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酒店服务指南中英文版 1.docx

1、酒店服务指南中英文版 1服务指南THE SERVICE GUIDE总经理致辞 大堂服务 LOBBY SERVICES 1大堂经理 Assistant Manager 2问讯留言 Information Message 3预订接待 Reservation Reception 4收银结账 Cashier 5信用卡 Credit Card 6退房时间 Check-out Time 7客房门卡 Room Card 8行李服务 Luggage Service 9大堂保险箱 Lobby Safe box 10商务中心 Business Center 11残疾人士设施 Handicapped Facilit

2、ies 12着装 Dressing13停车 Parking客房服务GUEST ROOM SERVICES1 客房中心 Housekeeping Center 2 房间清洁服务 Room Cleaning 3 房间夜床服务 Turn-down Service 4 洗衣服务 Laundry Service 5 小酒吧 Mini-Bar 6 房间加床服务 Extra Bed 7 送餐服务 Room Service 8 擦鞋服务 Shoes-shine Service 9 叫醒服务 Wake-up Call 10电话 Telephone 11电吹风 Hair Dryer 12电熨斗/烫衣板 Iron

3、/ Iron Board 13房间保密/电话免打扰 Keep the Room Number Secret/Avoid Being Disturbed 14失物招领 Lost And Found 15电视节目 TV Channel 16网上漫游 Internet Service 17空气调节 Air Conditioner 18电源总开关 Energy Saver 19电源说明 Power Supply 20紧急情况 Emergency 餐饮服务FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES1 宴会预订 Banquet Reservation 2 中餐厅 Chinese Restaurant

4、 3 送餐服务 Room Service 娱乐服务ENTERTAINMENT SERVICE 1. 商务区Business district (CBD) 2量贩区ktv Volume area ktv康乐服务 RECREATION SERVICE 康乐中心The recreation center 安全指南SAFETY DIRECTORY1 遵守措施 comply with the measures2 宾客注意事项 Guests Notices3 安保 Safeguard4 火警 Fire Prevention5 火警须知 Fire alarm notice电话指南TELEPHONE DIRE

5、CTORY1 拨打客房电话 Room to Room Calls2 拨打外线电话 Outside Calls3 国内直拨电话 DDD Calls4 国内、国际直拨须知 IDD&DDD Service Guide客房物品有偿价格表GEST ROOM ITEMS PAID A PRICE LIST尊敬的宾客:欢迎阁下光临湛江富丽华大酒店!我们本着“安全至上、客人第一” 的服务宗旨,谒尽全力,热诚为阁下提供最周到的服务,令您真正感到宾至如归。酒店全体员工祝阁下旅途愉快!湛江富丽华大酒店 总经理Welcome you to zhanjiang Furama Hotel We in line with

6、the service tenet of safety first, customers first, sincerely provide you with the most considerate service, make you really feel at home. Hotel all staff wish you a pleasant journey! Good luck! Zhanjiang furama hotel The general manager大堂服务LOBBY SERVICES1大堂经理 Assistant Manager TEL 6789位于酒店大堂内,24小时为

7、您提供服务。 The Assistant Manager in the lobby will be at your service at any time.2问讯留言 Information Message TEL 6622如您离开酒店而需与来人或来电联系时,请把您的去处及留言告之总服务台。 You can tell our Information Desk the place to go if you want to be in touch with telephone message or visitors when you are out.3预订接待 Reservation Recept

8、ion TEL 6622酒店接待处24小时为您提供预订客房、KTV包厢、住宿登记等服务。The hotel reception desk 24 hours to provide you with booking room, ktv box, registration and other services4收银结账 Cashier TEL 6622位于大堂总服务台,24小时为您提供住宿期间的房费、餐费及其他费用的结算服务。Its located at the Front Desk in the lobby. We will provide the 24-hour check-out servic

9、e of your fees during your stay. 5信用卡 Credit Card TEL 6622欢迎您在酒店用以下信用卡:银联系列卡、长城卡、牡丹卡、建行龙卡、金穗卡Welcome to use the following cards:Great Wall, the Peony, Long card, the Gold Ear, 6退房时间 Check-out Time TEL 6622饭店退房时间为下午12:00。请留意:超过12:00后加收半天房租,18:00后退房按全天收费计算。若需延迟离店时间,请与总服务台联系。Check-out time is 12:00 at

10、noon. You will have to pay an extra half of daily fee if you check out after 12:00a.m and the whole fee if you do after 18:00 p.m. Please contact the Reception Desk if your check-out has to be delayed. 7客房门卡 Room Card TEL 6622酒店使用安全电子门锁。退房时请将门卡交与总台收银处。请留意:当超过规定时间,门卡将不能开锁。您要续住,请到总服务台办理有关手续。We offer y

11、ou the IC lock. Please return the card to the Cashier Desk when you check out. The IC card will not work when you delay the check-out time and you must contact the Reception Desk to continue your time.8行李服务 Luggage Service TEL 6622我们为您提供店内免费运送或寄存行李服务。We offer free-of-charge service of delivery in ou

12、r hotel and left-luggage service. 9大堂保险箱 Lobby Safe box TEL 6622大堂接待处为阁下提供免费使用的保险箱,较大的贵重物品可存放在大堂保险箱内。酒店对留在客房内物品的任何损坏或遗失不负任何责任。Each room is fitted with a safe box, your valuable belongings are recommended to be kept in the safe. By the way, the lobby provides free safes for bigger valuable belongings

13、. The hotel management is not liable to any loss or damage valuables left in the gust rooms.10商务中心 Business Center TEL 6622位于酒店大堂,为您提供全面的秘书服务:中英文打字、传真复印、收发电子邮件、邮寄等服务。服务时间:08:00-22:00Located in the lobby, we provide you with the comprehensive secretarial service. such as typewriting in Chinese or in

14、English, Fax and copying service, E-mail service, purchasing ticket, mailing, etc.Service Hours:08:00am-10:00pm11残疾人士设施 Handicapped Facilities TEL 6622酒店备有轮椅车,如需使用请与行李房联系。We also offer wheelchair and walking stick. Please contact the Luggage Room if you need.12着装 Dressing我们建议您在酒店所有餐厅和公共场所穿着合适的衣装。We

15、advise you to wear the proper formal dress in all restaurants and public places.13停车 Parking酒店拥有停车场,请按指定车位停放车辆。有碍车道畅通、消防、安全及专用泊车的车辆,如有损坏酒店不予负责。如需专门监管的车辆,请告知在场保安员,我们将会记录,妥加看护。饭店敬告各位车主,请勿将贵重财物放在车内,住店宾客可将贵重物品交酒店寄存处寄存。We have the parking area. Please park your car as shown. We are not responsible for an

16、y damage if you hinder the path, fighting-fire and security etc. Please inform our guard if your car need special care. We will make some notes and be care for the car. Please dont leave your valuables in the car. If you have ones, please place them in the safe deposit box of the Front Desk in the l

17、obby.客房服务 GUEST ROOM SERVICES1客房中心 Housekeeping Center TEL 6666客房中心24小时为您服务,如有需要请与客房中心联系。We will serve you the whole day. Please contact housekeeping center for assistance.2房间清洁服务 Room Cleaning TEL 6666您若需要服务员尽快为您清理房间,请将“请即打扫”牌挂于门外或与客房中心联系。Hang “Make up Room” signboard at the door knob or call house

18、keeping, and then well clean your room at soon as possible.3房间夜床服务 Turn-down Service TEL 6666酒店为您提供每日开夜床服务。Hotel provide daily open beds service for you.4洗衣服务 Laundry Service TEL 6666酒店为您提供水洗和熨烫衣物服务,每天上午10:00前将要洗熨衣物放入洗衣袋,交于服务员,可当晚取回衣物。饭店还提供特快洗熨服务,4小时内送回。详情请参阅房内的洗衣单。We offer dry cleaning, washing and

19、 pressing service .The Room Attendant comes to collect the washing bag before 10:00am every day and send it back in the same day. Express service is available also to you within 4 hours. Please refer to the Laundry List in your room. for details.5小酒吧 Mini-Bar TEL 6666客房内备有小酒吧,为您准备了多种酒水及小吃。我们会每日补充消耗,

20、同时您的消费额将被计入到您的账单。如有其他需要,请随时与客房中心联系。There is a mini-bar with many kinds of drink and snacks in your room. We will replenish them and the sum of charge will be recorded. If you want anything else, please contact housekeeping center.6送餐服务 Room Service TEL 6209服务时间:09:00-21:30Service Hours:09:00am-21:30

21、pm7擦鞋服务 Shoes-shine Service TEL 6666每间客房都配有擦鞋布。如有需要擦鞋服务,请将鞋放入房间衣柜鞋鞋篮或与客房中心联系。Each room provide shoe-shine cloth, Please put your shoes into the basket in the cabinet or contact Housekeeping if you need.8叫醒服务 Wake-up Call TEL 0请拨“0”与总机接线员联系,确定为您叫醒时间。Please dial “0” to contact with the Operator and co

22、nfirm your wake-up time.9电话 Telephone TEL 0每个房间都配备长途直拨国际/国内电话系统。如要拨打长途电话,拨“0”请总机接线员协助。Every room is equipped with the direct international and domestic dialing system. If you want to make a long distance call, dial“0”for help.10电吹风 Hair Dryer TEL 6666客房内备用电吹风可供您使用。There is a hair dryer in the room f

23、or you.11电熨斗/烫衣板 Iron / Iron Board TEL 6666客房中心备有电熨斗和烫衣板。如有需要可打电话联系。使用时,请注意安全。There are iron and iron board in housekeeping center. Please contact us for assistance. Please take care of yourself.12房间保密/电话免打扰 TEL 0Keep the Room Number Secret/Avoid Being Disturbed by Telephone 如果您不想被打扰,请按房间取电处“请勿打扰”键,

24、并可拨“0”与总机接线员联系。 If youd like to keep the room number secret and avoid being disturbed by telephone, the key of “DND” on the wall and contact the Operator by “9”.13失物招领 Lost And Found TEL 6666如有物品遗失,请与客房中心联系。遗留物品饭店将保留三个月,易变质物品保留三天。在上述期限内无人认领的物品,饭店将会自行处理。Please contact housekeeping, If yo

25、u have things lost. we will keep the lost things for 3 months. Perishable goods will be kept 3 days. We are entitled to deal with them beyond the deadline.14电视节目 TV Channel TEL 6666酒店所有客房均有遥控彩色电视,提供多种语言的国内外卫星、有线电视频道。 Each room provides remote-control color TV with satellite & cable channels. If you

26、want to know the program arrangement, check playbill please.15网上漫游 Internet Service TEL 6666酒店客房为您提供无线及宽带免费上网服务The guest rooms had fixed with broadband access and wireless internet also. You can get on the internet in your room for free.16空气调节 Air Conditioner TEL 6666酒店装有冷暖空调系统,每个房间都有独立调节室温的控制器。如需协助

27、,请与客房中心联系。Hotel is equipped with air conditioning system, each room has independently adjust the room temperature controller. If you need help, please contact housekeeping.17电源总开关 Energy Saver TEL 6666客房内配有电源总开关。进入客房,只需将门卡插入墙上的控制开关,客房内的电源就会接通。离开房间时,请别忘记把门卡取出。There is an Energy Saver in each room. Yo

28、u may get the electricity inserting the room card into the switch on the wall. Dont forget to take the card when you are out.18电源说明 Power Supply TEL 6666客房内电压系统为220伏特和110伏特,如需使用多种插座及变压器,请与客房中心联系。为安全起见,请不要在房内私自使用电器设备和烹调设备,请不要使用大功率电器。The voltage of power supply in your room is 220V and 110V.Contact us

29、 if you need an adapter or transformer. electric or cooking equipments without permission is forbidden in order to guarantee your safety. Please dont use other appliance of high power.19环境保护 Environmental Protection TEL 6666为保护环境,避免过量使用洗涤剂,请将需要更换的毛巾置于浴室内的毛巾筐内,床上用品在您住店期间每两天更换一次。For the sake of enviro

30、nmental protection and avoid consuming too much detergent, please place the used towels in the towel basket. We will change the bed sheet, bed cover, pillow case every two day during your stay in our hotel.20紧急情况 Emergency TEL 6666如遇紧急情况请联系客房中心或总服务台。If any emergency happens, please contact housekeeping center or front desk.餐饮服务FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES1宴会预订 Banquet Reservation TEL 6209酒店二层设有不同风格的大小宴会厅、多功能厅及包间。如您需要安排宴会、酒会,请与餐饮预订中心联系。服务时间: 09:00-21:30 The size of the restaurant on the second floor has a different style banquet hall, multi-function hall and private rooms. If yo

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