.1.2 根据病证性质,室内温湿度适宜。 1.2 根据病种、病情安排病室,护送患者到指定床位休息。 1.3 入院介绍 1.3.1 介绍主管医师、护士,并通知医师。 1.3.2 介绍病区环境及设施的使用方法。 1.3.3 介绍作息时间及相关制度。 1.4 生命体征监测,做好护理记录。 1.4.1 测量入院时体温、脉搏、呼吸、血压、体重。 1.4.2 新入院患者每日测体温、脉搏、呼吸2次,连续3日。 1.4.3

2、 若体温37.5?以上者,每日测体温、脉搏、呼吸4次。 1.4.4 若体温39?以上者,每4小时测体温、脉搏、呼吸1次,或遵医嘱执行。 1.4.5 体温正常3日后,每日测体温、脉搏、呼吸1次,或遵医嘱执行。 1.4.6 危重患者生命体征监测遵医嘱执行。 1.5 每日记录大便次数1次。 1.6 每周测体重、血压各1次,或遵医嘱执行。 than 6 months, high early strength cement up to 1 month, and bagged the stacking height of no more than 15 bags of cement. (2) water

3、1) can be used where suitable for drinking water, untreated industrial waste water cannot be used. 2) water used in mixing the substances contained cannot affect the workability and strength and growth and cause corrosion of steel and concrete. 3) water PH value, insoluble and soluble sulfides, chlo

4、rides, phosphates, provisions consistent with the following table of contents. Content limits table entry of prestressed concrete concrete concrete insoluble matter in PH value 4 4 4 mg/L 2000 2000 5000 mg/L 2000 5000 10000 chloride soluble matter (measured in CL-) mg/L 500 1200 3500 sulfate (SO2-4

5、dollars) mg/L 600 2700 2700 sulfide (S2-dollars) mg/L 4 4 4 mg/L 2000 2000 5000 mg/L 2000 5000 10000 chloride soluble matter (measured in CL-) mg/L 500 1200 3500 sulfate (SO2-4 dollars) mg/L 600 2700 2700 sulfide (S2-dollars) mg/L 4 4 4 mg/L 2000 2000 5000 mg/L 2000 5000 10000 chloride soluble matte

6、r (measured in CL-) mg/L 500 1200 3500 sulfate (SO2-4 dollars) mg/L 600 2700 2700 sulfide (S2-dollars) mg/L 4 4 4 mg/L 2000 2000 5000 mg/L 2000 5000 10000 chloride soluble matter (measured in CL-) mg/L 500 1200 3500 sulfate (SO2-4 dollars) mg/L 600 2700 2700 sulfide (S2-dollars) mg/L 100-(3) Aggrega

7、te 1) aggregates of different material diameter piled up, respectively, do not mix with each other and mixed with the soil; when loading and unloading, size coarse aggregate net fall of greater than 40mm less than 3M, and avoid serious aggregate crushing. 2) fine aggregate fineness modulus should be

8、 controlled in the . Maximum water/cement ratio concrete parameter of concrete water/cement ratio the maximum allowable value, above the water level downstream (outside of the dam) 0.65, downstream water level change (outside of the dam) 0.55 minimum level of upstream and downstream (outside of the

9、dam) 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.60 basis subject to water erosion parts (3) large-volume buildings within concrete of minimum amount of cementitious material test results submitted to the engineer. According to the characteristics of the buildings, steel content, method of transport, pouring concrete, and cli

10、matic conditions, as far as possible small slump. (4) this standard concrete collapse degrees according to Xia table selected collapse degrees parameter table buildings of nature standard round collapse degrees (cm) hydraulic pigment concrete or less reinforced concrete 35 distribution reinforced rate not over 1% of reinforced concrete 57 distribution 频服。 2.4 饮食护理 2.4.1 饮食宜清淡,忌食辛辣、肥腻、生冷、烟酒之品。 2.4.2 风阳上扰者,可食滋阴潜阳之品。 2.4.3 气血亏虚者,多食血肉有情之品。 2.4.4 肾阴不足者,多食滋阴益肾之品。 2.5 情志护理 2.5.1 关心体贴患者,使其心情舒畅。 2.5.2 对肝阳上亢、情绪易激动者,减少情绪激动的刺激,掌握自我调控能力。

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