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1、英语六级词组句型六级英语词组句型整理1. out of spite 出于怨恨 spite sb. 欺负某人2. be primarily concerned with 主要有关3. plea for sth. 恳求4. decent behavior 高雅的行为 a decent salary 相当不错的薪水5. authorize sb. to do 授权某人做6. instruct sb. in sth. / doing sth. 指导,教导某人做7. have a consensus on 在上达成一致意见8. sponge off 依赖他人生活 sponge away sth. 用海绵

2、擦掉9. strike a chord 激起共鸣,触动心弦 eg. The speaker obviously struck a chord with his audience. 那位演讲者显然打动了他的听众。10. sparkle with 闪烁着11. the repression of desire 克制欲望12. ensue from 因而产生,由引起13. a sprinkle of(salt) 一点点(盐)14. have a(great)faculty for doing 对有(很强的)能力15. clutch at 企图抓住16. reclaim sth. from sb. 从

3、某人那里收回17. deviate from 背离,偏离18. discriminate between A and B 区分A和B discriminate against 歧视19. a touch of glamour 几分魅力20. stab in the back 背后中伤,背叛 eg. True heroes never stab in the back. 真英雄从不背后伤人。21. have an objection to(介) 反对;不喜欢22. presume on (不正当地)利用23. be plagued with 患有;受困难24. in essence 本质上,基本

4、上 of the essence 极其重要的,必不可少的25. complain of / about 抱怨 complain to sb. 向抱怨26. endow with 给予,赋予 eg. For God didnt endow her with wisdom. 因为上帝没有赋予她智慧。27. be prone to(介) 易于(有)28. be inclusive of 包括29. be eloquent of 显示出30. smash the stereotype 打破惯例31. correlate with / to(介) 与相关,关联32. take in(ones)strid

5、e 轻而易举地应付,胜任33. scheme against sb. 谋反34. grope / feel ones way 摸索前进 grope for 探索 grope around 搜索,暗中摸索35. descend from 起源于;是的后裔 descend on 袭击 to(介) 沦为,把身份降至36. stumble across on 偶然遇到;碰巧找到37. differentiate between A and B 区分A和B38. be subordinate / inferior to(介) 次于;(级别)比低39. in collaboration with 与合作,

6、勾结40. rein in 严格控制,严加管束 give(free)rein to(介) 对不加约束;放任;给自由41. a(huge)heap of 一堆;大量42. hold(sb.)in contempt 轻视,对(某人)不屑一顾 ones contempt for 对的蔑视43. suffice it to say(that) 只要说就够了 eg. Suffice it to say that the manager is pleased with the work. 我只想说经理满意工作就行。44. behave oneself 检点自己的行为,做好自己45. be immune t

7、o(介) 不受的影响 be immune from 免除46. summon / keep up(courage) 鼓起(勇气)47. be notorious for 因臭名昭着48. inspire sb. with sth. 以激励某人 inspire sth. in sb. 激起某人的49. in the interim 在这期间 eg. Little seems to have happened in the interim. 在这期间似乎没发生什么事。50. dine out 外出进餐(尤指餐馆)51. be susceptible to(介) 易受影响,过敏52. sue for

8、 请求,要求53. peg away at 坚持不懈54. preside at / over 主持,主管55. in all probability 【状】十有八九,很可能56. in hot pursuit 穷追不舍 in pursuit of 追求57. in light of 根据58. be adjacent to(介) 与邻近的,毗邻的59. gain / gather momentum 发展加快,势头增大60. feast on 尽情地吃61. diagnose sb. with sth. 诊断某人患某病62. be implicit in 内含的,固有的 eg. Her shy

9、ness is implicit in her. 她生性羞怯。63. pore over 仔细阅读64. interpretas 把理解为65. tangle with 与争吵 / 打架,有纠葛66. culminate in 以告终67. by analogy 用类推的方法68. cater for sb. / sth. 迎合某人 / 某事cater to sth. 满足某种需要69. pour scorn on 以鄙夷的口气说 eg. Why do you always pour scorn on my suggestion? 你为什么总对我的建议嗤之以鼻?70. heap praise

10、upon 对大加赞扬71. give vent to(介) 发泄,表达 eg. This time ha had a good chance to give vent to his anger. 这次他有机会发泄他的愤怒了。72. cast light upon 使清楚;对有了解 eg. Recent research has cast new light upon the causes of the disease. 对病情有新的了解。73. be indicative of 标志,象征74. assert oneself 坚持自己的权利(意见);显示自己的权威 eg. I dont lik

11、e to assert oneself. 我不想过于显示自己的权威。75. be immersed / absorbed / buried / lost in 沉浸于,专心于76. be flush with 与齐平,同高77. scrape by 勉强度日 eg. They could just scrape by on very small wages. 他们仅靠微薄的工资勉强度日。78. dwell on / upon 老是想着;详述79. mediatein / between 调解的80. give a retort to sb. 反驳,回嘴81. have an insight i

12、nto sth. 对有深入了解82. be instrumental in 对有帮助,起作用83. testify to(介) 表明,说明,证明84. mingle with 与相融合85. in the aggregate 总共,作为总体86. eliminate sb. / sth. from sth. 从中除去87. brood on / over / about 考虑,沉思88. a chunk of(bread) 一大块(面包)89. on the threshold of 即将开始 eg. Mr. Brown is certainly on the threshold of a b

13、rilliant career. 布朗先生必将拥有辉煌的事业。90. tick by / away (时间一分一秒地)过去91. at full tilt 全速地,全力地92. be dismayed at 对感到失望93. in(full)blossom 正开着花;绽放 blossom out / into 发展成,长成94. in tow (被)拖着,陪伴着95. carve up 分割,瓜分96. in transit 在运输中,在途中97. permeate through 渗透到去98. linger on 继续存留99. inflict sth. on / upon 把强加于,使承

14、担100. gleam with(amusement) 流露着(愉悦)101. Given the circumstances, 在这种情况下,102. in the vicinity of 在周围,附近103. in accordance with 根据104. trifle with sb. 嘲笑,轻视;敷衍a trifle 【副】有点,稍微eg. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. 通过帮助你,我可能会尝试提升一点生命价值。105. hinge on / upon 依而定,以为转移106. m

15、ultitudes / a multitude of 许多,大量107. tuck away 把隐没在,把藏起来 tuck up 把折起来108. tumble to(介) 陷入;(突然)明白,领悟109. confer + 职位 + on sb. = confer on sb. + 职位 授予某人某职位 confer with sb. 与某人交谈110. deprive sb. of 使某人丧失,剥夺某人的111. be identical to / with sb. / sth. 与完全一样112. in default of 因缺少,在缺少的时候113. impose sth. on /

16、 upon 把强加于114. buck up (使)振奋,(使)打起精神115. to perfection 完美地,尽善尽美地116. snatch up 一把抓住,突然拿起snatch at 抓住117. catch on 理解,明白;变得流行;钩住118. orient to / toward(介) 以为方向,目标eg. The man took a moment to orient himself to the new environment. 这个人花了点时间来适应新环境。119. enroll in / on 加入;入学 eg. enroll in the courses 报名参加

17、课程120. by courtesy of 蒙的好意 / 准许 / 赠送121. with one accord 一致地in accord / accordance with 按照,根据;与一致122. to all intents and purposes 几乎在一切方面,实际上be intent on doing 专心做,急于做123. on the brink of 濒临,处于边缘124. on the blink (机器等)坏了,出故障了125. comply with 遵从,服从126. blaze a trail 开拓道路,做先导127. be incompatible with

18、与矛盾,不可调和128. be irrespective of 不考虑129. on the verge of 接近于,濒临于verge on doing 接近,濒临于做某事130. be crucial to(介) 对是至关重要的131. rig up (用临时替代材料)迅速搭建132. lash out(at)猛烈抨击133. poke around / about 查询,探查poke fun at 拿开玩笑,取笑poke ones nose into 探问,干预134. be ideal for sb. / sth. 适合135. adhere / clling / stick / ke

19、ep to(介) 坚持,遵守136. It is no coincidence that 并非巧合137. conform with / to(介) 遵守,适应138. shed light on sb. 使某事清楚地显示出来139. rap out 突然厉声说出140. be indispensable for / to(介) 是不可缺少的,必须有141. be exclusive of 不包括,除之外142. fall prey to(介) 成为的牺牲品prey on 捕食143. ascribe sth. to(介) 把归因于eg. Many great scientists ascri

20、be their success to hard work. 许多科学家把他们的成功归因于努力工作。144. sniff out 发现,发觉145. sober(sb.)out (使)清醒146. be destined for 以为目的147. foul up 把搞乱,弄糟148. consist in 在于(=lie in),存在于 eg. Real courage doesnt consist in overwhelming everthing but in not being overwhelmed by everything. 真正的勇气不在于战胜一切,而在于不被万事万物压倒。149

21、. convert defeat into victory 反败为胜150. peel off ()脱落;脱去;从脱落151. reside in 存在于,在于 eg. No one would be able to explain why we reside in a three-dimensional universe. 没人能解释我们为什么会存在于一个三维的宇宙中。152. overflow with 充满,洋溢着153. reel off 一口气说完;重复 eg. Jack reeled off a list of names. 杰克重复了表单中的名字。154. exempt(sb.)

22、from sth. 免除(某人的)155. flatter oneself 自以为是,自鸣得意 eg. I cannot flatter myself that Im better than him. 我不能自以为是,认为我比他强。156. weary of doing 厌烦,对不耐烦 eg. You would weary of nursing a sick man. 照顾一个病人会让你感到厌烦的。157. be compelled to do 被迫做158. be reluctant to do 勉强做;不情愿做(=be not about to do)159. moan about(do

23、ing)sth. 抱怨,发牢骚160. job ones memory 唤起某人的记忆161. avail oneself of 利用 eg. He was glad to avail oneself of any means to succeed in life. 他很高兴利用各种方法在人生中取得成功。 (be of)no avail 无用,毫无效果162. at a premium 奇缺的,难得的;以高价 put / place a premium on 高度评价,重视163. in the midst of 在之中;正当的时候164. a cluster of 成群的,成串的165. y

24、ield to(介) 屈服于 eg. Jimmy began to yield to her persuasion. 吉米开始屈服于她的劝说。166. in defiance of 违抗,无视167. dole out (少量)发放,分发168. fall out of favor 失宠,失去优势169. leave aside(sth. / that) 搁置,不考虑170. emanate from 起源于,来自171. exceedingly = extremely 非常,极其,极度地172. deviate from 从背离;违背,偏离173. go bust 完蛋,失败,破产174.

25、be apt at = be good at = do well in 善于,长于175. carve out 开拓,创业(a career);留出(time) eg. Carve out some time to work. 留出些时间来工作。176. drift off 慢慢入睡;慢慢走动 eg. They drifted off as the music played. 他们在听音乐时慢慢地睡着了。 One by one the lovers drifted off into the moonlight. 情侣们成双成对地在月光下散步。177. crank up 启动,发动;加速(=sp

26、eed / step / pick up)178. freak(sb.)out 使(某人)失去镇静;使不安;激怒;崩溃 eg. Youd better sit down, the news will freak you out. 你最好坐下,这个消息会使你晕倒。 make you freak out about your future 让你对你的未来感到崩溃179. dumb down 简化,降低的难度 eg. dumb down the curriculum 简化课程180. phase out 使逐步淘汰,逐渐停止 eg. The company has phased out the pr

27、oduction. 这家公司已经逐步停止了生产。181. be tempted to do 忍不住做,受诱惑做182. embrace on 着手,从事;登上船 eg. embrace on a business career 开始经商183. far and few between 【表】稀少 eg. All people go through stages in their lives when their friends seem far and few between. 在一生中,所有人都会经历朋友寥寥或相距甚远的时候。184. cast a shadow on / over 在上蒙上

28、阴影185. thaw out (使)缓和,(使)不拘束;解冻 eg. A couple of wines thawed out the guests. 几杯酒后,客人们变得不那么拘束了。 The ground has thawed out. 地面的冰已经融化了。186. filter out 过滤掉;不察觉;泄露 eg. filter out solids 过滤固体 filter out the noise 没有注意到吵闹声 filter out the news 泄露消息187. to the marrow / bone / core 彻骨地,彻底地 eg. The reality of

29、the Great Depression chilled the nation to the marrow. 经济大萧条的现实彻底袭击了这个国家。188. have no relish for 不喜欢,对不感兴趣 eg. I have no relish for seeing animals being butchered. 我不喜欢看到动物被杀。189. across the board(,) 全面地;普遍地 eg. Apply that question across the board and you will know what and who is sapping your energy so you can avoid them. 将这个问题在生活中全面应用的话,你会知道谁以及那些事情在消耗你的能量,这样你就能避开他们。190. beyond / without controversy 无可争议,无疑

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