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1、英语日常交流的常见问句66926英语日常交流的常见问句语言是文化的载体。一旦会用另一种语言提问了,那就意味着你掌握了打开另一扇文化之门的钥匙。英语中基本的疑问词不外乎what, where, when, who, which, why和how这么几个,下面这七十个句子,足以让你得到你最想要的。 一:关于What口语中最常用的问题: time is it(几点了) 2 . What are you doing(你在干什么) did you say(你说什么) 5. What do you think(你认为怎样) do you recommend(你有何推荐的)。 are you looking

2、 for(你在找什么) is this for(这是用来做什么的) would you like to drink(你想喝什么) do you call this in English(这用英语怎么说) school do you go to(你在哪所学校就读)二:关于Where口语中最常用的问题:1. Where are you from(你从哪里来) ,2. Where is your company(你们公司在哪3. Where is the restroom(洗手间在哪) 4. Where are you headed(你去哪里)5. Where should I pay(我该在哪里交

3、钱) 6. Where did you buy it(你在哪买的)7. Where did you learn English(你在哪学的英语)8. Where do you work(您在哪里高就)9. Where would you like to go(你想去哪里) 10. Where have you been(你去哪了) 三:关于Where口语中最常用的问题:1. 2. When did you come here(你何时到的) 2. When does the meeting start(会议何时开始)3. When will you finish your work(你何时做完)

4、4. When is this due(什么时候到期)5. When will the flight arrive(飞机何时到港) 6. When are you free(你什么时候有空)7. When is your birthday(你的生日是何时) 8. When is he coming back(他什么时候回来)9. When does the store open(商店什么时候开门)$10. When can I see you again(我何时可以再见到你) 四:关于Who口语中最常用的问题:1. Who did that(那是谁干的) is she(她是谁)s callin

5、g(您是哪一位) do you think you are(你以为你是谁) will take over his job(谁来接管他的工作) does this belong to(这是谁的) told you that(谁告诉你的) asked you(谁问你了); are you looking for(你在找谁) do you think you are talking to(你以为你在跟谁说话)五:关于Which 口语中最常用的问题:1.Which is yours(哪一个是你的)2.Which hotel are you staying in(您在哪个宾馆下榻)3.Which is

6、better(哪一个更好一点)4.Which city do you like best(你最喜欢哪个城市)5.Which one should I buy(我该买哪一个)6.¥7.Which train should I take(我该坐哪趟火车)8.Which department do you work for(你在哪个部门工作)9.Which restaurant do you recommend(你推荐哪个饭店)10.Which number should I call(我该打哪个电话)11.Which newspaper do you read(你读哪家报纸) 六:关于Why 口语

7、中最常用的问题:1. Why is that(那是怎么回事) 2. Why not(为什么不呢)。3. Why did you say that(你为什么那么说) 4. Why would you quit your job(你为何要辞职)5. Why did you come to China(你为要到中国来)6. Why do you study English(你为何要学英语)7. Why are you so happy(你怎么这么高兴) 8. Why are you late(你为什么晚了)9. Why do you ask(你问这个干什么) 10. Why cant you com

8、e(你为什么来不了) &七:关于how 口语中最常用的问题:1. How are you(你好吗) 2. How can I help you(我能帮你什么忙吗)3. How much is it(这个多少钱) 4. How long have you been in China(你来中国多久了)5. How about having dinner with me(跟我一起吃晚饭好吗)6. How do you like it(你喜欢吗)7. How are you feeling(你感觉怎么样) 8. How many children do you have(你有几个孩子)9. How w

9、as the meeting(会议开得怎么样) 10. Hows business(生意怎么样)英语口语32个最常用句型第一:表示想要做某事的超级句型:I want1. I want to speak English. 我想学说英语。2. I want to buy something/do some shopping.我想去买点东西。3. I want something to eat.我想吃点东西。 第二:表示请求的超级句型:Can you1. Can you help me你能帮助我吗2. Can you show me around你能带我走走吗3. Can you e-mail th

10、e report to me你能不能用电子邮件把报告传给我 |第三:表示需要的超级句型:I need1. I need your help.我需要你的帮助。2. I need more time.我需要一点时间。3. I need to see you for a minute.我想见见你。 4. 表示请求允许的超级句型:Let me1. Let me help you.让我来帮你。2. Let me introduce myself.让我来做自己介绍。|3. Let me see it.让我看一下。 第四:表示自己意愿的超级句型:I hope1. I hope so.我希望如此。2. I h

11、ope you will enjoy your stay here.我希望你在这里过得愉快。3. I hope you can forgive me.我希望你能原谅我。 第五:表示不得不做某事的超级句型:Have to;1. I have to work hard everyday.我不得不每天努力工作。2. I have to check my schedule.我必须查一下我的行程表。3. I have to finish my report today.我今天必须写完报告。 第六:表示主观感觉的超级句型:It sounds1. It sounds good to me.听起来不错。2.

12、It sounds like a good idea.像是个好主意。3. It sounds interesting.听起来很有趣。 第七:表示“征求某人意见、看法”的超级句型:How about1. How about you你呢2. How about your plan你有何计划3. How about taking a walk出去散散步怎么样 第八:表示询问种类、形式的超级句型:What kind of 1. What kind of food do you like best你最喜欢吃什么:2. What kind of work do you do你从事什么工作3. What k

13、ind of sports do you play你会什么运动项目 第九:问意见的超级句型:What do you think of1. What do you think of Chinese food你喜欢中国菜吗2. What do you think of his proposal你觉得他的提议怎么样3. What do you think of my new hairstyle 你觉得我的新发型如何 第十:打算做某事的超级句型:Im thinking about1. Im thinking about going abroad.我打算出国。2. Im thinking about c

14、hanging my job.我打算换个工作。3. Im thinking about what you said.我在考虑你说的话。 第十一:表示道歉的超级句型:Im sorry (that) 对不起1. Im sorry I cant come. 对不起,我来不了了。2. Im sorry I cant help you. 对不起,我帮不了你。3. Im sorry I overslept. 对不起,我睡过头了。 第十二:表示需求对方一致意见的超级句型:Isnt it 难道不是吗1Isnt it a lovely place 这难道不是一个好地方吗2Isnt it pleasant wea

15、ther 这难道不是个好天气吗3Isnt it a coincidence 这难道不是一个巧合吗 第十三:表示委婉的拒绝或回答的超级句型:Im afraid 恐怕1 Im afraid youre wrong. 恐怕是你错了。2 Im afraid I cant do this for you. 恐怕我帮不了你。3. Im afraid theres no hope. 恐怕没希望了。4. Im afraid I cant do this for you. 恐怕我帮不了你。 第十四:表示建议某人不要做某事的超级句型:Dont 不要1 Dont mention it. 别客气。/别提了。2 Don

16、t trick me. 别骗我。/别捉弄我。【3 Dont waste my time. 不要浪费我的时间。4 Dont get me wrong. 不要误解我。5 Dont miss the boat. 不要坐失良机。6 Dont take any chances. 不要心存侥幸。/不要冒险。 第十五:我可以做什么的超级句型:May I 我可以吗1. May I come in 我可以进来吗2. May I use your bathroom 我可以用一下你的洗手间吗3. May I ask you a question 我能问你一个问题吗4. May I ask you something

17、 我可以问你一件事吗第十六:建议某人做某事的超级句型:Why dont you 为何不呢1. Why dont you try 为何不试一试呢2. Why dont you do as I do 为何不学着我做呢3. Why dont you listen to me 为何不听我说呢4. Why dont you learn Chinese 为何不学中文呢】5. Why dont you cooperate with me 为何不跟我合作呢6. Why dont you work with me 为何不跟我一起工作呢7. Why dont you join the English club 为

18、何不参加英语俱乐部呢 第十七:超级句型:How can I 我怎么能够1. How can I do this 我怎么能做这个呢2. How can I afford it 我怎么能够负担得起呢3. How can I forget it 我怎么能够忘记呢¥4. How can I accept it 我怎么能够接受呢5. How can I marry him 我怎么能够嫁给他呢 第十八:提醒某人做某事情的超级句型:Dont forget to do sth. 不要忘了做某事1. Dont forget to tell him. 别忘了告诉他。2. Dont forget to take y

19、our ID card. 别忘了带身份证。3. Dont forget to give me a call when you arrive. 到了时别忘了给我打电话。 ,第十九:表达两件事物比较更喜欢某物的超级句型:Dont forget to do sth. 不要忘了做某事超级句型:I prefer sth. to sth. 比起,我更喜欢1. I prefer tea to coffee. 比起咖啡,我更喜欢茶。2. I prefer swimming to running. 与跑步相比,我更喜欢游泳。3. I prefer winter to summer. 比起夏天,我更喜欢冬天。 第

20、二十:向某人承诺的超级句型:超级句型:I promise 我保证1. I promise I wont do anything stupid. 我保证不会做任何愚蠢的事。2. I promise Ill never lie again. 我保证不再说谎。3. I promise to pay you back. 我保证还你钱。 第二十一:表达不能支付某物的超级句型:I cant afford to do sth. 我没钱做某事。1. I cant afford to live in a big city. 我没钱住大城市。2. I cant afford to travel abroad. 我

21、没钱出国旅游。3. I cant afford to buy a house. 我买不起房子。) 第二十二:表达非常想做某事情的超级句型:Im dying to do sth. 我非常想/我渴望1. Im dying to hear your news. 我渴望听到你的消息。2. Im dying to speak good English. 我渴望说一口流利的英语。3. Im dying to take a vacation. 我渴望去度假。 第二十三:表达某事情做了有多久的超级句型:How long have you been doing sth. 你做某事多久了1. How long h

22、ave you been working here 你在这里工作多久了2. How long have you been staying in China 你在中国呆了多久了3. How long have you been waiting 你等了多久了 第二十四:表达更确认某事或某人想法的超级句型:Are you sure (that) 你确定吗1. Are you sure you know how to get there 你真的知道怎样去那里吗2. Are you sure you can manage it yourself 你确定你自己能行吗3. Are you sure you

23、really love her 你确定自己真的爱她吗 第二十五:表达某人对某事或某人是否了解的超级句型:Do you know 你知道吗1. Do you know who she is 你知道她是谁吗2. Do you know what to do 你知道怎么做吗3. Do you know his background 你知道他的背景吗4. Do you know anything about America 你了解美国的情况吗5. Do you know how old he is 你知道他多大了吗 第二十六:表达让对方说某事的超级句型:Tell me about 给我讲讲1. Tel

24、l me about your country. 跟我谈谈你的国家吧!2. Tell me about your experience as a CEO. 跟我讲讲你做首席执行官的经历。3. Tell me about how you learned to speak such good English. 跟我讲讲你到底是如何把英语说得这么好的。4. Tell me about your trip to China. 给我讲讲你的中国之旅。5. Tell me about your business. 给我谈谈你的生意。 第二十七:表达让对方帮助的超级句型: Can you help me w

25、ith sth. 你能帮我做吗1. Can you help me with my homework 你能帮我做家庭作业吗2. Can you help me with my bags, please 你能帮我提袋子吗3. Can you help me with the directions 你能帮我读一下这些说明书吗4. Can you help me with sth. 你能帮我一个忙吗5. Can you help me with a problem 你能帮我解决一个问题吗 第二十八:表达自己对某人某物的超级句型:In my opinion, 在我看来,1 In my opinion,

26、 she is a very capable woman. 在我看来,她是一个很有能力的女人。2 In my opinion, we should be more careful. 在我看来,我们应该更仔细一些。3 In my opinion, English is easy. 在我看来,英语很简单。4 In my opinion, he is an excellent teacher. 在我看来,他是个很棒的老师。 第二十九:寻求对方对某事或某人的超级句型:Are you satisfied with sth. 你对满意吗1. Are you satisfied with your new

27、job 你对你的新工作满意吗2. Are you satisfied with your marriage 你对你的婚姻满意吗3. Are you satisfied with your progress in English 对你英语的进步满意吗4. Are you satisfied with the results 你对结果满意吗5. Are you satisfied with your life 你对你的生活满意吗 第三十:寻求对方是否愿意做某事的超级句型:Would you like to do sth 你愿意做某事吗1. Would you like to get togethe

28、r this weekend 你愿意这个周末聚一聚吗2. Would you like to see a movie tonight 你愿意今晚去看电影吗3. Would you like to try some Beijing duck 你要不要尝尝北京烤鸭4. Would you like to know how to improve your English 想知道如何改进你的英语吗5. Would you like to meet my family 你想见见我的家人吗 第三十一:询问对方是否需要某帮助的超级句型:Would you like some 要不要来点1. Would yo

29、u like some water 要不要来点水2. Would you like some more time 要不要多一点时间3. Would you like some advice 你需要建议吗4. Would you like some help 你需要帮助吗5. Would you like something to drink 要不要来点喝的 第三十二:表达对某事或某人感到厌倦的超级句型:Im tired of 我讨厌1. Im tired of studying all the time. 我讨厌总是在学习。2. Im tired of your excuses. 我讨厌你的借口。3. Im tired of doing the same thing all the time. 我讨厌一直在做同样的事情。4. Im tired of looking at your face. 我讨厌看到你的脸。5. Im tired of her complaining. 我讨厌她总是抱怨。

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