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1、有关地震的描述的英语词汇地震英语词汇aftershock余震airdropped goods空投物资armed police武警casualties伤亡人数charity organization慈善组织charity performance义演class resumption 恢复(再取回)复课class suspension停课collapsed building倒塌房屋death toll死亡人数debris / rubble废墟earthquake-hitregion受灾地区earthquake monitoring地震监控earthquake relief抗震救灾emergency

2、measure紧急措施epicenter震中essentials /necessities生活必需品evacuation evacuee撤离者,疏散者撤离field hospital野战医院first-aid急救 fundraise:raise money for a cause or project募捐Candidates must fundraise effectively and win public support in opinion polls to be considered viable.候选人必须有效筹资并获得的舆论支持才能胜出。green channel绿色通道(China

3、s banking regulators Wednesday ordered all the banks to open a green channel disaster relief donations from home and abroad and scrape the remittance charge. 银监会周三要求各银行金融机构开辟抗震救灾捐款快速通道,不得向境内外汇往灾区的捐款收取手续费。)international aid国际援助international maritime 海的,海上的,海事的satellite telephone国际海事卫星landslide山体滑坡lif

4、e detector生命探测器life line生命线makeshift临时措施a. 临时的house简易房屋medical team医疗队mud flow泥石流debris flownational mourning day国家哀悼日Non-Governmental Organization(NGO)非政府组织power restoration恢复供电prime time for rescue救援黄金时间relief materials救灾物资rescue effort救援行动rescue team救援队rescue worker救援人员Richter Scale里氏震级search and

5、 rescue work搜救行动seismographer saizmgrf .地震学家sniffer 嗅探者,嗅探器 dog / rescue dog / search dog救援犬survivor幸存者temporary shelter camp临时避难所trapped person被困人员victims受灾群众civic 公民的Its a civic pride to have a champion.拥有世界冠军是我们每个公民的骄傲。cyclone 飓风daunting 使人畏缩的The prospect of meeting the President is quite dauntin

6、g.一想到要会见总统就足以令人心悸.dire 迫切的可怕的,悲惨的,阴惨的They are in a dire extremity.他们在悲惨的穷途末路。dub 授予称号fragile 虚弱的hitch 搭便车junta 军政府impel 鼓励mobilize 发动orphan 孤儿philanthropy 善心tremor 震动unprecedented 史无前例的BonusExpressionshands-on亲自动手的He adopts a hands-on approach to solving the panys financial problems.他亲自动手解决公司的财务问题。表

7、示地震的词:earthquakequakeshakeshocktremortemblor 美语 (pl. -s, -blores )地震发生于.:hit. 袭击,打击,使遭受strike. 突然发生shake. 摇;摇动;摇撼jolt. 使颠簸,摇晃rock. 摇,摇动,使振动roll across. 波动,起伏,横摇rip through. 裂开,破开;突进,横撞直闯破坏程度小大damage 损害,损伤;口语伤害,毁坏。destroy 毁坏,破坏;摧残。shatter .破坏;捣毁;破灭。devastate 蹂躏,破坏;使荒废;消灭。level 推倒,夷平。flatten 夷为平地。地震学相

8、关词汇:seismological 地震学上的seismology 地震学seismograph 地震仪seismographer 地震学家aftershock 余震smaller tremors 小地震epicenter 震中magnitude 震级Richter Scale(110) 里氏震级earthquake monitoring 地震监控tsunami 海啸tsunami warning system 海啸预警系统tidal waves 潮汐波,浪潮natural disaster 自然灾害tragedy 灾难wreckage 残骸death toll 死亡人数survivors 幸

9、存者victims 受灾者international contributions 国际援助evacuation 撤离rescue team 救援小组China has mobilized发动 130,000 army and paramilitary ,prmilitri 准军事性的,起军事辅助作用的 troops 准军事部队to the disaster area, but the quake buckled roads and triggered mountain landslides, meaning that relief supplies and rescuers have stru

10、ggled to reach the worst-hit areas.Mobilize是一个平时不太常用的单词,但是此次XX窗体顶端窗体底端地震灾难发生之后,全世界对于中国政府mobilize抗震救灾力量的效率给予了好评,我们也可以对mobilize有一个全新的认识与了解。中国政府此次发动的抗震救灾力量主要来自军警,上述文字中的paramilitary troops就是“准军事部队的意思,也就是警察,包括武警。Paramilitary是西方国家通常用来表达警察和武警部队的英语词汇,在我国的汉英词典中,“武警的译文通常是armed police,但这个表达远不如paramilitary在英语国家

11、中用的普遍。中国政府此次出动的抗震救灾力量中除了军人之外还有大量武警、森林警察、消防警察和普通公安干警,这些警力在英语中可以统称为paramilitary troops。Buckled roads就是“阻挡道路的意思,其中buckle这个单词在这里使用得十分生动形象,因为“阻挡道路我们一般是表达为block road的,而buckle的意思是“使扭曲,“使弯曲,“使变形,对于在汶川地震中毁坏的公路来说,buckle这个词显然是再形象不过的了。triggered mountain landslides就是“引发山体滑坡的意思,其中的mountain landslide就是“山体滑坡的意思。sli

12、de属于美国英语用法,指的是(土、石、雪等的)崩落,崩塌。常见派生用法有landslide(山崩,滑坡,塌方),mud slide就是“泥石流。Trigger这个词用在这里也十分形象,因为它通常表示由于外来力量的作用而造成的某种后果。在美联社的另外一篇报道中,“引发的英语对应词汇用的spark,其释义与trigger相似,如A strong aftershock sparked landslides near the epicenter of this weeks powerful earthquake Friday, burying vehicles and again cutting of

13、f ravaged areas of central China.我们抗震救灾中所急需的各类“救灾物资就是relief supplies。说到与“救相关的词汇,我们往往会条件反射想到save,其实不然。在各种灾难救援行动中,rescue是一个更常用的词汇,下文的rescuers就是“救援人员的意思,而“救援行动本身在英语中就是relief。“救援人员还可以表达为relief workers,如美联社的这篇报道中就提到了以下一句话:Relief workers said food, water and tents were urgently needed. 上文中的worst-hit areas

14、指的就是此次地震灾害中受灾最严重的地区,比方说汶川,北川和青川等地。此次汶川地震造成的严重后果之一就是大量人员、尤其是正在学校上学的孩子们被掩埋在建筑物坍塌之后的废墟之中,在表示“废墟的时候,英语中通常使用debris和rubble这两个单词。如美联社的这篇报道提到:Rescuers saved a child from the debris of a school in the town of Beichuan 80 hours after the quake struck. They said they could hear weak calls for help from amid th

15、e rubble, Xinhua said.其中,debris所涵盖的范围比rubble更广泛,它可以泛指一切物体解体之后形成的碎片或者残骸,比方说飞机发生空难之后的残骸the debris of a plane,又如,The beach was littered with debris(海滩上到处都是残骸)。必须指出的是,debris是不可数名词。相对而言,rubble用在此次窗体顶端窗体底端地震灾难的报道中就更加具有针对性,因为它表示(被毁的建筑物或墙壁)的碎石,碎砖,瓦砾,而汶川地震之后大量人员就是被掩埋在rubble之中的。Rubble同样也是不可数名词。此外,表示“倒塌的建筑物时候,

16、英语还经常使用ruin,它是可数名词,因此更经常使用ruins这个复数形式,其搭配介词是in。如美联社的这一报道说:Two girls held hands in the ruins of their school and swore to each other they would not give up hope, Xinhua said.在词语搭配方面,除了ruin之外,rubble和debris的搭配介词也都是in,如buried in the rubble/debris就是“被掩埋在废墟/瓦砾之中的意思。如果表达“被困在废墟之中,那么,这时候的相应单词就是trap,其完整的词组表达就

17、是英语被动式be trapped in the debris。如美联社的报道说:A Chinese state news agency says rescuers have pulled a student to safety after being trapped for 80 hours in the debris of a school following this weeks massive earthquake.地震中的遇险人员在遭到掩埋之后必定会呼救,这时候的对应英语表达除了上文提到的call for help之外还可以是yell for help,如美联社报道说:Xinhua N

18、ews Agency said Friday that rescuers could still hear weak yells for help from the collapsed building in Beichuan in the northern part of Sichuan and hope to rescue more students.汶川大地震造成的灾难性后果之一就是许多学校的教学楼坍塌了,此次我国媒体报道的时候使用的词语叫做“垮塌,在英语中,无论是坍塌还是垮塌,其实都是一个词,即collapse,既是名词,也是动词。还是美联社的同一篇报道中提到:In the town

19、of Dujiangyan, a school collapse buried 900 students. In Wufu, nearly every building in the village withstood the quake but for a primary school, whose collapse killed some 300 students.又如,美联社新闻说,Experts said hope was quickly fading for anyone still caught in the wreckage of homes, schools, offices

20、and factories that collapsed in the magnitude-7.9 quake, the most powerful in three decades in quake-prone China.房屋collapse的后果就是被夷为平地,而英语中表示“夷为平地的对应说法是flatten。如美联社报道说The magnitude 7.9 quake flattened houses, schools and offices the southwestern province of Sichuan. In Hanwang, the towns mostly older

21、 buildings were flattened or severely damaged by the quake.在抗震救灾进入第二阶段之后,震区防疫成为工作重点。“防疫就是epidemic prevention,其中的epidemic是“流行病,“传染病的意思,在这里指的是“疫情。如美联社的一篇报道说:There were concerns about epidemics if the dead were not soon buried or cremated krimeit 烧成灰,火葬. 这个句子中的cremate是人死亡之后进展火化处理的意思。此次惨烈的大地震造成了数以万计的居民遇

22、难,而且死亡人数还在不断攀升。天灾人祸中的死亡总数,英语中叫做death toll。如美联社报道说The emergency headquarters of the State Council, Chinas Cabinet, said the confirmed death toll had reached 19,509-up more than 4,500 from the day before. The council said deaths could rise to 50,000, state media reported.与地震相关的其他词语还包括地震的“震级 Richter Sc

23、ale,“震中epicenter,“地震强度magnitude、“余震aftershock等等。而“地震除了表达为earthquake及其缩略形式quake之外还可以说temblor tembl: ,这是美国英语中用来表示“地震的单词。此外,由于此次地震造成的伤亡后果十分沉重,因此在修饰性词汇方面,英语中用了多个不同单词,如massive/powerful/devastating/deadly/killer earthquake。与地震相关的词语表达还有很多。在关注地震奉献爱心的时候,我们也可以通过阅读英语新闻报道来掌握一些英语词汇,丰富我们的语言表达能力,因为语言是伴随着特定的政治、社会等环

24、境而产生的,具有明显的社会性。Below is a special report on the earthquake and the rescue operations taking place.Rescue efforts are underway in Chinas Sichuan province following Mondays devastating earthquake 灾难性的地震, which measured 7.8 on the Richter Scale 里氏震级.According to Xinhua news agency, nearly 15,000 people

25、 have died in the disaster, with as many as 24,000 more trapped under rubble 碎石,碎砖 from collapsing buildings and another 14,000 declared missing 申报失踪.Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has visited the area to personally oversee relief work 抗震救灾工作, and is flying to the epicentre 震中 of the earthquake today.Chi

26、nese troops have been mobilised 调动 to carry out rescue operations and emergency aid 紧急救护 has been air-dropped 空降 into areas that have been cut off by the disaster.Bad weather has hampered 阻碍 relief efforts and in some cases rescuers have had to trek into the disaster area 受灾地区 by foot and search for

27、 trapped survivors 生还者 by hand as roads have been blocked by debris 瓦砾碎片.Some residents of the provincial capital 首府 Chengdu have chosen to sleep in tents and government shelters for fear of aftershocks 余震 causing more damage.One witness in Chengdu told the BBC the citys population is helping the re

28、lief work by donating 捐献 food and water for those affected in the surrounding countryside.Financial aid 经济救助 has been pouring in 大量涌进 from all over China, with the Chinese government pledging hundreds of millions of dollars. Substantial donations from other countries and humanitarian organizations have also been pledged 承诺,给予援助.

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