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1、如何运用高级词汇写高考英语作文小“昕”学习秘籍如何写好英语作文关键字*able*about *above*add*addition *admit*advantage*after低级短语be able to do aboutabout be about to doabove all add up to in addition totoadmitto the advantage of after another 中文翻译有能力做关于,至于大约即将尤其是总计除了承认有利于某人接连不断高级短语be capable of doingas foras regards as to in poi

2、nt of in the matter of in/with respect of in/with reference to in/with regard to in/with respect to in discussingon the subject of in relation to regarding concerningsomething likeapproximately roughly in the region ofaroundbe on the point of doing be on the brink/edge/verge of doingall the more mor

3、e than all amount toover and aboveconfess toin onesfavorin successionafter 随着,在之后 in the sake of *again again and again一遍又一遍over and over*agree agree to sth. 同意be for sth. be in favor of sth. fall in with sth. not agree with sb. on sth. 在某方面不同意某人differ with sb. on sth. agree with 符合consist with cons

4、ult with correspond with be in accord with be in harmony with *all noat all 根本不,绝非 anything but by no means far from not a bit notin the slightest not in the least in/under no circumstances in no case for no reason on no account in no way *almost*alonealmost let alone 几乎更不用说as good as all butnot to

5、speak of not to mention to say nothing of(肯、否) much more still more (肯)much less still less (否)*although although,虽然,但 ;not but what*angry*appear*apply*attendbecome very angry appear apply forattend 生气出现,露面申请出席fly into a rage hit the ceiling lose ones temper show temper be out of tempershow upturn u

6、p put in forin take*attention*bear*beat*because *bed*before*begin*believe pay no attention to pay attention to bear beat because of it is all because of sb. thatgo to bed before longbegin believe 忽视注意忍受胜过(某人)因为都是因为某人而去睡觉不久就会开始相信be indifferent to pass by pass over be ignorant of be blind togive/pay/t

7、ake heed to take heed/note of give attention todo with put up withprevail over/againstas a result of by reason of by virtue of in virtue of in consequence of on account of on the ground of owing to thanks toit is all through sb. thathit the hay turn inby and by get tobe convinced of*belongbelieve sb

8、. belong to相信某人的话 take sb. at sb.s word属于 be in the possession of*besidesbesides除了over and above*best do ones best尽力doto the best of ones ability dowith all ones mights*betterbe better than dobetter than sb. had better do 比更好在某方面胜过某人最好be superior to excel sb. In/athad best do may as well do might as

9、 well do*birth*bit*brief*busy give birth to a bit not a bit brieflybe busy in/with busy oneself in/with be busy 生(孩子)有一点根本不简言之忙于忙于繁忙be delivered of be brought to bed ofin a way kind of to a certain extent to some extent sort of somewhatnone tooin brief in short in a few words in a word in one word t

10、o sum upbe engaged in be occupied in/withengage oneself in occupy oneself in/withhave ones hands full be on the run *burstburst into laughter 忍不住放声大笑 shake ones sides for laughter shake ones sides with laughter shake ones sides with laughing hold ones sides for/with laughter burst ones sides with la

11、ughter burst ones sides with laughing burst out of laughing *but*call*care*careful*casebut that but be called take care of be careful of in case in this case 要不是结果却被称为照顾注意,小心以免在此情形下thatonlyto onlybe named answer to do forbeware of take against look to be on ones guard against for fear thatshould les

12、tshouldunder/in the circumstances*certainly *chargecertainly be in charge of 无疑地负责,掌管beyond doubt no doubt past doubt without doubt out of doubt depend upon it(插入)for certain for sure for all the worldhave charge of take charge of *charmbe charmed with 被迷上,爱上 fall for*cheat*check*clearbe cheated by

13、cheat check up it is clear thatbe perfectly clear 被欺骗欺骗检查,校对不用说显然fall for deceive take in look into go back of go behind go into go over go throughit goes without saying thatstand to reason*comfortable feel comfortable 感觉舒适feel at home*comparecompared with与相比in comparison with *completely completely

14、 严格,完全,彻底to the letter*consider takeinto consideration 把考虑在内 allow for take account of takeinto accountbe considered as considering consider consider carefully *continuously continuously 被认为鉴于考虑清楚仔细考虑持续地go for be regarded as pass for be accepted as be put down as/for be taken forin view ofreflect up

15、onthink overon and on *controlcontrol on end控制,掌握 getunder keep down *course*day *deal*dependof course day after day a few days ago with dealdepend on/upon be independent 当然一天一天几天前处置依靠自立by allday in and day outthe other day dispose of bank on/upon count on/upon fall back on/upon lean on/upon rest on

16、/upon rely on/upon plan on/uponstand on ones own feet/legs *devotedevote todevote oneself to 把献给 dedicateto专心于 apply oneself toapply ones mind to give oneself to lose oneself in be absorbed in be devoted to be wrapped up in be bent on*die*difficult*directlyin difficultydirectly die死去在困难中直接pass awayi

17、n needat the first hand*discuss*drop *earn*effort*employ*endindirectly discuss with drop in on sth./at splace. earn with all ones efforts employ come to an end间接商讨拜访赚尽全力雇佣结束at the second handtake up with consult with look in on sb./at splace. make a call on sb./at splace. pay a call on sb./at splace

18、. run in on sb./at splace.bring intooth andontakebreak up*equal*escape*even*everbe at an end equal tofeelescape not even for ever 胜任逃脱甚至不永远feel up to(否、疑)break loosenot so much as without so much as for ever and ever for good for good and all*everyevery+时间长度每隔一段时间 at intervals of+时间长度*everyone *exam

19、ine*except*experience*explain*face*fact*fail*familiar*fareveryone examine carefullyexcept experienceexplain facein fact failbe very familiar with sb . as/so far as sb. know so far 每个人调查,检查除了经历解释面对着事实上失败熟识某人就某人所知至今and allonelook into look over inquire into see into fromapartaside from pass throughbri

20、ng outaccount forlook out uponas a matter of fact as it is(在句首) in effect as good as in point of fact in reality in truth to speak the truthfall throughget next to sb. to the best of ones knowledgewithin ones knowledgeas yet as far up to the present time up to this time until now up to now *fashion*

21、few become*find*finish*fire*for*forget*friend*fun*general*get*give*goout of fashion fewer/lessfind finish sb. finish sth. manage to finish fire be for forget to bring/take sth sb. forget to bring/take sth. make friends with sb. be friendly with make fun of in generalget along well with each other gi

22、ve freely give back give in give upgo on with过时减少找到完成完成终于完成解雇赞成忘带忘带与某人为友与友好嘲笑大体说来相处得好赠送归还屈服,让步放弃继续behindfall awaylay ones hands on/uponbe through with get through put throughsth. be off ones handspull offoff turnconsent togive agreement to give ones consent to approve ofeave behind sth.leave sth. Be

23、hind sb.associate with sb. keep company with sb. fall in withbe on good terms withplay a joke on play jokes on play a trick on play tricks on poke fun atfor the most part on the whole first and lasthit it offgive awayturn ingiveway to yield toyield up tocarry on*goodbe good at for the good of 擅长为的利益

24、be at home in be clever at be expert in be skilled in have a good command of be versed in haveat ones fingers ends/tipsfor the benefit of for the advantage of for the interests of for the welfare of *good-byenot a goodsay good-bye to sb.不是个好的 not much of a告别 bid farewell to sb. bid good-bye to sb. s

25、ay farewell to sb. take leave of *greatly greatly 大大地,很no end*habitget into a habit of doing 养成的习惯 take to doing*hand*happenhand out hand in happen to happen 发散,发出交遭遇发生give forth give off give out send outin turnbecomefall out*happy happy 高兴,兴高采烈 in good/high spirits*have*healthy*help*hesitate*honor

26、have to have make sb. healthy help sb. cannot help doing hesitatein honor of 不得不拥有使某人健康帮助忍不住踌躇为了纪念be obliged to be possessed of possess oneself of be in possession ofput sb. in good shape give a hand to sb. give sb. A hand cannot refrain from doing hold backin memory of in celebration of in remembrance of*hope*hurry *ifhope to do hurry up if not 希望赶快要不是have ones heart set

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