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1、七年级上册第八单元全教案Unit 8 When is your birthday? 单元分析一 教材分析 本单元旨在创造一个轻松、愉快的学习、交流环境,通过询问他人的生日,学生们将主要学习序数词的构成以及运用序数词表示日期的方法,学会运用when引导的特殊疑问句询问日期,学习名词所有格的构成与使用。让学生能在“做中学”(learning by doing),通过有限的课堂实践活动,能根据实际情况做出正确的反应,能准确地用英语来表达。第一部分通过句型:When is your birthday?来学习十二个月的英语表达方式及用序数词来表达日期。在第二部分中,主要通过训练学生的听,说,演及其归纳总

2、结的能力。并且通过听力内容,进一步学习序数词和when引导的特殊疑问句。第三部分在训练听力的同时,又增加了学写通知的内容。第四部分主要是复习本单元的重要点知识,同时指导学生学写便条。二 单元教学目标根据本单元教学内容和学生知识结构及认知特点,本单元的教学目标确定为:1. 知识目标 词汇:掌握 JanuaryDecember的表达; 序数词1st31st . 日常交际用语:When is your birthday? My birthday is 语法:日期表达法2. 能力目标在一系列的听说读写活动中,训练学生的逻辑思维,快速反应能力和实践能力,使学生能熟练应用:When is your bir

3、thday? 句型及其回答。3. 情感目标对学生进行珍爱生命,尊老爱幼,孝敬父母的传统道德教育。学会如何合理的安排自己的作息时间,做时间的主人。通过和同学合作、交流学会如何交际和关爱他人。三、教学重难点:重点:what,when,why 引导的一般现在时的特殊疑问句。难点:学写便条。四教学方法:1. 任务型教学数字游戏 ,班级活动安排日历 ;制作生日卡片。2情景教学法五教学用具多媒体课件,日历,录音机,课本Unit 8 When is your birthday ? 单元要点归纳一、序数词 1、表示数目的数词,叫基数词。如:one two three four 2、表示顺序的数词叫序数词。“

4、基数词 + th”构成序数词。 3、“ 基数词 + th” 的方法: (1)、1-19 的基数词变序数词的方法: 基变序,有规则,后面加的是th (读 / / )。一 二 三,特殊词;八减t ,九减e , f 要把ve 替 。把下面的基数词变成序数词。 One eleven six sixteen two twelve seven seventeen three thirteen eight eighteen four fourteen nine nineteen five fifteen ten (2)、以ty 结尾的基数词,变y 为i ,再加eth ( 读 / I / )。 twenty-

5、 twentieth thirty- thirtieth (3)、“ 几十几” 的基数词,只把连字符后面的部分变成序数词。 twenty - one - twenty - first thirty - two - thirty - second 4、序数词的用法序数词前面要加the,但序数词前面有修饰的形容词性物主代词或名词所有格,省略the 。即:the 、形容词性物主代词、名词所有格 ,不能同时修饰一个序数词,一次只能用其中的一个。 This is the first student . 这是第一名学生。 He is my secend son . 他是我的第二个儿子。 That boy

6、is Jims third friend . 那个男孩是吉姆的第三个朋友。二、 词汇 birthday party 生日聚会 happy birthday 祝生日快乐 date of birth 出生日期 how old 多少岁 speech contest 演讲竞赛 Chinese contest 中文比赛 basketball game 赛篮球赛 volleyball game 排球赛 art festival 艺术节 music festival 音乐节 School Day 校庆日 years old 岁 (年龄) age 年龄 old 老的 旧的三、 英语日期表示法:英语日期多用:

7、“ 月 + 日 ” 表示。用专有名词 用序数词,the 可以省略。序数词可以简略为:阿拉伯数字 + 序数词后两个字母 1 月1 日:January the first = January first = January 1st 2 月2 日:February the second = February second = February 2 nd 3 月3 日:March the third = March third = March 3 rd 4 月5 日:April the fifth = April fifth = April 5 th 四、询问“某人生日”的句型 A: When is

8、somebodys birthday ? your his her Jims your mothers B: My / His / Her birthday is + 生日 1、A: When is your birthday ? B: My birthday is August eighth . 2、A: When is Jims birthday ? B: His birthday is September ninth . 3、A: When is your daughters birthday ? B: Her birthday is October twelfth . 五、how ol

9、d “ 多大年纪,几岁” ,常用来询问年龄。 1、-How old are you ? -Im twenty years old . = Im twenty years = Im twenty . 2、-How old is your friend ? -She is twelve years old . = She is twelve years . She is twelve . 3、-How old is her father? - He is thirty years old . = He is thirty years = He is thirty . 六、名词所有格 :表示“某人的

10、” , 名词 + 或 s 构成 。其规则如下: 1、一般情况下,名词后直接加 s Jims 吉姆的 my mothers 我的母亲的 2、以s 结尾的复数名词,直接加 my friends 我的朋友的 his studends 他的学生的 3、一个 人或物 属几个人所有,只把 后一个名词 变成所有格。 Jim and kates aunt 吉姆和凯特的阿姨 the girl and the boys birthday 这个男孩和这个女孩的生日2015-2016学年度 七 年级 英语 教案TitleUnit8 When is your birthday?The typeOf lessonsNew

11、 lesson Number of sectionsDesigner张斌年Auditor赵世鹏TeacherDateAnalysis of the Teaching Material【Curriculum requirements】The focus of this unit is the expression of the date. The students will be able to master the words of twelve months and the ordinal numbers 1st to 31st. The students will be able to k

12、now the expression of some festivals. The students will be able to arrange their life in a schedule and learn to ask their family members birthdays.Analysis of the Teaching Material:This is the first period of this unit, the students will get to know something about the differences between the expre

13、ssion of the Chinese and western dates.Students will be able to learn the words of twelve months, and the simple expression of the date, and use “when” questions to talk about the birthdays.Teaching Aims and DemandsKnowledge Objects (1)Students will be able to master the differences between expressi

14、on of the Chinese and western dates. (2) Students will be able to master the words of twelve months.(3) Students will be able to master simple expression of the date.Ability ObjectsStudents will learn to express the date in English, and be able to talk about their own birthdays and ask people about

15、their birthdays.Moral Objects Ss will know something about their classmates birthday, which as a result, will help them know better and more about their classmates and build better friendship.Teaching Key PointsAnd Teaching Difficult PointsTeaching Key Points1. The words of twelve months.2. The word

16、s of ordinal numbers 1st to 31st.3. The expressions of talking about peoples birthdays.Teaching Difficult Points1. The words of twelve months will be hard for students to master in a limited time. 2. The confusion between the cardinal numbers and the ordinal numbers.Teaching aidsRecords Calendar Tex

17、tbook Design of periodPeriod 1 Teaching ProceduresTeacher-student InteractionReviseStep I Revision1. Review something learnt last unit.“How much is the sweater? It is 7 dollars. “How much are the socks? They are 4 Yuan.Step 1. Warming-up and lead-in.Play a short song “happy birthday to you.” And lea

18、d the focus of “birthday”, and the expression of the date.2. explain the difference between the Chinese and western dates.Chinese: 2013年11月18日 English: Nov. 18th, 2013 Order : Chinese year, month, date (年,月,日)English month, date, year(日,月,年或月,日,年) Expression: Chinese: cardinal numbers (日子用基数词表示)Engl

19、ish: ordinal numbers (日子用基数词来表示)Step 1. Learn the new words of twelve months and their abbreviated form.January Jan. February Feb. March Mar. April Apr. May May. June June. July July. August Aug. September Sep. October Oct November Nov December DecStep 1. The simple writing of the ordinal numbers fr

20、om 1st to 31st.1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 2. Finish the exercise 1a of section A.3. Practice expressing some festivals.Spring Festival (春节) Tree Planting Day (植树节) Labors Day(劳动节) C

21、hildrens Day(儿童节) National Day (国庆节) 4. Listen to the radio and number the conversations.5. Use the when questions to talk about ones birthday.When is your birthday, Linda? It is on May 2nd.When is your birthday, Mary? It is on January 5th.6. make students work in pairs and practice talking about on

22、es birthday。Step Summary Make a summary of the words of the months, and summaries the expression of the date.1. Let students read the following dates in English:月日 月日月日 月日月日 月日2. Let students complete the following three conversations according to the hints.(1) When is your birthday?My birthday is _

23、 the _. (6月1日)(2) When _ your birthday?My birthday is _the _. (12月8日)The teachers activities:Play a short video “happy birthday to you” before class.T: Glad to see you again, boys and girls. Before todays lesson, lets enjoy a song. Listen and sing after it. Then, tell me when do we listen to this so

24、ng?The students sing the song together and remind something of the birthday, lead the topic about the months.The teacher asks the students to work in groups, observe the different expression of the date, and find out the different points.The teacher let the students work in pairs and practice the di

25、alogue.Blackboard DesignUnit 8 When is your birthday?Months1. January Jan. 7. July Jul.2. February Feb. 8. August Aug.3. March Mar. 9. September Sep.4. April Apr. 10. October Oct.5. May May. 11. November Nov.6. June Jun. 12. December Dec.Homework1.Copy the words of the months.2.Practice expressing t

26、he dates.Record after teaching2015-2016学年度 七 年级 英语 教案TitleUnit8 When is your birthday?The typeOf lessonsNew lessonNumber of sectionsDesigner张斌年Auditor赵世鹏TeacherDateAnalysis of the Teaching Material【Curriculum requirements】The focus of this unit is the expression of the date. The students will be abl

27、e to master the change from cardinal numbers from ordinal numbers. the students will be able to know the expression of some festivals. The students will be able to arrange their life in a schedule and learn to ask their family members birthdays.Analysis of the Teaching Material:This is the second pe

28、riod of this unit; the students will get to know something about the rules of the change from cardinal numbers to ordinal numbers.Students will be able to learn and use “when” questions to talk about the birthdays.Teaching Aims and DemandsKnowledge Objects1. Students will be able to master the follo

29、wing new words: first second third fifth eighth ninth twelfth twentieth 2. Students will be able to understand and use the sentence patterns well: (1) -When is your birthday? - Its . (2) - How old are you? - Im .3. The rules of the change from cardinal numbers to the ordinal numbers.Ability Objects1

30、. Students will be able to learn to use the possessive case of nouns.2. Students will be able to talk about peoples ages and birthdays.3. Students will be able to make their own ID cards.Moral Objects Students will be told that the westerners dont like people talk much about their ages, especially t

31、he old.Teaching Key PointsAnd Teaching Difficult PointsTeaching Key Points1. words: first second third fifth eighth ninth twelfth twentieth 2. The rules of the change from the cardinal numbers to ordinal numbers.3. The expression of some festivals.Teaching Difficult Points1. The rules of the change from the cardinal numbers to ordinal numb

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