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1、大学英语复习题Unit1课后练习题:1、 Taxes are an obligation which may fall on everybody.2、 We applauded the authors decision not to close the hospital.3、 The doctors instructions must be fulfilled exactly; the sick mans life depends on it.4、 Do these opinion polls really mirror what people are thinking?5、 I prefer

2、 to think or memorization as a stepping-stone to flexibility in use of words and phrases.6、 In her office memos she tended to devalue the work done by her staff.7、 The story of railroad transport has partly been a history of striving for greater efficiency and profit.8、 He took on the new post witho

3、ut having the faintest idea of what it entailed.9、 He is supposedly one of the greatest experts in that field. 10、 Absolute secrecy is essential. Consequently, the fewer who are aware of the project the better.11、 This period is usually referred to as the postwar period.12、 It would be a setback at

4、best if we were denied the use of their software.13、 We make people mentally old by retiring them, and we may even by the same token make them physically old.14、 I know that the public at large arent interest in this issue.15、 My sister was always held up to me as a model child.Unit2课后练习题:1、 By the

5、age of 20, Mozart had written some ten operas and was well prepared for the demanding audiences that awaited him in Vienna.2、 After only three years in the American market, our US sales there have token those in Japan.3、 Earthquakes pose such serious danger to the country that Japan has become a wor

6、ld leader in earthquake prediction, earthquake-proof construction techniques, and disaster preparedness by both civil defense forces and the general public.4、 American artists often took their cues from European literary salons and art schools, and cultured Americans traveled to Europe to become edu

7、cated.5、 A series of body explosions has undermined all hopes for a peaceful solution in the Middle East.6、 When he realized the police had spotted him, the man made for the exit as quickly as possible.7、 Many of the scientists and engineers are judged in terms of how profitable their achievements a

8、re.8、 A person who moves to a house on a busy street may initially be distracted every time a noisy vehicle drives by but after a month he will become used to it.9、 These publishers all depended on the favor of the British crown for their existence, and so only published materials that did not offen

9、d royalty.10、 They will seek to persuade others that they are moral in the accepted sense of the term in order to mask their motives to gain the awards.11、 This work has brought out the best in him even though he is not as good usually.12、 He likes all winter sports with the exception of skiing beca

10、use he thinks skiing is too dangerous.13、 During the last 20years, computing power has doubled about every 18months thanks to the creation of faster microprocessors, the incorporation of multiple microprocessor designs, and the development of new storage technologies.14、 Dont let yourself be taken i

11、n by those advertisements, which offer false information and mislead you.15、 During the years following World War II, the United States and the former Soviet Union engaged in efforts to construct intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of traveling thousands of miles armed with multiple nuclear

12、warheads.Unit3课后练习题:1、 Priests thought angrily that the soldiers violated the church by using it as a stable.2、 We derive knowledge not only from books, but also from practice.3、 Yesterday I was caught in the rain, so now my nose is all blocked up and I can hardly breathe.4、 The default system in th

13、is lap-top computer is windows XP5、 He further rationalized his activities by convincing himself that he was actually promoting environmental protection.6、 The saxophonist quoted a Kenny Jin melody Going Home in his solo.7、 Through an exciting bid for building the bridge, we won the exclusive contra

14、ct in the end.8、 She immediately called an officer at the Naval Intelligence Service, who in turn contacted the FBI.9、 After he reported the truth, he received many anonymous letters and phone calls.10、 -Do they charge for the use of the telephone?-Yeah! Half Yuan per minute! 11、Whether you go on wi

15、th your study or not is up to you.12、Yesterday the heavy fog resulted in a car crash on the highway.13、He was charged with driving a car while under the influence of alcohol.14、It was unlikely for him to tell her the truth that her son died in the war, because her husband just went out of this world

16、 last month.15、Who are in charge of handing out these leaflets?Unit4课后练习题:1、 It is well-known that photographic paper is highly sensitive to light.2、 The first part of Law School Admission Test evaluates skills in reading comprehension, in figure classification and in the evaluation of written mater

17、ial.3、 Because they are not sufficiently literate and job-prepared, some young people cant hold a job for long.4、 The boss managed to steer the discussion away from the subject of money and into the topic of environmental protection.5、 Sams familiarity with pop music is so astonishing that he can si

18、ng a large number of pop songs.6、 His car broke down on the way and consequently he was late for the meeting with his clients.7、 One reward of doing this social work is that I can learn to be independent, tolerant and get to meet people from different parts of the country.8、 Mary has got all the rig

19、ht qualifications for the job but is temperamentally unsuitable for it.9、 As college students, we should have a command of the fundamentals of not only social sciences but also natural sciences.10、 The personnel manager said that he couldnt evaluate Mikes ability without actually seeing him at work.

20、11、 Our trip is a disaster, as for the hotel, it was very dirty, wet, and cold. In addition, it was miles away from the city center.12、 All of the participants are trained to focus their minds on details.13、 Students of psychology will benefit greatly from the study of literature as it provides insi

21、ghts into human behavior.14、 When I was a college student, I never failed to write to my parents every week.15、 The judge asked the witness to supply the facts directly relevant to the case.Unit5课后习题1、I have to question the morality of forcing the injured to pay for the damage to the equipment.2、Not

22、hing will stop them in their quest for truth.3、I think the way shes been treated is a downright disgrace.4. He advocated taking a more long-term view.5. This writer, as well as his contemporaries, was interested in the same subjects.6She says hell come back, but shes deceiving herself.7 .Some people

23、 think that uncontrolled economic growth and environmental stability are mutually exclusive.8. He got ten years in prison for withholding evidence and obstructing the course of justice.9 Two of the soldiers were killed and the rest captured.10. A guilty conscience prevented her from sleeping at nigh

24、t.11 After a few years as a doctor he left the profession and took to journalism.12 His family goes back to the time of the Norman Conquest.13 It is often easier to make plans than carry them out.14 In defence of his policy, the Minister pointed to the sharp decrease in road deaths.15 The unions are

25、 in opposition to the government over the issue of privatization.Unit6课后练习题:1、There were joyous celebrations all over the country, with parades and the ringing of church bells to honor the great achievement.2、Your self-esteem is your good opinion of yourself or your respect for yourself.3、It is a pr

26、imitive instinct to flee a place of danger.4、Later, some of his findings aroused much popular interest in his book.5、She identified herself with the campaign against drug abuse.6、The issue has caused great tension between the two countries and could lead to a military confrontation.7、Your statement

27、is in conflict with the rest of evidence.8、Moet of the students have already felt the pressure of soaring inflation9、Dozens of homes have had to be abandoned as the sea has crept farther and farther inland.10、After he won the amateur championship, he turned himself to a professional boxer.11、Go ahea

28、d with it, and we will stand by you through thick and thin.12、Last Sunday evening we went to the school playground to root for the school football team13、The new evidence backed up my argument that they took advantage of the chance.14、The garden has belonged to our family for a long time.15、For 12 y

29、ears, weve sought to stave off this ultimate threat of disaster.Unit7课后习题:1. Adams took a succession of jobs which have stood him in good stead.2. Is this eye-disease still prevalent among the population here?3. Older drivers are more likely to be seriously injured because of fragile bones.4. The ac

30、cident in Russia generated a lot of public interest in nuclear power issues.5. If wed work together, I think we could accomplish our goal.6. He was still charming, cheerful, and graceful even under pressure.7. The bank has imposed very strict conditions on the repayment of the loan.8. His made-up co

31、nfident manner is really just a way of hiding his feeling of insecurity.9. With the rapid development of the Internet, a computer becomes an indispensable piece of equipment for any office.10. Since it was published in the 1970s, the book has received considerable critical acclaim.11. The tension wa

32、s naturally high for a game with so much at stake.12. She still clings to the belief that her son is save.13. I finished my work at five, but Ill hang on until half past five to meet you.14. After 50 years of successful operation, he turned the business over to his youngest son.15. The scientist referred to the discovery as the most exciting new development in this field.Unit8课后习题:1. Though he caught a cold, he didnt hesitate to jump

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