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1、电力电子技术教案电力电子技术教 案授课人:郝培华 授课班级:电气060102课程类型:专业基础课学时数:48(讲课42,实验6)学分:3教材:1)双语讲义2)王兆安主编,电力电子技术,机械工业出版社2003南京工业大学自动化学院 电气工程系2008年9月22日12月12日电力电子技术教案时 间08/09学年第1学期 第 4 周星期 二 08年 9月 23日)节次5.6班 级电气0601-2授课学时2学时地点B409教学章节Ch0Introduction & Ch1Power Electronics Devices教学目的通过学习,使学生了解电力电子技术的概念、发展、应用和电力变换器的分类;掌握

2、电力电子器件的特点;熟悉不可控电力二极管的基本特性。教学手段Multi-media教学形式Lecture 教学内容Ch0Introduction :1) What is Power electronics?2) The history of Power electronics3) Scope and Applications of Power electronics4) Classification of Power Processors and ConvertersCh1Power Electronics Devices1) Introduction to Power electronic

3、devices2) Power diode教学要点Definition of power electronics;Classification of Power Processors and Converters;The concept and features of power electronic devicesThe classifications of power electronic devices;The characteristic of power diode. 布置作业Review the contents of this class.教学后记电力电子技术教案时 间08/09

4、学年第1学期 第 4周星期 四 08年 9月 25日)节次3.4班 级电气0601-2授课学时2学时地点厚学206教学章节Ch1Power Electronics Devices 教学目的通过学习,使学生掌握半控型器件晶闸管的基本工作原理及动态静态特性。教学手段Multi-media教学形式Lecture教学内容1) History;2) Structure and equivalent circuit of thyristor; 3) Static characteristics of thyristor;4) switching characteristics of thyristor;5

5、) Specifications of thyristor; 6) The family of thyristor。教学要点Structure and equivalent circuit of thyristor;Static characteristics of thyristor;voltage ratings;Average on- state current IT(AV)。布置作业1. Whats the conditions of triggering thyristors into on- state?2. Whats the conditions of keeping thyr

6、istors on? And how to turn off the thyristors?教学后记电力电子技术教案时 间08/09学年第1学期 第 5 周星期 二 08年 9月 30日)节次5.6班 级电气0601-2授课学时2学时地点B409教学章节Ch1Power Electronics Devices &Ch5. Diode Rectifiers教学目的了解几种典型的全控型器件的基本特性;对于二极管电路,理解不同负载下电路波形的异同。教学手段Multi-media教学形式Lecture教学内容Ch1Power Electronics Devices1) Typical Fully-Co

7、ntrollable Devices:GTR、MOSFET、GTO、IGBTCh5. Diode Rectifiers 1) Basic diode rectifier concepts 2) Single-phase diode bridge rectifiers 教学要点1) The symbol、static characteristics 、switching characteristics and applications of GTR、MOSFET、GTO、IGBT;2) The circuit analysis of basic rectifiers in the conditi

8、ons of R、RL and LE;3) analysis and comparison of the dc-side voltage, the dc-side current and the input-side current in the conditions of R and RL ; 布置作业5-1 5-4 5-6Review the contents of this class教学后记电力电子技术教案时 间08/09学年第1学期 第 5周星期 四 08年 10月 2日)节次3.4班 级电气0601-2授课学时2学时地点厚学206教学章节Review the foregoing c

9、ontents 教学目的教学手段教学形式教学内容Review the foregoing contents 教学要点Review the foregoing contents 布置作业Review the foregoing contents 教学后记国庆放假,课程内容顺延电力电子技术教案时 间08/09学年第1学期 第 6周星期 二 08年 10月 7日)节次5.6班 级电气0601-2授课学时2学时地点B409教学章节Ch6Phase-controlled rectifiers教学目的了解交直流电路的能量变换;理解晶闸管门极的控制,掌握基本电路及单相桥式可控整流电路的分析方法。教学手段Mu

10、lti-media教学形式Lecture教学内容1) controlled conversion of ac into dc;2) basic thyristor circuits and their control; 3) single-phase fully-controlled rectifierresistive load.教学要点1) the requirements of thyristor gate triggering circuits;2) the circuit analysis and waveforms ; 3) assumption Ls=0, analyze cir

11、cuit diagram and waveforms;4) quantitative analysis of Ud, Id, IdVT, IVT, I2 and trigging angle. 布置作业Review the contents of this class教学后记电力电子技术教案时 间08/09学年第1学期 第 6 周星期 四 08年10月 9日)节次3.4班 级电气0601-2授课学时2学时地点厚学206教学章节Ch6Phase-controlled rectifiersSingle-Phase Controlled Rectifier & Three-phase convert

12、ers教学目的通过学习,使学生掌握单相桥式全控整流电路在不同负载条件下的工作原理以及单相桥式半控整流电路的工作过程;以及三相半波电路在阻性负载时的工作情况。教学手段Multi-media教学形式Lecture教学内容1) single-phase fully-controlled rectifierinductive load;2) single-phase fully-controlled rectifierRE load;3) single-phase bridge half-controlled rectifier; 4) summary of some important points

13、 in analysis5) three-phase half wave controlled rectifierresistive load教学要点1) assumption: L is large enough;2) commutation process;3) the circuit condition of RE load; 4) the function of additional freewheeling diode5) the circuit analysis and waveforms ;6) quantitative analysis of Ud, Id, IdVT, IVT

14、, I2 and trigging angle.布置作业1. In the circuit, assume that L is large enough. Analyze the working process , calculate the average Ud and plot all the corresponding curves. 2. P155 6-3, 6-5, 6-6教学后记电力电子技术教案时 间08/09学年第1学期 第 7 周星期 二 08年 10月14日)节次5.6班 级电气0601-2授课学时2学时地点B409教学章节Ch6Phase-controlled rectif

15、iersthree-Phase converters教学目的通过学习,使学生掌握三相半波可控整流电路和三相桥式全控整流电路的工作原理、波形分析及相关量的数量关系。教学手段Multi-media教学形式Lecture教学内容1) three-phase half wave controlled rectifierinductive load2) three-phase bridge fully-controlled rectifier resistive load; inductive load; quantitative analysis教学要点1) commutation process o

16、f three-phase circuit;2) the circuit analysis and waveforms ;3)quantitative analysis of Ud, Id, IdVT, IVT, I2 and trigging angle.布置作业Review the contents of this classP156 6-13教学后记电力电子技术教案时 间08/09学年第1学期 第 7 周星期 四 08年 10月16日)节次3.4班 级电气0601-2授课学时2学时地点厚学206教学章节6.4 Three-phase converters6.5 Influence of

17、Transformer Leakage Inductance to rectifier circuit教学目的通过学习,使学生掌握三相桥式全控整流电路在不同负载条件下的工作原理;以及漏感对三相半波电路的影响。教学手段Multi-media教学形式Lecture教学内容1) three-phase bridge fully-controlled rectifier2) three-phase half-wave rectifier with leakage inductance;教学要点1) the circuit analysis and waveforms of three-phase br

18、idge fully-controlled rectifier;2) In the condition of transformer leakage inductance, commutation between thyristors can not happen instantly, but with a commutation process;3) commutation process analysis;4) output voltage during commutation;5) quantitative analysis of and commutation angle布置作业Rev

19、iew the contents of this class教学后记电力电子技术教案时 间08/09学年第1学期 第 8 周星期 二 08年 10月21日)节次5.6班 级电气0601-2授课学时2学时地点B409教学章节6.5 Influence of Transformer Leakage Inductance to rectifier circuit6.6 harmonics and power factor of rectifiers 教学目的通过学习,会分析漏感对三相整流桥的影响;掌握换相压降和换相重叠角的计算;了解整流电路谐波的功率因数的基本概念。教学手段Multi-media教学

20、形式Lecture教学内容1) three-phase bridge fully-controlled rectifier with leakage inductance;2) basic concepts of harmonics and power factor of rectifiers;教学要点1) In the condition of transformer leakage inductance, commutation between thyristors can not happen instantly, but with a commutation process;2) co

21、mmutation process analysis of three phase bridge rectifier;3) output voltage during commutation;4) quantitative analysis of and commutation angle5) the basic concepts of harmonic and power factor布置作业Review the foregoing contentsP156 6-12教学后记电力电子技术教案时 间08/09学年第1学期 第 8 周星期 四 08年 10月23日)节次3.4班 级电气0601-

22、2授课学时2学时地点厚学206教学章节Ch6-7 inverter mode of operation & ch6-8 other converters教学目的通过学习掌握有源逆变的工作条件;会分析不同逆变角下的波形;了解其他常见的变流器的基本电路结构。教学手段Multi-media教学形式Lecture教学内容1) rectifier and inverter mode operation of converter; 2) the corresponding quantitative analysis;3) inversion failure and minimum inversion an

23、gle;4) other types of converters教学要点1) necessary conditions for the inverter mode operation of controlled rectifiers;2) the definition of inversion angle (extinction angle); 3) possible reasons of inversion failure;布置作业Review the contents of this classP157 6-18补充:1) 使变流器工作在有源逆变状态的条件是什么?2) 什么是逆变失败?如何

24、防止逆变失败?3) 单相桥式全控整流电路、三相桥式全控整流电路,当负载分别是电阻负载或电感负载时,晶闸管的触发角移相范围分别是多少?教学后记电力电子技术教案时 间08/09学年第1学期 第 9 周星期 二 08年10月 28日)节次5.67.8班 级电气0601-2授课学时2学时地点沉毅北517教学章节LAB1 Three-Phase Full Bridge Rectifier(2学时)(综合型实验)教学目的通过本实验设计三相可控整流主电路和触发控制电路,会接线,会分析试验现象和试验结果。教学手段Lab教学形式Lecture & practice教学内容三相可控整流实验教学要点观测并绘制输出电

25、压波形,测量输出电压并与计算结果进行比较;主电路参数的设计与功率放大环节的分析与计算。布置作业整理实验报告教学后记电力电子技术教案时 间08/09学年第1学期 第 9周星期 四 08年10月 30日)节次3.4班 级电气0601-2授课学时2学时地点厚学206教学章节Chapter7: dc-dc Switch-Mode Converters 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Control of dc-dc Converters7.3 Step-down (Buck) converter 教学目的通过学习了解直流斩波电路的定义、分类和控制方法,掌握降压斩波电路的工作原理。教学手段Mu

26、lti-media教学形式Lecture教学内容1)the introduction of dc-dc converters;2)control of dc-dc converters;3)step-down converter: circuit configuration; fundamental analysis; continuous-conduction mode; boundary between cont./discont. Conduction; discontinuous-conduction mode; output voltage ripple;教学要点1) classif

27、ication of dc-dc converters;2) pulse-width modulation in dc-dc converters;3) circuit configuration of buck converter;4) analysis of the continuous-conduction mode;5) quantitative deduction of the relationship between the input and the output in continuous-conduction mode; 6) analysis of the boundary

28、 -conduction mode;布置作业Review the contents of this classP197 7-2教学后记电力电子技术教案时 间08/09学年第1学期 第 10周星期 二 08年11月 4日)节次5.6班 级电气0601-2授课学时2学时地点B409教学章节7.4 step-up (boost) converter7.5 Buck-Boost converter教学目的通过学习, 掌握升压斩波电路及升/降压斩波电路的工作原理。教学手段Multi-media教学形式Lecture教学内容1) step-up converter: circuit configurati

29、on; fundamental analysis; continuous-conduction mode; boundary between cont./discont. Conduction; discontinuous-conduction mode; output voltage ripple; 2) buck-boost converter: circuit configuration; fundamental analysis; continuous-conduction mode; boundary between cont./discont. Conduction; discontinuous-conduction mode; output voltage ripple;教学要点1) circuit configuration of boost converter;2) circuit configuration of buck boost converte

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