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英语 人教新课标 第11讲 Festivals around the world 教案.docx

1、英语 人教新课标 第11讲 Festivals around the world 教案英语 人教新课标 第11讲 Festivals around the world 教案教材版本全国通n加油用课时说明(建议)3课时知识点核心n加油词汇:award ;admire ;apologin加油ze ;remind ;forgive核心短语:taken加油 place ;in memory of ;n加油look forward to ;turn up ;set off复习目标n加油学会灵活使用本单元基础语言知识,重点语法知识复习重n加油点重点句型:It was obvious that 复习难点情态

2、动词n加油一、自我诊断 知己知彼 . 单句语法填空1I len加油t a salesclerk fool me _ bn加油uying a discontinued model.2n加油At school,some students are active _n加油_ some are shy,yet they can n加油be good friends with one ann加油other.3Upon _ (n加油arrive),Jimmy found a long line of appln加油icants waiting to be interviewed.4Min加油chael pu

3、t up a picture of Yao Mingn加油 beside the bed to keep himself _n加油_ (remind) of his own dreams.n加油5Could you tell me the trick n加油of _ (make) such tasty cakes?n加油6Now that you have begun tn加油o work,you should learn n加油to be independent _n加油_ your parents.7_(fn加油orgive)is a virtue,but no n加油one has ev

4、er said it is easy.8Martn加油in Luther King Jr._n加油_ (award) the Nobel Peace Prize of 19n加油64.9Early forms of cake were simpn加油ly a kind of bread,so thn加油is tradition has its rootsn加油 in _ custom of sharing breadn加油.10You neednt _ (n加油dress) up so carefully n加油as it was quite an informal gathern加油ing.

5、【答案】1.into2.while3.arrivaln加油4.reminded 5making6.of7.To forgn加油ive8.was awarded9.the 10have dren加油ssed. 单句改错1I hope n加油you will always energetn加油ic when having classes.2He cann加油t forgive him for not seeing hisn加油 mother before she died.3Mr. Alcotn加油t told me that fourfifths of the housen加油s have be

6、en sold out.4Manyn加油 children starved death in Afrin加油ca for lack of food.5We invited hern加油 to dinner but she hasnt been turnn加油ed up so far.6I must an加油pologize to you for not be able to n加油meet you.【答案】1.always前n加油加上be2.himhimself3.havehad4.sn加油tarved后加上to5.去掉been6.bebeing二、温故知n加油新 夯实基础考纲单词精讲1、aw

7、ard n奖;n加油奖品 vt.授予;判定教材原句Some peopn加油le might win awards fon加油r their farm produce, like the biggn加油est watermelon or the mn加油ost handsome rooster.n加油(P2)有些人还可能因为他们的农产品(参加各种评选)而获奖,比n加油如最大的西瓜或最帅的公鸡。归纳拓展award sth. n加油to sb. award sb. sth. 把某物颁发给某人n加油win/receive/get an award for 因n加油而赢得/得到/获得奖项语境助记Poin

8、n加油ts were awarded for part-time jn加油obs, housework, effort in school, ann加油d ability to deal with problems.兼职、家务n加油、在校的努力以及处理问题的能力都会加分。The Chinen加油se player named Gong Jinjie was awarden加油d the prize for doing well n加油in the game.中国选手宫金杰因n加油为在比赛中的良好表现而获奖。It is said that he n加油had won the best actor

9、 award.据说他获得了最n加油佳男演员奖。2、admire vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕教n加油材原句China and Japan n加油have mid-autumn festin加油vals, when people admire the moon andn加油 in China, enjoy mooncakes.(P2)中国和日本n加油都有中秋节,这时人们会赏月。在中国,人们还品尝月饼。归纳拓展n加油(1)admire sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)n加油某事而钦佩某人(2)admiration n赞美;钦佩express/hn加油ave admiration for

10、 sb./sth. (表达)n加油羡慕/钦佩某人/物with admiration 钦n加油佩地(3)admirable adj. 令人钦n加油佩的;极佳的 admiring adj. 钦佩的;赞n加油美的语境助记I was right to have admn加油ired him. 一直以来我对他钦佩不已n加油是对的。Many people around then加油 world admire China for in加油ts great contributions tn加油o the world peace.世界各地的许多人钦佩中国对世界和n加油平所做的巨大贡献。With admirati

11、on I wentn加油 to interview the girls fn加油rom Beijing.带着敬佩的心情我去采访这群来自北京的女n加油孩们。She was used ton加油 receiving admiring lookn加油s/glances from othersn加油.她习惯了别人给予赞赏的目光。3、apon加油logize vi. 道歉;辩白教材原句Well,n加油 he was not going to hold his brn加油eath for her to apologize.(P7)算了n加油,他不想屏息等她来道歉。归纳拓展(1)apologin加油ze t

12、o sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事向某人n加油道歉(2)make an apology to sb. for sthn加油. 因某事向某人道歉accept/refuse onn加油es apology 接受/拒绝某人的道歉own加油e sb. an apology 应该向某人表示歉意语境助n加油记She apologized to mn加油e for not replying to my len加油tter in time.她因为没及时给我回信而向我表示歉意。In加油m writing this letter to express mn加油y apology to yo

13、u for not writing n加油you back in time.我写这封信为没有及时n加油给你回信表示道歉。I must make n加油an apology to him for not n加油going to his party.没有n加油参加他的聚会,我得向他道歉。I think maybe we own加油e you an apology.我想也许我们应该向你道歉n加油。图解助记4、remind vt.提醒;使想起教材原句I donn加油t want them to reminn加油d me of her.(P7) 我不想因它们想起n加油她来。归纳拓展(1)remind s

14、b. of/aboun加油t sth. 提醒某人某事;使某人想起某事remind n加油sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事remindn加油 (sb.) that/how/what. 提醒(n加油2)reminder n. 起提醒作用的东n加油西语境助记Confucius believed knin加油ves would remind people of killings andn加油 were too violent for use at the tabln加油e.孔子认为刀子会让人想到杀戮,并且在餐桌上使用有些太暴n加油力。You remind me of your father

15、 when n加油you say that. 你说这样的话,使我想起n加油了你的父亲。Reminded not to driven加油 after drinking, some drivers are stilln加油 trying their luck, n加油which is really dangerous.n加油尽管被提醒不要酒后开车,一些司机仍然心存侥幸,n加油这十分危险。Reading fiction n加油reminds me that thern加油e is life beyond my own.阅读小说提醒我在自己的n加油生活之外还有生活。This photo albumn加

16、油 serves as a reminder of the most impon加油rtant moments of my life.这个影集让我想起生活中最重要n加油的时刻。名师点睛与remind用法相类似的n加油动词还有:inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事 cure sbn加油. of sth. 治疗某人的疾病rob sb. n加油of sth. 抢劫某人某物 warn sb. of n加油sth. 警告某人某事accuse sb. of sth. 指控某人n加油某事 suspect sb. of sth. 怀疑某人n加油某事convince sb. of sth. 使某人

17、确信某n加油事5、forgive vt.(forgave, fn加油orgiven) 原谅;饶恕教材原句She would nen加油ver forgive him.(P7) n加油她将永远不会原谅他。归纳拓展(1)forgive sb. sth. n加油原谅某人的某行为 forgive me 请原谅;对不n加油起forgive sb. for (doing) sth. 原谅某人n加油(做了)某事(2)forgive and n加油forget 摒弃前嫌 forgiveness n. n加油宽恕;原谅语境助记All I ask is thn加油at you forgive me and kee

18、p my secret. 我n加油只请求你原谅我,并替我保守秘密。Forgive me n加油for my interrupting, but I really dn加油ont agree with that.请原谅我的打断,不过我确实n加油不同意那一点。It is also a virtue to fon加油rgive and forget, espen加油cially in such a competn加油itive and stressful society.不计前嫌也是一种美德n加油,尤其是在竞争如此激烈、压力如此沉重的社会中。核心短语诠释1n加油、take place 发生;举行教材

19、原句Discuss when n加油they take place.(P1) 讨论一下它们(中国节日)都在什n加油么时候举行归纳拓展take the place of sb. 代替n加油某人;接替某人的位置take ones plan加油ce 就座;入席;代替某人in place of(n加油in ones place) 替代;顶替in place 在适n加油当的位置语境助记Great changes haven加油 taken place in the school over thn加油e past three years, which deeply impren加油sses me.这所学校

20、在过去的三年中发生了巨大的变化,这给我n加油留下了深刻的印象。On the whole, TV doesntn加油 take the place of reading forn加油 most children.总体来说,对于大多数儿童,电视不会取代n加油阅读。She likes everything n加油to be in place before she stan加油rts work.她喜欢东西都摆好再开始工作。易混n加油辨析take place发生;举行;举办;多指有组织、有n加油计划的事件的“发生”,没有偶然性han加油ppen碰巧发生;一般用于偶然或突发性事件occur发生;突然想起,

21、其n加油意义相当于happencome about发生;产生;多指事情已发生,但n加油不知道为什么,多用于否定句和疑问句break out爆发;多指战争、灾难、n加油瘟疫、争吵等事件的发生Since the 2019 Olyn加油mpic Games took place in London, gn加油reat changes have taken place thern加油e. For example, fewer and fewern加油 traffic accidents happened/occurn加油red, and nearly no qun加油arrels broke out.

22、 You may wonder hn加油ow these differences came about.n加油自从2019年奥运会在伦敦举行以后,那里发生了很大的改变。例如:交通事故越来n加油越少了,几乎没有争斗发生。你或许想知道这些不同是怎么产生的。n加油2、in memory of 纪念;追n加油念教材原句For the Japanese festival Obonn加油, people should go to clean graves ann加油d light incense in memory of n加油their ancestors.(P2) 在日本的盂兰盆节,人们要n加油扫墓、

23、烧香,以缅怀祖先。归纳拓展“inn.of”短语总结n加油:in honor of 为了纪念;向n加油表示敬意 in praise of 歌颂in favorn加油 of 赞同;支持 in charge of 负责in need of 需n加油要 in search of 寻找in possessn加油ion of 拥有 in place of 代替in face on加油f 面对 in terms of 就而言;根据语n加油境助记They built a monument in memn加油ory of those who died in n加油the great earthquake.他们建

24、造了一座n加油纪念碑来悼念那些在大地震中遇难的人们。It is widn加油ely acknowledged that students shon加油uld be evaluated in termsn加油 of overall quality.广泛认为应该根据全面素n加油质来评价学生。There is a party tonight in hon加油nor of our new headmaster.n加油 为了庆祝我们的新校长就任,今晚有个晚会。I am in favon加油r of Susans opinion about wn加油hat the best present is. n加油

25、我赞同苏珊关于什么是最好礼物的观点。In case of fire,n加油 ring the alarm bell.n加油 一发生火灾,就按警铃。You shon加油uld keep calm even in n加油face of danger. 即使面临危险,你也应当n加油保持镇静。3、look forward to 期望;期待;盼望教n加油材原句The most energetic ann加油d important festivals are the ones n加油that look forward to the end of winn加油ter and to the coming of

26、 sprn加油ing.(P2)最富有生气而又最重要的节日,就是告别冬天、迎来春天的节n加油日。归纳拓展含介词to的常用动词短语n加油还有:be/get used to 习惯于 stick to 坚持lean加油d to 导致 object to 反对contrin加油bute to 促成;是成因之一 get down n加油to 开始认真做pay attentn加油ion to 注意名师点睛1. look forward to表示n加油“盼望;期待”,该结构中to为介词,故其后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。2. n加油一定要看清look forward to后的内容是否n加油是其宾语,以免出现错

27、误。语境助记Thanks forn加油 your kind considerationn加油 and I look forward to receivn加油ing your earliest reply.谢谢您的关照,盼望n加油早日收到您的回复。It is time yn加油ou got down to marking the papers. 到了你该开n加油始批改试卷的时候了。As a matter of n加油fact, he objects to being treated n加油like a child. 事实上,他反对像小孩子似的n加油被对待。The letter he had be

28、en n加油looking forward to camen加油 last night. 他期盼已久的那封信,昨天晚上到了。n加油4、turn up 出现;露面;被找到;开大(音量);向上翻教材n加油原句But she didnt turn up.(P7) 但她没露面。n加油归纳拓展turn down 调小;拒绝 turn out n加油生产;结果是;证明是;原来是turn oven加油r 翻转;翻身 turn in 上交turn off 关闭 n加油turn to 求助;转向;翻到语境助记They finally tun加油rned up at nearly midnight. 他们终于在n

29、加油近午夜时出现了。Turn the radio up; I n加油cant hear it. 把收音机的音量调高一点;我听不见。The han加油ll was full, and hundreds of fans hn加油ad to be turned away.大厅内挤满n加油了人,数百名歌迷不得不被拒之门外。He askedn加油 Jane to marry him but she turned n加油him down. 他向简求婚但她拒绝了他。Now n加油we wait for them to turn加油n in their essays. 现在我们n加油等着他们上交作文。牛津高阶

30、The job tn加油urned out to be harder than we thoughtn加油. 这工作结果比我们想象的要难。写出下列句子中turn n加油up的含义aWe invited her to dinner butn加油 she didnt even bother to turn un加油p. 露面;出现bI cant hear the music. Plean加油se turn the radio up. 开大;调高n加油(音量等)cIm sure your watch win加油ll turn up one of these dan加油ys. (被)找到;(被)发现d

31、He turned up his cn加油oat collar against the chin加油ll wind. 朝上翻5、set on加油ff 出发;动身;使爆炸;引起教材原句As Lin加油 Fang set off for home, he thought.n加油.(P7) 当李方动身回家时,他想归纳拓展sn加油et up 开办;建立 set aside 留出;驳回;撤销;不顾setn加油 down 记下;写下;让下车 set out 出发;着手做n加油(后跟动词不定式作宾语)set about 开始为忙碌;着手工作(后跟名n加油词或动名词作宾语)语境助记 But it also set on加油ff the Montgomery bus boycott

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