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1、口腔专业英语Newly compiled on November 23, 2020口腔专业英语UNIT-1dental plaque 牙菌斑 血链球菌 轻链球菌 变形链球菌aerobic 好氧的,氧气的;依靠氧气的anaerobic 没有空气而能生活得,厌氧的1.In contrast to mucosal surface,the surface of teeth are not constantly renewed by shedding of colonized epithelial cells.较之粘膜,牙面不能稳定地通过上皮脱落而更新。2. Selective manner in wh

2、ich bacteria attach to the tooth surface is thought to reflect the fact that bacteria on their surface contain a recognition system which enables components on the bacteria surface (adhesions) to blind to complementary molecules (receptors) in the pellicle.细菌附着与牙面的选择性方式反映了这一事实,即细菌表面具有识别系统,该系统能使细菌表面的

3、附着器与获得性膜中的互补手提分子结合。UNIT-2ecology 生态学;个体生态学ecosystem 生态系统(学)mutanism 突变的 血链球菌 变形链球菌1.Colonization is a complex process, as it involves not only interaction between bacteria and their environment but aslo bacterial interactions.定植是一个复杂的过程,它不仅包括细菌和环境间的相互作用,也包括细菌之间的相互作用。2.Tooth eruption has a major impa

4、ct on the composition of oral is to be expected, as teeth provide new types of surfaces and new microenvironments.牙齿的萌出对口腔菌群组成有重要影响。这是因为牙齿提供了一些新型的表面和新的微环境。 UNIT-3saliva 唾液parotid 耳旁的;腮腺的lingual 舌的,语言的,舌侧的buccal 颊的,颊侧的labial 唇的,唇侧的palatine 腭的edentulous 无牙sulculus 小沟mastication 咀嚼chew 嚼,咀嚼temporomandi

5、bular joint (TMJ) 颞下颌关节streptococci 链球菌fungus (复fungi) 真菌,霉菌1.The salivary amylase activity of differenr individuals varies but a weak action is compensated for by the strong action of pancreatic amylase in the duodenum.不同个体间唾液淀粉酶的活性不同,但是较弱的活性可由十二指肠中强活性的胰淀粉酶补偿。UNIT-4enamel 釉质dentinal tubules 牙骨质小管am

6、elocemental junction 釉牙骨质界dentine 牙本质cementum 牙骨质odontoblast 成牙本质细胞alveolar bone 牙槽骨alveolar crest 牙槽嵴junctional epithelium 结合上皮1.The tooth bud undergoes peripheral proliferartion into the mesenchyme, leaving a central mensenchyme-filled depression, to form the tooth cap which consistants of the sam

7、e components as the tooth bud.牙蕾的周边区上皮向外胚间充质中生长,基底部凹陷,状如帽子,凹陷内充满外胚间充质细胞,帽状期上皮与蕾状期相同。2.Dentine consists of mineralized tissue (chiefly hydroxyapatite) in which microscopic tubules are found extending from the pulp to very close to, or even through, the amelodentinal junction.牙本质由矿化组织(以羟基磷灰石为主)构成,镜下见有

8、小管自牙髓贯穿全层到达或穿过釉牙本质界。UNIT-5dentine permeability 牙本质渗透性remineralization再矿化groove窝沟slot (固定)沟undercut retention 倒凹固位cariogenic 致龋的1.Fissure sealants, sa an effective way to prevent fissure caries, are supported by many controlled clinical studies and should be used as a preventive measure in patients w

9、ith moderate or high caries risk.许多临床对照研究证明窝沟封闭剂是一种有效的预防沟裂龋的方法,并作为预防性措施应用中度或者高度龋易感性的患者。UNIT-6percuss 叩诊,敲palpate 触诊lamina dura 硬板attrition 磨损abrasion 磨耗metamorphosis 变形pulpitis 牙髓炎microleakage 微渗漏pulp polyp 牙髓息肉matiscation 咀嚼fistula 瘘管abscess 脓肿osteosclerosis 骨硬化1.Rather,its purposes are to suggest

10、in the broadest possible interpretation whether pulp os either healthy or unhealty and to help the clinical determine whether it should be removed, based on clinical experience.更确切地说,提出临床分类的目的是尽可能地解释牙髓是否健康,同时基于临床经验,以帮助医生决定牙髓是否需要摘除。2.For this reason only complete cleansing, shaping, and obturation of

11、 the root canal will eliminiate the source of the periapical disease and create a microenviroment in which these periapical lesion can remineralize.因此,只有彻底冲洗,预备和充填根管,才会杜绝根尖周疾病的来源,并创造一个能促进根尖周病损再矿化的微环境。UNIT7obturate 闭塞amalgam 汞合金gutta-percha 牙胶stopping 充填剂bleach 漂白rosin 松香irritant 刺激的However , it is o

12、nly through a cognizant “problem-solving” approach to root canal treatment ,that quality assurance can be continually demonstrated in the obturation of the root canal system.但是,只有通过认知性的,以解决问题为中心的根管治疗方法才能自始自终地保证根管填充的质量。UNIT 8pulpotomy 牙髓切断术maxillary 上颌骨mandibular下颌骨radiolucent 射线透射的pulpectomy 牙髓摘除术de

13、ntal floss 牙线periodontium 牙周组织hypodontia 牙发育不全dysplasia 发育异常(1)The specificity of induction reflects the particular combinations of signaling molecules their cognate cell surface receptors , various intracellular signal pathways , and a large number of transcriptional factors that regulate gene expr

14、ession.诱导的特异性表现在信号分子、同源性细胞表面受体、各种细胞内信号路径及其调控基因表达的大量转录因子的特殊联合作用上。(2)In addition to changes in pulp size and shape with aging ,external stimuli also exert an effect . Caries , attrition , abrasion , erosion , impact trauma , and clinical procedure are some of the major irrritants that may cause format

15、ion of irritation dentin.牙髓的体积与形状除了随年龄变化之外,外界的刺激也对它产生影响。龋病,磨损,磨耗,腐蚀,创伤及临床操作是导致刺激性牙本质形成的主要因素。UNIT 9endodontic 牙髓学percussion 叩诊palpation 触诊probing 探诊pathosis 病态manifestation 临床表现medical history 病历,病史vital sign 生命体征chief complain 主诉pulp capping 盖髓metamorphosis 变态,变形,变质radiograph X射线照片cement 粘固粉recurren

16、t caries 继发龋full-crown restoration 全冠修复orthodontic 牙科正畸的,正畸学temporomandibular joint 颞下颌关节occlusal 咬合的 sinus tract 窦道deciduous teeth 乳牙pulpless tooth 无髓牙premonition 预告,预感 (1)A complete medical history should contain , as a baseline , the vital sighs ; give early warning of unsuspected general disease

17、 ; and define risks to the health of the staff as well as identify the risks of treatment to the patient.一份完整的病历应该包括作为基础的生命体征;对尚未被怀疑的全身性疾病提出早期警告;并且确定影响健康的危险因素以及者患接受治疗的危险因素。(2)The question , “What kind of treatment have you had” might elicit a history of pulp capping ,deep fillings with sedative base

18、s , or indirect pulp caps.问题“你曾经接受过哪种治疗”可能提示盖髓史,深部安抚剂垫底的充填史或间接盖髓史。UNIT 10periodontitis 牙周炎the connective tissue 结缔组织loss of attachment 附着丧失Junctional epithelium 结合上皮Apical migration 根向移动periodontium 牙周组织(尤指牙周膜)gingiva 牙龈plaque 菌斑agressive periodontitis 侵袭性牙周炎refractory periodontitis 难治性牙周炎 Diagnosis

19、 was made on the basis of clinical parameters documented in a thorough periodontal assessment , as well as consideration of the age of onset , rapidity of progression , and extent /patten of alveolar bone loss.诊断是建立在彻底的牙周状况评估所获得的临床指标的基础上的,同时,还必须考虑发病的年龄,牙周病进展的速度以及牙槽骨吸收的程度和类型。UNIT 11dental caries 龋齿ca

20、lculus 牙结石Malignant lesions恶性病损leukoplakia 白斑asymptomatic 无症状的premalignant 恶化前的,癌前期的However , a possible lower salivary PH and buffering power , and the fact that there is a shift of the bacterial population towards lactobacillus and the cariogenic streptococci in smokers ,might all argue for increa

21、sed dental caries.吸烟人群较低的唾液PH值和缓冲能力以及,乳酸菌与致龋链球菌数量的增多,都可能是导致龋齿增多的原因。UNIT12dental floss 牙线dentifrice 牙粉,牙膏Supragingival scaling 龈上洁治术Subgingival scaling 龈下洁治术Root planning 根面平整术instrumentation 器械用法,器械操作法ecosystem 生态体系,生态系统Thus , despite the large reduction , it is beyond the power of current mechanica

22、l therapeutic modalities to achieve an eradication of all bacteria , due to limited instrumentation efficacy and the fact that bacteria may reside in soft tissues or in root surface irregularities and dentinal tubules.因而,尽管存活菌的总量大大减少,但目前的机械治疗方法还没有能力根除全部细菌,一方面是由于器械功效有限,另一方面细菌还有可能定居在软组织,或不规则牙根面和牙本质小管上

23、。UNIT-13contraindication 禁忌症indication 适应症pulp capping 盖髓zinc oxide-eugenol 氧化锌丁香油root furcation 根分叉UNIT-14Ameloblastoma-成釉细胞Curettage-刮除术Decompression-减压术Dentigerous cyst-含牙囊肿Epithelial cell rests of Malassez-上皮剩余Enucleation-剜除术Eruption cyst-萌出囊肿Incisive fossa-切牙窝Keratocyst-角化囊肿Nasoalveolar cyst-鼻牙

24、槽囊肿Odontogenic cyst-牙源性囊肿Radiolucency-透射线性,密度减低性For surgical decompression, a site for access is selected that will not impair function and that will allow for ease of drainage and cleansing irrigation对于外科减压手术,切口选择应以不影响功能,便于引流.冲洗为原则。Postoperative radiographs taken in the ensuing weeks often show a d

25、ecrease in the site of the cyst as new bone forms at the margin.术后几周拍摄的X线片显示,随着囊肿边缘新骨的形成,囊肿的体积常缩小。UNIT-15Condyle-髁突Meniscus-关节盘Ramus-下颌支Bruxism-磨牙症,夜间磨牙Synovitis-滑膜炎,关节膜炎The teeth should be examined for wear facets, soreness, and mobility, which may be evidence of bruxism.应该检查牙齿是否有磨损,疼痛那个,活动,及证实磨牙症的

26、存在.UNIT-16Epidemiologic-传染病学的,流行病学的Morphology-形态学Inheritance-遗传,继承Cartilage-软骨Intermaxillary fixation(IMF)-颌间固定UNIT-17Tenderness-触痛Palpation-触诊,扪诊Perforation-穿孔Anatomic-解剖的,解剖学上的Occlusal-(上下齿)咬合(面)的Hygiene-卫生,卫生学Occlusion-咬合When adequate bony reduction occurs following intermaxillary fixation but th

27、e fracture remains unstable. Direct wiring, suspension wiring techniques, or bone plates may be used to stabilize the fracture.当颌间固定使骨折充分复位后,骨折仍不稳定时,可直接用金属丝.悬吊金属丝或骨板固定骨折。UNIT-18Morbidity-发病,发病率Mandible-下颌骨Implant-种植体,移植Toxicity-毒性,毒力Protocol-科学实验报告,原始记录Fluoride-氟化物Prophylaxis-预防Premalignant-癌症前期的,恶性

28、转化前的To resect a primary tumor with adequate margins, surgeons use craniofacial approaches involving osteotomies of the mandible or maxilla, which can be swung out of the surgical field to provide access to any area of the mouth.为保证原发灶的切缘安全,外科医生们采用包括上颌骨或下颌骨截骨在内的路面进路,切开并暴露手术野,可以提供口腔内各个部位的手术进路.UNIT-19P

29、rosthesis-修复体,修复术Triangular-三角形的Convex-凸的,凸面的Embrasure-楔状隙,外展隙A direct retainer is any unit of a removable dental prosthesis that engages an abutment tooth in such a manner as to resist displacement of the prosthesis away from basal seat tissues.直接固位体是可摘局部义齿的重要组成部分,主要是利用基牙来对抗修复体向基托的组织面下沉。They should

30、 be placed as far as possible from the distal extension base affording the best possible leverage against lifting of the distal extension base.对于远中游离端缺失的情况,间接固位体的位置应距游离端越远越好,可对抗游离端基托翘动所引起的杠杆作用。UNIT 20complete crown:全冠supragingival margins:龈上边缘subgingival margins:龈下边缘margin adaptation:边缘适合性undercut:倒

31、凹in vitro:在试管中,在生物体外metal-ceramic alloy:金属烤瓷合金nickel-chromium alloy:镍铬合金fixed partial dentures(FPD):固定部分义齿overcontoured:外形过凸Teeth require preparation to receive restorations, and these preparation must be based on fundamental principles from which basic criteria can be developed to help predict the success of prosthodontic treatment.牙体制备是为修复体创造出空间,必须遵循一些由具体标准界定的基本原则,从而有助于预测修复治疗的疗效。

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