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高三下学期开年考试理综生物试题 含答案.docx

1、高三下学期开年考试理综生物试题 含答案2019-2020年高三下学期开年考试理综-生物试题 含答案一、选择题1下列有关细胞膜的叙述中正确的是( )A性激素的分泌有利于细胞膜成分的更新B细胞膜两侧钠离子浓度始终不相等与主动运输密切相关C神经细胞膜上钠离子通道异常不影响神经冲动的产生D细胞膜上的受体能将信息分子转移到细胞内发挥作用2下列关于酶的叙述中正确的是( )ADNA酶和DNA聚合酶的作用底物相同B探究酶的最适pH,最好将温度设置在该酶的最适温度C端粒酶与端粒修复有关,其活性降低可导致细胞癌变D底物浓度通过影响酶的活性,从而影响酶促反应速率3如图所示基因型为Rr且染色体正常的果蝇体内的一个细胞

2、增殖图,下列相关叙述正确的是( )A图示细胞为次级精母细胞、次级卵母细胞或第一极体B图示细胞发生的变异可通过有性生殖遗传给后代,从而使后代出现三倍体C图示细胞中染色体暂时加倍,而染色体组并没有随之加倍D若图中1号染色体上有R基因,则A极的基因组成可能是RR或Rr4下列关于育种和进化的叙述,正确的是( )A诱变育种会改变种群中有关基因频率,从而导致生物发生进化B通过基因工程育种可以培育出新的物种C在单倍体育种和多倍体育种过程中,需要用秋水仙素处理萌发的种子D诱变育种和多倍体育种的原理能为所有生物的进化提供原始材料5在一个容器中,科学家以某种杆菌为饲料,培养等量的双小核草履虫和大草履虫。如图为培养

3、过程中这两种生物的种群增长速率随时间变化的曲线,下列叙述中正确的是( ) A两种草履虫之间为捕食关系Bt3后两种生物的年龄组成相同C在此培养过程中双小核草履虫呈“S”型增长Dt1t2时间内大草履虫的数量持续下降6丙肝病毒(HCV)的正链RNA(HCVRNA,由a个核苷酸组成)能编码NS3等多种蛋白质,NS3参与解旋HCVRNA分子,以协助RNA的复制。一个正链RNA复制时,先合成出该RNA的互补链,再以互补链为模板合成该正链RNA。下列相关叙述正确的是( )AHCV的遗传物质是正链RNA,分子内可能含有氢键 B翻译时,转运NS3起始端氨基酸的tRNA中含有起始密码子 C一个正链RNA复制n次,

4、消耗的核苷酸数为na DHCV-RNA在复制和翻译过程中遵循的碱基配对方式存在差异29.(9分)图1是某同学以菠菜叶为材料所做的色素提取和分离的实验结果。图2是在适宜二氧化碳浓度下,光合速率与光照强度、温度(a、b、c代表三种不同的温度,且abc)之间的关系曲线。据图回答下列问题: 图1 图2(1)图1所示的实验结果异常之处是 ,从选材的角度分析,该同学最可能是选择了 的叶片。(2)图2中的光合速率可以用单位时间内叶片的 表示(填序号)。CO2的吸收量 CO2的固定量 O2的释放量 O2的产生量有机物的合成量 有机物的积累量(3)图2中OP段,三种温度条件下限制光合速率的主要环境因素是 ;若将

5、温度a升高5,Q点右边的曲线1的变化情况为 。30.(10分)下图是小李进食后血糖调节的模型。请回答下列相关问题:(1)图示中和表示的器官或细胞名称分别是 、 。(2)结构通过释放 实现对结构的调控;血糖降低的结果又作为信息 调节胰岛素的分泌。(3)胰岛素能促进组织细胞加速 ,从而使血糖浓度降低;其中的“组织细胞”主要是 、肌细胞、脂肪细胞等。 (4)图中胰岛素一经靶细胞上的 接受并起作用后就会被灭活,因此体内需要源源不断地产生激素,以维持 。31.(9分)在小型湖泊中,绿藻是鲮鱼和沼虾的食物,而沼虾又是鲮鱼的食物。下图表示不同体长鲮鱼的食性比例变化情况。请回答下列相关问题:(1)该湖泊中的所

6、有绿藻、鲮鱼和沼虾 (填“能”、“不能”)组成一个生物群落,理由是 。体长为2.8 cm的鲮鱼,其粪便中的能量来自第 营养级。(2)从图示可知,在一定范围内,随着鲮鱼体长的增加,其植食性所占比例增大,从能量流动角度分析,其原因是 。(3)若该湖泊中,短时间内绿藻的同化量增加了300 kJ,且湖泊中鲮鱼的体长只有2.8 cm,相邻两个营养级之间能量的传递效率按20计算,则可使鲮鱼的同化量增加 kJ。32.(11分)某动物(性别决定为XY型)的繁殖能力较强,其有毛与无毛分别受等位基因A和a控制,长毛与短毛分别受等位基因B和b控制,雌雄个体都有长毛、短毛和无毛性状。不含等位基因的个体均视为纯合子,回

7、答下列相关问题:(1)研究发现B基因含有4600个碱基对,而b基因只有4200个碱基对,二者产生差异的原因是 (填“染色体缺失”、“基因突变”)。(2)这两对基因 (填“能”、“不能”)位于Y染色体上;若等位基因B和b位于XY染色体的同源区段上,则这对基因构成的基因型共有 种。(3)现已知A和a基因位于常染色体上,若要进一步确定B和b基因在常染色体,还是在X染色体上,需进行如下实验(不考虑突变和交叉互换)。实验步骤:第一步:选择纯合短毛雄性个体与纯合无毛雌性(含B基因)个体交配,得F1;第二步:让F1中雌雄个体随机交配,得F2,统计F2的表现型及其比例。预测实验结果及其结论:若F2中 ,则B和

8、b基因位于另一对常染色体上;若F2中 ,则B和b基因位于同一对常染色体上;若F2中 ,则B和b基因位于X染色体上。37【生物选修1:生物技术实践】(15分) 科研人员以秸秆为原料进行酒精的制备,大致流程如图所示。回答下列问题:(1)对采集的土样进行稀释的目的是 。有时需要在梯度稀释前进行选择培养,其目的是 。(2)常用的微生物接种方法有平板划线法和 。用分离得到的纤维素分解菌培养液进行数量测定,在稀释倍数为105对应的培养基中测定平板上菌落数的平均值为26,则每毫升样品中的纤维素分解菌个数是(接种液的体积为0.2 mL) 。(3)经过的培养,可以得到多种纤维素分解菌,应该在鉴别培养基上选取 的

9、菌落进行扩大培养,从中提取的纤维素酶活性高。(4)经、步骤后得到的糖液中的糖是 ,过程常用的微生物是 ,过程的气体条件是 。38【生物选修3:现代生物科技专题】(15分)下图是获得转基因番茄的技术流程,kanR为卡那霉素抗性基因,番茄叶片对卡那霉素高度敏感,请据图回答:(1)构建重组质粒时至少用到 种工具酶,其中限制酶作用的化学键是 ;能将DNA片段之间的平末端拼接在一起的是 酶。(2)在完整的重组质粒中卡那霉素抗性基因视为 ,要筛选出含目的基因的受体细胞,需要在培养基中加入的试剂是 。(3)图中将目的基因导入番茄细胞的方法为 ;检测转基因植株是否培育成功的方法是 。(4)基因工程获得的是含有

10、抗虫基因的细胞,要获取转基因抗虫植株还需用到 技术。2019-2020年高三下学期开年考试英语试题 含答案第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will Jack do after supper?A. Call on Peter. B. Stay at home. C. Have a walk.2. Where does the woman hav

11、e to get off?A. At National City Bank. B. At National City Library. C. At the museum stop.3. How much did the car cost?A. $15,000. B.$30,000. C. $50, 000.4. Why hasnt the woman seen the man recently?A. He has changed his job. B. He has been out of town. C. He has been too busy.5. What will the weath

12、er be like in West London this week?A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Foggy.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Who is to hold a party?A. Tom. B. Mary. C. Peter.7. What is the man going

13、 to do tonight?A. Attend a party. B. Go to the movies. C. Watch a match.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. How does the woman feel about the rock concert?A. Very interesting. B. Too noisy. C. So boring.9. What is the womans last suggestion?A. Catching a movie. B. Going to a play. C. Playing tennis.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。1

14、0. Why does the woman blame the man?A. He works a little slower.B. He cant operate the machine.C. He designs machines for right-handers.11. Who was left-handed in the womans family besides her?A. Her father. B. Her mother. C. Her brother.12. What happened to the mans right hand?A. It was cut off. B.

15、 It was broken. C. It was burnt.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How should the man wash the sweater?A. By hand. B. By dry cleaning. C. By home machine washing.14. Why does the man want to return the sweater?A. The color faded. B. It got dirty. C. It shrank a lot.15. Why did the woman refuse to return the money

16、?A. The man didnt bring the receipt. B. The item was bought at a lower price. C. The man didnt carry his membership card.16. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a laundry. B. In a clothes shop. C. In a tailors shop. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the original purpose of Singles day?

17、A. To celebrate singles lives. B. To buy presents online. C. To end one s single days.18. What is the other name of Singles Day?A. Eleven Double. B. Double Eleven. C. Eleven and Eleven. 19. What were the total sales on November 11, xx?A. $ 13 billion. B. $24 billion. C. $30 billion.20. When was a si

18、milar event held in West Hollywood, California?A. In 1993. B. In xx. C. In xx.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe Worlds Wildest FestivalsRio de Janeiros CarnavalThe Rio Carnaval is not only the biggest Carnival, it is also one of the mo

19、st interesting artistic events on the globe. Itis usually in February, the hottest month in Rio de Janeiro. This wild celebration officially starts on Friday and finishes on the following Tuesday. It could be interpreted an act of farewell(告别) to the pleasures of the flesh. Nevadas Burning ManBurnin

20、g Man has bee somewhat controversial since it began in 1986. But one thing about Burning Man thats not controversial is its popularitythis is not always to the delight of organizers. In fact, in xx, they attempted to cap attendance at 50,000. Nearly 50% more people than that came in xx and the numbe

21、r is likely to keep growing in the future. It is a week-long annual event which takes place at the beginning of September. Indias Holi Festival Even if youre not a fitness-minded person, youve probably heard of The Color Run, a race that is different from others primarily because of the colored powd

22、er runners cover themselves in. Over several days each March, Hindu Indians celebrate the arrival of spring and the departure of winter by throwing brightly-colored powder into the air and down onto themselves.Ethiopias Meskal FestivalAlthough some of the festivals have religious origins, few of the

23、m prove themselves in obviously religious ways. Ethiopias Meskal Festival is unique in this respect, as youll see if you attend on 27th and 28th September, and celebrates the discovery of the so-called “True Cross”.21. What do we know about the Rio Carnaval?A. It is not the biggest in the world.B. I

24、t is usually celebrated globally.C. It is a five-day celebration in Rio.D. It suggests the beginning of the pleasures. 22. What worries the organizers of Burning Man in Nevada? A. The activities held to delight people. B. The money needed to observe the festival.C. The debates about the meaning of t

25、he festival.D. The population taking part in the celebration.23. Which festival marks the end of winter?A. The Rio Carnaval. B. Burning Man. C. Holi. D. Meskal.24. What is special about Meskal among the festivals mentioned above?A. It is a world-wide festival.B. It is controversial since it began.C.

26、 Its symbol is the colored powder.D. It is full of religious atmosphere.BAs an adult, I like nothing better than to sit on the beach reading. Give me a satisfying “beach read” and Im happy for days. However, Im sad to say it isnt really a thing for kids. Most kids would rather take their boards out

27、beyond their parents fort zone than read. And who can blame them? But the truth is that even when kids are on vacation, they need the same sort of relax, and reading time that we adults look forward to. The trick is getting them to sit for 5 or 10 minutes to refresh their bodies and to enjoy the ple

28、asure of reading.Books tend to be kind of heavy and they can get wet or filled with sand and are then pretty much ruined. Book chapters tend to be kind of long. Your child may refuse to read. And if your kids are anything like my daughter, they may hate to close a book in the middle of the chapter.

29、You know what Im going to say, right? Magazines wont weigh you down. They can be thrown away if they get wet, and will provide just the right amount of reading for the times when my daughter is ready to sit under the umbrella and cool down for a few minutes. Literary magazines will allow your child

30、to read wonderful fiction paired with beautiful illustrations. Discovery magazines deliver articles on all sorts of topics that will excite and interest your nonfiction lover.So dont leave the beach read behind when you pack the beach bags. Slip a magazine or two in the pocket of the bag and when yo

31、ur child needs a few minutes of downtime, pull it out and get them to sit for 10 minutes or so. 25. Who is the text most likely intended for? A. Parents. B. Kids. C. Travelers. D. Teachers.26. What does the author really want to say in Paragraph 3? A. Books bee a burden for kids on holiday. B. Books are not the best choice for “beach read”. C. Kids dont spend time reading books on holiday. D. Its a pity to throw away the books ruined on holiday.27. What ca

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