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1、大学英语110章在线测试答案大学英语I第01章在线测试 第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分) 1、Our English teacher advises us to look our test paper before we hand it in. A、after B、over C、on D、into 2、Mary wanted to avoid running down a dog but ran a big tree by the roadside. A、into B、on C、over D、up 3、 How are you, Mary? Helen. A、How are you

2、? B、Im fine. Thank you C、How do you do? D、Nice to see you 4、 How are you getting along with your study? . A、Fine. What about you? B、I dont know. C、Quite right. D、Its too hard for me. 5、 Hi, Tom, hows everything with you? . A、Dont mention it B、Pretty fast C、Thanks D、The same as ever 大学英语I第02章在线测试 第一题

3、、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分) 1、It does not alter the fact that the man was for the death of the little girl. A、ashamed B、guilty C、responsible D、obliged 2、Mr. Edward was not in, so his brother acted as at the party. A、actor B、guest C、host D、ghost 3、He is a leading authorityplant diseases. A、on B、about C、for D

4、、of 4、Faced with all the difficulties, the girlher mother for comfort. A、turned over B、turned from C、turned to D、turned up 5、 Li Hua failed in the math examination. A、Im sorry to hear that. B、Bad luck! C、What a pity! D、Bad news. 大学英语I第03章在线测试 第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分) 1、The handsome boy fell love with

5、an American girl. A、with B、down C、in D、for 2、Can you tell me the house you once lived last year. A、that B、which C、where D、in that 3、Practice is a good way to listening and speaking. A、notic B、neglect C、decrease D、improve 4、Excuse me, sir. is it to the nearest hotel? About 15 minutes walk along this

6、road. A、How much B、How soon C、How far D、How long 5、Its cold here. Could you close the door for me. . A、Here you are B、With pleasure C、Thats all right D、Thanks a lot 大学英语I第04章在线测试 第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分) 1、They very badly towards their guests yesterday. A、behaved B、showed C、presented D、behaved out 2、I

7、ll see shes at homenot at home. A、either or B、neithernor C、whether or D、if or 3、I have established a good working with my boss. A、relationship B、relative C、association D、relaxation 4、 Congratulations! You won the prize for best photography. A、Yes, I am proud of myself. B、Im fine. C、Thank you. D、Its

8、nice. 5、 I think you look very nice in the red jacket. A、Oh, no, I dont look nice at all. B、You are very kind. C、Im glad you think so. D、I dont like red color but my mom made me wear it. 大学英语I第05章在线测试 第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分) 1、 Would you like to go shopping with me? . A、Yes, Id like to. B、Yes. Thank

9、you. C、You are welcome. D、No. You are so kind. 2、Lets go swimming, shall we? . A、No. We dont. B、Never mind. C、Yes. Lets go. D、Sorry to hear that. 3、 I suggest you work harder on English. . A、You are clever. B、Its easier said than done. C、Im afraid not. D、I dont agree with you. 4、 I like pop music, b

10、ut if you hate it, Ill play something else,? How about some classics? A、Why not change it B、They are so cool C、Its noise to me D、What do you want to hear 5、 Hey! Bob, dont you think we should have a rest? . A、Dont mention it B、Sound good C、Thank you a lot D、Sorry, go ahead 大学英语I第06章在线测试 第一题、单项选择题(每题

11、1分,5道题共5分) 1、Shes very committed to people who are homeless. A、helping B、help C、helped D、helps 2、Ill just get these dishesand then Ill come. A、to wash B、washing C、wash D、washed 3、 , I didnt mean it that way. Forget it. A、All right B、Thats okay C、Thank you D、Forgive me 4、 Im terribly sorry about that

12、. A、You are welcome. B、Dont give it another thought. C、Not at all. D、Excuse me. 5、I. Think no more of it. A、should have meant that B、should have done that C、shouldnt have meant that D、shouldnt have done that 大学英语I第07章在线测试 第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分) 1、Last year the interest rate for loan by 20 percent. A

13、、raised B、arose C、aroused D、rose 2、When she arrived, she found the injured and the dead there. A、nothing but B、none but C、none other D、no other than 3、The man was just about to the riddle, when suddenly he found the answer. A、arrive at B、give up C、submit to D、work out 4、The students are kept cleanin

14、g the classroom. A、busy with B、busying with C、busy in D、to busy in 5、Can I help you, sir? . A、Yes, you can help me B、No, I dont need any help C、Of course, if you like D、No, thanks. Im being served 大学英语I第08章在线测试 第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分) 1、A completely new situation willwhen the examination system comes

15、 into existence. A、arise B、rise C、raise D、arouse 2、The organization had broken no rules, buthad it acted responsibly. A、neither B、so C、either D、both 3、I make notes in the back of my diary things to be mended or replaced? A、by B、in C、with D、of 4、Ken, , but your TV is too loud. Oh, Im sorry. Ill turn

16、it down right now. A、Id like to talk with you B、Im really tired of this C、I hate to say this D、I need your help 5、 I was really anxious about you. You shouldnt have left without a word. A、Why not? B、Really? C、I dont know. D、Im terribly sorry. 大学英语I第09章在线测试 第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分) 1、Is this looking fo

17、r? A、you are B、what you are C、that you are D、what are you 2、The classroom was almost empty a desk or two. A、besides B、except for C、except D、in addition to 3、 What size do you have? A、I want size 26. B、We got various sizes. C、This size is not for me. D、We want a small size. 4、 I dont like bright colo

18、r. A、What about the red one? B、What do you want to buy? C、What can I do for you? D、What is your size? 5、 Our price is the lowest one in the city. A、Ill take the blue one. B、How much is it? C、May I try it on? D、Would you please make a discount? 大学英语I第10章在线测试 第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分) 1、Julie spent one m

19、onth her term paper on Chinese poems. A、to write B、and wrote C、written D、writing 2、I was sothe night before my examination that I could not sleep. A、worrying B、tired C、happy D、nervous 3、Whether you learn or not is entirelyyou. A、up to B、as to C、about to D、due to 4、The little girl showed the policema

20、n the cornershe was knocked off her bike A、and B、which C、that D、where 5、Is here? No, Bob is absent. A、anybody B、somebody C、everybody D、nobody 区块链概念详解区块链概念是想明白,就必须先进行分类,区块链目前分为三类,其中混合区块链和私有区块链可以认为是广义的私链公有区块链(PublicBlockChains)公有区块链是指:世界上任何个体或者团体都可以发送交易,且交易能够获得该区块链的有效确认,任何人都可以参与其共识过程。公有区块链是最早的区块链,也是应用







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