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安徽中考英语 第一部分第十九讲九年级 Units 78.docx

1、安徽中考英语 第一部分第十九讲九年级 Units 78第十九讲九年级 Units 78.单项填空n加油1.2019宣城二模Whats your secren加油t of success, Dr.Lee?Jun加油st do the things you ln加油ike with all your mind and.n加油A.lesson B.pride C.en加油nergy D.result2.2019预测n加油He stayed up late to watchn加油 TV, so he is now feeling . A.actn加油ive B.angry C.afraid D.sle

2、epyn加油3.Jerry works so hard thatn加油 he feels tired these dn加油ays.He has to a family n加油of four on his own.A.offer B.suppn加油ort C.provide D.remain4.2019合肥蜀n加油山区一测What will the weather be lin加油ke tomorrow?It be rainy, cloudn加油y or sunny.Who knows?A.must B.mn加油ight C.should D.neen加油d5.2019预测Being hones

3、t n加油is the only thing we will do.In fan加油ct, thats our only .A.chn加油oice B.mistake C.secret D.survn加油ey6.Dad,I got a job an加油s a bus driver.Congratun加油lations.Make yourself so that n加油the company wont fire you.A.changeabn加油le B.fashionableC.n加油valuable D.possible7.2019预n加油测If you want to keep healt

4、hn加油y, you should junk fon加油od.A.keep up with n加油B.catch up withC.keep n加油away from D.keep in ton加油uch with8.2019合肥50中三n加油测What do you think of Confucius?n加油He was an ancient teacherwisn加油e sayings have influenced many peon加油ple in different countriesn加油.A.that B.which n加油 C.who D.whose9.Why do youn

5、加油 want to get a football?Dont you n加油know football ton加油 our school subjects atn加油 the beginning of this year?A.adds n加油 B.has addedC.was added D.will be n加油added10.2019天津Tom n加油fell off his bike and hurn加油t his knee.A.Pretty good B.Than加油ts too badC.Thats funny D.Tn加油hats a good idea.完形填空There are

6、 n加油many rules in American clan加油sses.In a class if the ten加油acher asks you a question, you should n加油give an answer.If you do not undern加油stand the question, you shouln加油d raise your hand andn加油 ask the teacher to 1 the quen加油stion.If you do not know the answer,n加油 it is all right to tell the teach

7、en加油r that you do not know.Then the teachern加油 knows 2 you need to learn.n加油There is no3 for not doing yourn加油 homework.If you are absent, yon加油u should call your ten加油acher or 4 who is in your class andn加油 ask for the homework.It is your duty ton加油 find out what homework you han加油ve missed.You must

8、 not bn加油e absent 5 a test day.Serion加油us illness is the only reasonn加油 for missing a test.It is n加油also considered impolite to be late.If n加油you must come in late, be sun加油re to do it 6.In the U.n加油S., it is not necessary to knock beforn加油e you enter the classroomn加油, but you will be given a low gr

9、ade ifn加油 you are often late. In America,n加油 you should call your teacher n加油by his or her last nan加油me, not teacher.Also youn加油 should use Mr., Miss,n加油 Ms.or Mrs.before the lastn加油 name (such as Mrs.Smith or Mr.Jones)n加油.This is considered7n加油 . Be polite to other students.In加油f one student is ans

10、wering a question加油n or giving a report, you 8 listen qn加油uietly and give him or hen加油r your attention.Some n加油habits are not welcomed, such as n加油eating, drinking, chewn加油ing gum(嚼口香糖) or 9 ones shoes inn加油 the classroom. Copying anothen加油r students test or paper is 10 accepn加油ted.It is called chea

11、ting.At mn加油ost schools in the U.S., studen加油nts who cheat will be dismissed(开除).n加油1.A.reply n加油C.repeat D.record2.A.what n加油 C.why D.when3.A.worry B.doubtn加油 C.need D.excuse4.A.anybodyn加油 B.somebody C.everybody D.nn加油obody5.A.on D.byn加油6.A.loudly B.noisily C.freely D.qun加油

12、ietly7.A.funny B.seriousC.polite n加油 D.strict8.A.may B.n加油should C.neednt D.cant9.A.takinn加油g away B.taking offCn加油.taking down D.taking out10.A.seln加油dom B.sometimes Cn加油.never D.often.阅读理解AThe Capitaln加油 Museum is one of the most famous art mn加油useums in the world.Wn加油ith its wonderful buildinn加油g

13、, the museum spreads Chinesen加油 history and culture to visitors from hn加油ome and abroad. The building of thn加油e Capital Museum began in 1953n加油 and it was open to thn加油e public in 1981.In 201n加油9, the museum started to dn加油evelop its new building.After five yearsn加油 of hard work, the new museum finn

14、加油ally opened at 16 Fuxingmen n加油Outer Street in Beijing. The Capital n加油Museum has seven floors.It has over 20n加油0,000 works of art, but only 5n加油,622 pieces are on show in 11 diffn加油erent halls.Besides, 3 halln加油s are open for temporan加油ry(临时的) exhibitions from other partn加油s of China and other co

15、untries.n加油 The Capital Museum is n加油open from 9 5 p.m., Tuen加油sdays to Sundays.If you are intern加油ested in Chinese history ann加油d culture, book the free ticket befn加油ore you get there.And you should rean加油d the notice first:(1)Enten加油r by ticket only.(2) No smon加油king inside the museum.(3) P

16、lease accn加油ept the security check (安检) andn加油 follow the rules of then加油 museum.(4) Please be careful with yon加油ur move, for some exhibition hallsn加油 have smooth floors and dark light.(n加油5) Please be careful with your things.Pn加油lease keep public places clean.No litten加油ring.(6) No drinks, food, p

17、ets or n加油dangerous things.(7) No photos.Non加油 touching, climbing or lying downn加油.(8) Please speak quietly and avon加油id running, playing and using mobiln加油e phones in the exhibition halln加油s.1.When was the new Cn加油apital Museum open to thn加油e public?A.In 1953. B.In 1981.Cn加油.In 2019. D.In 2019.n加油2

18、.Visitors can in the exhibitn加油ion halls.A.speak qun加油ietly and drinkC.tn加油ake photos D.use mobile pn加油hones3.You can find all the fn加油ollowing information EXCEPT .A.tn加油he address of the museumB.the n加油history of the museumC.n加油the opening hours of the museumD.n加油the way to the museum4.Visitn

19、加油ors can learn about Chin加油nese in the Capin加油tal and technology n加油 B.history and cultureCn加油.medicine D.moviesBManyn加油 parents like setting familn加油y rules for their kids.When kids break rn加油ules, parents will give them some punin加油shments.And the punishments arent inn加油cluded in

20、 rules.In fact, when paren加油nts tell their kids about a nn加油ew rule, parents should talk with thn加油em about the price thn加油ey should pay for breaking the rule whn加油at the punishment will be.Punishmentn加油s that parents set should be fair n加油and proper.For example, if pan加油rents find their children加油n

21、 smoking, they may limin加油t the childrens socian加油l activities for two weeks.Pan加油rents should punish their chin加油ldren only in ways they han加油ve discussed before.A studyn加油 shows that the most popun加油lar punishment is to limit kids TV timn加油e.Its understandable that parenn加油ts will be angry when ru

22、les are broken加油n.Punishment is a way to express then加油ir anger, but its not a n加油very good one.Sharing their n加油feelings of anger or sn加油adness with kids can have a better efn加油fect on kids.When kidsn加油 know what they have done makn加油es their parents sad, they wiln加油l feel guilty.When they know thn

23、加油eir actions influence their paren加油nts greatly, they will obey rn加油ules better.Rules are madn加油e to help kids behave better.If the rn加油ules or ways of punishment n加油make kids unhappy or under a lot on加油f pressure, will they be helpful?5.Wn加油hich of the following is the most pn加油opular way to punis

24、h n加油kids?A.Beating them.B.Telling them rn加油easons.C.Limiting their TV time.D.n加油Limiting their socialn加油 activities.6.In the writers n加油opinion, which is the best way for paren加油nts to express their anger to kids?A.n加油Punishing their kids.B.Keepingn加油 silent.C.Making more rulesn加油.D.Sharing their f

25、eelings n加油with their kids.7.The underlinen加油d word guilty in thn加油e passage means in Chinese.A.内疚n加油的 B.无聊的 C.激动的 n加油 D.高兴的8.The passage mn加油ainly talks about to n加油share feelings with to educan加油te kidsC.why to punish kids tn加油o understand kids.书面表达n加油在科技发达的今天,手机的功能越来越丰富,除了通

26、n加油讯功能,手机还具有支付、阅读等功能。有人认为用手机阅读方n加油便且花费少;也有人认为用手机阅读对眼睛有害,n加油并且容易使人沉迷其中。为使同学们对此有理性、客观的认n加油识,你们班以Should students read on mobin加油le phones?为题展开了辩论。假设你是正方或反方的n加油一员(只需选择一方),请阐述你的观点。 要求n加油:1.文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2.词数8n加油0左右。参考词汇:electronic book电子书n加油eyesight视力be addicten加油d to doing sth.沉迷于Should stn加油udents re

27、ad on mobile phones? 【n加油参考答案】.单项填空1.C【解析】考查名词辨析。结合n加油语境可知此处是说,集中你的心思和精力去做你喜欢的事n加油。A项:课; B项:自豪;C项:精力;D项:结果。故选C。要练n加油说,得练听。听是说的前提,听得准确,才有条件正确n加油模仿,才能不断地掌握高一级水平的语言。我在教学中,注意听说结合n加油,训练幼儿听的能力,课堂上,我特别重视教师的语言,我对幼儿说话n加油,注意声音清楚,高低起伏,抑扬有致,富有吸引力,n加油这样能引起幼儿的注意。当我发现有的幼儿不专n加油心听别人发言时,就随时表扬那些静听的幼儿,或n加油是让他重复别人说过的内容,



30、词是valuable。7.C【解析】考查动词短语辨析。此处是n加油说,如果你想保持健康,你应该远离垃圾食品。kn加油eep away from意为远离,故n加油选C。8.D【解析】考查定语从句的关系词。句意:n加油你如何评价孔子?他是古代的一位老师,他的名言影响了不同国家的许多人。结n加油合句意可知选D。9.C【解析】考查时态和被动语态。句n加油意:你为什么想要个足球?你难道不知道足球在n加油今年年初被加入我们学校的科目了吗?此处footbn加油all和add之间为动宾关系,应用被动语态;又根据年初可知n加油应用一般过去时的被动语态,故选C。10.Bn加油【解析】本题考查交际用语。题干中提到了

31、汤姆从n加油自行车上摔下来伤到了膝盖,由此可知所缺的句子是B项那太糟糕了。n加油.完形填空 【短文大意】本文主要介绍了美国课堂n加油的一些规则。1.C【解析】 如果你没有理解问题,你应当举手n加油让老师重复一下这个问题,故用repeat。2.A【解析】然后老师就会n加油知道你需要学什么,故用what。3.D【解析】你没n加油有不做作业的理由,故应用excuse。4.B【解析】如n加油果你缺勤的话,你应该给你的老师或班里的某人打个电话问问作业的情况,故用sn加油omebody。5.A【解析】 在考试日你是不能缺勤的。在具体的某n加油一天前应用介词on。6.D【解析】如果迟到的话一定要安静地进n加油来,故quietly符合文意。7.C【n加油解析】在老师的姓之前用Mr.,Miss,Ms. n加油或Mrs.这被看作是有礼貌的,故选C。8.n

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