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1、基础英语课程教案首页基础英语课程教案首页学生专业班级英语专业0702班学 时 数12教学目的1 了解作者及其背景知识;2 熟悉本文使用的写作手法;3 掌握仿拟,提喻,对比等修辞手法;4 通过深刻理解文章内涵,培养学生社会洞察力和相关的讨论能力,同时掌握文中的核心语言点。教学内容1. 课前讨论;2. 背景知识介绍;3. 课文赏析;4. 写作技巧;5. 语言理解;6. 课后练习。教学重点1文学作品的赏析;2文学中的修辞手法仿拟,提喻,对比等的使用;3文章中重点词汇及重点句型的讲解与介绍;4文章思想内涵的理解:我们应该如何生活?教学难点1 长句、难句的理解;教学进程1 课前预习情况检查;2 读前活动

2、:背景资料;3 读中活动;课文的理解及语言处理;4 读后活动:文章结构回顾、写作技巧;5 课文练习。教学方法结合实际吸收各种教学法(讲授、问答、讨论、模仿、练习、多媒体使用)的优点。教 具PowerPoint课件及板书课后总结作 业辩论;作文。备注:教学进程一栏可根据教学内容的多少自定页数。现代大学英语精读2课程教案Lesson 10 The Richer, the PoorerPre-reading tasks:1. Warming-up Discussion:A wise man once said that happiness is somewhere between too much

3、and too little. Do you agree?2. Background Information: Gypsies Roma (people), commonly known as Gypsies, a traditionally nomadic people found throughout the world. While the term gypsy is often attached to anyone leading a nomadic life, the Roma share a common biological, cultural, and linguistic h

4、eritage that sets them apart as a genuine ethnic group. When they first arrived in Europe over 500 years ago, the Roma were called Gypsies in the mistaken belief that they had come from Egypt. The true origins of the Roma remained a mystery until the late 18th century, when European linguists discov

5、ered connections between the Romani language and certain dialects spoken in northwestern India. More recent linguistic and historical studies have confirmed that the Roma originated in India. The world population of Roma is difficult to establish with any certainty. Estimates suggest that there are

6、between approximately 15 and 30 million Roma worldwide. Some 10 million Roma live in Europe, and they make up that continents largest minority population. The largest concentrations of Roma are found in the Balkan peninsula of southeastern Europe, in central Europe, and in Russia and the other succe

7、ssor republics of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Smaller numbers are scattered throughout Western Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and the Americas. The Roma are divided into groups sometimes referred to as nations or tribes. These divisions generally reflect historical patter

8、ns of settlement in different geographic areas. Although historically renowned as wanderers, the vast majority of modern Roma live in settled communities. Lifestyles in America Lost Generation Lost Generation: a group of expatriate American writers residing primarily in Paris during the 1920s and 19

9、30s. The group never formed a cohesive literary movement, but it consisted of many influential American writers, including Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Carlos Williams, Thornton Wilder, Archibald MacLeish, and Hart Crane. The group was given its name by the American writer Gertrude

10、 Stein, who, in a conversation with Hemingway, used an expression she had heard from a garage manager, une gneration perdue (“a lost generation”), to refer to expatriate Americans bitter about their World War I (1914-1918) experiences and disillusioned with American society. Hemingway later used the

11、 phrase as an epigraph for his novel The Sun Also Rises (1926). Beat Generation The beat generation is a group of American writers of the 1950s whose writing expressed profound dissatisfaction with contemporary American society and endorsed an alternative set of values. The term sometimes is used to

12、 refer to those who embraced the ideas of these writers. The Beat Generations best-known figures were writers Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac, who met as students at Columbia University in the 1940s, and San Francisco-based poet and publisher Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Ferlinghettis City Lights Bookstor

13、e, in the North Beach section of San Francisco, became a center of Beat culture and remained an enduring symbol of alternative literature into the 1990s. Another center of Beat activity was New York Citys East Village, where Ginsberg made his home. HippieHippie, member of a youth movement of the lat

14、e 1960s that was characterized by nonviolent anarchy, concern for the environment, and rejection of Western materialism. Also known as flower power, the hippie movement originated in San Francisco, California. The hippies formed a politically outspoken, antiwar, artistically prolific counterculture

15、in North America and Europe. Their colorful psychedelic style was inspired by drugs such as the hallucinogen Lysergic Acid Diethylamid (LSD). This style emerged in fashion, graphic art, and music by bands such as Love, the Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, and Pink Floyd.Pink Floyd The British rock

16、 group Pink Floyd, left to right, Roger Waters, Syd Barrett, Nick Mason, and Rick Wright, was formed in London, England, in 1965. In 1968 British guitarist David Gilmour joined the band, with Barrett leaving soon after. One of the groups most successful albums was Dark Side of the Moon, from 1973, w

17、hich spent 15 years as one of the top 200 albums in the United States YuppieYuppies are thought to be more conservative than the preceding hippie generation. Dispensing of the social causes of their more passionate parents (who themselves shed traditional values), yuppies tend to be 9-5 professional

18、 workers. Because of this, some people see them as sellouts. Yuppies tend to value material goods (especially trendy new things). In particular this can apply to their stocks, imported automobiles, development houses, and technological gadgets, particularly cell phones. Unfortunately, the fast paced

19、 pursuit of these material goods has unintended consequences. Usually in a hurry, they seek convenience goods and services. Being time poor, their family relations can become difficult to sustain. Maintaining their way of life is mentally exhausting. Sometimes, they will move every few years to wher

20、e their job goes, straining their family. The fast-paced lifestyle has been termed a rat race.While-reading tasks:1. Ask students to explain the title: The Richer, the Poorer How can the richer be the poorer?2. Identify the structure of the essay:Part I. Introduction (1-9): Lotties life.Part II. The

21、 body (10-20): Besss life experiences.Part III. The conclusion (21-34): Reunion of the sisters.3. Detailed analysis of the text. Over the years Bess had lived each day as if there were no others. Over the years in spite of her sisters urge to prepare for her old age, Bess seized every minute to enjo

22、y herself as if she would die the next day. Lottie had a bank account that had never grown lean. -1Lottie always had quite a sum of money deposited in the bank.- Lean (adj.): small in amount or quality; Bess had the clothes on her back, and the rest of her worldly possessions in an old suitcase. 1Al

23、l that Bess had to her name was the clothes she was wearing and an old suitcase that contained all her other belongings/all the other things she owned.- Ones worldly possessions/goods: things a person owns.- Worldly: of the material world. Lottie had hated being a child, seeing her parents constantl

24、y worrying about money. Bess had never seemed to notice. 2- Seeing her parents constantly worrying about money: a present participle phrase, used as an adverbial of reason explaining why she hated being a child.- Lottie knew that her parents were always worrying about money, and she knew what it fel

25、t like to lack it, so she wanted to grow old enough to earn money. But Bess never seemed to notice her parents worries and cares. She looked after babies, she ran errands for the old. 3- go on/run errands for sb.: to go somewhere for other people to take a message, to buy sth., to deliver goods, etc

26、.- She earned some money by babysitting and going shopping, etc. for old people. She never touched a penny of her money, though her childs mouth watered for ice cream and candy. 4- water: v. to form or let out water or watery liquid, esp. tears or saliva (唾液).- She never spent a penny of what she ha

27、d earned on ice cream and candy, though as a child, she wanted very much to have them. When the dimes began to add up to dollars, she lost her taste for sweets. 4- add up to: to amount to, to make a total amount of.- In the U.S. and Canada, a dime is a coin worth ten cents. Other coins that are comm

28、only used are quarter, worth 25 cents, nickel, 5 cents, penny, one cent. There are also coins worth 50 cents and 100 cents that are called half dollar and dollar.- When her savings grew considerably, she was too old to want ice cream and candy and more. By the time she was twelve, she was clerking a

29、fter school in a small variety store. 5- clerk: v. to keep records or accounts, or to do general office work.- Variety store: a shop which sells many different kinds of goods, often at low prices.- At age 12, she was already keeping accounts in a small variety store after school. She decided to keep

30、 her money for clothes. When she entered high school, she would wear a wardrobe that no one else would be able to match.- wardrobe: a collection of clothes esp. of one person or for one activity.- She decided to keep her money to buy clothes when she started high school. Then no other girls in her s

31、chool would have more and better clothes to wear than she did But her freshman year found her unable to indulge this fantasy, particularly when her admiring instructors advised her to think seriously of college. 6- Freshman year: a students first year at high school, college or university.- But in h

32、er first year at high school, she found that she couldnt allow herself to spend her money on clothes. She thought of going to college, especially when her favorite teachers advised her to do so. She made her choice easily. A job in hand was worth two in the future. 9- Easily: without doubt/hesitation.- a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush: it is better to be content with what one has than to risk losing everything b

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