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1、商志英语笔记(04年第三篇阅读)When it comes to the slowing economy, Ellen Spero isnt biting her nails just yet. But the 47-year-old manicurist isnt cutting, filling or polishing as many nails as shed like to, either. Most of her clients spend $12 to $50 weekly, but last month two longtime customers suddenly stopp

2、ed showing up. Spero blames the softening economy. Im a good economic indicator, she says. I provide a service that people can do without when theyre concerned about saving some dollars. So Spero is downscaling, shopping at middle-brow Dillards department store near her suburban Cleveland home, inst

3、ead of Neiman Marcus. I dont know if other clients are going to abandon me, too she says.Even before Alan Greenspans admission that Americas red-hot economy is cooling, (总述)lots of working folks had already seen signs of the slowdown themselves. (分述一)From car dealerships to Gap outlets, sales have b

4、een lagging for months as shoppers temper their spending. (分述二)For retailers, who last year took in 24 percent of their revenue between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the cautious approach is coming at a crucial time. (分述三)Already, experts say, holiday sales are off 7 percent from last years pace. (分水岭

5、)But dont sound any alarms just yet. Consumers seem only concerned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economys long-term prospects, even as they do some modest belt-tightening.(整个第二段讲了两句话,分水岭前后。)Consumers say theyre not in despair because, despite the dreadful headlines, th

6、eir own fortunes still feel pretty good. 【(总述)Home prices are holding steady in most regions. (分述一)In Manhattan, theres a new gold rush happening in the $4 million to $10 million range, predominantly fed by Wall Street bonuses, says broker Barbara Corcoran. (分述二)In San Francisco, prices are still ri

7、sing even as frenzied overbidding quiets. (分述三)Instead of 20 to 30 offers, now maybe you only get two or three, says john Deadly, a Bay Area real-estate broker.】 (分水岭)And most folks still feel pretty comfortable about their ability to find and keep a job.(以上四个句子【】是一个意思:在大多数地区房价保持稳定。这一段的主旨: causes of

8、 consumers not being desperate in face of the slowdown.)【(总述)Many folks see silver linings to this slowdown. (分述一)Potential home buyers would cheer for lower interest rates. (分述二)Employers wouldnt mind a little fewer bubbles in the job market. (分述三)Many consumers seem to have been influenced by stoc

9、k-market swings, which investors now view as a necessary ingredient to a sustained boom.】 Diners might see an upside, too. Getting a table at Manhattans hot new Alain Ducasse restaurant need to be impossible. Not anymore. For that, Greenspan & Co. may still be worth toasting.笔记:1. Appreciate doing 感

10、激某人做2. Suggest that (should)3. Suspend 暂停;延缓4. When it comes to slowing economy 一提到5. When it comes to+名词词组+主谓6. When it comes to的作用:引出全文的主题7. When it comes to在写作中的应用:When it comes to+作文主题,(不同的人有不同的观点)opinions vary.8. 考研英语试卷:1:完型(10%)2:阅读(60%)(part A:40%;part B:10%;part C:10%)3:写作(30%)9. Some tend t

11、o claim that 一些人认为10. Others, however, may argue/contend that 然而,另一些人认为11. I am strongly convinced that 我强烈认为/相信;科学家一直相信:Scientists have been convinced that12. 重要补充:1. Be convinced that 认为、相信2. Hold、claim、argue、contend都表示认为/主张3. 写作例句:一些人认为另一些人认为While many seem to hold thatothers might contend that(W

12、hile_,_)4. Seem to、tend to、may/might、can/could专门用于主谓之间,制造抽象的感觉13. 主谓之间的插入成分:1. 从句2. -ed、-ing、to、adj、prep(从句中省略which is/are who is/are)3. Seem to、tend to、may/might、can/could 4. 双逗号结构、双破折号结构14. Some people-some、Many people-many、Few people-few、These people-these、Those people-those .:many are perplexed困

13、惑的,糊涂的 that)15. be perplexed 困惑的,糊涂的 that = be puzzled = be confused16. 人:those (who/whose) 日本人:those who are from Japan 普通大学毕业生:those who graduated from average universities (普通大学:average universities;名校:top universities;班级中的一般学生:average students,尖子生:top students)。 有时做噩梦的人:Those who sometimes have

14、bad dreams. 姓氏始于字母表后半部分的人:Those whose surname begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet.17. Slowing、falling、fading、declining+economy:减速的、放缓的经济/日益下跌的、越来越低的经济/消退的经济/下滑的、衰退的、走下坡路的经济18. Falling transportation and communication(押韵:No investing, no harvesting.没有投资就没有收获;No effect, no comfort.)

15、costs. 日益下跌的交通与通信支出19. Fading distinction between capitalism and socialism. 资本主义与社会主义之间逐渐消失的区别。20. Fading competitiveness of . economy.(美国经济逐渐消失的竞争力)VS growing competitiveness of emerging economies.(新兴国家的经济与日俱增的竞争力)21. emerging countries 新兴国家 emerging economies 新兴国家的经济22. While 天大 is now on the decl

16、ine, 浙大 is now on the rise.23. This is an explosive situation (可拍的局面、危急的关头) for any industry(行业 汽车行业:auto ;银行业:banking ;纺织业:textile ;能源密集型行业:energy-intense ), particularly for a declining one. 对任何一个行业来说,这是一种危机的局面,尤其对一个走下坡路的行业。24. This is an explosive situation for any country, particularly for a dev

17、eloping one. 对任何一个国家来说,这是一个危机局面,尤其是对于一个发展中国家。25. Uni-com联通 Tele-com 电信 Net-com 网通 Rail-com铁通26. Slowdown 减速 acceleration 加速27. 重要补充:rising、growing、soaring、increasing28. Rising living costs:日益上涨的生活支出 rising concern 越来越大的关注。写作例句:幸运的是,今天人们越来越关注这种令人痛心的现象。Rising concern, fortunately, has been given today

18、 to such an upsetting (令人难过的、痛心的) phenomenon. (插入语+倒装+被动语态)29. Growing:growing competitiveness 与日俱增的/越来越强大的竞争力。Growing threat of global warming. 全球变暖越来越大的威胁。30. Soaring:soaring 激增的 home price 激增的房价 the previous three decades has witnessed soaring home price. (房价在过去的三十年激增)soaring health budget:激增的医疗卫

19、生支出(WHO World Health Organization)Health=Health care=care 医疗卫生31. Attain 实现、达到 the goal/fashion 实现目标/达到流行 32. Increasing:an increasing number of people.越来越多的人;People in mounting of numbers.越来越多的人33. Bite ones nails:束手无策、不知所措34. 作文例句:When it comes to + 一件坏事,sb isnt biting his/her nails just yet. 当提到一

20、件不好的事时,某个人还没有不知所措。35. 挠头:scratch ones head(束手无策、不知所措)36. Have a zzz睡觉、睡着 = noisily doze off37. doze off 瞌睡、入睡38. Put pen to paper = write39. Put computers in the classroom 多媒体教学40. Rush 狂热、热:出国热:the rush to go abroad;学英语热:the rush to learn English;gold rush:淘金热。41. Far reaching 意义深远的42. Even the mod

21、estly educated sought(seek 寻求、寻找的过去式)an elevated(高级的、有高度的;电梯:elevator)tone(语言,母语:mother tone)when they put pen to paper before 1960s(在1960年代之前,即使一般文化程度的人在写作时都会追求/寻求有高度的语言), even the most well-regarded(被认为是好的)writing since then has sought to(设法,企图,试图)capture spoken English on the page.(而自那以后,即使是那些被公认

22、为是最好的的文章也会试图抓来一些口语写到文章中去。)43. The educated:受过教育的人;the poorly educated:受教育程度低的人;the modestly educated:受教育程度中等的人;the highly educated:受教育程度高的人44. Humble 谦虚的、谦逊的、低下的45. Not just yet 尚未还没有46. 写作例句:许多人尚未意识到这个问题的严重性:many have not come to realize the severity of this grim(糟糕的、郁闷的、令人痛心的)tend just yet.47. As

23、yet 到目前为止48. Not so muchas 与其说不如说49. Whetheror whether50. However, whether such a sense of fairness(这样一种公平意识)evolved independently in capuchins and humans, or whether it stems from(来自,起源于)the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago, is, as yet, an unanswered question. 例句whether 石磊

24、is a man, or whether 石磊 is a woman, is, as yet, an unanswered question.51. The disadvantaged 弱势群体52. Discrimination against 歧视53. This, for those as yet unaware of such a disadvantage, refers to discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet.54. 要把一

25、个短的句子变长变难:主+插入成分+谓+补充成分。(主谓之间的插入成分:1. 从句2. -ed、-ing、to、adj、prep(从句中省略which is/are who is/are)3. Seem to、tend to、may/might、can/could 4. 双逗号结构、双破折号结构)补充成分:1. 从句; 2. -ed、-ing、to、adj、prep(从句中省略which is/are who is/are)55. Which is/are who is/are 的省略56. 超纲词在上下文中的推理方法:若超纲词为名词时,1. 在改超纲词的前面往往有the、this、these、

26、such等;2. 在该超纲词前后往往有其近义词、反义词。57. But the 47-year-old manicurist(指代前面的那个人)isnt cutting, filling or polishing as many nails as shed like to, either. 并列结构:_or_ _and_ _, _and _ _, _or_ 在遇到并列结构时,并列的往往是同义词,认识其中一个即可。58. Notas manyas比较结构:大连理工does not have as many students as天津理工。59. Barber 理发师60. File 磨、文件夹、

27、锉、用锉磨61. Polish 上油、涂油62. Most of her clients spend $12 to $50 weekly, but last month two longtime customers(老顾客、常客)suddenly stopped showing up.63. Clientbuyercustomershopper 顾客64. 多变化:用词多变化(同义词替换)、标点多变化、句式多变化(强调、倒装、it作形式主语、被动语态)。65. 用词多变化(同义词替换):如漫画作文:cartoon、image、drawing、illustration、picture、it。66

28、. 标点多变化:, . ! ? , ; : “ ”67. !句式多变化:3大类14小种高级句型:68. 基本句式:主谓69. I. 主谓之间插入成分:1. 从句2. -ed、-ing、to、adj、prep(从句中省略which is/are who is/are)3. Seem to、tend to、may/might、can/could 4. 双逗号结构、双破折号结构。70. II. 主谓 + 补充成分。补充成分:1. 从句(限定性); 2. -ed、-ing、to、adj、prep(从句中省略which is/are who is/are)。变异:主谓,补充成分。补充成分:1. 从句(非

29、限定性);2. -ed、-ing、to、adj、prep(伴随状语);3. 独立主格结构;4. 名词短语(同位语)。71. III. _(引导成分), 主谓。引导成分:1. 从句;2. -ed、-ing、To、adj、prep(作状语,不是which is/are who is/are的上略);3. 独立主格结构;4. 副词。Indeed,_ Fortunately, _ Moreover, _。72. 总结:引导+主+插入+谓+补充73. 阅读理解:抓主干:主谓74. 写作:简单句变长难句:引导、插入、补充75. 作业:1. 四六级真题中的完型、阅读、写作;2. 考研大趋势知识点。76. 考

30、研句子分析三大逻辑关系:1. 对立、对比关系;2. 条件关系;3. 因果关系。77. Most of her clients spend $12 to $50 weekly, but(对立、对比关系)last month two longtime customers(老顾客、常客)suddenly stopped showing up.78. 表示对立对比关系的结构:_, but_、_, while_、_, whereas_、while_, _。79. Show up 出现、露面=appear80. Negative(消极的、否定的)sentence 否定句 positive outlook

31、on life:积极的人生观 positive outlook on the world:积极的世界观。81. The negative feelings generated(插入成分:-ed)during the day tend to(插入成分:tend to)show up in dreams early at night.双插入。在白天产生的不良情绪往往在夜里早些时候出现在我们梦中。82. Much of the language used to(插入成分:-ed)describe monetary police, such as “xxx” or “yyy”,(插入成分:双逗号结构)

32、makes it sound like(听起来像,暗含反义)a precise science.(双插入)83. Much of the language = much language;much of the water = much water has been wasted. Much of the time;Many of the students. Most of her clients.84. monetary police 金融政策85. Spero blames the softening economy.86. Blame 归咎于,把原因归为 She blame her negligence(疏忽)for the

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