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Module 3 单元质量检测三.docx

1、Module 3 单元质量检测三Module 3单元质量检测(三)(时间:120分钟满分:150分本卷共4页).单项填空(满分10分)1In most western countries on April Fools Day, people often play _ trick on each other; children especially have great _ fun.Aa; a Bthe; theC/; a Da; /2Dont be too _ about things you are not supposed to know.Acurious BunusualCdiffere

2、nt Dstrange3Jack cant concentrate on his lessons recently.Yes, that might _ his low score in the exam.Astand for Bapply forCaccount for Dcall for4The boy _ on the bed _ to us that his hen could _ two eggs a day.Alying; lied; lay Blied; lay; lieClaid; lay; lie Dlay; laid; lie5A great many students qu

3、estioned said that they _ the piano.Awere forced playing Bwere forced to playCforced to play Dforced playing6It wont work. _, its a bad idea, and secondly itll cost too much.AAbove all BTo begin withCAfter all DAt first7I have called the station and they told me the next train for Dalian _ at 3:10.A

4、leave BleftChas left Dleaves8_ equal opportunities, both Frank and Billy may accomplish the task.AGiven BGivingCTo give DTo be given9If a student _ in the exam, he/she wont escape punishment.Agets caught to cheat Bgets caught cheatingCgets to catch cheating Dgets catching cheated10Betty is often see

5、n _ the old man with his housework.Ahelp Bto helpChelped Dhelps.完形填空(满分30分)“A onethousandmile journey begins with a single step.” as the saying goes. However, what it doesnt tell us is that once the journey is _11_, it might be hard to stop. Thats the _12_ for Tang Renli, a senior at Nanjing Univers

6、ity of Technology, who has traveled more than 200 cities in China _13_ four years of college.He never _14_ of going to so many places when he completed his first trip to Yangzhou during the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday in his freshman year. From then on he was _15_ on travel. “There is a strange yet fr

7、esh _16_ that Ive never felt before,” Tang said. “ Its _17_ that keeps me exploring new places.”You may _18_ how Tang could find the time, being a fulltime college student. Did he really _19_ classes to travel? “I gave myself one to two weeks every month for _20_. But I always took care of my class

8、and assignments first,” Tang said. “I _21_ more time and effort on my study _22_ during the finals weeks. But thinking of traveling afterwards was my biggest _23_.”Schoolwork was not the only obstacle Tang had to _24_. His travel budget was _25_, so Tang had to make the most of what he had. He usual

9、ly took the _26_ form of transport. There were also times when he walked, hitchhiked, and slept in train stations, police offices and vans.“Sometimes I felt lonely, _27_ and even found myself in danger. But these setbacks _28_ my journey and my life. People often ask me what kind of advice I can giv

10、e to those who want to do the same,” Tang said. “Dont think too much about the uncertainties because youll _29_ that bridge when you get to it. And once you take your first step, the feeling is _30_ and addictive.” 11A.started BdecidedCended Dfinished12A.state BpointCcase Dsituation13A.beyond BforCa

11、fter Dduring14A.spoke BthoughtCtalked Dreminded15A.fond BkeenCinterested Dcrazy16A.feeling BspiritCtouch Demotion17A.panic BconfusionCcuriosity Dfear18A.see BexpectCreply Dwonder19A.stop BavoidCskip BentertainmentCexercise Dstudy21A.cost BspentCpaid Dtook22A.eventually Bespecially

12、Cabsolutely Dessentially23A.inspiration BrecreationCfoundation Dmotivation24A.cope with Baccount forCturn down Dmake up25A.enough BhugeClimited Dloose26A.slowest BsafestCfastest Dcheapest27A.selfless BhelplessCcareless Dhopeless28A.enriched BenlargedCendangered BdesignCcross Dre

13、move30A.terrible BimportantCamazing Dnegative.阅读理解(满分40分)AGetting out of bed into the darkness, the man searches around his room with strange intent. Soon, he finds what he is looking for. Grasping a pencil, he begins drawing on a discarded newspaper. Not noticing time passing, he bends his head ove

14、r his work for an hour as a beautiful image comes out. But the artist seems to be unconscious.Lee Hadwin, by day a nurse, at night a sleepwalking artist, produces strange works of art. He has no memory of drawing when he wakes up the next morning. Hadwin says he is completely confused about his nigh

15、ttime talent, because he shows no interest or ability in art at all. Hadwin, 33, from North Wales, is now to be researched by the Edinburgh Sleep Centre. “It is horrible,”he says. “I feel exhausted when I wake up. It is only on the following day that Im able to look at what Ive produced and apprecia

16、te it. Now I am accepting treatment in an attempt to discover what causes my unconscious self to draw.”An unbelievable video of Hadwin at work in a sleepwalkers state has already become a hit after it was shown on the Internet. It shows Hadwin drawing at great speed, but unresponsive to his name bei

17、ng called out by witnesses. Major galleries have also been asking for examples of his works. They hope to market them on their artistic value as well as their originality (独创性)Hoping to develop the strange ability, he left colored paints and pencils out when he went to bed. However, he has never dra

18、wn in color. Hadwin said,“Each morning I wake up and see a newlycreated piece of art lying beside my bed, I breathe a sigh of relief that my gift still belongs to me.”31What scene does the author intend to describe in the first paragraph?AAn artist works without a thought of self.BA patient acts str

19、angely when he wakes up.CA wonderful work of art is created in the darkness.DA man draws unconsciously during his sleep at night.32Each time Hadwin wakes up after he draws, he feels _.Aproud BpainfulCconfused Dextremely tired33At present, some examples of Hadwins works _.Ahave been popular on the In

20、ternetBhave attracted major galleries attentionChave been researched by expertsDhave been regarded to be of great artistic value34When Hadwin draws a picture, he _.Aspends a long time finishing itBcan hear others around himCnever chooses colored paintsDexpects nobody to disturb himBAs I put on the s

21、hirt, I had a look at my name tag: “Nancy Badilla. Food Services. Six Flags Great Adventure Park.” I said to myself, “I cant make mistakes; my family is depending on me.” Then I walked into the restaurant where I would spend the next couple of months, serving pizza to the theme park crowd.“Dont be n

22、ervous,” Vera, my manager, said. “Youre smart. Just remember to greet, take the order and deliver the food to their hands.”“Yeah, I got it,” I replied. But when my first customer appeared, I was at a loss.“Excuse me, do you guys serve pies?” the customer asked.Pies? Doesnt he see that this is a pizz

23、eria (比萨饼店)? I thought to myself. “No,” I replied. The customer walked away in disbelief.“Nancy, a pie is a whole pizza. This is a pizzeria. We do indeed sell pies,” explained Vera. At that second, I felt as if I had just shown my foreign underwear to the entire theme park. I frequently looked over

24、to the clock, counting down the minutes until it was time to go back home.The next morning I woke up still tired but I was determined to begin a new day. As I kept working that summer, I made fewer mistakes and I realized that no one looked down on me for the mistakes I made. Instead I was respected

25、 for my hard work and honesty.On the last day at Six Flags, I ran into Vera. “Hey Nancy, I want to ask you if youd like to work weekends at the restaurant of a friend of mine. I was telling him what a hardworking and enthusiastic worker you are,” she said. Although I politely refused Veras offer, de

26、ciding to focus on school, I left Six Flags that August night standing taller than I had in June.35Nancy took a job at Six Flags mainly to _.Asupport her familyBgain some experienceCserve the theme parkDraise money for her school36How did Nancy feel after Vera said “We do indeed sell pies”?ACurious.

27、 BNervous.CConfused. DAshamed.37We can infer from the last paragraph that _.ANancy decided to work weekends in Veras restaurantBNancy chose to work in Veras friends restaurantCVera offered to help Nancy with her studiesDVera was very satisfied with Nancy38Whats the main idea of the text?AAn act of k

28、indness can bring great joy.BHard work can make one respectable.CEvery dog has its day.DEasier said than done.CGirls can easily get sad. If your friend is feeling blue and calls you, what will you do? Here are some tips on how you can make her smile again.Listen to her. When people feel sad, they of

29、ten have the feeling of needing to be heard. So, listen carefully to what she is saying and do nothing else. Your friend will surely thank you for being the shoulder she can cry on.Once you are done with listening, you can offer some advice or remain silent and let her feel everything and let it all

30、 out by crying. As a friend, you might think you should give her some advice. But if you have no idea about what to say, just remain silent and be there for her.In order to be able to help your friend in need, dont be sad yourself. How can you help your friend when you are also feeling down?A hug (拥抱) can make a difference in the world. It makes you feel warm and special. A hug makes you feel safe. So give your friend a hug when she needs it the most.Spend more time with your friend who wants to be happy. Do things together like washing dishes, cleaning, or

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